时间:2019-10-28 10:11 来源:未知 作者:kefu 点击:次
Areas of Specialty 口译擅长领域: 石油,化工,医药,汽车,能源,法律,设计,建筑,电信,旅游,媒体,广告,政府活动,企业社会责任,教育等 Oil, chemicals, medicine, automobile, energy, laws, design, architecture, telecommunications, tourism, media, advertising, government activities, CSR, education etc. main government bodies, large institutions and projects worked for: 主要政府部门,大型机构,大型项目经历: 外交部,联合国工业发展组织,环保部,各级政府部门, 大使馆,世界顶尖医疗机构,世界顶尖医学期刊同传,交传 (详见简历): interpret for large conferences and events organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNIDO, Ministry of Environmental Protection and other government bodies and foreign embassies,top international medical institutions and medical journals : 中国亚欧博览会 China -Eurasia Expo. 联合国工发组织“中国建筑企业社会责任项目”首席翻译 Chief Interpreter of UNIDO’s CSR Project in China 联合国工发组织与环保部“生态工业园试点园区”项目首席翻译 Chief interpreter of pilot eco-industrial parks projects jointly conducted by UNIDO and Ministry of Environmental Protection 中国北斗应用峰会 China Beidou Application Summit 美国大使馆: 美国大使馆公益微电影拍摄研讨会及培训班 Seminar on public welfare micro-film shooting organized by the US embassy 英国大使馆: 著名英国建筑师Thomas Heatherwick介绍其工作室设计的建筑作品 smart talk series, architecture presentations given by Thomas Heatherwick, a well-known British architect 丝绸之路经济带中欧路上贸易走廊经贸合作交流会 Silk Road Economic Belt China-EU Land Trade Corridor Economic and Trade Exchange Conference 宝马2016可持续发展与企业社会责任论坛 2016 BMW Sustainability and CSR Forum 华为2015,2016年会同传; Huawei Congress 2015 & 2016 simultaneous interpretation 2012-2013辛克莱咨询公司为中国化工集团蓝星子公司定制的世界级制造项目;工作内容为央企内部改制,首席技术官,内部会议同传,项目实地考察翻译; interpret for Sinclair’s World Class Manufacturing Project from 2012 to 2013, mainly about restructuring of the state-owned enterprise, CTO, internal conference and field investigation interpretation 医学领域:JAMA医学杂志,非小细胞肺癌,结直肠癌,淋巴癌,乳腺癌,黑素瘤,抗血小板治疗; Medicine: non small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer, lymphoma, breast cancer, melanoma, anti- platelet therapy 世界顶尖医疗机构 Top International Medical Institutions: MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Dana-Farber Cancer Institue, Westmead Hospital, Mc Master University, Royal North Shore Hospital 顶尖医学期刊 Top Medical Journals: JAMA, NEJM Educational Background 教育经历 2003.9 – 2007.6 Suzhou University Major: English, Bachelor 苏州大学 专业:英语, 学士学位 2008.10 – 2009.10 National University of Galway Major: International Contemporary Literatures and Media Degree: Master 爱尔兰高威大学 专业:国际通俗文学与媒体, 获硕士学位 Training 培训 2005.7—2006.08 Beijng Foreign Studies University Course: Interpretation 北京外国语大学,接受口译课程培训 Certificates 证书 TEM Level 8 专业八级 SIA Shanghai Interpretation Accreditation 上海高级口译 CATTI 2 全国翻译专业资格水平考试二级 同传 &交传经历 (按领域) Simultaneous Interpretation & Consecutive Interpretation 政府,新闻媒体, 企业社会责任,军事类 Governments, International Agencies & News Media ◆ 2018. 9.19 连博会开幕式及国际港航合作论坛 China (Lianyungang)Silk Road International Logistics Expo.- opening ceremony & International Port and Shipping Development Forum Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.9.21 北京市政府新闻办公室 Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government “深化北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点“境外媒体通气会 Briefing for Overseas Media on Deepening Reforms and Advancing the Comprehensive Pilot Program for Further Opening Up the Service Sector in Beijing Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.8.18 联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO 联合国工发组织与中国环保部关于设立生态工业园试点园区可行性研讨会 Feasibility workshop on setting up pilot eco-industrial parks held jointly by UNIDO an Ministry of Environmental Protection Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.8.15-8.17联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO 联合国工发组织“企业社会责任项目2期”研讨会 UNIDO’s workshop on CSR Phase 2 Project Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2017.5.13 一带一路国际合作高峰论坛 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.4.24 -4.28联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO 联合国工发组织对企业社会责任1期项目的评估 Phase1 CSR project evaluation performed by independent assessor employed by UNIDO Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2017.2.28联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织“企业社会责任项目”1期总结大会 Phase 1 CRS project conclusion conference of UNIDO Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.12.13 2016BMW可持续发展与企业社会责任论坛 2016 BMW Sustainability and CSR Forum Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.3.17 中国-欧盟会议 Sino-EU meeting Consecutive interpretation 交传 u 2014.12.23 Institutionalization of Urban-Rural Environmental Masterplanning to guide Sustainable Urbanization in the PRC Interim Workshop 亚行中国城乡环境规划制度化项目中期会议 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.12.4 社团领导人论坛 Association Leadership Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.11.19 Global Advancement of Women Conference 全球女性进步大会 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.10.17-23 美国大使馆公益微电影拍摄研讨会及培训班 Seminar and training class on public welfare micro film shooting organized by the US embassy Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.9.2-9.3 中国北斗应用峰会 China Beidou Application Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.8.31 中国亚欧博览会 China -Eurasia Expo. Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.8.21 2014年APEC女性领袖峰会 2014 APEC Women Leadership Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.8.21-8.22 国际智库研讨会 Opening Ceremony of International Think Tank Conference Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.4.15- 4.16 2013企业社会责任战略智享峰会 CSR Summit 2013 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.11.19 中国欧盟商会与北京市政府研讨会 Seminar between EU Chamber of Commerce in China and Beijing Municipal Government hosted by Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau 主办方:北京市投资促进局 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 2010年中国国际公共关系大会 China International Public Relations Conference 2010 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 医学,核医学类: Medicine & Nuclear Medicine ◆ 2019.3.4-3.8 美国赛沛在各医院对分子诊断系统Geneexpert的技术说明及市场调研,涉及结核病,流感,耐甲氧西林金黄葡萄球菌,艰难梭军等菌株的分子检测 Cepheid’s presentation on Geneexpert including molecular test to detect strains such as tuberculosis, flu, MRSA, clostridium difficile Consecutive Interpretation 交传 Location: 上海,保定,徐州,苏州, Shanghai, Baoding, Xuzhou, Suzhou ◆ 2018.12.10 儿童肝移植外科并发症的管理 包括一名ESLD发生肠扭转不良和内脏异位的9月龄男婴肝移植病例分享;胆道并发症,血管并发症,肝动脉并发症,腔静脉并发症,门静脉并发症的风险因素和治疗 management of surgical complications in pediatric liver transplant a 9-month old male with ESLD, diagnosed with malrotation and heterotaxy, underwent a left lateral segment liver transplant; risk factors and treatment for biliary, vascular, hepatic arterial, portal venous and vena-cavity complications; Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.12.6 诺贝尔化学奖得主 Ada Yonath关于“下一代物种特异性环境友好的抗生素” 及核糖体的演讲 Ada Yonath, the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry presents on “Next Generation species- specific and eco-friendly antibiotics” & ribosome Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.11.30 国际物理医学与康复医学学会发展中国家峰会 国际物理医学与康复医学的最佳实践 ISPRM Summit Best Practice of physical and rehabilitation Medicine Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.11.12 肝肾联合移植治疗高草酸尿症 原发性高草酸尿症I,II,III型,通路,诊断方法,支持治疗等 combined liver & kidney transplant for primary hyperoxaluria type I, pathways, diagnosis method, supportive management etc. Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.11.8 儿童肝移植适应症 “代谢性肝病”包含的疾病,肝移植适应症,具体条件,面临的挑战等 indications for pediatric liver transplant defining which group of disease constitute “metabolic liver disease”; list specific conditions for liver transplant and the challenges Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.10.20 JAMA系统解析,探秘同行评审和论文发表,真实世界的证据 JAMA & JAMA Network, Mysteries of peer review and publishing, Real World Evidence Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 ◆ 2018.10.15 MPA的药代动力学和药效学 MPA pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.7.6 DSA检测方法,HLA实验室检测方法,例如HLA分型, PCR, Luminex assay DSA detection method, HLA lab detection methods such as HLA typing, PCR and Luminex assay Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.7.2 肾移植供体特异性抗体,抗体介导性排斥反应,脱敏治疗,血浆置换 DSA, AMR, desensitization therapy, plasmaphresis Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.5.18 肾移植术围术期管理,包括并发症,排斥反应的预防,及早发现和治疗 perioperative management of graft transplantation, including complication and rejection prophylaxis, early detection and treatment Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2018.1.17 骨科手术及其它复杂情况下的静脉血栓栓塞预防 prevention of venous thromboembolism in orthopedic surgery and other complex settings 麦克马斯特大学Mc Master University Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2017.11.23 中国医学会糖尿病分会学术年会 2017 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Diabetes Society simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2017.11.2 抗凝和抗血小板药物联合治疗;包括抗血栓治疗适应症,何时需要联合治疗,二联与三联治疗的比较等; Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney 悉尼皇家北岸医院 combine AC and antiplatelet therapy, indications for antithrombotic therapy, when do we need combined therapy, dual therapy vs. triple therapy etc. Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2017.10.27 2017国际继续医学教育创新与人才发展峰会 2017 International CME Innovation and Talent Development Summit Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.10.20-23 Ansto 关于中国核医学市场调研,与中国同辐对合作上一阶段的回顾与展望,主要关于钼鍀发生器,碘-131,镥等, Survey about China’s nuclear medicine market conducted by Ansto; review with CIRC about previous cooperation and look into the future focusing on TC-99m generators, iodine-131, lutecium Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2017.10.9 深静脉血栓形成的延长抗凝治疗策略建议,包括治疗目标,治疗人群,深静脉血栓形成的分类以预测复发风险,全量和低剂量直接口服抗凝药,VKA,特殊人群的延长抗凝治疗; Westmead Hospital, Sydney recommended strategies for extended AC in DVT, including goals of extended therapy, populations who need extended therapy, categorization to predict recurrence risk, DOAC in full dose and low dose, VKA, extended AC in special populations Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.6.22-23 世界顶尖医学杂志JAMA主编关于论文投递的解说会 presentation on scientific paper submission lectured by editor-in-chief of JAMA Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.5.4 肾移植术后的免疫抑制治疗及其副作用,如何在排斥反应及过度免疫抑制之间保持平衡,肾移植失功的原因,钙调磷酸酶抑制剂的毒性等 德国Charite医院 immunosuppressive therapy and its side effects after renal transplantation, how to keep the balance between hyper-immunosuppression and rejection, causes for graft loss, toxicity of CNI Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.4.29 -4.30 峰力“2017听力学最佳放大实践会议” 2017 Amplifying Best Practice in Audiology organized by Phonak Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.3.13 -3.19 澳大利亚核科学与技术组织与中国国家原子能机构,核工业集团关于核反应堆,核医学等方面开展新合作的商谈 technical and business exchanges between ANSTO and CAEA and CNNC about OPAL nuclear reactor and nuclear medicine Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2016.11.16 黑素瘤的治疗,分期,手术管理及免疫疗法 MD Anderson Cancer Center 癌症中心 Melanoma Therapy,staging, surgical management and immunotherapy Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.11.1 抗血小板治疗,血小板生物学,血栓形成及血管修复,活动性冠状动脉疾病,缺血性和非心源性卒中的显著特征 anti- platelet therapy,biology of platelet, thrombosis, vascular repair, active coronary artery disease, features of ischemic and non-cardioembolic stroke Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.10.14 乳腺癌的多学科管理 multidisciplinary management of breast cancer Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.10.17 二期,三期结肠癌的辅助疗法及病人选择,微卫星状态,错配修复状态影响复发情况,前两年化疗减少复发的情况 adjuvant therapy for Stage II,III colon cancer and patients selection, microsatellite status, recurrence by mismatch repair, reduction of recurrence