世联北京翻译公司整理翻译的有关采购要求的案例,以下就是具体的介绍。 采购 采购分招标采购、询价采购、紧急需用物资采购。 招标采购:按照有关规定必须进行招标采购的工程物资,需要专业化工程物资管理部门在招标人的领导下,根据《招投标法》,负责组织招标的具体工作。依据公平、公正、公开的原则,从物资性能和价格双方面进行考虑,选择合格的供应商。 询价采购:在国家或地方强制招标规定范围之外的工程物资,也可以采取询价方式确定供应商。依据采购计划,针对有意向的、合格的供货商,进行货比三家,在比质比价的基础上,择优选择,由业主签订供货合同。 紧急需用物资采购:施工现场急需的工程物资,为保证不延误工期,工程物资供应不中断,可以经业主批准后,直接组织供货。在选择供货商方面,仍然要对各供货商的产品质量、交货情况及价格等各方面进行综合比较,选择最优的供货商。 Purchasing Purchase consists of tender purchase, inquiry purchase, and material purchase for emergent requirement. Tender purchase: that project materials must be purchased under the leadership of specialized project material management department personnel through tenders, should organize the concrete tender work via “Bid Law”. Considering from the aspect of material performance and its price, the qualified suppliers are to be selected on the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness. Inquiry purchase: for those project material purchase that is not in the stipulation scope of enforcement in our country or any places, the inquiry method may also be adopted to select suppliers. Based on the purchase plan, the intended and qualified suppliers are investigated, their prices and qualities are compared and evaluated, and the best supplier is chosen to sign the supplying agreement with power plant. Emergent material purchase: for those materials that are emergently required for site project construction, in order to guarantee the project material provisioning, and the construction deadline, material management department should directly organize purchasing after authorized by customer. In selecting eligible suppliers, comprehensive comparison will be made in terms of product quality, delivery conditions and prices, so that the best suppliers are chosen and become partners. 如果您有采购要求方面的翻译需求,可以随时与我们公司在线客服人员联系,也可以拨打我们的客服热线:010-64809262 |