by chemotherapy in the first 2 years; 丹娜法伯癌症研究院 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.9.13 MD Anderson 肺癌的多学科协作治疗,包括非小细胞肺癌及小细胞肺癌的治疗;开展实验室和转化研究;找到新的靶点,分子病理学,生物标记物的开发; 地点:广州 multidisciplinary treatment of lung cancer at MD Anderson, including the treatment of non small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer; conduct high-impact laboratory and translational research; the development of new targets and biomarkers; Location: Guangzhou Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.9.6 淋巴瘤的诊断与治疗,包括弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤治疗,MYD88 L265P突变,基因组分析 地点:昆明 diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma, including the treatment of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, mutation of MYD88 L265P, genomic profiling; Location: Kunming Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.8.11 小细胞肺癌诊断治疗,生物标记物开发 MD Anderson Cancer Center diagnosis of small cell lung cancer and development of biomarkers Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.7.21-7.23 Tox Sum稀释剂实验室数据,试验流程计划,医疗器械审批报告; Presentation of Tox Sum diluent lab data, protocol and examination of the medical instruments Consecutive interpretation 交传 u 2016.7.18 美国肺癌“登月计划”与“肿瘤专家顾问” MD Anderson Cancer Center Lung Moon Shot & Oncology Expert Advisory Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.7.13 非小细胞肺癌的诊断与治疗,包括更好的理解肺癌及其它胸部恶性肿瘤,开发新的治疗靶点,生物标记物和抗药机制 MD Anderson Cancer Center Diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer,gain a better understanding of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies, the development of new targets, drug resistance mechanism; Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.7.6 结直肠癌转化医学研究 地点:深圳 Translational medicine study of colorectal cancer Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.6.29 淋巴瘤的诊疗,丹娜法伯癌症研究院Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 武汉协和医院 Wuhan Union Hospital Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphoma Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.6.16 多学科团队会议在结直肠癌管理中的重要性 丹娜法伯癌症研究院 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 地点:天津肿瘤医院 Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital The importance of MDT in Colorectal Cancer Management Location: Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2015.1.10-18 北京瑞德埃克森医疗器械投资有限公司面向各大医院关于脊柱脉冲治疗仪及整脊法的推介会 Business promotion conference on spinal impulse treatment instrument held by Beijing Ryzur Medical Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.6.19-25 北京瑞德埃克森医疗器械投资有限公司面向各大医院关于脊柱脉冲治疗仪及整脊法的推介会 Business promotion conference on spinal impulse treatment instrument held by Beijing Ryzur Medical Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.4.15-18 美国顶级医学期刊JAMA主编关于医学论文投稿技巧培训讲座 Seminar on how to contribute to JAMA presented by editor-in-chief Location: Beijing & Xi’an 地点:北京,西安 Consecutive interpretation 交传 u 2014.3.30 2014飞利浦伟康睡眠监测和呼吸治疗新技术研讨会 2014 Philips Respironics technical seminar on sleep monitor and respiratory therapy Consecutive interpretation 交传 u 2014.3.26 墨尔本商务代表团访华交流 主要关于孤独症早期发现,确诊,干预进行交流 Melbourne Mission to China discussions on early detection, diagnosis and intervention of autism Consecutive interpretation 交传 u 2012.10.31 中国医师职业精神论坛:医师职业精神培训与测评 China Medical Professionalism Forum Simultaneous Interpretation同传 设计,艺术, 建筑,广告,文化教育类 Design, Arts, Architecture,Advertising , Culture& Education ◆ 2018.10.17-19 第十届国际缆索承重桥梁运营机构会议 缆索桥梁-维护,检查,更换论坛; 缆索及其构件的养护与更换论坛; 闭门会议 the 10th ICSBOC Forum on maintenance, inspection, replacement & design of cable supported bridge Forum on maintenance and replacement of cables and components; Closed Meeting; Simultaneous Interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.3.19 IBMC Bluefocus(蓝色光标)2018年会 IBMC 2018 Annual Conference Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.9.28 为众设计:探索设计的边界 Inspired by Uniqueness: Exploring the Boundary of Design Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.9.16 第二届全国演出艺术管理学术研讨会 2nd National Performing Arts Administration Seminar Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2017.9.11-9.15 中央戏剧学院 the Central Academy of Drama 中央戏剧学院“大师班”:主要关于英美戏剧文化,背景,英国剧院的现状和面临的挑战 “Master Class” held by the Central Academy of Drama; The sessions are mainly about the culture and background of British and American drama, status quo of British theatres and challenges; Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2017.3.31 剑桥出版社与立思辰关于在教育领域的合作意向签订 Signing ceremony of agreement written between Cambridge University Press and Lanxum Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.12.5–12.9 芝加哥哥伦比亚学院,中央戏剧学院 Columbia College, Chicago, the Central Academy of Drama 芝加哥哥伦比亚学院教授对中央戏剧学院艺术管理系学生关于定价,改善观众体验,找寻赞助商等方面的授课 lectures given by professor of Columbia College, Chicago to students of the Central Academy of Drama on subjects such as pricing, improving audience experience, finding the right sponsor etc. Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2016.11.4 2016国际校长教育交流合作论坛 2016 Education Forum for International Principals Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.6.24 2015中国国际建筑科技大会 BAU Congress In China Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.6.5 著名英国建筑师Thomas Heatherwick介绍其工作室设计的建筑作品 one of smart talk series, introduction by Thomas Heatherwick, a well-known British architect about the works he and his studio designed Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.1.5 Architectural Design, Technology and Process Meeting between Guo Rui and UNStudio 国锐与荷兰UNStudio关于建筑设计,技术与工艺研讨会 Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.11.1 2014国际造币艺术论坛 2014 International Minting Art Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.8.16 2014年国际幼教年会 International Preschool Education Conference 2014 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.5.29 国际艺术节与城市发展论坛暨艺术管理工作坊 International Festival and Urban Development forum & Arts Management Workshop Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.9.17 第二届中国嘉峪关国际短片电影展 2nd Jiayuguan International Short Film Festival Location: Lanzhou 地点:兰州 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.7.16 2013北京国际编剧大赛颁奖仪式 Award Ceremony of 2013 Beijing International Screenwriting Competition Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.10.26 — 10.29 第19届中国国际广告节 黄河奖颁奖典礼,国际广告创意发展趋势论坛,中国广告长城奖颁奖典礼 the 19th China International Advertising Festival SI China “Moutai Cup” Public Service Advertising Award Ceremony, International Creative Forum, China Advertising Great Wall Award Ceremony Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.8.10 首届技术促进教育变革国际会议 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.5.29 中国文化贸易发展高层论坛;国际文化融合分论坛 High-level Forum on the Development of Culture Trade in China Sub-forum on the Integration of International Culture Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 中央音乐副院长周海宏教授在国家大剧院进行的题为“走进音乐的世界”讲座 “Entering the Music World” by Professor Zhou Haihong at National Center for Performing Arts Consecutive Interpretation 交传 IT,智能,技术类,电信技术,汽车,法律 IT,Smart Technology, Telecommunications, Automobile Law & Technology ◆ 2018.12.4-12.5 2018国际过滤与分离工业峰会 Filtrex Asia 2018 Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.10.27 第三届SAMA国际论坛暨2018世界3D打印年会 人工智能与先进技术论坛 the 3rd SAMA International Forum & 2018 World 3D Printing Annual Meeting; AI & Advanced Manufacturing Froum Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.9.5 2018汽车空气动力学分会学术年会 涉及如何改善气动性能,通过汽车造型降低风噪,中国风洞现状与未来,汽车行业未来的趋势与挑战等 2018 Annual Academic Conference of Automotive Aerodynamics Committee The conference discusses a wide range of issues such as improvement of aerodynamic performance, mitigation of wind noise through changes of vehicle styling, current status and future development of China’s wind tunnel, trend and challenges automobile industry is facing. Simultaneous Interpretation同传 ◆ 2018. 9.6 上汽名爵HS, 荣威Marvel X推介会 两款汽车的气动性能开发介绍和风噪声管理 SAIC Promotion Conference of MG HS & Roewe Marvel X Aerodynamic performance development and wind noise management Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.8.31-9.1 华为2016全联接大会 Huawei Connect 2016 Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.6.7 境外NGO在华活动法研讨会 Seminar on New Legislation of Activities Funded by Foreign NGOs in Mainland China Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.5.20-5.21 2015华为网络大会 HNC 2015 Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.4.22 2015中国北京跨国技术转移大会 China ITTC 2015/4/27 Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.3.30 2015中国清洁展 China Expo Shanghai Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2015.3.27 O2O论坛 O2O Forum Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2014.12.19 Arch Summit 全球架构师峰会 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.9.21 2014中国数字工厂推进大会 2014 The Conference on Promotion of the Digital Factory Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.11.14 世界新兴产业大会名人报告会 The 2nd World Emerging Industries Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.11.8 第九届亚洲电子论坛 The 9th Asia Electronic Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.6.20- 6.23 第十一届中国国际软件和信息服务交易会 China International Software and Information Service Fair Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.5.7- 5.8 全球移动互联网大会 GMIC (Global Mobile Internet Conference) Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.4.25 2013中国国际智能装备峰会 China International Intelligent Equipment Summit 2013 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.4.11 第三届中国国际再制造峰会 3rd China International Remanufacturing Summit 2013 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.9.5-9.7 2012年第三届全球汽车论坛 3rd Global Automotive Forum 2012 Location: Chengdu 地点:成都 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 索尼爱立信在中国首款TD-SCDMA手机发布会 Launching Ceremony of Sony-Ericsson’s First TD-SCDMA Mobile Phone Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2010 西班牙电信公司与中国联通技术交流会 Technical Exchanges between Telefonica and China Unicom Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2010 第八届中国国际网络文化博览会 China 8th International Digital Content Expo. Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 科博会 the 13th China Beijing International Hi-tech Expo. Simultaneous interpretation 同传 石油,新能源,化工,农药,环境类 Oil, New Energy , Chemicals & Environment ◆ 2018.12.20 奥图泰苏黎世污泥焚烧厂项目介绍,涉及加热焚化,从烟气中提取磷肥等 Presentation on Outotec Zurich Sludge incineration plant project, technologies involving thermal incineration, phosphorous fertilizer extraction from flue gas Consecutive Interpretation 交传 ◆ 2018.11.15-16 第五届国际清洁技术转移与投融资峰会 Clean-Connect 2018 固废资源化和能源利用技术分论坛; 可再生生物分选技术分论坛; sub-forum on recycling of solid wastes & resource utilization technology; sub-forum on renewable biological sorting technology Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.11.7 中芬创新企业合作委员会清洁空气工作组会议 Clean Air Working Group Meeting under China- Finland Committee for Innovative Business Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.10.25 2018新能源论坛 2018 International Energy Forum Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2019.9.25 中蓝连海蓄热焚烧炉竞标,涉及系统设计,系统技术细节规格 材料等 Bluestar RTO bidding, including the presentation of system design, system technical specifications, materials etc. Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 ◆ 2018.4-2018.8.16 安道麦农药项目口译,涉及农药搬迁项目,农药装置,工厂设计,布局, 实验室,改善排放物排出质量等,产品涉及吡虫啉,乙酰甲胺磷,敌敌畏, 百草枯等 interpret for projects conducted by ADMA, including relocation, design of agrochemicals plants and workshops, lab testing results, improvement of discharged air and water quality etc. main agrochemical products are imidacloprid, acephate, DDVP and paraquat. Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 ◆ 2018.3.12 塞莱默分析仪器年会,地表水,污水,海洋水市场 地点:黄山 Xylem Analytics China 2018 Conference Surface water, sewage water, ocean water vertical market Simultaneous interpretation同传 u 2015. 2.3-2.9 中石油关于泄漏监测技术软件的交流会 地点:新疆库尔勒 Technical exchange on leakage monitoring held by CNPC Location: Korla, Xinjiang Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2017.10.17-19 2017风能大会, 2017 China Windpower Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2016.10.20 风能大会 China Wind Power 2016 Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.2.13 深圳大豫新能源公司技术推介会 Technical Promotion Conference of Shenzhen Dayu Biogas Company Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2014.9.16-9.18 辛克莱与中国化工世界级制造项目 World Class Manufacturing Project Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.7.14-7.18 第12届国际盐湖会议 12th International Conference on Salt Lake Research Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.6.5-6.13 MCS KENNY对中海油进行PipeLay软件培训及相关技术交流 Pipelay software training provided by MCS KENNY and relevant technical exchanges Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.5.12-5.13 中美非常规油气可持续发展论坛 US-China Unconventional Oil & Gas Sustainable Development Workshop Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.5.6-5.7 MCS Kenny与中海油关于Deepriser软件的技术交流与培训 Technical exchanges and training on Deepriser between MCS Kenny and CNOOC Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2013.12.5–2014.1.23 新疆塔里木油田技术交流 Technical exchange in Tarim Oilfield Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2013.7.30 第三届中澳碳排放交易专家研讨会 Australia-China Emissions Trading Expert’s Dialogue – Third Workshop Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.6.7-6.9 深圳大豫新能源与瑞士第一沼气技术交流 Technical exchanges between Shenzhen Dayu Biogas Company and Swiss First Biogas Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2013.4- 5 新疆塔里木油田技术交流 Technical Exchange in Tarim Oilfield Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2012.12 -2013.3.27 中石油,MCS KENNY, Scanwell, EXPROSOFT钻井软件,泄漏检测和井完整性管理项目 projects on drilling software, leak investigation and well integrity management project parties: CNPC, MCS KENNY, Scanwell, EXPROSOFT Location: Ireland and Norway 地点: 爱尔兰,挪威 Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2012.8.31-9. 2 第五届世界环保大会 5th World Economical and Environment Conference Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.3. 26-3.27 上海2012年世界生态城市论坛 Shanghai 2012 World Eco City Summit Location: Shanghai 地点:上海 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.1- 2013.3 美国辛克莱集团与中国化工的世界级制造项目 World Class Manufacturing Project for Sinclair Group and SINOPEC Location: Beijing, Shenyang, Nantong 地点:北京,沈阳,南通 Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2010 中新天津生态城建设及融资大会 Sino-Singapore Eco-city Construction and Financing Conference Location: Tianjin 地点:天津 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 第三届石油天然气安全大会 The 3rd World Conference on Safety of Oil & Gas Industry Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2010 中天油技术发布会 Technology Presentation of Sino-Gas & Oil Technology Co. Ltd. Consecutive Interpretation 交传 旅游,商业,金融,房地产,纺织,广告推介,保险,游戏类 Tourism, Business, Finance, Real Estate, textile, promotion conference, Insurance & Game ◆ 2019.1.11 金融高端论坛-对话罗杰斯 High End Financial Forum- Dialogue with Jim Rogers Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.11.28 outer stuff 2019秋冬产品预览会 outer stuff 2019 NBA preview Simultaneous interpretation同传 ◆ 2018.10.11-10.12 捷普集团绿点高新科技股份有限公司苏州厂区战略部署研讨会 Suzhou SIP Plastics Strategic Deployment Workshop Simultaneous interpretation 同传 ◆ 2018.5.23 2018全球服务外包大会(南通)峰会 2018 Global Service Outsourcing Summit Nantong Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 ◆ 2018.3.31 南通工业园区创新投资峰会 Innovation Summit of Nantong Industrial Park Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2015.6.8 -6.15 与Euro Sino Invest的德国经理考察沈阳,济南,成都,宜宾等地的政府洽谈,探讨开发房地产项目的可能性 Interpret for business negotiation between GM of Euro Sino Invest and the government about land acquisition and others Whispering & Consecutive interpretation u 2015.4.20 游戏引擎商Unity 制作人专场会议 Unity Conference Simultaneous Interpretation同传 u 2015.4.14 中国出境旅游交易会-赞比亚旅游推介大会 COTTM- Zambia Tourism Promotion Conference Simultaneous Interpretation 同传 u 2014.12.3 会议采购中国委员会2014年会 The Annual Conference of MPC-China 2014 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.11.28 丝绸之路经济带中欧路上贸易走廊经贸合作交流会 Zhengzhou 郑州 Silk Road Economic Belt China-EU Land Trade Corridor Economic and Trade Exchange Conference Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.11.23-24 法国科麦思ITEC O2O项目全球发布会 COMEX ITEC Euro Center Project 1 Announcement Conference Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2014.5.15-5.17 Property data platform workshop between GXD and Corelogic 国信达与澳大利亚Corelogic房产数据平台研讨会 Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2014.2.28 第二届中国商业保理行业峰会 the 2nd China’s Commercial Factoring Development Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.11.23 世界新兴产业大会名人报告会 The 2nd World Emerging Industries Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.11.6 第三届国际农业保险研讨会 The 3rd International Agriculture Insurance Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.11.5 2013中国-青岛蓝色经济发展国际高峰论坛 2013 China Qingdao International Blue Economy Summit Forum Location: Qingdao 地点:青岛 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.10.21 China Venture 中国投资年会 China Venture Investment Conference 2013 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.10.18 第七届联合国世界旅游组织/亚太旅游协会旅游趋势与展望论坛 The 7th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.9.25 胡润百富企业家峰会 Hurun Report Entrepreneurs Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.9.12 2013汇丰财富论坛 2013 HSBC Fortune Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.9.4 首届中国-东盟手机游戏专场活动 2013 The First China-ASEAN Mobile Game Exchange Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.7.19 未来广告NBA赛季广告推荐会 Promotion Conference of Future Advertising Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.6.16- 6.18 西门子,BITCC与德国Bilfinger公司成立合资企业事宜谈判 Business negotiation among Siemens, Bilfinger and BITCC Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2013.6.4 摩根大通中国峰会 J.P. Morgan China Summit 2013 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.9.27 2012万达商业年会---中国消费市场的挑战与机遇 Wanda Group Annual Commercial Convention 2012 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.7.20 2012年产业金融创新与发展高峰论坛 2012 Industry Financial Innovation and Development Forum Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.4.18 – 4.19 中国出境旅游交易会 COTTM Consecutive Interpretation 交传 u 2010.7 北京华联Mango培训 Mango Staff training sessions Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2010 与投资银行Capital World的基金经理考察中国多个上市公司 National Tour with Fund Managers of Capital World Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2010 赶集网融资及新形象发布会 Ganji Funding and New Image Press Conference Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2010 2010北京CBD国际商务节 2010 Beijing CBD International Business Festival Whispering & Consecutive interpretation 耳语同传&交传 u 2010 “尽情领略克罗地亚,用心感受斯洛文尼亚”主题旅游推介活动 Promotion Conference of Croatian and Slovenian Tourism Simultaneous interpretation 同传 食品,酒水类 Food & Beverage u 2013.9.15 2013中国果汁大会 China Juice 2013 Location: San Ya 地点:三亚 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2013.6.15 第二届国际食品安全峰会 The Second International Food Safety Summit Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.10 21-24 2012年ICMSF---中国食品安全国际会议 ICMSF--- China International Conference on Food Safety Location: Xia Men 地点:厦门 Simultaneous interpretation 同传 u 2012.7. 4-7.6 第二届中国(北京)国际食品饮料展会 2nd China (Beijing) International Foodstuff Exposition Simultaneous interpretation 同传 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |