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发布时间:2020-01-15 16:59  点击:

Freelance conference interpreter/ Used to work in a 211 university and government FAO Office
教育:四川外国语大学英语高级翻译(同声传译)专业硕士M.A. in SI/美国肯特州立大学翻译项目短期学习
Education: M.A. in conference interpreting and short-term training in Kent State University, Ohio
Certificates: CATTI II (both interpreting and translation), teaching certificate in 211 universities
English level: TEM-8 (top score in province), NAETI-II, BEC-Higher, TOEFL
★  为菲律宾共和国总统阿罗约夫人担任同声传译
★  Her Excellency Gloria Arrojo, Former President of Philippines
★  为中国贸易促进委员会万季飞会长担任同声传译
★  President Wang Jifei of CCPIT
★  为奥迪中国总裁冯德睿博士交替传译
★  Dr. Dietmar Voggenreiter, president of Audi China
★  为微软首席执行官鲍尔默(Steve Balmer)担任同声传译
★  Mi. Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft
★  为联合国减灾署署长Salvano Briceno先生担任同声传译
★  Mr. Salvano Briceo, director of disaster relief UN
★  为联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃(Irina Bokowa)女士同声传译
★  Madame Irina Bokowa, director general of UNESCO
★  为硅谷投资教父、《从01》作者彼得蒂尔同声传译
★  Mr. Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley investor and author of From 0 to 1
★  为大数据之父舍恩伯格教授同声传译
★  Prof. Vickor Schoenberger, author of Big Data
★  为世界拳击组织主席Gilberto Mendoza先生担任同声传译
★  Mr. Gilberto Mendosa, chairman of World Boxing Organization
★  为百事可乐首席执行官 Indra Nooyi女士担任同声传译
★  Madame Indra Nooyi, CEO of Pepsi
★  为科幻小说巨匠尼尔盖曼Neil Gaiman先生担任即席口译
★  Mr. Neil Gaiman, famous science fiction writer
★  为美国前密歇根州长John Engler先生担任即席口译
★  Mr. John Engler, former Michigan governor, US
★  为著名主持人陈鲁豫女士担任同声传译
★  Ms. Chen Luyu, famour anchor of Phoenix TV
★  为意大利菲拉格慕品牌掌门Ferrucio Ferrogamo先生担任同声传译
★  Mr. Ferrucio Ferrogamo, heir of Ferragamo
★  为印度驻华大使苏杰生阁下S.Jaisankar博士担任访谈口译
★  Dr. S Jaisankar, Indian Ambassador to China
★  为瑞典驻华大使罗睿德博士同声传译
★  Dr. Lars Freden, Swedish ambassador to China
★  为英国贸易部长Stephen Green勋爵担任交替传译
★  Lord Stephen Green, trade minister of UK
★  旅游教育出版社20109月《英汉口译技能教程》编者
★  世界三大高尔夫比洞赛皇家杯中国区指定口译
★  秘鲁驻华大使Jose Capunay Chavez同声传译
★  09年诺贝尔医学家得主邵斯塔克同声传译
★  Dr. Szostak, Nobel prize laureate of physiology and medicine
最近口译经历/Recent Interpreting Experiences:
政府与组织/Government & organizations
● 易居沃顿第七期中国房地产实战研修项目同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ The 7th E-House & Wharton China’s Real Estate Executive Program (Chengdu Shangrila)
●研究天府奥体城规划设计工作专题会同声传译(成都天府新城会议中心)/ Seminar on Planning and Design of Tianfu Olympic Sports City (Tianfu New City Convention Center)
● 第三届国际(宜宾)茶叶年会媒体互动会同声传译(宜宾恒旭大酒店)/ Press Conference of the 3rd Annual international Tea Conference (Yibin Hengxu Hotel)
● 第三届国际(宜宾)茶叶年会开幕式同声传译(宜宾临港会议中心)/ Opening Ceremony of the 3rd Annual international Tea Conference (Yibin Lingang Convention Center)
● 国际红茶产业科技创新研讨会同声传译(宜宾恒旭大酒店)/ Seminar on International Black Tea Industry(Yibin Hengxu Hotel)
● 国际茶业(宜宾)共识会议同声传译(宜宾川茶集团金秋湖)/ International Tea Industry (YiBin) Consensus Conference (Yibin Sichuan Tea Group)
● 国际茶情趋势和发展论坛同声传译(宜宾恒旭大酒店)/ International Tea Trend and Development Forum (Yibin Hengxu Hotel)
● 第三届国际茶业年会招商引资项目推荐与签约活动(宜宾恒旭大酒店)/ Investment Promotion and Signing Activity of the 3rd Annual international Tea Conference (Yibin Hengxu Hotel)
● 第十三届中国国际酒业博览会开幕式同声传译(泸州会展中心)/ Opening ceremony of China Internatinal Acoholic Drinks Expo (Luzhou Convention Center)
● 2019 中国国际酒业发展论坛同声传译(泸州巨洋饭店)/ 2019 China International Acoholic Drinks Development Forum (Luzhou Juyang Hotel)
● 2019国际化营商环境建设暨第五届成都青白江外商企业投资沙龙同声传译(成都青白江文体中心)/ International Business Enviornment Fostering 2019 and the 5th Chengdu Qingbaijiang Foreign Enterprise Investment Salon (Chengdu Qingbaijiang Culture & Sports Center)
● 《外商投资法》解读暨外商投资企业座谈会同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/  Exchange Meeting of Foreign Invested-Enterpriess on Foreign Investment Law
●  钒合金在钢筋中的应用研讨会同声传译(西昌邛海宾馆) /Seminar on the Application of Vanadium Alloy in Steel Rebar (Xichang Qionghai Hotel)
● 2019 中国成都钒产业高峰论坛同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 2019 the Fourth China Vanadium Forum (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
● 2019吉利星越汽车发布会同声传译(成都西村) / 2019 Gelley Xingyue Launch (Chengdu Xicun)
● “承非凡 启新境“捷达品牌发布会同声传译(成都一汽大众工厂)/ “Proud Past Bright Future” Jetta Brand Launch (Chengdu FAW VW Plant)
● 2019迪奥时装员工大会同声传译(成都群光君悦) / 2019 Dior Fashion Townhall Meeting (Chengdu Grand Hyatt)
● 2019西门子CONVERGE 亚太高级合作伙伴论坛EPF同声传译 (吉隆坡希尔顿酒店) / 2019 Siemens Converge AP Executive Partner Forum (Kuala Lumpur Hilton)
● 2019领航者峰会同声传译(重庆新国际博览中心)/ 2019 Navigate by H3C (Chongqing New International Expo Center)
● 2019默克医药健康年会同声传译 (成都新会展) / 2019 Merke China Healthcare Annual Meeting (Chengdu Century City)
● 2019默克辅助生殖部门年会同声传译 (成都环球洲际)/ 2019 Merck FBU Annual Meeting (Chengdu Global Center)
● 默克中国与腾讯战略合作签约仪式同声传译(成都环球洲际)/ Strategic Signing Ceremony between Merck China and Tencent (Chengdu Global Center InterContinental)
●华西—西奈山呼吸疾病/肺癌研讨会同声传译(成都岷山饭店)/ West China—Mount Sinai Joint Symposium for Respiratory Disease and Lung Cancer (Chengdu Minshan Hotel)
● 12组慢性鼻窦炎带鼻息肉治疗药物座谈会同声传译(成都,上海)/ 12 CRSwNP drug IDIs (Chengdu, Shanghai)
● SCIEX 毛细管电泳培训同声传译(吉隆坡双威度假村)/ SCIEX CE Kickoff Training (Kumla Lumpur Sunway Resort)
● SCIEX JAPAC 启动会议同声传译(吉隆坡双威度假村)/ SCIEX JAPAC Kickoff Training (Kumla Lumpur Sunway Resort)
● SCIEX CEA评奖会议同声传译(吉隆坡双威度假村)/ SCIEX CEA Award (Kumla Lumpur Sunway Resort)
●  2019全球物流技术大会同声传译(成都金堂恒大酒店) /2019 Global Logistics Technology Conference (Chengdu Jintang Evergrande Hotel)
● 中德物流企业闭门高峰会议同声传译 (成都青白江现代物流大厦)/ China-Germany Logistics Enterprises Close-door Summit (Chengdu Qingbaijiang Modern Logistics Building)
● 布鲁塞尔机场与四川航空联合推介会同声传译(成都华尔道夫酒店)/  Brussels Airport and Sichuan Airlines Inaugural Conference & Cooperation Ceremony (Chengdu Waldorf Hotel)
● 2019荷兰铁路物流代表团青白江圆桌会议同声传译(成都青白江政务服务中心)/ 2019 Netherlands Rail Freight Mission Roundtable Meeting (Chengdu Qingbaijiang Government Affairs Service Center)
市场研究/Market research
● 3组Gore-tex户外服装座谈会同传(成都)/5 Gore-tex outdoor garments groups focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组资生堂明眸产品XPL座谈会同传 (成都) / Shiseido Bright Eye XPL focus groups (Chengdu)
●3组资生堂银座护肤品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Shiseido Ginza skincare products focus groups (Chengdu)
●3组百事食品入户访问同声传译(成都)/ 3 Pepsis food IHVs (Chengdu)
●2 全新一代途锐车展座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Touareg NF car clinic groups (Chengdu)
●1组英国零售商品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 1 British retail focus group (Chengdu)
政府与组织/Government & organizations
● 2018福布斯中国创新峰会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ 2018 Forbes China Innovation Forum (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 第二届天罡论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ 2nd Tiangang Forum (Chengdu Century City)
● 站在未来的门槛上——构建人类命运共同体的与实践会议同声传译(成都新会展)/ On the Threshold of the Next Evolution: Exploration and Practice towards the Common Destiny of Mankind (Chengdu Century City)
● 丝绸之路国际图书馆联盟成立暨“阅读 城市 文化”图书馆、书店融合发展学术研讨会同声传译(四川省图书馆)/ The Founding of the Silk Road International Library Alliance & the “Reading, City, Culture” Academic Forum Integration of Libraries and Bookstores
● 全球气候与能源市长盟约执行总监Amanda Eichel女士拜访成都市市长罗强先生交替传译(成都天府新城会议中心)/ Visit by Amanda Eichel, Executive Director of Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy to Mayor of Chengdu (Chengdu Tianfu New City Convention Center)
● 2018 成都武侯国际创客节(成都富顿中心)/ 2018 Make for Chengdu (Chengdu Fudun Center)
● 2018 泸州人才发展大会开幕式同声传译(泸州巨洋大酒店)/2018 Luzhou Talents Development Conference (Luzhou Juyang Hotel)
● 2018 四川大学国际课程周开幕式同声传译(四川大学江安校区)/ 2018 SCU University Immersion Program (Sichuan University Jiang’an Campus)
●2018 科技商业峰会智能商业论坛同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ Rebuild 2018 BIZHACK (Chengdu East Suburb Memory)
● 联合国人居署第二届国际城市可持续发展高层论坛同声传译(成都世纪城)/The 2nd International High-level Forum on Sustainable Urban Development, Chengdu Century City (Chengdu Century City )
● 中美能源合作与可持续城市发展研讨会同声传译(成都世纪城)/ US China Chengdu Energy Cooperation and Sustainable City Development Workshop (Chengdu Century City)
●第二届中国-东盟民间友好组织领导人会晤同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ The 2nd ASEAN-China People-to-People Friendship Organizations Leaders’ Meeting (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●中国—东盟青年论坛同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ China-ASEAN Youth Forum (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●2018智博会智能制造高端论坛同声传译(重庆悦来会展)/ Smart China Expo Intelligent Manufacturing Forum (Chongqing Yuelai Expo)
● 联合国工业发展组织“一带一路:发展绿色经济 搭建城市可持续发展之桥”大会  “发展绿色经济 建设公园城市”成都路演同声传译(成都新会展)/ UNIDO “Bridge for Cities-Belt and Road Initiative Developing Green Economies for Cities & “Developing a Green Economy, Buiding a Park City” Roadshow Chengdu (Chengdu Century City)
● “一带一路”沿线国家林业应对气候变化官员研修班同声传译 (四川联合环境交易)/“Belt and Road”Climate Change Officials’ Workshop (Sichuan United  Environmental Exchange)
2018年9月 第六届中国(泸州)西南商品博览会“一带一路”国家馆群投资论坛暨商贸促进大会同声传译(泸州巨洋酒店)/ The 6th China (Luzhou) Southwestern Commodities Expo “BRI” National Pavilion Investment Forum & Trade Promotion Conference (Luzhou Juyang Hotel)
2018成都国际诗歌周开幕式同声传译(成都大学体育馆)/ Opening Ceremony of 2018 Chengdu International Week (Stadium of Chengdu University)
● 中国(四川)--东盟自由贸易合作中心启动仪式同声传译(成都天府新城会议中心)/ Lauching Ceremony of China (Sichuan)—ASEAN Free Trade Cooperation Center (Chengdu Tianfu New City Convention Center)
● “华森杯”第十一届中英创业计划大赛同声传译(荣昌瑞尔大酒店)/ Pharscin Pharma Cup the Grand Final of the 11th CDhina-UK Entrepreneurship Competitiion (Rongchang Royal Hotel)
● “华森杯”第十一届中英创业计划大赛同声传译(荣昌瑞尔大酒店)/ Pharscin Pharma Cup the Grand Final of the 11th CDhina-UK Entrepreneurship Competitiion (Rongchang Royal Hotel)
● “华森杯”第十一届中英创业计划大赛同声传译(荣昌瑞尔大酒店)/ Pharscin Pharma Cup the Grand Final of the 11th CDhina-UK Entrepreneurship Competitiion (Rongchang Royal Hotel)
● 第八届中国畜牧科技论坛同声传译(荣昌剧院)/ The 8th Forum of China Animal Husbandry Science and Technology (Rongchang Theater)
● 2018全球跨境电商服务资源大会同声传译(成都世纪城)/ 2018 Global Cross Border E-commerce Service Resources Convention (Chengdu Century City)
● 中国大熊猫繁育技术委员会2018年年会同声传译(成都保利皇冠酒店)/2018 Annual Conference of the Chinese Committee of Breeding Techniques for Giant Pandas (Chengdu Poly Crowne Plaza)
● 中国大熊猫繁育技术委员会学术委员会同声传译(成都保利皇冠酒店)/2018 Academic Committee Confererence, Annual Conference of the Chinese Committee of Breeding Techniques for Giant Pandas (Chengdu Poly Crowne Plaza)
● 首届中国(成都)与非洲电子商务产业发展论坛同声传译(成都世外桃源酒店)/ First China-Africa (Chengdu) E-commerce Inustrial Development Forum (Chengdu Cynn Hotel)
● 爱彼迎与成都大熊猫繁育研究机构战略合作签约仪式同声传译(成都大熊猫博物馆)/ Signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Airbnb and Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (Chengdu Panda Musueum)
● 第十五届成都国际美食节同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ The 15th Internatioinal Food Festival of Chengdu (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● 美食+跨界融合的生活美学同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ Gastronomy + Life Aesthetics Cross-over Integration (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● “绿色战旗 幸福安唐”国际美食之都(成都)高峰论坛同声传译 (成都第五季妈妈农庄)/ Internatinal City of Gastronomy Forum (Chengdu 5th Season Mommy Farm)
●中国航空运输业IT论坛同声传译(成都首座万丽酒店)/ China Air Transport IT Summit (Chengdu Renassiance Hotel)
● 2018年一汽大众奥迪特许经销商区域营销工作会议同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ FAW-VW Auto Dealer Regional Annual Conference 2018 (Chengdu Marriot)
● 戴姆勒东北亚10周年庆祝酒会同声传译(成都丽思卡尔顿)/DPTS 10 Yeas Anniversary (Chengdu Ritz Carlton)
● 斯威汽车G01全球发布会同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ Global launch of SWM G01 (Chengdu East Suburb Memory)
● 成都车展大众夏朗尊享版发布会同声传译(成都世纪城)/ Global launch of VW Sharan Family Edition (Chengdu Century City)
● 2018德国麦科听力经销商大会同声传译(成都高新豪生)/ 2018 Maico dealer conference (Chengdu Hi-tech Howard Johnson)
● 2018泰尼百斯实验动物短期课程计划同声传译(成都金科圣嘉酒店)/ 2018 Techniplast Workship on Laboratory Animals (Chengdu Sunyard Hotel)
● 加州听力所“耳道闭锁及小耳症研讨会”同声传译(成都世纪城)/ “Aresia and Microtia Workshop” by Dr. Roberson and Dr. Reinisch (Chengdu Century City)
● 2018首届中美达拉斯鼻整形研讨会同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ 2018 First China-US Dallas Rhinoplasty Forum (Chengdu Master Marriot)
● 第三届Xpert Club暨聚焦呼吸系统感染、分子诊断新技术临床应用研究会同声传译(贵阳安纳塔拉酒店)/ The 3rd Xpert Club Molecular Diagnostics for respiratory infections, new technologies and clinical applications (Guiyang Anatara)
● 2018 首届医养产业合作国际论坛同声传译(成都温江假日皇冠酒店)/ 2018 The Fist International Medical and Wellness Industrial Cooperation Forum (Chengdu Wenjiang Crowne Plaza)
● 博莱科技师护士专家讲师团启动会同声传译(成都明宇豪雅酒店)/ Bracco Technicians, Nurses and Lecturers Kickoff Meeting (Chengdu Minyoun Hotel)
● 爱博才思2018中国启动会议及年会同声传译(柬埔寨暹粒索卡会议中心)/ SCIEX 2018 China Kick-off, Annual Conference and CE Training (Siam Reap Sohka Convention Center, Cambodia)
● 第三届北京国际徒步论坛遂宁船山分场暨首届遂宁“一带一路”国际徒步论坛同声传译(遂宁东旭锦江酒店)/ The Suining First Belt and Road International Walking Forum (Suining Jinjiang Hotel)
● 2018“一带一路”成都国际乒乓球公开赛体育经济与国际区域合作论坛同声传译(成都青白江文体中心)/2018 Belt and Road Chengdu International Table Tennis Open International Forum on Sports Economy and Regional Cooperation(Chengdu Qingbaijiang Culture and Sports Center)
● 2018年中国西部农交会论坛-丹麦绿色农业对接会同声传译(重庆南坪会展中心)/ Denmark-Chongqing Sustainable Agriculture Forum and Match-making Event (Chongqing Nanping Convention Center)
● 2018中国国际酒业博览会开幕式同声传译(泸州国际博览中心)/ Opening ceremony and forum of 2018 China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (Luzhou International Expo Center)
● 2018中国国际酒业发展论坛同声传译(泸州巨洋大酒店)/ 2018 China International Alcoholic Industry Development Forum (Luzhou Juyang Hotel)
●水生态文明高峰论坛同声传译(都江堰御垒山居酒店)/ Water Eco-civilization Sumimt (Dujiangyan Uvilla Hotel)
● 中国-新西兰猕猴桃联合实验室新区启用仪式同声传译(成都天府菁蓉中心B区)/ China-New Zealand Kiwifruit Joint Laboratory New Area Opening Ceremony (Tianfu Jingrong Center B Zone)
● 第二届中国国际名酒文化节开幕式暨投资推介会同声传译(宜宾国际会议中心)/ The 2nd China International Festival of Famous Liquors (Yibin International Convention Center)
● 第四届中芬基础教育高峰论坛同声传译(重庆谢家湾小学)/ CFP Forum 2018 Basic Education (Chongqing Xiejiawan Primary School)
●中国-东盟学前教育发展对话同声传译(中国东盟教育交流永久会址)/ China-ASEAN Preschool Education Development Dialog (China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Permanent Host Site)
●中国-东盟高校创新创业教育联盟第二届年会—全球化创新创业人才培养校长论坛同声传译(中国东盟教育交流永久会址)/ The 2nd Annual Session of China-ASEAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of Universities-Global Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Training Principal Forum (China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Permanent Host Site)
● 第二届中国-东盟民间友好组织领导人会晤暨第六届中国-东盟青少年文化交流节开幕式及主论坛同声传译(锦江宾馆)/ The 2nd ASEAN-China People-to-Peole Friendship Organization Leaders’ Meeting and the 6th ASEAN China Youth Exchange Festival (Jinjiang Hotel)
●成都霍森斯小学丹麦教育工作坊同声传译(成都霍森斯小学)/ Chengdu Horsens Primary School Workshop of Danish Educaiton (Chengdu Horsens Primary School)
● 大连外国语大学孔子学院合作大学联盟会议暨联盟成立仪式同声传译(成都世外桃源酒店)/ Alliance Conference of Collaborative Universities of Dailian University of Foreign Languages Confucius Institutes and Alliance Inauguration Ceremony
● 2018欧莱雅中国大众化妆品部销售大会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ 2018 L’oreal CPD Sales Conference (Chengdu Century City)
● 2018成都·纽约世界城市时尚之夜同声传译(成都西博城)/ 2018 Chengdu Fashion Week “Chengdu ·New York” World Cities Fashion Night ( Chengdu West Expo City)
● 康宝莱战略咨询委员会4月会议同声传译(澳门威尼斯人)/ Herbalife S&P committee meeting April conference (Macau Venetian)
● 2018康宝莱中国非凡之旅分红大会同声传译(澳门威尼斯人)/2018 Herbalife China Tour Gala Dinner(Macau Venetian)
● 2018康宝莱中国非凡之旅员工培训同声传译(澳门威尼斯人)/2018 Herbalife China Tour Sales Training(Macau Venetian)
● 康宝莱CEO顾礼诗中国行同声传译(重庆南坪会展中心)/ China Tour of Rich Goudis, Herbalife CEO (Chongqing Internatonal Convention Center)
● 康宝莱2018非凡大会同声传译(山西体育馆、广州萝岗体育馆)/ Herbalife 2018 Extravaganza (Taiyuan Stadium, Guangzhou Stadium)
● 康宝莱战略咨询委员会9月会议同声传译(太原凯宾斯基)/ Herbalife S&P committee meeting September conference (Taiyuan Kempinski)
● 康宝莱服务明星表彰大会同声传译(太原、广州)/ Herbalife Service Star Recognition (Taiyuan, Guanghzou)
● 2018英特尔中国零售高峰论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ 2018 Intel China Executive Conference (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● 2018西门子PLM大中华区用户大会同声传译及高层会议(珠海喜来登酒店)/2018 Siemens PLM UC Greater China (Zhuhai Sheraton Hotel)
● 2018中国大数据应用大会同声传译(成都新会展)/ Big Data Application Summit of China 2018 (Chengdu Century City)
●重庆智博会之半导体产业高端论坛同声传译(重庆悦来)/ Chongqing Smart Expo Semiconductor Industry Development Forum (Chongqing Yuelai)
●重庆智博会之科大讯飞AI+技术创新发展论坛同声传译(重庆悦来)/ Chongqing Smart Expo Iflytech AI+ Technological Innovation Forum (Chongqing Yuelai)
● 威瑞信Registrar Days 同声传译(成都博舍酒店)/ VeriSign Registrar Days (Chengdu Temple House)
● 中国再保险第二届巨灾风险与保险高峰论坛同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ China Re Catastrophe Risk and Insurance Summit 2018 (Chengdu Century City)
● 以色列Roey Trezana《区块链的未来》讲座同声传译(西南财经大学)/ Future of Block Chain lecture by Prof. Roey Trezana (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
● 陪同高盛投资人考察恒大房地产投资项目交传(成都)/ Accompany Goldman Sachs investors to visit Chengdu Evergrande Property Projects (Chengdu)
● 2018宜信财富投资峰会同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ 2018 CreditEase Wealth Investment Summit (Chengdu Marriot)
● 泽西岛信托宣讲同声传译(成都费尔蒙酒店)/ Jersy Trust Talks (Chengdu Fairmont)
● 国际金融科技论坛同声传译(成都华尔道夫酒店)/ SWUFE & CDAR 2018 (Chengdu Waldorf Hotel)
● 2018年金砖国家知识产权论坛同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ 2018 BIPF Chengdu(Chengdu Century City)
● 欧亚瑟水艺全球创意总监Stephan Kehren讲座口译(西南建筑设计院)/ A lecture by Stephan Kehren, Global Creative Director of Oase Water Art (Southwest Architecture Design Institute)
● 成都天府奥体城概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询概念性规划方案评审会同声传译(世纪城会展中心)/ InternationalReview Meeting on Chengdu Tianfu Olympic City’s Masterplan and Urban Deisgn (Chengdu Century City)
● 成都骑龙公园、西区体育公园概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询概念性规划方案评审会同声传译(成都环球中心洲际)/ InternationalReview Meeting on Chengdu Qilong Park and Western Sports Park’s Masterplan and Urban Deisgn (Chengdu Global Center)
● 湔江河谷生态旅游区总体设计概念方案同声传译(彭州牡丹花园酒店)/ Scheme Review of Concept Masterplan of Jianjiang River Valley (Pengzhou Brocade Hotel)
● 世界山地旅游的发展与探索主题沙龙(彭州牡丹云锦酒店)/ Salon Themed on the Development and Exploration of Mountain Tourism (Pengzhou Brocade Hotel)
● 成都天府奥体城概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询第三阶段方案评审会(成都环球中心洲际酒店)/Internatoinal Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympics Sports City (Chengdu InterContinental Hotel)
● 熊猫之都总体策划及概念性规划国际咨询方案评审会同声传译(成都洲际酒店)/International Consultation on the Overall Positioning and Conceptual Masterplan of the Land of Giant Pandas (Chengdu InterContinental Hotel)
● 成都·蓬皮杜“全球都市”国际艺术双年展同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ Chengdu ·Pompidou Cosmopolis #1.5 Enlarged Intelligence
● 成都市龙泉山东侧沱江发展轴系列规划国际专家咨询会同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ Chengdu East Longquan Mountain Tuo River Development Axes Planning International Experts’ Meeting (Chengdu Marriot)
● 中国建筑科学研究院竞标水井坊厂房设计会议同声传译(成都水井坊)/ Bidding of CABR for a Swellfun project (Chengdu Swellfun)
● 国际浇注沥青协会年会——浇注沥青在桥梁中的应用同声传译(重庆华商会议中心)/Annual Conference of IMAA: Symposim on Steel Bridge Deck Paving Technology (Chongqing Huashang Convention Center)
● 2018创新药物发现的前沿与实践国际高峰论坛同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ 2018 International Sympsium on the Frontiers and Practice of Innovative Drug Discovery (Chengdu Marriot)
● 西蒙电气2018年经销商大会同声传译(青城山豪生酒店)/ Simon Electric 2018 Dealer Conference (Mt.Qingcheng Howard Johnson)
● 博世电动工具蒲江新厂房落成仪式同声传译(成都博世)/ Opening ceremony of Bosch Power Tools Pujiang New Plant (Chengdu)
● 第三届MAV中国创新论坛同声传译(重庆江鸿大酒店)/ The 3rd MAV China Innovation Forum (Chongqing Jianghong Hotel)
● 捷普绿点间接采购供应商大会同声传译(成都环球洲际酒店)/ Jabil Green Point Indirect Procurement Supplier Day (Chengdu Global Center InterContinental)
● 第十四届国际铬镍产品峰会同声传译(成都棕榈泉费尔蒙酒店)/ FerroAlloyNet 14th International Chrome& Nickel Products Summit (Chengdu Fairmont Hotel)
● 2018年中国国际钒产业高峰论坛同声传译(乐山开元名都酒店)/ 2018 China International Vanadium Industry Summit (Leshan Kaiyuanmingdu Hotel)
●第五届中国国际钼产业高峰论坛同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ The 5th China Molybdem Industrial Forum (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
●低渗透-致密油气田勘探开发技术国际研讨会同声传译(西安长庆宾馆)/International Symposium on Low-permeability Tight Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development Technology (Xi’an Changqing Hotel)
● 2018中国铁合金在线第七届金属硅行业峰会同声传译(成都首座万豪)/ FerroAlloyNet 7th International Silicon Metal Summit (Chengdu Marriot)
● 第十二届世界天然气水合物研究与开发大会暨中国工程院284次中国工程科技论坛同声传译(西南石油大学)/ 12th IMHRD and CAE 284th China Engineering Technology Forum (Southwest Petroleum University)
● 2019铁合金行业展望暨中国铁合金在线年会同声传译(成都明宇豪雅酒店)/ Ferroalloynet 6th Annual Summit 2019 Ferroalloy Industry (Chengdu Minyourn Hotel)
市场研究/Market research
● 5组GM汽车诊所座谈会同传(武汉荷田大酒店)/5 GM car clinic groups focus groups (Wuhan Hetian Hotel)
● 8组AGODA旅游app深访同声传译(成都)/ 8 Agoda app IDI (Chengdu)
● 5组欧舒丹市场研究家访同声传译(成都)/5 L’Occitane IHV( Chengdu)
● 2组黛安芬内衣市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Triumph Inner Apparel groups (Chengdu)
● 1组英中贸易协会零售座谈会同声传译(成都)/1 CBBC retail focus group (Chengdu)
● 2组百威啤酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Budweiser focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组脆香米巧克力家访同声传译(成都)/2 Crispy in-home visits (Chengdu)
● 4组确美同水宝宝家访同声传译(成都)/ 4 Coppertone Water Babies Sun Care home visits (Chengdu)
● 5组拜瑞妥房颤预防药深访同声传译(成都)/5 AF Xarelto IDI (Chengdu)
● 4组某共享汽车超长座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 long car sharing focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组花花公子男装座谈会同声传译(重庆)/2 Playboy men’s wear focus groups(Chengdu)
● 5组百威啤酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/5 Budweiser focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组科罗娜啤酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Corona beer focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组好市多超市座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Costco wholesaler focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组罗氏抗乙肝药物TPP采访同声传译 (成都)/ 4 Roche anti-hepatitits drug IDIs (Chengdu)
● 1组一汽大众汽车诊所超长座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 1 FAW VW focus group (Chengdu)
● 5组沃尔沃电动车市场研究家访同声传译(成都)/ 5 Volvo EV in-home visits (Chengdu)
● 2组惠氏启韵营养系统座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Wyeth illmCare nutritional system focus groups (Chengdu)
●3组女性更年期产品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 menopause/andropause products focus groups (Chengdu)
●3组安可达市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Agoda OTA focus groups (Chengdu)
●6组固特异论坛市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/4 Goodyear tire focus groups (Chengdu)
政府和组织/Government & Organizations
●“捷克玫瑰 兴业绽放”2017兴业银行寰宇人生 魅力捷克文化体验季同声传译(成都兴业烟草大厦)/ Czech Rose, IBC Blossoming-IBC Global Life & Charming Czech (Chengdu Xingye Tobacco Building)
● 美国经济新政报告会同声传译(成都OCG中心)/International Panel: US-China Trade and Commerce under Trump (Chengdu OCG Center)
● 2017中阿经贸文化交流峰会同声传译(成都丽思卡尔顿)/China-UAE Economics, Trade and Cultural Summit 2017 (Chengdu Ritz Carlton)
● “对话硅谷 文创未来”圆桌会议同声传译(成都青城文创小镇)/ “Startup Talk” Round Table with Silicon Valley (Chengdu Jiezi Old Town)
● 2017中外企业武侯行投资推介会暨重大项目签约仪式同声传译(成都世外桃源酒店)/ 2017 Reputed Domestic and Overseas Enterprises’ Visit to Wuhou District Investment Promotion Conference & Signing Ceremony of Major Projects (Chengdu Cynn Hotel)
● 四川广汉三星堆博物馆/吴哥与暹粒地区保护与管理局/成都金沙遗址博物馆“一带一路”文化合作意向签约仪式同声传译(三星堆博物馆)/Signing Ceremony of Belt and Road Cultural Cooperation Intentions between Sanxingdui Museum, Jinsha Museum and APSARA
● 联合国人居署国际城市可持续发展高峰论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ High-level International Forum on Sustainable Urban Development (Chengdu Century City)
● 成都双流自贸试验区马来西亚国家馆项目签约仪式同声传译(成都川投国际酒店)/ Signing Ceremony of Malaysia’s National Pavilion in Chengdu Shuangliu Pilot Free Trade Zone (Chengdu Chuantou International Hotel)
● 首届中国(西部)特色小镇创新发展论坛同声传译(成都西部客家博物馆)/ The First China (Western) Characteristic Towns Innovation and Development Forum (Chengdu West Hakka Museum)
● 首届中欧班列(成都)国际合作论坛同声传译(青白江文化体育中心)/ The 1st China-Europe Block Trains (Chengdu) International Cooperation Forum (Qingbaijang Cultural and Sport Center)
● 第三届国际口岸经贸物流合作大会同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/The Third International Port Economy and Trade Logistics Conference (Chengdu Shangri-La Hotel)
● “一带一路”中荷冷链物流论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ “Belt and Road” China Netherlands Cold Chain Logistics Forum (Chengdu Shangri-La Hotel)
● 富有青年之中以青年对话同声传译(成都言几又书店)/Future Link’s Sino-Israeli Youth Dialogue (Chengdu Yanjiyou Bookstore)
● 第十二届欧洽会南欧农业、食品饮料及旅游对接会同声传译(成都新会展)/Promotional Event for South European Agro-Food, Wind and Tourism, EU-China BAT Cooperation Fair 2017 (Chengdu Century City )
● “兴都库什—喜马拉雅山地资源与生计:致力于山地可持续发展的高等教育研究和区域合作”国际研讨会同声传译(成都合江亭瀚文酒店)/ Mountain Resources and Livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region: Higher Education Research and Regional Collaboration for Sustainable Mountain Development (Chengdu Hejiangting Hanwen Hotel)
● 亚广联“弘扬丝路精神 深化媒体合作”论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ ABU Theme Forum: Carry Forward the Silk Road Spirit and Deepen Media Cooperation
● 2017中国科幻大会同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ 2017 China Science Fiction Conference (Chengdu East Suburb Memory)
● 应急管理模式创新发展研讨会暨国际应急管理学会中国委员会第八届年会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/Forum on the Innovation and Development of Emergency Management Mode and the 8th Annual Conference of the International Management Society (TIEMS) China Chapter (Chengdu Century Exhibition Center)
● 联合国统计司和国家旅游局主办旅游统计国际培训班同声传译(成都金韵酒店)/ International Workshop on Tourism Statistics by UNTD and NBS (Chengdu Jinyun Hotel)
● 第三届“一带一路”创新创业高峰论坛同声传译(海口华彩华邑酒店)/ The 3rd “Belt and Road”Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit (Haikou Hualuxe Hotel)
● 2017梅赛德斯奔驰售后车主体验营同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ 2017 Mercedes Benz Aftersales Ownership Experience Camp (Chengdu East Suburb Memory)
● 印度汽车及汽车零部件行业投资机遇研讨会同声传译(重庆威斯汀)/ Seminar on Investment Opportunities in Automobile &Auto –Components Sectors in India (Chongqing Westin)
● 2017成都国际车展雷诺活动同声传译暨记者会交传(成都新会展4号厅)/ Renault event and press conference during 2017 Chengdu Motor Show (No.4 Hall, Chengdu New Exhibition Center)
● 宝马授权绵阳新晨动力王子发动机投产仪式同声传译(绵阳新晨)/ SOP ceremony for the BMW Licensed Prince Engine at Mianyang Xinchen (Mianyang Xinchen)
● 中国工业VOC治理交流会2017同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼)/ China Industrial VOC Abatement Congress 2017 (Shanghai Skyway Pullman)
● 亚洲危险废弃物处置大会2017同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼)/Asia Hazardous Waste Treatment Congress 2017 (Shanghai Skyway Pullman)
● 亚洲垃圾资源化处置交流会2017同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼)/ 6th Annual Asia Waste to Energy Congress 2017 (Shanghai Skyway Pullman)
● 第十四届中国国际物流节之开幕式、2017物流全球论坛、巾帼论坛、领袖论坛暨国际物流交流及城市合作大会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ 2017 Logistics Global Forum,Logistics Women Forum, Leader Summit and International Logistics Exchange and Urban Cooperation Meeting (Chengdu Century Exposition Center)
● “一带一路”法律服务国际合作(成都)峰会同声传译/ The Belt and Road Legal Services International Cooperation (Chengdu) Forum
● 2017年第22届中国LPG国际会议同声传译(成都凯宾斯基酒店)/22nd Annual China LPG Conference 2017 (Chengdu Kempinsky)
● 2017第十二届国际铬镍产品峰会同声传译(成都明宇豪雅酒店)/ FerroAlloyNet 12th International Chrome & Nickel Products Summit (Chengdu Minyoun Hotel)
● 第七届世界木材与木制品贸易大会同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ 7th China Global Wood Trade Conference (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●四川-加拿大艾伯塔非常规油气圆桌会议(四川省国土资源厅)/ Sichuan-Alberta Non-conventional Gas Roundtable (Sichuan Provincial Department of Land and Resources)
● 2017发展中国家农村能源发展战略规划部长级论坛同声传译(农业部沼气所)/ 2017 Ministerial Seminar on the Strategic Planning of Rural Energies Development for Developing Countries (Chengdu BIOMA)
● 第三届中国锂资源战略大会同声传译(成都新会展)/ The Third China Lithium Resource Strategy Conference (Chengdu Century City)
● 第五届中国铁合金在线年会同声传译(成都首座万豪酒店)/ FerroAlloyNet 5th Annual Summit 2018 Ferroalloy Industry Outlook (Chengdu Marriot Hotel)
● 成都弗洛伦萨小镇名品奥特莱斯开业典礼暨发布会口译(成都佛罗伦萨小镇)/ Opening Ceremony of Chengdu Florentia Village Outlets and Press Conference (Chengdu Florentia Village)
● 第22期全球金融中心指数发布会同声传译(成都麓山山顶教堂)/ GFCI 22 Launch (Chengdu Luxehill Church)
● 第142届天九共享投资洽谈会同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ The 142nd ToJoy Investment Fair (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● 第六届亚太现代化机场峰会同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ The 6th Modern Airport Asia Summit (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● 第七届中国机场商业及零售高峰会议同声传译(成都空港大酒店)/ The 7th China Airport Commercial & Retail Summit (Chengdu Airport Hotel)
● 第四届中国低成本航空高峰会议2017 (重庆融汇丽笙酒店)/ The 4th China Low Cost Carriers Summit 2017 (Chongqing Radisson)
● 2017中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会年会暨第七届建设工程与项目管理国际会议同声传译 (四川大学西五教)/ 2017 Annual Meeting of The Architectural Society of China- Construction Managemetn Research Sector-The 7th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (West 5th Building, Sichuan University)
● 中国民族建筑研究会第20届学术年会暨2017第七届国际园林景观规划设计大会同声传译(重庆悦来国际会议中心)/ The 7th International Landscape Planning and Design Conference (Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center)
● Adobe Create Now创意展同声传译(成都瑞吉酒店)/ Adobe Create Now Conference (Chengdu St. Regis Hotel)
● 工业互联网高峰论坛同声传译(成都首座万豪酒店)/ Industrial Internet Summit by CASIC (Chengdu Marriot Hotel)
●2017 C3安全峰会同声传译(成都娇子国际会议中心)/ 2017 C3 Security Summit (Chengdu Jiaozi International Convention Center)
●2017腾讯全球合作伙伴大会之创想·青藤会议同声传译(成都西博城)/2017 Tencent Global Partner Conference Creation Qingteng (Chengdu WCIF Center)
● 第二届Xpert Club细菌耐药实验室诊断与管理研讨会同声传译(眉山洲际酒店)/ the 2nd Xpert Club of Southwest Chapter-AMR Laboratory Diagnostic and Management Seminar (Meishan Intercontinental Hotel)
● 凯西制药药代动力学研究者会议(成都盛捷酒店)/ Chiesi Triple PK Investigator Meeting (Chengdu Somerset Hotel)
● 第三届中欧生命科学论坛同声传译(成都温江假日酒店)/ The 3rd Sino-European Life Science Forum (Chengdu Wenjiang Holiday Inn Plaza)
● 2017 MAV 中国创新论坛同声传译(重庆江鸿大酒店)/ 2017 MAV China Innovation Forum (Chongqing Jianghong Hotel)
● 康宝莱全国战略咨询委员会会议同声传译(长沙北辰洲际酒店)/Herbalife China S&P Meeting (Chansha Intercontinental Hotel)
● 康宝莱2017风云大会同声传译(曼谷国际会展中心)/Herbalife 2017 Extravaganza (Bangkok Impact)
动物保护/Wildlife conservation
● 中国大熊猫繁育技术委员会2017年年会同声传译(成都新华宾馆)/ 2017 Annual Conference of the Chinese Committee of Breeding Techniques for Giant Panda (Chengdu Xinhua Hotel)
● 第八届“金产品,新渠道”高峰论坛同声传译(成都世纪城)/ The 8th Golden Products & New Channels Forum (Chengdu Century City)
● 优果联良枝-高原富士全球发布同声传译(成都蒲江喜来登)/ Liangzhi Apple Global Red-Fruit Ally Liangzhi-Plateau Fuji Brand Global Promotion Conference (Chengdu Pujiang Sheraton)
● “一带一路”中国名酒文化高峰论坛同声传译(宜宾城市名人酒店)/ Belt and Road Initiative—China’s Liquor Culture Summit (Yibin Celebrity Hotel)
● 2017畜禽健康环境与福利化养殖国际研讨会同声传译(重庆畜牧科学院)/2017 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare, Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences,
● 第四期全国畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用培训会同声传译(重庆畜牧科学院)/The 4th China Livestock & Poultry Waste Utilization Training Workshop, Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences
● 中国西部国际高中教育发展论坛同声传译(成都树德中学)/West China Forum on International High School Education (Chengdu Shude High School)
● 中外文化教育交流与合作发展对话同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ The communication of culture, education, cooperation and development (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 中德智能教育论坛同声传译(重庆永川凤凰湖)/China-German Smart Education Forum (Chonqqing Phoenix Lake)2017 Assessment Innovation and ● 2017小学质量评估改革与发展研讨会暨巴蜀峰会同声传译(重庆巴蜀小学)2017 Assessment Innovation and Development Symposium—Bashu Summit, (Chongqing Bashu Primary School)
●“瓦屋山杯”中国国际友好城市青少年足球邀请赛 (眉山东湖饭店)/ 2017 Wawu Cup China International Friendship City Youth Football Tournament(Meishan Donghu Hotel)
市场研究/Market research
● 4组澳大利亚ANC保健品座谈会同声传译(成都)/4 ANC health product focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组沁园净水器家访同声传译(成都)/ 3 Qinyuan purifier interviews (Chengdu)
● 3组兰蔻护肤品座谈会同声传译(成都)/3 Lancome beauty focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组斯柯达旅行车座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Skoda Combi focus groups (Chengdu)
● 5组舒肤佳家访及陪购同声传译(乐山,成都)/5 Safeguard home visits (Chengdu, Leshan)
●2组安吉星家访同声传译(成都)/2 Onstar home visits (Chengdu)
● 4组GM汽车诊所座谈会同声传译(成都)/6 GM car clinic focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组古驰奢侈品座谈会同声传译(成都)/6 Gucci men’s luxury focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组兰蔻护肤品座谈会同声传译(成都)/4 Lancome skincare & makeup focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组Makers Mark 威士忌座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Makers Mark whiskey focus groups (Chengdu)
政府与组织/Government & Organizations
● 2016年创业天府·菁蓉创享会暨成都菁蓉镇创新创业专家导师项目对接会同声传译(成都郫县创业咖啡)/ 2016 Startup Tianfu· Jinrong Sharing Conference, Lecture by Venture Capitalist (Chengdu Startup Coffee)
● “一带一路 跨境合作”暨聚贸四川馆上线仪式同声传译(成都锦江宾馆) /Jumore “Belt and Road, Cross-border Cooperation” Summit and Sichuan Pavilion Launch Ceremony (Jinjiang Hotel)
● 2016中外知名企业四川行投资推介会暨合作项目签约仪式(成都锦江宾馆)/ 2016 Well-known Chinese and Foreign Enterprises’ Visit to Sichuan (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 香港贸发局“创新升级 香港博览”科技专场同声传译(成都新会展)/ HKTDC SmartHK Conference (Chengdu New Expo)
● 创响中国全球论坛暨《创新之路》全球版首发同声传译(成都菁蓉小镇创新展览中心)/ Innovating China Global Summit & First Global Release of The Glory of Innovation (Chengdu Jingrong Town)
● 成都海外交流协会华裔新生代培训班同声传译(成都世外桃源酒店)/ Training Program for Overseas Chinese Younger Generation by Chengdu Overseas Exchange Association (Chengdu Cynn Hotel)
● G20成都分会场安保工作通气会口译(成都锦江宾馆)/ G20 Chengdu Security Briefing (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 一带一路战略下的物流协同创新论坛同声传译(重庆融汇丽笙酒店)/ Collaborative Innovations in Logistics under the Belt and Road Initiatives (Chongqing Radisson)
● 国际行政科学学会暨国际行政院校联合会2016年联合大会同声传译(成都新会展)/ 2016 International Institute of Administrative Sciences and International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration Joint Congress (Chengdu Century City)
● 2016中国(成都)“一带一路”资本创新论坛同声传译(成都麓山大礼堂)/ 2016 China “The Belt and Road” Capital Innovation Forum (Chendu Luxhill Auditorium)
● 成都市投资环境说明会暨国际合作园区项目对接会同声传译(成都天府新城会议中心)/ Presentation on Chengdu Investment and Project Match-making for International Collaboration Parks (Chengdu Tianfu New City Convention Center)
● 第三届赢在海外投促论坛同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/The 3rd Foreign Investment Promotion Forum (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 中南半岛国家项目推介会同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ Indo-China Country Project Promotion Forum (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 2016捷豹路虎季度区域经销商会议同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ 2016 Jaguar & Land Rover Quarterly Regional Dealer Meeting (Chengdu Century City)
● 2016 东风雷诺成都车展媒体沟通会为总裁福兰交替传译(成都世外桃源酒店)/ Interpreting for president Francois Provost of Dongfeng Renault Automotive Corporation (Chengdu Cynn Hotel)
● 2016-2017倍耐力年度经销商会议同声传译(成都六善酒店)/ 2016-2017 Pirelli Annual Dealer Conference (Chengdu Six Sense Hotel)
● 2016东盟工科大学校长会议同声传译(贵阳生态会议中心)/ China-ASEAN Engtech Unversity Presidents Forum (Guiyang Eco-forum Convention Center)
● “每一个孩子都是超级英雄”教育创新分享会同声传译(成都麓湖生态中心)/DFC Education Sharing Session by Kiran Sethi (Chengdu Luxelake)
● 第七届中国博物馆及相关产品及技术博览会文化讲座同声传译(成都新会展)/ Interpreted for Robert Stein, vice president of American Alliances of Museums and Getty Leadership Institute (Chengdu Century City)
● 第九届中国竹文化节同声传译(眉山青神国际竹艺城)/ The 9th China Bamboo Cultural Festival (Meishan Qingshen International Bamboo Art City)
● 2016世界移动大会2020网络峰会同声传译(上海卓美亚喜马拉雅酒店)/ 2016 GSMA Network 2020 Summit (Shanghai Jumeirah Hotel)
●2016世界移动大会数字转型论坛同声传译(上海嘉里城)/ 2016 GSMA Digital Transformation Forum (Shanghai Kerry Hotel)
● 2016世界移动大会移动支付论坛同声传译(上海嘉里城)/ 2016 GSMA Mobile Security Forum(Shanghai Kerry Hotel)
●2016全球信息技术主管大会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ 2016 World Chief Information Officer Conference (Chengdu Century City)
●C3安全峰会同声传译(成都娇子国际会议中心)/ C3 Security Summit (Chengdu Jiaozi International Convention Center)
● 2016里昂证券基金经理会议交替传译(成都丽思卡尔顿酒店)/ 2016 CLSA Fund Manager Meeting (Chengdu Ritz Carlton Hotel)
● 2016 JP Morgan中国峰会交替传译(北京东方君悦酒店)/ 2016 JP Morgan China Summit (Beijing Grand Hyatt)
● 2016 JP Morgan 亚太部中国消费品市场之旅(北京)同声传译/2016 JP Morgan Asian Pacific Access China Consumer Tour (Beijing)
● 2016中国保险与风险管理国际年会同声传译(西安开元名都酒店)同声传译/ 2016 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (Xi’an Kaiyuan Hotel)
● 2016麦格纳人力资源论坛同声传译(重庆渝州宾馆)/ 2016 Magna HR Forum (Chongqing Yuzhou Hotel)
● 麦肯锡为水井坊公司提供组织有效性培训同声传译(成都水井坊)/ Mckinsey’s organizational effectiveness training to Swell Fun (Chengdu Swell Fun)
● 普惠静洁动力发动机中国研讨会同声传译(舟山威斯汀酒店)/ P&W PurePower Engine China Symposium (Zhoushan Westin Hotel)
● 2016民用飞机航电国际论坛同声传译(上海中星铂尔曼酒店)/ Civil Avionics International Forum 2016 (Shanghai Pullman Hotel)
● 2016民用航空工业论坛同声传译(上海浦西洲际酒店)/ 2016 China Civil Aerospace Congress (Shanghai Puxi Intercontinental Hotel)
● 2016中国航空推进技术论坛同声传译(贵阳凯宾斯基酒店)/ China Aerospace Propulsion Technology Summit 2016 (Guiyang Kempinski Hotel)
● 2016中国通航救援国际峰会同声传译(上海豫园万丽酒店)/ China General Aviation Rescue Summit (Shanghai Yuyuan Renaissance Hotel)
●联合国教科文组织工程科技部主任Tony Majoram“以问题为导向的工程科学与可持续研究”讲座同声传译(成都航利)/ A lecture by Tony Majoram, head of Engineering Sciences, UNESCO
● IATA2016机场智能数据与服务产品论坛同声传译(成都世纪城)/ IATA’s Airport IS Forum 2016 (Chengdu Century City)
● 中国网球协会青少年教练员培训班暨耐克名人训练堂同声传译(成都川投酒店)/ CTA Junior Coach Workshop (Sichuan Tennis International Hotel)
● 乐斯菲斯2017秋冬新品订货会同声传译(成都西村)/ The North Face FW 17 Sales Meeting (Chengdu West Village)
● 2016年凯斯纽荷兰工业中国工程机械经销商大会同声传译(成都费尔顿凯莱酒店)/ 2016 CNH Industrial China CE Dealer Convention  (Chengdu Felton Gloria Hotel)
● 中国中车国际战略伙伴论坛同声传译(三亚希尔顿逸林)/ CRRC International Strategic Partners Forum (Sanya Hilton Doubletree)
● “疯狂动物城背后的故事-走进迪士尼动画工作室”同声传译(四川电视台)/ A lecture given by Andrew Millstein, president of Disney Animation Studios (Sichuan TV Station)
● 第94届全国糖酒商品交易会进口食品专区“金产品 新渠道”会议同声传译(成都新会展)/ “Golden Products New Channels” Forum of the 94th China Food and Drinks Fair
● 首届新鲜果蔬行业中国高峰论坛同声传译(成都丽思卡尔顿)/ First Fresh Produce Forum China (Chengdu Ritz Carlton)
● 2016iFresh亚果会重庆站同声传译(重庆渝州宾馆)/ 2016 iFresh Fruit & Vegetable Industry Conference (Chongqing Yuzhou Hotel)
● 2016中国蜂产品行业大会同声传译(成都喜来登)/ China Bee Products Industry Conference (Chengdu Sheraton)
● 2016世界生态城市与屋顶绿化大会同声传译(昆明云安会都)/ 2016 World Ecological City and Roof Greening Conference (Kunming Yuan Huidu Hotel)
●第二届亚洲园艺大会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ Asian Horticulture Congress 2016 (Chengdu Century City)
●2016年加纳竹藤制品开发与加工技术培训班同声传译(青神国际竹艺城)/ Closing Ceremony of 2016 Bamboo & Rattan Product Development & Processing Technology Training Class (Qingshen International Bamboo Art City)
● “竹子在乡村发展和减缓贫困中的作用”国际竹子研讨会 (眉山东湖饭店)/ International Workshop on Bamboo’s Role in Traditional Societies and Poverty Alleviation (Meishan Donghu Hotel)
● 2016兽药暴露与环境控制研讨会同声传译(重庆畜牧科学院)/ 2016 International Symposium on Veterinary Drug Exposure and Environment Control (Chongqing Academy of Animal Science)
● 首届都市现代农业发展(成都)高峰论坛同声传译(成都世纪城)/ The First Chengdu Urban Modern Agricultural Development (Chengdu Century City)
动物保护/Animal protection
● 中国大熊猫繁育技术委员会2016年年会同声传译(成都保利皇冠酒店)/2016 Annual Conference of the Chinese Committee of Breeding Techniques for Giant Pandas (Chengdu Poly Crowne Plaza)
广告设计/ Advertisement & Design
● 320七国设计峰会包装义诊活动同声传译(成都索菲特酒店)/ Top Design Conference of GLBA Packaging Consultation (Chengdu Sofitel)
能源&矿业/ Energy & Mining
● 2016第十届中国铬镍产品峰会同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 2016 Ferroalloy-net International Chrome & Nickel Product Summit (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
● 四川能投集团与美国蓝石集团谈判交替传译(成都创世纪广场)/ A business talk between Sichuan Energy Investment Corp and Bluestone (Chengdu)
● 2016中国沼气论坛同声传译(成都向阳大厦宾馆)/ Biogas China Forum 2016 (Chengdu Xiangyang Hotel)
● 中国四川省长江上游可持续的水与资源管理技术和服务项目结业班同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ WAYS Closing Symposium 2016 (Chengdu Century City)
● 第三期中美页岩气培训班同声传译(重庆希尔顿)/ The 3rd US-China Shale Gas Training Workshop (Chongqing Hilton)
● 2017铁合金行业展望暨中国铁合金在线年会同声传译(成都大鼎戴斯)/ FerroAlloyNet 4th Annual Summit & 2017 Ferroalloy Industry Outlook (Chengdu Days Inn)
● 勃林格殷格翰处方药物部门西区年会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ Boeringer Ingraham PM West Region Annual Meeting (Chengdu Century City)
●创业天府菁蓉汇•高新区”生物医药专场(成都菁蓉国际广场)/Jingronghui Venture Tianfu Biomedical Industrial Session, Chengdu Jingrong International Plaza, March 2016
●优时比中国年会同声传译(成都世纪城会展中心)/ UCB China Conference 2016 (Chengdu Century City)
●第十八届上海国际生物技术与医药研讨会同声传译(上海国际会议中心)/ The 18th Shanghai International Forum on Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry (Shanghai International Convention Center)
● 2016诺贝尔奖获得者医学峰会暨中美院士论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉酒店)/ 2016 World Nobel Prize Laureate Summit on Biomedical Science and Chinese-American Academician Forum
●第七届中国医疗器械监督管理国际论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ The 7th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (Chengdu Century City)
● 首届(2016)国际心理治疗与心理咨询科学技术大会同声传译(成都家园国际酒店)/ The First (2016)International Conference of Science & Technology for Psychotherapy and Counseling (Chengdu Homeland Hotel)
● CRE流行病学及快速分子诊断新进展会议同声传译(成都世纪城)/ CRE Epidemiology and Quick Molecule Diagnosis Development (Chengdu Century City)
● 第五届中医药现代化国际科技大会之中医药养生健康服务业发展大会同声传译(成都世纪城)/ The 5th International Conference on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chengdu Century City)
● 意大利凯西制药药代动力学研究者会议同声传译(成都盛捷服务公寓)/Chiesi Triple PK Investigator Meeting (Chengdu Somerset)
市场研究/Market research
● 9组 Airbnb市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 9 Airbnb focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组雷诺汽车市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/4 Renault focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组Fresh护肤品市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Fresh focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组美体小铺市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 The Body Shop focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组汰渍洗衣粉市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Tide laundry powder focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组Big Chip土豆市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Big Chip focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组福特撼路者市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Ford Everest focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组林肯汽车市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Lincoln cars focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组Michael Kors市场产品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Michael Kors fashion products focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组Nabati华夫饼座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Nabati Wafer focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组米其林座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Michelin focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组迪斯尼手机APP座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Disney Dplay focus groups (Chengdu)
●2组瑞典轻曲线座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Libresse sanitary napkin focus groups (Chengdu)
●7组高档米酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 7 Premium rice wine focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组麦德龙超市座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Metro supermarket focus groups (Chengdu)
●3组倩碧护肤品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Clinique focus groups (Chengdu)
●2组555香烟座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 555 cigarette focus groups (Chengdu)
●2组贝德玛座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Bioderma focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3 MOC预调酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 MOC RTD focus groups (Chengdu)
●2组奥迪汽车座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Audi focus groups (Chengdu)
●4组别克越野车汽车诊所同声传译(成都)/ 4 Buick focus groups during car clinic (Chengdu)
政府与组织/Government & Organizations
● 生态文明贵阳国际论坛2015年年会之可持续旅游与人居环境建设主体论坛同声传译(贵州安顺屯堡大酒店)/ Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2015 Forum on Sustainable Tourism and Human Settlements Construction (Anshun Tunbao Hotel)
● 中国首届中芬科技创意时尚年货节暨中芬品牌商贸会同声传译(成都国色天乡)/ China’s First Sino-Finn Creative Fashion Shopping Festival of Science and Technology and Sino-Finn Brands Trading Fair (Chengdu Floraland)
● 2015世界经济论坛全球杰出青年社区达沃斯在线同声传译(成都中央商务花园)/ Shaping Davos-Brining Sustainability to the Masses (Chengdu CBP)
● 2015中美气候圆桌会议美国低碳专家城市行成都研讨会同声传译(四川联合环境交易所)/ 2015 China-US Climate Round Table Meeting Chengdu Forum (Sichuan United Environment Exchange)
● 天府新区投资推介会暨合作项目签约仪式同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ Tianfu New Area Investment Promotion Meeting and Project Signing Ceremony (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 城市群合作项目机制中英合作项目启动会同声传译(重庆五洲大酒店)/ Kick-off Meeting on the Program of “China-UK City Cluster Development and Formation” (Chongqing Wuzhou Hotel)
● 2015都江堰国际论坛同声传译(都江堰比邻奈尔大酒店)/ 2015 Dujiangyan International Forum (Dujiangyan Billionaire Hotel)
● 中国-东盟教育与培训论坛同声传译(贵阳生态会议中心)/ China-ASEAN Education and Training Forum (Guiyang IECC)
●“海上丝绸之路”国家农业经济与绿色转型发展高峰论坛会议(贵阳生态会议中心)Forum on Agricultural Economic and Green Transformation Development of Maritime Silk Road Countries (Guiyang IECC)
● 第三届中国-东盟智库战略对话会同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ The 3rd China-ASEAN Dialogue (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● “万企出国门-走进美国加州”活动同声传译(成都凯宾斯基)/ “Going Global-Investing in California” (Chengdu Kempinski Hotel)
● 2015四川国际文化旅游节同声传译(宜宾世外桃源酒店)/ 2015 Sichuan International Cultural Tourism Festival (Yiben Eden Hotel)
● 媒体论道-城市品牌塑造与传播论坛同声传译(新都假日酒店)/ Media Symposium-City Brand Building and Communications Forum (Xindu Holiday Inn)
● 第四届政府绩效管理与绩效领导国际学术论坛同声传译(兰州大学逸夫楼)/ The 4th International Conference on Government Performance Manangement and Leadership (Lanzhou University)
● 兰州大学管理学院第一届战略咨询委员会第一次全体会议同声传译(兰州大学齐云楼)/ The 1st Strategic Advisory Committee of School of Management, Lanzhou University
●兰州大学管理学院第一届战略咨询委员会咨询报告会同声传译(兰州大学杏林楼)/ The Consulting Report Meeting of the 1st Strategic Advisory Committee of School of Management, Lanzhou University
●2015国际有机农业区域产业发展(西充)论坛暨国家有机产品认证示范创建工作会议同声传译(南充天来大酒店)/ 2015 International Regional Development Forum of Organic Agriculture (Nanchong Tianlai Hotel)
● 2015西门子PLM软件大中华区用户大会(南京香格里拉酒店)/ 2015 Siemens PLM Software Greater China User Conference (Nanjing Shangrila Hotel)
● 2015亚洲消费电子展同声传译(上海嘉里大酒店)/ 2015 International CES Asia (Shanghai Carrie Center)
● 2015 世界移动大会同声传译(上海新国际博览中心)/ 2015 GMSA (Shanghai New International Expo Center)
● 2015年中美高级网络技术研讨会同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ CANS 2015 Chinese-American Networking Symposium (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
● 第一届三维激光扫描技术国际论坛同声传译(成都友豪锦江酒店)/ The 1st International Symposium on 3D Laser Scanning Technology (Chengdu Youhao Jinjiang Hotel)
● 大数据时代作者舍恩伯格“与大数据同行-学习和教育的未来”讲座(成都七中)/ “Learning from Big Data” Lecture by Viktor Schoenberg (Chengdu No.7 Middle School)
● 2016全球信息技术主管大会同声传译(成都娇子国际会议中心)/ World CIO Forum 2016 (Chengdu Jiaozi International Convention Center)
能源环境/Energy & Environment
● 第十届固体废物管理与技术国际会议同声传译(绵阳桃花岛国际度假酒店)/ The 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (Mianyang Taohuadao Resort)
● 中欧废荧光灯管理政策与处理技术同声传译(绵阳桃花岛国际度假酒店)/ EU-China Workshop on Waste Fluorescent Lamps Management Policy, Treatment Technology and Facility (Mianyang Taohuadao Resort)
● 第四届中国-东盟页岩气勘探开发前景交流研讨会同声传译(The 4th China-ASEAN International Conference on Shale Gas Exploration and Development)
● 上海世博地区步行环境整合设计竞赛工作坊同声传译(上海设计中心)/ Design Workshop: Making Urbanity through Passages in the Re-appropriated Expo Site (Shanghai Design Center)
● 成都希尔顿酒店开业新闻发布会口译(成都希尔顿)/ Opening press conference of Hilton Chengdu (Chengdu Hilton Hotel)
● 时代映像-1965年以来的英国摄影展同声传译(成都视觉艺术中心)/ Work, Rest and Play: British Photography Since 1960 (Chengdu Visual Art Center)
● 2015亚洲跨境电子商务大会同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼)/ Asian Cross border E-commerce Congress 2015 (Shanghai Skyway Pullman)
汽车/ Automotive
● “力帆之夜”之820电动车全球首发同声传译(重庆悦来S6馆)/ Global Launch of Lifan 820 EV (Chongqing Yuelai S6)
● 第二届汽车辅助驾驶技术国际论坛同声传译(成都高新皇冠酒店)/ ADAS 2015 (Chengdu High-tech Crown Plaza)
● 东风雪铁龙C4世嘉全球首秀同声传译(黑龙滩天堂洲际度假酒店)/ The Global Debut of Dongfeng Citroen C4 Shijia (Heilongtan Intercontinental Hotel)
● 第六届亚太天然气汽车协会国际会议同声传译(成都新会展中心)/ The 6th Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association International Conference (Chengdu New Exposition Center)
● 2015中国汽车安全技术发展国际论坛同声传译(海口喜来登酒店)/ 2015 International Forum on Chinese Automotive Safety Technology (Haikou Sheraton Hotel)
● 2015里昂证券基金经理会议同声传译(成都丽思卡尔顿)/ 2015 CLSA fund manager meeting (Chengdu Ritz Carlton)
● 2015全球互联网+创投峰同声传译(成都新会展水晶厅)/ 2015 Global Internet Plus Investment Summit (Chengdu Century City)
● 第四届全球猪业论坛暨第十三届中国猪业发展大会同声传译(重庆海宇温泉酒店)/ The Fourth Global Pig Summit and the 13th China Swine Development Congress (Chongqing Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel)
● 2015畜禽健康环境与福利化养殖国际研讨会同声传译(重庆畜牧科学院)/ 2015 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare (Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences)
矿产/Mineral& Metallurgy
● 第七届国际锰产品峰会同声传译(南宁沃顿大酒店)/ The 7th International Manganese Products Summit (Nanning Wharton Hotel)
● 第八届铬镍产品峰会同声传译(成都明宇豪雅酒店)/ The 8th Chrome & Nickel Product Summit (Chengdu Minya Hotel)
● 第十届铅锌峰会同声传译(成都帝盛君豪酒店)/ The 10th Zinc and Lead Summit (Chengdu Dorsett Grand Hotel)
● 2016铁合金行业展望暨中国铁合金在线年会同声传译(成都明宇豪雅)/ Ferroalloynet 3rd Annual Summit & 2016 Ferroalloy Industry Outlook (Chengdu Minyoug Hotel)
● 2015 ABB自动化世界大会同声传译(重庆悦来会议中心)/ ABB Automation World China 2015 (Chongqing Yuelai Conference Center)
● 2015中国冷链最佳实践研讨会同声传译(成都万丽酒店)/ 2015 China Cold Chain Best Practice Seminar (Chengdu Renaissance Hotel)
● 睿欧感知产品统计学培训同声传译(上海东锦江希尔顿酒店)/ Eurasian Sensory Training (Shanghai Hilton Double Tree Hotel)
● 2015中国国际裘皮年会同声传译(重庆国贸格兰维酒店)/ Annual Meeting of International Fur Industry (Chongqing Glenview Hotel)
● 2015民用航电国际论坛同声传译(上海中星铂尔曼)/ Civil Avionics International Forum 2015 (Shanghai Pullman Hotel)
● 2015民用航空工业论坛同声传译(上海兴荣温德姆)/ 2015 Civil Aerospace Congress (Shanghai Wyndham Hotel)
● 2015中国航空推进技术峰会同声传译(长沙珠江花园酒店)/ 2015 China Aerospace Propulsion Technology Summit (Changsha Zhujiang Garden Hotel)
● 第三届中国航空材料及加工工艺峰会同声传译(北京海航万豪酒店)/ The 3rd Annual China Aeronautical Materials and Process Summit (Beijing Marriot Hotel)
● 2015中国民用航空培训产业论坛同声传译(北京海航万豪酒店)/ 2015 China Aviation Training Forum (Beijing Marriot Hotel)
● 2015中国橡胶年会同声传译(广州白云会议中心)/ 2015 Annual Meeting of China Rubber Products Association (Guangzhou Baiyun Convention Center)
● 中国网协青少年网球教练培训班(成都川投国际酒店)/ CTA Coaches Workshop (Chengdu Sichuan Investment Hotel)
● 世界极限运动巡回赛成都站荣耀合作伙伴采访口译(成都南湖公园)/ FISE Chengdu Stop: Partnership Interview with Honor (Chengdu Nanhu Park)
● 世界铁人公司与成都市市长会谈同声传译(成都天府国际会议中心)/ Meeting between World Triathlon Corporation and Mayor of Chengdu (Tianfu Convention Center)
● “数字精彩 绿色未来”GE公司IDR全球首发仪式同声传译(成都GE全球创新中心)/ Global Launch of GE IDR  (Chengdu GE CIC)
● 2015年康宝莱(中国非凡之旅)同声传译(澳门威尼斯人酒店)/ 2015 Herbalife (China) Extraordinary Tour 2015 (Macau Venetian Hotel)
● 第六届生活方式与健康国际论坛暨重庆国际健康产业保税博览会同声传译(重庆保税商品交易中心)/ The 6th International Forum on Lifestyles and Chongqing Bonded Area International Health Industry Exposition (Chongqing Bonded Commodity Exchange Center)
● 《十年经典 惊喜有你》2015康宝莱(中国)员工年会同声传译(上海浦东香格里拉)/ 2015 Herbalife China Annual Employee Meeting (Shanghai Pudong Shangrila)
市场研究/Market research
● 3组康王洗发水座谈会/3 Kangwang shampoo focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组纽卡斯尔大学食品安全座谈会/ 2 Newcastle University focus groups on food safety (Chengdu)
● 8 组脉动包装测试座谈会/ 8 Mizone focus groups (Chengdu)
●4组玛莎拉蒂汽车家访/ 8 Maserati car interviews (Chengdu)
● 11组美国卡特童装陪购及座谈会/11 Carter’s children’s apparel focus groups (Chengdu)
● 6组诺优能奶粉座谈会/ 6 Nutrilon IMF focus groups (Chengdu)
● 12组汽车诊所座谈会和深访/12 car clinics (Chengdu)
● 7组五粮液预调酒座谈会/7 Wuliangye RTD focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组宜家家居座谈会/ 3 IKEA home furniture focus groups (Chengdu)
● 7组脉动女性产品家访和座谈会/ 7 Mizone female product focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组PGI 铂金饰品座谈会/ 3 PGI jewelry focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组Mix Radio音乐软件座谈会/2 Mix Radio app focus groups ( Chengdu)
● 2组吉利汽车模型测试/ 2 Gelly car model focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组科罗娜啤酒座谈会/ 3 Corona beer focus groups (Chengdu)
● 8组罗技无线键盘家访/ 8 Logitech keyboard interviews (Chengdu)
● 4组奥迪汽车座谈会/ 4 Audi focus groups (Chengdu & Xi’an)
● 3组林肯汽车座谈会/ 3 Lincoln focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组卡拉佩利橄榄油座谈会/ 4 Carapeli olive oil focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组飞利浦新安怡奶瓶座谈会/2 Phillips Avent focus groups (Chengdu)
●2组可口可乐包装座谈会/ 2 Coca Cola focus groups (Mianyang)
●6组乐高玩具座谈会/ 6 Lego binding bricks groups (Chengdu)
●4组奶制品座谈会/ 4 dairy products focus groups (Chengdu)
●4组脉动座谈会/4 Mizone focus groups (Chengdu)
●1组雪佛兰座谈会/1 Chevrolet focus group (Chengdu)
政府与组织/Government & Organizations
● “话友谊 谋合作“驻(涉)蓉领事官员新春座谈会同声传译 (天府新城会议中心)/ Friendship and Cooperation—Consular Officer Meeting in 2014 (Chengdu Tianfu Convention Center)
● 中欧应急管理合作项目成都试点工作坊同声传译(天府新城会议中心)/ EU-China Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Project Chengdu Pilot Workshop (Chengdu Tianfu Convention Center)
● 四川企业投资欧洲说明会同声传译(成都新华宾馆)/ Briefing on Sichuan Companies’ Investment in Europe (Chengdu Xinhua Hotel)
● 四川-欧亚经贸合作交流会同声传译(成都锦苑宾馆)/ Sichuan-Eurasian Trade Partnership Briefing (Chengdu Jinyuan Hotel)
●  2014 IPEN/REEI 全球无毒害未来分享会同声传译(昆明滇池国际大酒店)/2014 IPEN/REEI Global Toxic-free Future Skillshare (Kunming Dianchi International Hotel)
●  澳大利亚维多利亚周食品论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Victoria Week Trade Mission to Chengdu (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  马来西亚医疗养生及绿野养生城商机座谈会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Seminar on Business Opportunities in the Healthcare Service Sector and Mines Wellness City in Malaysia (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  2014上海崇明生态岛国际论坛同声传译(崇明岛金茂酒店)/ 2014 Shanghai Chongming Eco-Island International Forum (Chongming Jinmao Hotel)
●  中国西部与美国投资贸易合作论坛(成都新会展中心)/ Western China-USA Investment and Trade Cooperation Forum (Chengdu Century City Expo)
●  “万企出国门 走进美国加州”活动同声传译(成都凯宾斯基)/ “Going to California” Investment Seminar (Chengdu Kempinski)
●  2015四川国际旅游文化节同声传译(宜宾世外桃源酒店)/ 2015 Sichuan International Tourism Cultural Festival (Yibin Eden Hotel)
● 第六届中国商用车发展论坛 (武汉光明万丽酒店)/ 6th China Commercial Vehicle Summit (Wuhan Renaissance Hotel)
● 2014中国汽车重庆论坛同声传译(重庆悦来汽车城)/ 2014 China Auto Chongqing Summit (Chongqing Yuelai Auto City)
● 2014 英纳法汽车天窗系统集团集团监事会会议同声传译(重庆洲际)/ 2014 IRSG Inafa SVB Meeting (Chongqing Intercontinental)
● 首届中国智能汽车论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ The First International Forum on Intelligent Vehicle Forum (Chengdu New Expo)
● 保时捷2014下半年销售经理会议同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Porsche Sales Manager Conference 2014 (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 西门子电子及半导体行业执行委员会会议同声传译(成都温德姆酒店)/ 2014 Siemens Electronics and Semi-conductor Industry Executive Council Meeting (Chengdu Wyndham Hotel)
● 西门子亚太机械指导小组会议同声传译(成都高新假日皇冠酒店)/ 2014 Siemens Asian Pacific Machinery Steering Group Meeting (Chengdu Hi-tech Crown Plaza hotel)
● 2014亚洲移动通信大会同声传译(上海浦东嘉里酒店)/ 2014 GSMA Congress (Shanghai Kerry Hotel)
● 2014数字商务大会同声传译(上海浦东嘉里酒店)/ 2014 Digital Commerce Summit (Shanghai  Kerry Hotel)
● GE“服务智上 全新服务平台”发布会交替传译(成都高新假日酒店)/ GE“Smart Service, a New Service Platform” Launch (Chengdu Crown Plaza, High Tech District)
● 中国西部平板显示产业论坛同声传译(成都新会展)/ China Western Flat Panel Display Industry Forum (Chengdu New Expo)
● 中英健康·大数据论坛同声传译(重庆澳维宾馆)/ China-UK Health & Big Data Forum (Chongqing Auwi Hotel)
●  2014中国(四川)-荷兰生命科学暨卫生合作国际论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ 2014 China-Netherlands Life Science & Health Forum (Chengdu Shangrila Hotel)
● 2014先正达年会同声传译(成都新会展)/ Syngenta 2014 Conference (Chengdu New Expo)
● Akara爱瑞嘉上市会暨合作商年会同声传译(成都高新区假日皇冠)/ Akara infant formula powder launch & partner meeting (Chengdu Hi-tech Holiday Inn)
第八届食品科学国际年会同声传译(成都新华宾馆)/ 8th Food Science International Symposium (Chengdu Xinhua Hotel)
● 第16届上海国际生物技术与医药研讨会同声传译(上海跨国采购中心)/ The 16th Shanghai International Forum on Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry (Shanghai Multinational Procurement Center)
● 实验动物福利操作技术规范培训班同声传译(重庆恒大国际酒店)/ Workshop on Laboratory Animal Welfare Operation Norms (Chongqing Evergrande Hotel)
● 中国临床医学工程国际交流专家委员会第二届峰会同声传译(成都高新假日皇冠酒店)/ The second summit of China Clinical Advisory Committee (Chengdu Crown Plaza at High-tech Zone)
● 第五届医疗器械监督管理国际论坛同声传译(厦门会展中心)/ 5th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (Xiamen Expo Center)
● 四川梅塞尔健康管理有限公司落成暨欧洲梅塞尔干细胞科技成都代表处成立新闻发布会同声传译 (成都香格里拉)/ Press conference of the inauguration of Medcell Europe Chengdu Office (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 华西肝病诊治国际学术交流会交替传译(成都喜来登)/ A lecture by Prof. Vincent Arroyo to West China Hospital on hepatology (Chengdu Sheraton)
● 2014百城巡讲之加拿大多伦多大学Warmsley教授艾滋病讲座同声传译(成都岷山饭店)/ 2014 Infectious Disease Lecture—A HIV & Co-morbidity Lecture for Dr. Warmsley, University of Toronto (Chengdu Minshan Hotel)
● 中国(四川)-荷兰生命科学暨卫生合作国际论坛同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Sino-Dutch Forum on Life Science and Healthcare (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 迅达电梯2014启动会议同声传译(三亚神州半岛福鹏酒店)/ 2014 Schlindler China 2014 Kick-off Meeting (Sanya Four Point Hotel)
● 2014中国绵阳国际先进制造业大会同声传译(绵阳九州体育馆)/ China Mianyang International Advanced Manufacturing Conference 2014 (Mianyang Jiuzhou Stadium)
矿产冶金/Mining & Metallurgy
●  第六届中国国际铬镍会议同声传译(峨眉山红珠山酒店)/ The 6th China International Chrome Nickel Conference (Mt.Emei, Sichuan)
●  第五届国际锰产品峰会同声传译(广西南宁沃顿大酒店)/ The 5th International Manganese Summit (Nanning Wharton Hotel)
●  2014年钛锆国际市场研讨会同声传译(厦门亚洲海湾大酒店)/ 2014 International Titanium & Zirconium Market Seminar (Xiamen Asian Gulf Hotel)
●  金属溶剂萃取国际研讨会同声传译(重庆悦来会展城)/ International Conference on Metal Solvent Extraction (Chongqing Yuelai Expo Center)
●  第八届中国沥青国际峰会(成都假日皇冠酒店)/ The 8th China Asphalt Summit (Holiday Inn Plaza Chengdu)
●  2015年行业展望暨铁合金在线年会(成都万丽酒店)/ 2014 Ferro Alloy Net Annual Meeting (Chengdu Renaissance Hotel)
石油天然气/Oil &Gas
● 麦肯锡与宏华石油设备公司谈判耳语同传(成都宏华)/ Negotiation between Mckinsey and Honghua Oil Equipment Co., Ltd (Chengdu Honghua)
●  第四届中国页岩气发展大会同声传译(成都新会展)/ The 4th China Shale Gas Summit (Chengdu New Expo Center)
● 2014 民用飞机航电国际论坛同声传译(上海中星铂尔曼)/ 2014 Civil Avionics International Forum (Shanghai Zhongxing Pullman Hotel)
● 中国航空推进技术高峰论坛同声传译(成都城市名人酒店)/ 2014 China Aerospace
Propulsion Technology Summit (Chengdu City Celebrity Hotel)     
● 第五届中国航空制造高峰论坛同声传译(沈阳国际皇冠假日酒店)/ 5th China Aerospace Manufacturing Summit (Shenyang Crown Plaza)
● 第二届中国航空材料及加工工艺峰会同声传译(北京丽都假日皇冠酒店)/ The 2nd China Aviation Material and Processing Technology Summit (Beijing Crowne Plaza)
●  2014直升机产业峰会同声传译(北京丽都假日皇冠酒店)/ 2014 Helicopter Outlook Summit (Beijing Crown Plaza)
化学/Chemical Products
● 第七届中国国际碳四综合利用峰会同声传译(成都新东方千禧酒店)/ International C4 China Comprehensive Utilization Summit (Chengdu New Oriental Millennium Hotel)
● 中国国际丁二烯市场高峰论坛同声传译(成都新东方千禧酒店)/ International BD Market Summit 2014 (Chengdu New Oriental Millennium Hotel)
● 第十三届苯酚丙酮及下游市场论坛同声传译(成都假日皇冠酒店)/ The 13th Phenol and Acetone and Derivative Forum(Chengdu Crown Plaza)
● 新希望乳业与新莱特谈判交替传译(成都新希望)/ A business negotiation between New Hope Dairy and Synlait(Chengdu New Hope)
● 卡特彼勒“打造胜任的领导力”培训课程同声传译(无锡丽笙酒店)/ “Building Accountable Leadership” workshop by Caterpillar (Wuxi Radisson Hotel)
● 2014 英大汇通租赁公司审计会议同声传译(香港中环交易广场)/ 2014 Final Accounts Review of Yingda Huitong Leasing Company (Hong Kong Central One Exchange Square)
能源环境/Energy &Environment
●  亚洲绿色建筑大会2014同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店)/ 2014 Asia Green Building Congress 2014 (Shanghai Skyway Pullman Hotel)
●  成都-丹麦新能源环保研讨会同声传译(成都假日皇冠酒店)/ Chengdu-Denmark New Energy Workshop (      Chengdu Crown Plaza)
●  2014亚洲垃圾发电大会同声传译(北京富力万丽酒店)/ 2014 Asian Waste to Energy Congress (Beijing Fuli Renaissance Hotel)
●  2014 Powercon电力系统技术国际会议同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 2014 Powercon IEEE Congress (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
●  法国阳光纪录片节委任编辑大师班培训同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Master class of Asian Sunny Side of the Doc (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  成都艺术创意周之艺术回到生活现场同声传译(成都许燎原博物馆)/ Chengdu Art Week- The Return of Art to Life (Xuliaoyuan Modern Art Museum_
●  2014都江堰国际论坛同声传译(成都新华宾馆)/ 2014 Dujiangyan International Forum (Chengdu Xinhua Hotel)\
●  2014女性工程师论坛同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 2014 Women Engineer Forum (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
市场研究/Market Research
●  6组梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车座谈会同声传译(成都)/6 Mercedes Benz focus groups (Chengdu)
●  9个标致汽车IDI和3组座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 9 IDIs and 3 focus groups for Peugeot (Chengdu)
●  9组米其林轮胎市场研究座谈会同声传译(重庆)/ 2 Michelin focus groups (Chongqing)
●  2组动物保护组织反象牙交易座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 anti-ivory trade focus groups (Chengdu)
●  2组芬必得止痛药市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Fenbid product focus groups (Chengdu)
●  7组Hero 果酱和燕买条市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 7 Hero jam and cereal bar focus groups (Chengdu)
●  3组恒天然安满孕妇奶粉座谈会同声传译 (成都)/ 3 Anmum maternal milk formula focus groups (Chengdu)
●  12组爱尔兰食品局婴儿配方奶粉家访同声传译(成都)/ 12 infant milk formula IHV for Bord Bia, Ireland (Chengdu)
● 2组挪威鳕鱼市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Norwegian cod product focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组大众N型车车展座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 VW N model focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组潘婷洗发水座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Pantene shampoo focus groups (Chengdu)
● 1组新西兰政府国家美誉度调查同声传译(成都)/1 New Zealand national reputation focus group (Chengdu)
● 3组 巴西享聚肉制品市场研究同声传译(成都)/ 3 Sadia meat products focus groups (Chengdu)
● 10组万庭度假酒店座谈会和深访同声传译(成都)/ 10 Courtyard focus groups and IDIs (Chengdu)
● 2组丝芙兰市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Sephora focus groups (Chengdu)
2组成吉思汗高端伏特加座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Chinggis Khan vodka focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组脉动功能饮料市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Mizone focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组宠优狗粮市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Purina dog food focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组孩子宝软弹枪市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Hasbro nerf blaster focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组555 “弘”香烟市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 555 Mandarin cigarette focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组芝华士REGAL市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Chivas Regal focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组沃尔沃汽车市场研究座谈会同声传译(重庆)/ 3 Volvo focus groups (Chongqing)
● 14组阿斯顿马丁豪华跑车市场研究访问同声传译(成都)/ 14 Aston Martin interviews (Chengdu)
● 4组耐克服饰市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Nike apparel focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组艾格服饰市场研究座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Etam apparel focus groups (Chengdu)
● 2组芝华士威士忌座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Chivas focus groups (Chengdu)
● 12组安利洗护及化妆产品座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 12 Amway focus groups (Chengdu)
● 3组格拉斯高大学气候变化座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 Flimate change focus groups (Chengdu)
● 4组美国乳制品协会座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Focus groups for American Dairy Association (Chengdu)
● 6组乐高玩具座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 6 Focus groups for Lego toys (Chengdu)
● 2组可乐座谈会同声传译(绵阳)/ 2 Cola focus groups (Mianyang)
政府与组织/Government & Organizations
●  第九届中国国际会展经济论坛同声传译(重庆南坪会展中心)/ The 9th China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (Chongqing Expo Center)
●  中国——中东欧国家地方领导人会议同声传译(重庆南坪会展中心)/ Local Leaders Conference Between China and CEE Countries (Chongqing Expo Center)
● 亚太区域中小企业一站式创新服务链建设研讨会同声传译(重庆五洲宾馆)/ 2013 APEC Workshop on Innovative Service Chain Based on Information Technology (Chongqing Wuzhou Hotel)
●  印度——中国(四川) 商务洽谈会同声传译(成都喜来登酒店)/2013 India-China (Sichuan) Business Seminar (Chengdu Sheraton)
●  “话友谊 谋合作“驻(涉)蓉领事官员新春座谈会同声传译 (天府新城会议中心)/ Friendship and Coopeartion—Consular Officer Meeting in 2013 (Chengdu Tianfu Conventoin Center)
●  成都-澳大利亚商务论坛同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ Chengdu-Australian Business Networking Seminar (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●  马恩岛——欧盟投资门户论坛同声传译(上海贵都大酒店)/ Mann: Gateway to EU Forum (Shanghai Equatorial Hotel)
●  世界人居环境及城市发展高峰论坛同声传译(重庆璧山民生大酒店)/World Living Environment and Urban Development Summit (Chongqing Bishan Minsheng Hotel)
●  荷兰大使馆“对话四川企业家”圆桌会议同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Dutch Embassy’s Dialogue with Sichuan Entrepreneurs (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  上海-丹麦“安全食品-让生活更美好”研讨会同声传译(上海科技创新中心)/ Shanghai-Denmark Food Safety Symposium (Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center)
●  2013财富全球论坛“投资成都 共享财富“新闻发布会同声传译(成都索菲特万达)/ A Press conference for 2013 Fortune Global Forum (Chengdu Sofitel Wanda)
●  第四届中国—东盟知识产权局局长会同声传译(成都四川宾馆)/ The 4th China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Meeting (Chengdu Sichuan Hotel)
● 2013浦江创新论坛同声传译(上海东郊宾馆)/ 2013 Pujiang Forum (Shanghai Dongjiao Hotel)
● 四川电视节首届中国电视节目模式大赛同声传译(成都新会展)/ The First China TV Format Competition & International TV Format Forum (Chengdu Expo Center)
汽车/Automotive Industry
●  2013易特驰中国实力交流研讨会同声传译(上海裕景大酒店)/ 2013 Etas China Competence Exchange Symposium (Shanghai Eton Hotel)
●  2013 吉利汽车国际商务大会同声传译(杭州凯悦酒店)/ 2013 Gelly International Business Conference (Hangzhou Hyatt Regency)
●  第五届中国商用车高峰论坛(济南索菲特银座)/ 2013 The 5th China Commercial Vehicle Summit (Jinan Sofitel Silver Plaza Hotel)
●  2013北京梅赛德斯-奔驰西区经销商大会同声传译(青城山豪生酒店)/ 2013 Beijing Mercedes Benz West Region Dealer Conference (Qingcheng Howard Johnson)
●  雷诺新科雷傲全球上市暨与篮球明星托尼帕克签约仪式同声传译(成都新会展)/ Global Launch of Renault New Koleos and partnership agreement with basketball star Tony Parker (Chengdu New Expo Center)
●  英菲尼迪“开启Q纪元”晚会同声传译(成都东郊记忆)/ Infiniti “Q Era” Inauguration Night (Chengdu Eastern Suburb Memory)
●  2013 沃尔沃汽车供应商大会同声传译(成都保利皇冠)/ 2013 Volvo Car Supplier Convention (Chengdu Poly Crown Plaza)
● 2013年康明斯中国区供应商大会同声传译(重庆融汇丽笙酒店)/ 2013 Cummings China Supplier Conference (Chongqing Ronghui Radisson Hotel)
● 《教育怎样面向未来》国际论坛暨博睿特外国语学校落成庆典同声传译(峨眉)/ International Symposium on Orienting Education to the Future (Emei Bright Foreign Language School)
●  全球财经领袖对话财富成都之诺贝尔经济学奖得主皮萨里德斯成都行同声传译 (成都喜来登)/ Global Financial Leaders’ Dialogue in Chengdu, interpreted for Christopher Pissarides, the 2010 Nobel Economics Prize Winner (Chengdu, Sheraton Hotel)
●  成都机会-中国西部地产论坛颁奖礼同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ Chengdu Opportunities- Western China Real Estate Forum Awarding Ceremony (Chengdu, Jinjiang Hotel)
●  中国财富之春杰克﹒韦尔奇对话东方商业领袖峰会同声传译(成都铂雅苑)/ Jack Welch’s Dialogue with Oriental Business Leaders (Chengdu Boyayuan)
● 2013高盛万名女性巾帼创业项目同声传译,为牛津大学赛义德商学院的Marc Ventresca/Linda Scott/Eric Thun等教授成都授课同声传译(西南财大)/ 2013 Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneurship Project, interpreting for prof. Ventresca, Scott and Thun from Said Business School,Oxford University during their lectures (SWUFE)
● 2013国际保理高峰会议同声传译(重庆万豪)/2013 International Factoring Summit (Chongqing JW Marriot Hotel)
● 新加坡淡马锡领导力培训模块同声传译(成都新会展)/ Leadership! Training Program of Temasek (Chengdu Expo Center)
●  中国环博会2013之“中德环境技术论坛”、“中国可借鉴的德国创新水资源解决方案”、“现代城市生活垃圾处理”等论坛同声传译(上海新国际博览中心)/2013 IE Expo’s “Modern Urban Garbage Treatment, “Intelligent Solutions of an Integrated Water Resource Management for Rapid Urbanization” and “Resource Utilization and Circular Economy” forums, May 2013, Shanghai International Expo Center.
●  大熊猫保护国际研讨会同声传译(成都保利皇冠)/ International Symposium on Giant Panda Conservation (Chengdu Poly Crown Plaza)
●  第四届国际铬镍产品峰会同声传译(成都新东方千禧酒店)/ The 4th International Forum on Chromium and Nickel Products (Chengdu New Oriental Millennium Hotel)
●  第二届国际钛产品峰会同声传译(成都新东方千禧酒店)/ The 2nd International Forum on Titanium Products (Chengdu New Oriental Millennium Hotel)
●  第四届国际锰产品峰会同声传译(广西南宁沃顿大酒店)/ The 4th International Summit on Manganese Products (Guangxi Nanning Walton Hotel)
●  第四届中国(四川)-南亚经贸合作圆桌会电力项目推介会(成都锦江宾馆)/ The 4th SAARC-Sichuan Roundtable Meeting on Power Projects (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●  第8届中美电动汽车和电池技术研讨会同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 8th China-US Electric Vehicle and Battery Technology Workshop (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
●  2014年铁合金行业展望暨中国铁合金在线年会(成都富豪酒店)/ FerroAlloy Annual Meeting (Chengdu Regal Hotel)
●  第三届中国页岩气发展论坛同声传译(成都明宇豪雅)/ The 3rd China Shale Gas Development Symposium (Chengdu Minyoun Royal Hotel)
●  第10届EVA产业链论坛同声传译(昆明佳华广场)/ 2013 (the 10th) EVA Industrial Chain Forum (Kunming Harbor Plaza Hotel)
信息技术/ IT
●  2013重庆渝中国际服务外包项目对接会同声传译(重庆希尔顿)/2013 Chongqing Yuzhong International Service Outsourcing Matchmaking Conference (Chongqing Hilton Hotel)
●  希捷奖学金颁奖典礼及创新创业基金发布典礼交替传译(电子科技大学)/ Seagate Scholarship Awarding Ceremoy by Forrest Monroy, Seagate Global VP (Chengdu UESTC)
●  惠普存储助力业务连续性高端论坛同声传译(青城山豪生酒店)/ HP Storage & Business Continuity Forum (Howard Johnson Hotel, Qingcheng Mountain)
●  2013DCD数据中心大会同声传译(成都凯宾斯基)/ 2013Data Center Dynamics Congress (Chengdu Kempinski)
●  全球云计算大会中国站同声传译(上海国际会议中心)/ Global Cloud Connect Congress (Shanghai International Convention Center)
● 第二届GMGC全球游戏开发者大会同声传译(成都新会展)/ 2013 GMGC Congress (Chengdu New Expo)
●  2013微软PSG大会同声传译(云南红河弥勒)/ 2013 Microsoft PSG Congress (Yunnan Honghe)
● 2013民用飞机航电国际论坛同声传译(上海龙之梦万丽)/ 2013 Civil Avionics International Forum 2013 (Shanghai Dragon Dream)
● 2013民用飞机机电系统国际论坛同声传译(西安凯宾斯基)/ 2013 International Aero Electromechanics Conference (Xi’an Kempinski)
● 第九届中国机场发展与投资峰会同声传译(郑州索菲特)/ 2013 Civil Airport Investment Summit (       Zhengzhou Summit)
医疗/ Health Care
●  2013中国-荷兰医院建筑设计研讨会同声传译(重庆万豪酒店)/2013 China-Netherlands Hospital Building Design Symposium (Chongqing Marriot)
●  2013国际体外诊断医疗器械监管评审研讨会同声传译(丽江和府皇冠假日酒店)/ 2012 International Regulatory Affairs Forum for Medical Devices (Lijiang Crowne Plaza)
●  2013GE医疗“关爱先行”市场战略峰会同声传译(GE全球创新中心)/ 2013 GE marketing strategy summit (Chengdu GE Global Innovation Center)
●  中荷卫生研讨会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/Sino-Dutch Seminar on Public Health (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  第十四届国际血液替代物和输氧疗法论坛同声传译(成都望江宾馆)/ 2013 The 14th International Symposium on Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics (Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel)
●  2013国际医养产融峰会同声传译(云南嘉丽泽)/ 2013 International Medical Wellness Industrial Convergence Summit (Yunnan Jialize)
●  2013世界鞋业(成都)国际论坛同声传译(中国女鞋之都)/2012 World Footwear  Industry (Chengdu) International Forum (China Lady Shoe Capital)
●  2013国际冷链物流峰会暨第五届中美冷链物流会议同声传译(重庆索菲特)/ 2013 International Cold Chain Logistics Summit and the 5th China US Cold Chain Logistics Meeting, Chongqing Sofitel
● 格兰富水泵品牌日同声传译(重庆万豪)/ Grundfos Branding Day-Internal and External (JW Marriot)
● 2013 畜禽健康与福利化养殖国际研讨会同声传译(重庆戴斯酒店)/ 2013 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare (Chongqing Days Inn)
旅游及酒店管理/Tourism & Hotel
●  德国Steigenberger集团与勇拓集团温泉项目谈判交替传译 (绵阳)/ A business negotiation between Steigenberger and Brave Co., Ltd on a spa project (Mianyang)
●  康奈尔大学国际峰会:建筑、酒店管理、服务业同声传译(上海外滩华尔道夫)/ Cornell University International Summit on Architecture, Hotel Administration and Service Industry (Shanghai Waldorf Hotel on Bund)
●  仲量联行“酒店及旅游地产投资发展论坛”同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Jones Lang Lasalle “Hotel and Hospitality Investment & Development Forum” (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  铁狮门公司成都媒体见面会交替传译(成都晶融汇)/ A media press conference of Tishman Speyer (Chengdu Atrium)
●  第三届中国旅游社会责任暨中国-东盟旅游发展论坛同声传译(九寨沟喜来登)/ The 3rd China Responsible Tourism Forum & China- ASEAN Tourism Development Forum (Jiuzhaigou Sheraton)
市场研究/Market Research
●  2组茱莉蔻美白保湿护肤品座谈会(成都)/2 Focus groups for Jurlique skin care products (Chengdu)
●  3组倩碧净颜祛痘三部曲护肤品座谈会(成都)/ 3 Focus groups for Clinique clearing gel products (Chengdu)
●  3组卡地亚珠宝座谈会(成都)/ 3 Cardier diamond ring focus groups (Chengdu)
●  4组飞利浦冲牙器座谈会(成都)/ 4 Phillips teeth irrigator focus groups (Chengdu)
●  大众车联网汽车诊所项目(三天成都)/ 3-day Volkswagen Telematics car clinic project (Chengdu)
●  2组美国旭福保健品家访项目(成都)/ 2 Schiff health care home visit project (Chengdu)
●  7组罗技鼠标键盘系列市场研究访问项目(重庆)/7 Logitech mouse & keyboard interviews (Chongqing)
●  2组雀巢奶咖座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Nescafe Naika focus groups (Chengdu)
●  2组奇瑞路虎合资极光汽车座谈会项目(成都)/ 2 JSL-Evoque focus groups (Chengdu)
●  4组卡夫果珍座谈会项目同声传译(成都)/ 4 Kraft Tang focus groups (Chengdu)
●  3组观致汽车座谈会项目同声传译(成都)/ 3 Quoros Car Clinic focus groups (Chengdu)
●  1组沃尔沃SUV座谈会项目同声传译(成都)/1 Volvo SUV focus group (Chengdu)
●  8组迪斯尼星球大战座谈会和深访项目同声传译(成都)/8 Disney Star Wars focus groups and interviews(Chengdu)
●  3 组奥利奥广告测试座谈会同声传译(绵阳)/3 Oreo stimulus testing focus groups  (Mianyang)
●  2组雅诗兰黛美白产品座谈会同声传译(成都)/2 Estee Lauder Cyberwhite focus groups (Chengdu)
●  3组某老年用品市场研究访问项目同声传译(南充)/ 3 interviews for a elderly care product (Nanchong)
●  2组飞利浦照明访问项目同声传译(成都)/2 interviews and interactions for Phillips lighting project (Chengdu)
●  3组欧莱雅烫发产品访问项目同声传译(重庆)/ 3 L’oreal hair perming product interviews (Chongqing)
●  2组柏博丽香水座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Burberry fragrance focus groups (Chengdu)
●  8组旭福维生素保健品座谈会和访问同声传译(成都)/ 8 Schiff vitamin focus groups and interviews (Chengdu)
●  9组迪斯尼度假村预订网站访问同声传译(成都)/9 interviews for Disney resort booking homepage
●  8组高通处理器研讨会和访问同声传译(成都、泉州)/ 8 Qualcomm processor focus groups and interviews (Chengdu and Quanzhou)
●  2组百威啤酒市场座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 2 Budweiser beer focus groups (Chengdu)
●  3组中美史克保丽净座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 3 GSK Polident focus groups (Chengdu)
●  4组爱玛乐利口酒座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Amarula Cream Liqueur focus groups (Chengdu)
●  4组timberland服装访问同声传译(成都)/ 4 Timberland garment interviews (Chengdu)
●  5组真知棒座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 5 Pimpop focus groups (Chengdu)
●  2组奥妙洗衣粉座谈会同声传译(绵阳)/ 2 Omo laundry powder focus groups (Mianyang)
●  4组轩尼诗VSOP座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 4 Hennessy VSOP focus groups (Chengdu)
●  2012浦江创新论坛同声传译(上海东郊宾馆)/ 2012 Pujiang Innovation Forum (Shanghai Dongjiao Hotel)-主题为“产业变革与创新心态”
● 摩根大通考察成都奢侈品市场交替传译/CI for a trip by JP Morgan to Visit Chengdu's Luxury Market
●  2012第十四届中国风险投资论坛同声传译(深圳五洲宾馆)/14th China Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum (Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel)
●  2012巾帼圆梦计划培训项目同声传译(西南财经大学)/2012 Goldman Sachs "Thousand Women Entrepreneur Project" Training Program (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) by Oxford professors such as Marc Ventraca and Linda Scott
●  2012巴黎银行第十九届中国会议(昆明翠湖宾馆)/ 19th China Conference of BNP Paribas (Kunming Green Lake Hotel)
医疗/ Health Care
● GE 基层医疗高峰论坛同声传译(首个GE全球创新中心,成都)/ A GE Primary Health Care Summit at the 1st GE global innovation center, Chengdu
● 中国-瑞典医疗研究、教育和管理研讨会同声传译(成都香格里拉)为瑞典驻华大使罗睿德同传/Sino-Swedish Forum on Healthcare, Education and Management (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 美国梅奥诊所与中国河南宏立医院“向世界最好的医院学管理”培训同传/ A Lecture by Mayo Clinic, US to Hong Li Hospital in Henan Province
● 瑞典哥德堡与四川生命科学研讨会同声传译(成都世纪城)/ A seminar between Goteborgs Sweden and Sichuan in the field of life science (Chengdu century city)
● 第七届中国医药产业发展高峰论坛(九寨沟喜来登)/The 7th China Pharmaceutical Business Development Summit (Jiuzhaigou Sheraton)
● 2012嘉丽泽中国医养健康旅游产业投资战略高端论坛同声传译(昆明嘉丽泽)/ 2012 Jialize High-end Forum on China Wellness and Health Tourism (Kunming Jialize)
● 奥迪A8 LMS杯赛事交替传译(珠海国际赛车中心)/ Consecutive interpreting for Audi A8 LMS Cup (Zhuhai International Racing Center,Guangdong)
● 2012全球汽车论坛发布会交替传译(成都新会展)/Press conference interpreting for 2012 Global Automotive Forum (Chengdu Century City)
● 吉利汽车2012年全球商务大会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ 2012 Gelly Global Business Conference (Chengdu Shangrila)
● 波鸿集团并购加拿大威斯卡特工业集团同声传译(成都新会展)/ Press conference and signing ceremony for Bohong’s Acquisition of Wescast Autoparts (Chengdu Century City)
●  2012中国汽车电子论坛暨半导体应用峰会同声传译(成都富豪大酒店)/ 2012 China Auto Electronics and Semiconductor Application Forum (Chengdu Regal Master Hotel)
●  2012亚洲绿色化石能源峰会同声传译(上海美仑大酒店)/ 2012 Asian Green Fossil Power Summit (Shanghai Royalton Hotel)
●  2012亚洲风力发电峰会同声传译(上海美仑大酒店)/2012 Asian Wind Power Summit (Shanghai Royalty Hotel)
第四届中国能源化工暨煤气油盐综合利用论坛(西安君乐城堡)/ The 4th China Energy Chemical Forum (Xi’an)
2012亚洲固体氧化物燃料SOFC论坛同声传译(昆山宾馆)/2012 Asian Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum (Kunshan Hotel)
●  第七届中国企业知识产权峰会2012同声传译(广州东圃喜来登)/ The 7th China Corporate IPR Summit 2012 (Guangzhou Dongpu Sheraton)
●  第三届亚洲锂业大会同声传译(成都新东方千禧酒店)/ The 3rd Asian Lithium Conference (Chengdu Millennium Hotel)
●  2012亚洲废物发电大会同声传译(上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店)/2012 Asia Waste to Energy Congress (Shanghai Skyway Pullman Hotel)
●  2012中国马来西亚棕榈油贸易交流及研讨会 (重庆艾美酒店)/ 2012 China-Malaysia Palm Oil Trade & Exchange Forum (Chongqing Le Meridien)
●  第二届中国(重庆)国际和地区航班航线商洽会同声传译(喜来登)/ The 2nd China International and Regional Flight & Route Forum (Chongqing Sheraton)
 中国航空航天推进技术高峰论坛同声传译(上海海神诺富特)/China Aerospace Propulsion Technology Summit (Shanghai Novotel Atlantis)
 2012中国可持续机场发展论坛(成都香格里拉)/ 2012 China Sustainable Airport Development Forum (Chengdu Shangrila)
● T10成都文化旅游论坛“文化旅游如何推动城市国际化2012”同声传译(锦江宾馆)/ T10 Chengdu Culture & Tourism Forum (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
● 2012国际节庆旅游研讨会(上海大酒店)/International Symposium on Mega-Events and Tourism 2012 (Shanghai Grand Hotel)
● 第五届中国国际熊猫电影节动物与自然影像论坛同声传译(雅安太平洋影院)/ The 5th China International Panda Film Festival (Yaan Pacific Theatre)
● 2012 亚洲教育论坛年会之城乡平衡发展--更包容的教育分论坛同声传译(锦江宾馆)/The Urban-Rural Balanced Development Sub-forum of 2012 Asian Education Forum (Jinjiang Hotel)
● 2012亚洲教育论坛年会之亚洲教师的质量分论坛同声传译(锦江宾馆)/ The Asian Teacher Quality Sub-forum of 2012 Asian Education Forum (Jinjiang Hotel)
公司年会/ Corporate Meeting
迅达电梯2012启动会议同声传译(澳门威尼斯人)/ Schindler 2012 Kick-off Meeting (Macao Venetian)
●  亚洲与太平洋地区红土镍矿合作组织2012成都年会同声传译(望江宾馆)/ Asian Pacific Organization For Lateritic Nickle Ore 2012 Chengdu Conference (Wangjiang Hotel)
●  上海交通大学2012校庆同声传译(卢湾文化广场)/ 2012 Anniversary of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Luwan Culture Plaza)
●  2012法国美尔森集团电器保护路线图会议同声传译(温州乐清)/ 2012 Mersen EP Roadmap Congress (Wenzhou Yueqing Industrial Park)
●  2012中国汽车物流年会同声传译(成都加州大酒店)/ 2012 China Automotive Logisitcs Annual Conference (Chengdu California Garden Hotel)
●  2012中国第七届网上零售会议(成都新会展)开幕式及比利时邮政专场同声传译/ 2012 China 7th On-ling Retailing Conference (Chengdu Century City)
● 第六届国际路面养护技术论坛暨中国公路学会道路工程分会学术年会同声传译/ The 6th International Pavement Maintenance Technology Forum (Kunming Jiahua Hotel)
政府和组织/Government and Organizations
●  2012年中国企业家年会暨两江论坛同声传译(重庆金源、君豪,包括开幕式、主论坛“可持续发展与企业社会责任”与“打造现代丝绸之路”论坛)/2012 CEC-CEDA Annual Conference and Liangjiang Forum (Chongqing Jinyuan & Kingworld)
●  "创新不止、创意无限”投资芬兰论坛同声传译(重庆希尔顿)/ Enjoy the Unlimited Innovation: Invest in Finland Forum (Chongqing Hilton)
●  中国企业进入欧洲市场的战略规则CEO圆桌会议同声传译(重庆艾美)/  CEO Roundtable "Strategies for Chinese Enterprises to Access European Market (Chongqing Le Meridien)
●  UCLG 亚洲城市基础设施投融资高峰论坛同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ UCLG ASPAC Urban Infrastructure Investment and Financing Programming Forum (Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel)
●   美国非洲理事会访渝座谈会同声传译(重庆世纪金源大酒店)/ Visit by US Corporate Council on Africa to Chongqing (SI)
●   四川成都--以色列商务合作论坛同声传译(香格里拉)/A Business Symposium Between Chengdu and Israel, SI for foreign minister Avigdor Liberman and ambassador Nadai(Shangrila)
●   国际展业联盟UFI龙年亚洲研讨会同声传译(深圳会展中心)/UFI Dragon Year Asian Forum (Shenzhen Exposition and Convention Center)
●   国际知识管理协会主席Douglas Wiedner先生“组合型知识管理认证培训及研讨会”同声传译 (绵阳长虹创新中心)/ The 1st Knowledge Management Workshop in Mainland China, By Douglas Wiedner, Chairman of KMI (Mianyang Changhong Innovation Center)
●  陪同瑞典驻华大使馆经济参展艾莎女士访问重庆多个政府机构交替传译/CI for Asa Andrae, economic counsellor of Swedish Embassy to her visit to Chongqing
●  第二届中国国际有机农业峰会同声传译(成都新津)/ 2012 China International Organic OTUC Summit (Chengdu Organic Food Park)
●  微软2012政府用户峰会(长沙万达文华酒店)/Microsoft 2012 Government User Summit (Changsha Wanhua Vista Hotel)
●   第十届中国重庆高科技交易会战略新兴产业发展论坛同声传译(会展中心)/Strategic New Industry Development Forum, the 10th Chongqing High-Tech Fair (Exposition Center)
●  2012联想全球物流供应商大会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ 2012 Lenovo Logistics Supplier Conference (Chengdu Shangrila)
●  GSMA移动通讯亚洲大会记者会同声传译(上海嘉里大酒店&新博览中心)/2 GSMA Mobile Asia Expo press conferences (Shanghai Kerry Hotel & New Expo Center)
●  GSMA 移动NFC-推进生态系统发展同声传译(上海卓美亚酒店)/ Mobile NFC-Promoting Ecological Development (Shanghai Jumeirah Hotel)
 希捷“希望承载梦想 科技点亮未来”希望小学公益项目交替传译(成都索菲特)/ CI for Seagate “Technologies Lighten the Future for Children” Project (Chengdu Sofitel)
●  第二届中国-印度商务论坛(成都富豪首座酒店)/ The 2nd China-Indian Business Forum (Chengdu Regal Master Hotel)
●  2012智能终端及移动行业创新峰会(成都千禧酒店)/2012 Smart Terminal & Mobile Innovation Summit (Chengdu Millennium Hotel)
●  第七届全球移动游戏产业峰会暨2012全球移动游戏联盟执委会全会同声传译(成都川投国际酒店)/2012 Global GMGC Summit (Chengdu Tennis Hotel)
●  全球移动游戏开发者大会同声传译(成都川投国际酒店)/ GMGC Global Mobile Game Developer Conference (Chengdu Tennis Hotel)
化工/Chemical Industry
  中国国际纳米科技大会(苏州独墅湖酒店)/ CHI Nano Conference (Suzhou Dushu Lake)
  全球工业环境与安全峰会(苏州新城酒店)/ Global Compliance Summit (Suzhou New City Garden Hotel)
中国橡胶行业投资兼并峰会暨《中国橡胶》杂志年会(成都铁道大酒店)/ China Rubber Industry M&I Summit (Chengdu Railway Hotel)
 第三届世界废钢铁大会同声传译(上海嘉里大酒店)/ The 3rd World Scrap Metal Conference (Shanghai Kerry Center)
●   史密夫律师事务所“境外投资仲裁”论坛同声传译(重庆万豪)/ An Overseas Arbitration Forum by Herbert Smith Law Firm
●   法国乔达集团与中国通信服务集团四川物流分公司谈判口译(成都高新区)/Negotiation between French Geodis Group and CCS Sichuan Logistics Branch (Chengdu High Tech Zone CI)
●  2012海洋工程装备国际会议(浙江舟山喜来登)/ 2012 Deep Water Drilling Rigs Summit (Zhejiang Zhoushan Sheraton)
●  2012全国汽车物流行业年会(成都加州花园酒店)/2012 National Automotive Logistics Annual Conference (Chengdu California Garden Hotel)
●  2012中国(四川)国际物流博览会(成都新会展)/2012 China (Sichuan) International Logistics Expo (Chengdu Century City)
●  建筑·纪元中国上海研讨会同声传译(世博园)/ Architecture @ Work Shanghai Forum (World Expo Park)
动物福利/ Animal Welfare
●  动物福利与环境暨国家现代畜牧科技产业示范园建设国际研讨会同声传译(荣昌戴斯)/ Animal Welfare & Environmental Symposium (Chongqing Rongchang Days Inn)
市场调查/Market Research
●  Next Practice德国大众汽车北京车展诊所项目(北京新国展)/ A Volkswagen Car Clinic Project  SI (Beijing New Exposition Center)
●  路虎揽胜极光市场调研项目同声传译(成都会馆)/8 Market research interviews by Range Rover Evoque (Old Chengdu Club)
●  新西兰恒天然安满婴儿配方奶粉座谈会同声传译(成都)/ 8 Focus groups by Anmum, Fonterra Milk Powder ( Chengdu)
●  新西兰恒天然牛奶座谈会和深访项目同声传译(成都)/3 focus groups and 6 interviews by Fonterra UHT Milk (Chengdu)
●  强生稳豪血糖仪市场调研座谈会与访问项目同声传译(成都)/5 Focus groups & interviews translation for Johnson & Johnson Ultra Blood Glucose Meter
●  Tiffany珠宝奢侈品市场调研项目座谈会同传(成都)/2fine jewelry focus groups by Tiffany, Chengdu
●  联合利华家乐调料项目座谈会同传(成都)/2 focus groups for Unilever Knorr Chicken Products
●  雀巢咖啡市场调研座谈会同传(成都)/ 2 focus groups for Nestle Coffee, Chengdu
●  派克笔具市场研究项目深访同传(成都)/2 Parker pen interviews, Chengdu
 雅诗兰黛特润夜间修护肌透精华研究项目同传(成都)/3 Estee Lauder ANR focus groups, (Chengdu)
●  招商信诺保险市场研究项目同传(成都)/2 China Merchants Bank Cigna Insurance focus groups (Chengdu)
●  卡夫吉百利巧克力市场研究项目同传(成都)/2 Kraft Cadbury chocolate focus groups (Chengdu)
●  雷诺汽车2012年上海、南京、深圳研究项目同传/ Market research projects by Renault in Shanghai, Nanjing and Shenzhen
●  新西兰Synlait牛奶市场研究项目同声传译(成都)/ 3 Synlait milk market research focus groups (Chengdu)
●  美国纽巴伦运动跑鞋市场研究项目同声传译(成都)/2 New Balance jogging shoe focus groups (Chengdu)
●  成都商报和美国密苏里大学新闻学院“新型网站设计和移动媒体使用”培训会/ A Workshop on Media Convergence by Chengdu Economic Daily and Missouri Journalism School
 第四届中国雅安国际熊猫·动物与自然电影节 “动物·自然·生态”论坛/The 4th Ya'an International Panda Film Festival
●  福特基金会“提高高校贫困生能力”六国交流会(中国、巴西、南非、智利、秘鲁、埃及)同声传译(成都银河王朝)/Workshop on Pathway to Higher Education, Chengdu Galaxy
●  联合国教科文组织都江堰国际论坛开幕式和义务教育均衡发展质量评价标准分论坛同声传译(青城豪生)/Dujiangyan International Forum on Education, Howard Johnson
房地产/Real Estate
●  凯德商用中国2011零售商发展论坛同声传译 (成都香格里拉)/CapitaMalls Asia (China) Retailers Forum (Shangrila, Chengdu)
●  重庆国际都会设计方案评审会同声传译(重庆天来)/ Chongqing Mid-Town International Evaluation Session (Days Inn)
●  智能电网输配电产业技术与投资洽谈会(南京索菲特)/ 3rd China Power Transmission and Distribution Summit 2011 (Nanjing Sofitel)
●  中国核电装备制造国际峰会同声传译 (成都新会展)/5th China Nuclear Power Congress (Century City, Chengdu)
●  2011新型核电技术与内陆核电项目发展国际论坛同声传译(成都明悦)/China Nuclear Power Summit 2011 (Minya, Chengdu)
●  2011国际风能协会与技术高峰论坛同声传译(兰州假日皇冠)/2011 World Wind Power Summit (Lanzhou)
●  澳大利亚斯特拉塔煤矿与东方电气谈判项目交替传译/Negotiation between Xstrata and DEC
●  中国循环产业博览会中德沼气技术与商业模式研讨会同声传译 (成都新会展)/ Sino-German Biogas Technology Forum( Chengdu Century City)
●  第十一届国际交通运输领域华人学者论坛(南京中山陵)/ The 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (Nanjing Zhongshanling)
●  中国城市轨道交通大会同声传译(沙湾会展)/Urban Rail Congress Asia 2011 (Chengdu California Hotel)
●  2011中国国际物联网峰会(川投国际大厦)/ 2011 China International Summit on Internet of Things (Sichuan Investment International Building)
●   第三届交通运输工程国际学术会议(沙湾会展)/ 3rd ICTE, Chengdu California Hotel
●   第三届中国航空制造大会(南昌凯莱)/3rd China Aerospace Manufacturing Conference, Gloria, Nanchang
●  里昂证券第十六届年会交替传译(北京东方君悦)/ 16th CLSA Annual Meeting, Beijing Grand Hyatt
●  第四届西南财经大学工商管理学院战略咨询委员会会议同声传译(青城豪生)/ 4th Advisory Board Meeting of SBA SWUFE, Qingcheng Howard Johnson
●  欧洲货币“重庆:通往西部的门户”两天会议同声传译(重庆豪生)/ Euromoney "Chongqing:Gateway to Western China", Chongqing Howard Johnson
●  牛津大学赛义德商学院Marc Ventresca教授高盛万名女性巾帼圆梦项目为培训同声传译/A Goldman-Sachs-SWUFE Women Entrepreneur Project Training Session
 ●  DCM 2011中国CEO峰会(厦门海悦山庄)/ DCM 2011 China CEO Summit (Xiamen Seaview Hotel)
●  2011三星bada开发者日(中国站)同声传译(凯宾斯基)/2011 Samsung Bada Developer Day (China Station, Kempinski)
 2011中国电信国际数据业务推介会(西昌邛海宾馆)/2011 China Telecom International Data Service Promotional Conference, Xichang Qionghai
●  2011 中国汽车电子暨汽车半导体应用峰会(新东方千禧大酒店)/CAESA 2011, Chengdu
●  FY12 微软中国合作伙伴大会(新会展水晶厅)/ FY12 Microsoft China Partner Congress (Century City, Chengdu)
●  思科绿色智能城市发展会议同声传译(成都新会展)/Cisco Smart City Forum (Century City, Chengdu)
●  德国SAP软件公司BOBJ合作伙伴培训项目同声传译(天府软件园)/ SAP BOBJ Partner Training Workshop (Tianfu Software Park)
●  甲骨文“云济九州 甲领天下”会议成都站同声传译(总府皇冠)/ Oracle “Engineered For Innovation” Conference Chengdu Station (Zongfu Crown Plaza Holiday Inn)
●  第三届中欧信息技术、电信和信息化对话论坛同声传译(香格里拉)/ The 3rd China EU Information Technology, Telecommunications and Informatization Forum (Shangrila)
 亚洲移动通信博览会GSMA会前发布会、NFC生态系统会议及互联生活记者会同声传译(上海嘉里酒店、卓美亚喜马拉雅酒店)/Pre-expo press conference, connected living press conference and NFC ecological conference of GSMA Mobile Asia 2012
●   美国艾默生公司第十三届中国人力资源经理会议同声传译(重庆艾美)/ 13th China HR Meeting of Emerson (Le Meridien Chongqing)
政府和组织/Government and Organizations
 ●  中国恢复联合国合法席位40周年纪念大会同声传译(喜来登)/ 40th Anniversary of Restoration of China's Legal Rights at UN
 2011亚太经合组织中小企业峰会同声传译(新会展)/2011 APEC SME Summit, Century City, Chengdu
“渝新欧”国际贸易大通道知识产权护航行动欧洲专利制度圆桌会同声传译(重庆君豪)/ Roundtale on the European Patent System (Chongqing Kingworld)
 中国(成都)-南亚经贸合作项目对接与洽谈会同声传译(新会展)/Chengdu-South Asia Trade Match Meeting , Century City
●  国际投资(南亚)法律环境及风险控制研讨会同声传译(新会展)/ Seminar on Legal Environment and Risk Control of International Investment (South Asia)/ Chengdu Century City
●  四川-印度古吉拉特邦商务论坛同声传译(喜来登)/Sichuan-Gujrat Business Forum, Sheraton, Chengdu
●  成都友城周旅游合作论坛同声传译 (新会展)/Chengdu Sister City Week Tourism Forum, Century City
●  重庆黄奇帆市长会见高盛西部改革发展团交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing mayor Huang Qifan and the delegation led by Goldman Sachs
●  重庆刘学普副市长会见英国贸易投资部部长格林爵士交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing mayor Liu Xuepu and Lord Stephen Green, minister of UKTI
●  重庆刘学普副市长会见厄瓜多尔驻华大使阿里萨加阁下交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing mayor Liu Xuepu and Ecudor Ambassor Grizaga
●  菲律宾驻渝总领事Amelita Aquino访问重庆外事办交替传译/Meeting between Mm. Amelita Aquino, new consul general to Chongqing and Chongqing FAO
●  重庆刘学普副市长会见卢森堡驻上海总领事费瑞朋交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing mayor Liu Xuepu and Pierre Ferring, consul general of Luxemberg to Shanghai
●   重庆人大副主任余牧远会见匈牙利国民议会副议长乌依海依交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing CPPCC vice director and Hungarian congress deputy speaker Istavan Ujhelyi
   重庆外事办主任郝明会见纽约中国中心代表交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing FAO and New York China Center
●   重庆外事办主任郝明会见英国驻渝总领事Steven Smith交替传译/Meeting between Chongqing FAO and British Consulate General
●   中国产业集群与小城镇发展论坛同声传译(保利皇冠)/China Industrial Cluster and Small City Development Forum (Poly Crown Plaza)
●  成都宝悦宝马4S店开业典礼同声传译/Chengdu BMW Bow Yue Grand Opening
●  麦肯锡-上海大众卓越一线喜马拉雅团队西南行同声传译(成都分销中心)/Shanghai Volkswagen Frontline Himalaya Project Southwestern Trip SI, Chengdu RSSC
●  2011尼尔森中国消费增长论坛(成都索菲特)/ 2011 China Consumption Growth Forum (Chengdu Sofitel)
●  中国第二届柑橘果汁加工大会担任同声传译(重庆忠县海新大酒店)/2nd China Juice Processing Forum (Zhongxian, Chongqing)
●  浙江茗熔电器与法国罗兰集团董事会同声传译(温州乐清工业园) / Board meeting of Zhejiang Minrong and Carbone Lorraine
●  中国商用车发展高峰论坛同声传译(武汉香格里拉)/China Commercial Vehicle Development Summit (Wuhan Shangrila)
●   固铂轮胎“精英都市越野HTS上市发布会”同声传译(家园大酒店)/Cooper Tire HTS Launch Ceremony (Homeland Hotel)
●  联合博姿参与中国零售药店发展之路专题研讨会交替传译(重庆索菲特)/Alliance Boots’ Speaking Session at China Retail Pharmacy Forum (Chongqing Sofitel)
●  2011绿色医院解决方案国际论坛同声传译(新会展)/ 2011 Green Hospital Forum, Century City, Chengdu
化工/Chemical Industry
●  功能食品与健康研讨会同声传译(南京财经大学)/Functional Food and Health International Forum (Nanjing University of Finance and Economics)
●  重庆国际复合材料公司2011客户交流会同声传译(峨眉山大酒店)/2011 Customer Meeting of CPIC (Mt. Emei)
●  第四届国际化工新材料成都峰会开幕式及能源·材料·跨越会场同声传译(成都新会展)/ The 4th International Advanced Materials Chengdu Summit (Century City Crystal Hall)
 易贸2011甲醇及下游市场论坛同声传译(重庆洲际酒店)/Chemease 2011 Methanol and Downstream Market Forum (Chongqing Intercontinental)
 爱尔兰Mola Architecture建筑公司与重庆南岸区谈判项目交替传译/Meeting and site trip of Irish Mola Architecture, Chongqing Le Meridian
灾后重建/After Quake Reconstruction
●  支持中国汶川地震灾后恢复重建可持续发展项目中期研讨会同声传译(成都岷山饭店,财政部、世行、全球减灾与恢复基金共同主办)/ Interim Workship on Sustainable Development After Wenchuan Earthquake (Minshan Hotel, Chengdu)
 第二届城市科学发展论坛暨首届全球防灾减灾市长峰会同声传译(香格里拉)/ The 2nd WCDSA and 1st Global Disaster Prevention and Reduction Mayor Summit, Chengdu Shangrila
●  皇家杯高尔夫欧亚冠军赛重庆考察团交替传译/ Golf course trip by Royal Trophy Championship Management Company, Chongqing 
●  沃尔沃第十七届中国公开赛发布会同声传译 (麓山国际乡村俱乐部)/ Press Conference of the 17th Volvo China Open (Luxehills Country Club)
旅游/ Tourism
●  2011重庆世界温泉旅游峰会同声传译(贝迪颐园)/ 2011 Chongqing World Hot Spring Summit SI (Baishiyi Betty Mansion)
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
●  联想楽Phone手机座谈会同声传译/Lenovo Lephone
●  Tom-tom汽车GPS导航系统座谈会同声传译/Tom-tom GPS
●  法国雷诺汽车超长项目同声传译/Renault ethno program
●  德国Next Practice公司8天汽车项目调研同声传译/Next Practice
●  中美大都会保险同声传译/Metlife Insurance
●  汰渍薰衣草洗衣粉座谈会同声传译/Tide Laundry Powder
●  沃尔沃4S店服务座谈会同声传译/Volvo 4S Store
●  博朗榨汁机市场调查同声传译/Braun Food Processor
●  雷朋太阳镜市场调查项目同声传译/Rayban sunglasses
●  宝洁帮宝适纸尿裤概念测试项目同声传译/P&G Pampers diaper
●  宝洁新飘柔洗发水概念测试同声传译/P&G Rejoice shampoo
●  问鼎第四届电力行业高峰论坛同声传译(昆明佳华广场酒店)/ The 4th Wending Power Summit, Jiahua Plaza Hotel, Kunming
●  天威新能源控股公司首届供应商年会同声传译(成都家园酒店)/2010 Tianwei Annual Supplier Conference, Homeland Hotel, Chengdu
●  天威新能源全球客户年会同声传译(峨眉山红珠山大酒店)/Tianwei New Energy Global Consumer Gratitude Party, Mt.Emei
●  欧洽会“第二届中国-欧盟新能源技术与投资峰会”(世纪城会展中心)/2nd EU-China Green Tech Forum, Century City, Chengdu
●  第八届中国炼焦技术及焦炭市场国际大会同声传译(锦江宾馆)/8th China International Coking Technology and Coke Market Congress, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel
●  四川国际清洁能源高端论坛”同声传译(锦江宾馆)/ Sichuan Clean Energy Summit, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel
气候变化/Climate Change
●  2010城市规划年会暨世界银行城市与气候变化国际研讨会同声传译 (重庆国贸豪生酒店)/Cities and Climate Change International Seminar, Howard Johnson, Chongqing
●  中国生态城市建设发展国际倡议大会同声传译(雅安周公山)/ Initiative Conference on Construction and Development of China's Ecological Cities (Ya'an Zhougong Mountain)
政府和组织/Goverment and Organizations
●  2010亚太经合组织APEC中小企业峰会同声传译(蜀南竹海世外桃源酒店)/ 2010 APEC SME Summit, Bamboo Forest Resort, Yibin
●  第四届中国—拉美企业家高峰会同声传译(世纪城)/ China LAC Business Summit, Century City, Chengdu
●  甘孜州政府与大西洋硅业公司项目协商会担任交替传译(索菲特万达)/Negotiation session between Ganzi prefecture government and Atlantica Silicon, Chengdu Sofitel
●  中英国际气候课堂教育论坛同声传译(城市名人酒店,泡桐树小学西区)/ China-UK Climate4Classrooms International Forum, City Celebrity Hotel, Chengdu
●  中国西部现代商贸跨越式发展峰会同声传译(娇子会议中心青羊厅)/ China Western Modern Trade Leap-Forward Development Summit, Century City, Chengdu
●  第八届“尼日利亚-中国商业和投资论坛2010”同声传译(武汉天安假日)/8th Nigeria-China Business and Investment Forum, Wuhan Tian’an Hotel
●  第四届“APEC电子商务工商联盟论坛”同声传译(世纪城)/4th APEC E-commerce Business Alliance Forum, Century City, Chengdu
● 第四届航运、港口及机场国际论坛同声传译(喜来登酒店)/4th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports, Chengdu Sheraton
● 2010物流工程与管理国际学术会议(沙湾会展中心)/2010 International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Management, Chengdu California Garden Hotel
● 英国驻重庆总领馆“中英交通论坛”同声传译(假日酒店)/ UK-China Transportation Forum, Chengdu Holiday Inn
●  里昂证券第十五届年会交替传译(上海金茂大厦)/15th CLSA Annual Meeting, Grand Hyatt, Shanghai
●  睿欧2010优化风险评估及审计报告大师培训班同声传译(上海东锦江索菲特)/ Risk Assessment & Audit Report Optimization Master Class, Shanghai Oriental Jinjiang Hotel
●   睿欧CDPF需求预测与规划大师培训班同声传译/CPDF Hands-on Workshop in Demand Forecasting & Planning, Shanghai Oriental Jinjiang Hotel
●  第十六届亚运会集体项目及体操抽签仪式同声传译(广州花园饭店)/ Draw Ceremony for Team Sports and Gymnastics of the 16th Asian Games, Guangzhou Garden Hotel
● 第二届强生免疫血液学高峰论坛,为国际领先血液学专家、密歇根大学John Moulds及Laura Cooling博士同声传译(娇子会议中心金芙蓉厅)/2nd Johnson&Johnson Immunohematology Summit, Century City, Chengdu
●  星巴克大中华区出台反腐败法案培训会议”同声传译(星巴克西南总部)/ Starbuck’s Anti-bribery Training Workshop, Suntop, Chengdu
广告传媒/Advertising and Media
●  “智-汇”阿佩克思奥美成立酒会同声传译(香格里拉)/Founding ceremony of APEX Ogilvy, Chengdu Shangrila
●  全球新闻教育与全球议程国际研讨会”同声传译 (西南政法大学)/Global Journalism Education and Global Agenda Forum, SWUPL, Chongqing
●  香港海洋公园媒体及旅行社午餐聚会同声传译(成都香格里拉)/ Hong Kong Ocean Park Media and Travel Agency Luncheon, Chengdu Shangrila
酒店及旅游/Hotel and Travel
●  2010中国酒店战略发展高峰论坛同声传译(海南三亚半山半岛洲际酒店)/ Asian Hotel Expansion Summit, Intercontinental Sanya Reort
●  2010最佳旅游联盟论坛暨最佳旅游联盟成立大会仪式同声传译(青城豪生)/Founding ceremony of China Best Tourism Union, Howard Johnson, Mt.Qingcheng
灾后重建/Post Quake Reconstruction
●  GTZ 贫困村灾后恢复发展试点村级规划培训同声传译(福德酒店)/ GTZ Post-earthquake Impoverished Village Recovery and Development Planning Workshop, Fude Hotel, Chengdu
●  亚太经合组织“将减轻灾害风险纳入灾后回复重建研讨会”同声传译/ APEC Seminar on Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation, Minshan Hotel, Chengdu
●  第五届中国女鞋之都国际采购节同声传译(中国女鞋之都)/ISCC Lady Shoe International Sourcing Festival 2010, International Lady Shoe Center, Chengdu
● 一汽大众“主流捷达——全新捷达汽车”发布会同声传译 (欢乐谷大剧院)/A New Jetta Launch Ceremony, Grand Theater, Happy Valley, Chengdu
化工/Chemical Industry
●  第三届国际化工CEO圆桌峰会”同声传译(娇子会议中心)/3rd International Advanced Materials CEO Summit, Century City, Chengdu
●  2010中国“环氧树脂及原料市场论坛”同声传译 (假日酒店) /China Epoxy Resin Raw Material Forum, Chengdu Holiday Inn
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
●  百事可乐美年达市场调研项目(广汉)Pepsi Mirinda
●  强生血糖仪家访项目(成都)/Johnson&Johnson diabetes
●  联合利华中华健齿白项目座谈会(绵阳)/ Unilever Zhonghua toothpaste
●  宝洁帮宝适吸水珠珠尿布概念测试会(绵阳)/P&G Pampers diaper
●  卡夫耐嚼口香糖项目座谈会(长沙)/Kraft gum
●  飞利浦空气清新机家访(成都)/Philip Air Purifier
●  来得时二型糖尿病胰岛素注射器座谈会/Lantus Diabetes II
●  沙玛豪华服务型公寓/Shama service apartment
●  因特尔处理器项目座谈会/Intel processor
●  IT 产品消费者行为项目研究座谈会/IT
●  尼桑骊威汽车座谈会/Nissan Livina
●  乐百氏瓶装水包装座谈会/Robust bottled water
政府和组织/Government and Organizations
●  中印商务洽谈会之印度驻华大使苏杰生阁下访蓉交替传译(索菲特万达)/ A China-India Busienss Conference Hosted by India Ambassador S.Jaisankar
●  中英携手创新代表团访问四川移动音乐基地/ British techonological delegation’s trip to Music Base, China Mobile
●   西部博览会“国际企业孵化器暨中欧孵化器发展论坛”同声传译(岷山饭店)/ China-EU Incubator Cooperation and Development Forum, Chengdu Minshan Hotel
●   中国科技协会第十一次年会电力供应论坛”同声传译(重庆豪生)/ 11th Annual Meeting of China Association of Science and Technology on Power Supply, Howard Johnson, Chongqing
●   中国新能源国际论坛暨太阳能展览会-太阳能光伏技术产业论坛”同声传译(世纪城) /New Energy International Forum and Solar Power Exhibition, Century City, Chengdu
●   中国新能源国际论坛暨太阳能展览会-开幕式及企业家暨融投资论坛同声传译(世纪城)/New Energy International Forum and Entrepreneur Financing Forum, Chengdu
●   2009 煤炭瓦斯灾害预防与控制国际研讨会同声传译(重庆戴斯大酒店)/ 2009 International Symposium on Prevention and Control of Gas Disaster in Coal Mine, Chongqing
●  世界银行“培训需求测定国际研讨班项目”同声传译/ Need Assessment International Seminar, World Bank, Chongqing Jinyuan Hotel
●  东方电气集团下属东方锅炉公司融资谈判交替传译/ Financing negotiation of Dongfang Boiler under DEC Group
●  瑞士信贷重庆钢铁、重庆路桥、中渝置业考察口译/Sussie Credit’s trip to Chongqing Steel, Chongqing Road and CC Land
● 第七届中国软洽会开幕式同声传译(成都世纪城)/Opening Ceremony of the 7th China Soft
●  软洽会“食品安全信息化监管国际峰会”同声传译(中国电子信息产业发展研究院主办)/ Sino-US Food Safety Information & Supervision Summit, Century City, Chengdu
●  中国自主产权最高性能电信级交换机发布会”同声传译/Maipu Top Carrier-Class Core Switch Launch Ceremony, Chengdu Shangrila
●  长虹――IBM战略合作备忘录签字仪式同声传译(成都锦江宾馆)/ Changhong-IBM MOU Signing Ceremony, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel
●  上海惠普呼叫中心与德国科尔公司合作项目同声传译(闸北科技园)/ A joint project of HP Shanghai Call Center and Kohl, Shanghai Zhabei
气候变化/Climate Change
●  国际山地中心第四十届理事会”同声传译 (成都向阳宾馆)/40th Directorate Meeting of ICIMODE (wilderness protection), Xiangyang Hotel, Chengdu
广告传媒/Advertising and Media
●  四川电视节之新媒体论坛同声传译(世纪城)/ Sichuan TV Festival New Media Forum, Century City, Chengdu
●  2009中国重庆国际建筑高峰论坛同声传译(索菲特)/ 2009 China Chongqing Construction Summit, Sofitel, Chongqing
 “中国-加拿大节能建筑高峰论坛”同声传译 (成都喜来登)/China-Canada Forum on Energy Efficient Buildings, Chengdu Sheraton
●  第四届“中国畜牧科技论坛之炎热气候区蓄禽舍系统研讨会”同声传译(重庆荣昌畜牧科学院)/ CIGR Workshop on Animal Housing in Hot Climates, Rongchang, Chongqing
●  当代科幻小说巨匠尼尔盖曼成都记者会暨演讲交替传译及陪同翻译/Press conference of Neil Gaiman, famous science fiction writer in Chengdu
●  首届“法医人类学个体识别技术应用国际专题研讨会”同声传译(重庆金源大酒店)/1st Symposium on Individual Identification Technology Application in Forensic Anthropology, Jinyuan Hotel, Chongqing
灾后重建/Post Quake Reconstruction
●  低碳重建与企业发展国际论坛同声传译(广元)/ International Forum of Low Carbon Reconstruciton and Enterprise Development, Guangyuan, Sichuan
●  世界银行“北川、汶川、青川私营部门投资战略规划论坛”同声传译/ Strategic Planning for Private Sector Investment in Beichuan, Wenchuan and Qingchuan Following Wenchuan Earthquake at IFC Office, Chengdu
●  第二届国际交通运输工程国际学术会议同声传译(沙湾会展)/ 2nd International Conference on Transportation Engineering, California Garden Hotel, Chengdu
●   百事可乐“天府绿色新工厂”开业典礼同声传译(重庆百事可乐总厂)/ Pepsi Green Plant Inauguration Ceremony, Chongqing
●  2009中国茶叶大会同声传译 (世纪城)/2009 China Tea Convention Century City, Chengdu
●  英国大西洋射频微波公司与亚光公司合作项目交替传译/Negotiation between Microwave Atlantic and Yaguang Co., Ltd, Chengdu
●  英国拉夫堡学院考察合作项目交替传译/Visiting trip of Ms.Janet Spavin, Loughborough College, Chengdu
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
●  洲际酒店豪华品牌测试座谈会/Intercontinental Hotel
●  强生娇爽卫生巾座谈会/Johnson&Johnson Carefree Sanitary Pad
●  英美烟草公司555香烟/555 Cigarattes
政府和组织/Government and Organizations
●  成都2008第四季度外商投资企业座谈会同声传译(新会展)/ Quarter IV Informal Discussion with Foreign Investors, Century City, Chengdu
●  第二届中国――加拿大经贸合作论坛同声传译(重庆洲际酒店)/ 2nd China-Canada Trade Forum, Chongqing Intercontinental
●  北京英国大使馆中英中小企业政策支持体系项目总结会议同声传译 (银河王朝)/ SME Support System Project Conference, British Embassy, Chengdu Galaxy Dynasty Hotel
●  英国中东部地区贸易投资咨询会”即席口译(锦江宾馆)/ Doing Business in UK-East, Midlands, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel
●  英国驻北京大使馆中英职业教育论坛同声传译(银河王朝)/ China-UK Forum on Vocational Education, Galaxy Dynasty, Chengdu
●  世界核燃料安全网络会议第八届年会同声传译(成都新会展)/ 8th Annual Meeting of International Network for Safety Assuance of Fuel Cycle Industries (INSAF), Century City Chengdu
●  技术产生动力——爱默生亚太天然气输配技术销售会议同声传译(香格里拉)/ Powering Through Technology-Emerson Natural Gas Technologies Asia Pacific Sales Conference, Chengdu Shangrila
气候变化/Climate Change
●  气候变化与拯救大熊猫研讨会”同声传译(成都喜来登)/ WWF’s Climate Change Impacts: Panda in Peril Seminar, Chengdu Holiday Inn
灾后重建/Post Quake Reconstruction
 汶川地震后灾后重建中私营部门的作用和投资策略制定国际研讨会同声传译(岷山饭店)/ Forum on Role of the Private Sector and Investment Generation in Implementing Wenchuan Earthquake Recovery Plans, Chengdu Minshan Hotel
●  成都市灾后重建投资说明会暨项目签约仪式同声传译(锦江宾馆)/ Chengdu Investment Seminar and Projects Signing Ceremony, Jinjiang Hotel
●  半边天基金会四川地震灾区儿童心理援助同声传译(雅乐饭店)/ Children Psychological First Aid Project of Half-the-sky Foundation After Wenchuan Earthquake, Chengdu Yale Hotel
●  中国发展与规划国际论坛成都灾后重建研讨会同声传译(新会展)/ Post-earthquake Chengdu Reconstruction Forum, Century City
●  温洛克藏区STC项目第四期拨款顾问评审会交替传译/ 4th Tibetan Grant Advisor Review Meeting of Winrock, Chengdu
 第六届中国国际软件合作洽谈会开幕式同声传译(新会展) / 6th Chinasoft Opening Ceremony, Century City, Chengdu
●   中国西部卓越企业CEO论坛IBM新闻发布会交替传译(香格里拉)/ Inauguration ceremony of IBM Global Business Services in Chengdu, Shangrila
●  天府软件园新年亮灯仪式兼品酒会交替传译/ Lighting Ceremony and Wine Tasting Session of Tianfu Software Industrial Park, Chengdu
●  里昂证券第十三届年会交替传译/13th Annual Meeting of CLSA
奢侈品/Luxury Products
●  2008年3月 “菲拉格慕——不朽的传奇:八十周年庆暨纪念展”同声传译/ 80th Anniversary and Retrospective Exhibition of Salvatore Ferragamo, Shanghai MOCA
●  洲际酒店集团2008年亚太地区领导力年会同声传译/Asian Pacific Leadership Meeting of Intercontinental Hotel Group, Shenzhen
●  2008中国国际物流与运输学术会议”同声传译(成都沙湾)/ 2008 International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals, California Garden Hotel
●  中国中小机场国际论坛同声传译 (家园国际酒店)/ China Regional Airport Conference, Homeland Hotel, Chengdu
●  荷兰驻华大使馆机场代表团项目谈判交替传译(双流机场)/ Business meeting between Netherland ambassador Van het Koninkrijk  and Chengdu Airport
 第八届国际储藏物气调与熏蒸大会同声传译(沙湾会展)/ 8th International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation, California Garden Hotel, Chengdu
房产/Real Estate
  中国第三届房地产大会”同声传译(昆明翠湖宾馆)/ IQPC Second Tier and Beyond, Cuihu Hotel, Kunming
  国际司法桥梁中国法律援助项目:为了明天——未成年人司法保护与社会保护同传/ Juvenile Defense Advocacy Training, Internatonal Bridge to Justice, Chongqing
●  Bayhelix北核成都生物医药论坛同声传译(新会展)/ Bayhelix Biomedicine Forum Chengdu, Century City
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
●  IBM 市场解决方案/IBM market solution
●  大众汽车调查座谈会/Volkswagen cars
●  诺基亚手机远程教育项目家访/Nokia distant education project
●  玫琳凯化妆品项目座谈会/Mary Kay
●  全国桥梁安全技术论坛暨中美日桥梁安全论坛同声传译(桂林)/ 2007 National Bridge Technology Forum & Sino-US-Japan Bridge Safety Forum, Guangxi Guilin
政府和组织/Government and Organizations
●  菲律宾总统歌利亚·马加帕格尔·阿罗约阁下访华同声传译 (重庆会展) / Visit of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, former President of Phillipines
●  第五届中国投资环境论坛同声传译 (新会展) / 5th China Investment Climate Forum, Century City, Chengdu
●  美国贸易政策及谈判顾问委员会访华交替传译/ Trip of US Association Council of Trade Policy Negotiation to Chengdu
●  美国专利商标局传统知识、遗传资源和民间文艺研讨会同声传译/ Seminar on Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources and Folklore, Chengdu Sheraton
●  美国密西根州重庆投资高层论坛交替传译/ Michigan State and Chongqing Partnership Forum, Chongqing Intercontinental
●  首届黄龙溪国际古镇镇长大会暨主题峰会同声传译 (喜来登)/ 1st International Cooperation Forum of Ancient Town Huanglongxi, Chengdu Sheraton
●   澳门政府2007高级文化研修班澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学资深研究员Michael Keane博士讲座同声传译(西南大学)/ Dr’s Micheal Keane of Queensland University of Technology
●   中国西部国际旅游区域战略联盟与协作论坛同声传译(鱼凫酒店)/ Forum on International Regional Tourism Strategic Partnership & Cooperatoin in Western China, Yufu Hotel, Chengdu
●   中国名牌企业发展国际论坛同声传译 (新会展) China Brand Development Congress, Century City, Chengdu
●    美国驻北京大使馆第二届中美经济合作洽谈会 (锦江宾馆)/ 2nd US-China Busienss Match-making Conference, Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel
●  微软公司全球CEO鲍尔默访华暨成都软件沙龙同声传译(软件园)/ Microsoft CEO Steve Baller’s trip to Chengdu Software Industrial Park
●  思科金融服务峰会:新网络,架构无限未来同声传译(重庆希尔顿)/ Cisco Framework Summit, Chongqing Hilton
●  第12届亚洲医疗器械协调会同声传译/ 12th Asian Harmonization Working Party, Century City, Chengdu
●  联邦制药公司参观工厂交替传译/ United Laboratories, Pengzhou
●  世界拳击组织WBA第86届年会同声传译(望江宾馆) /86th Annual Convention of World Boxing Association, Chengdu Wangjiang Hotel
  世拓集团“挖掘东部海岸之外的体育市场机遇”论坛同声传译/ C-Zone Sports Forum, Chengdu Holiday Inn
●  智基创投论坛“跃进西部,开创投资新天地”同声传译/ IDT VC Forum, Chengdu Shangrila
●  香港高德基金成都会议同声传译/ Frontpoint Partners
●  中海地产国际城项目投资交替传译/ China Overseas Real Estate Group
●  上汽依维柯红岩商用车有限公司暨上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司的奠基仪式交传/Inauguration Ceremony of SAIC FAIT Hongyan JV at Chongqing
●  中日韩环境科学研究院院长第四次会议:大城市空气污染以及机动车排放同声传译 (望江宾馆) / 4th Tripartite Presidents Meeting of CRAES, NIES and NIER, Wangjiang Hotel
●  中美立法技术比较研讨会同声传译 (复旦大学美国研究中心)/ U.S. Congressional Legislative Review Process: Mine Saftey, Chongqing Hotel
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
●  宝洁公司佳洁士牙膏项目(南昌)/ P&G Crest toothpaste
●  宝洁公司帮宝适尿布项目(安徽)/P&G Pampers diapers
●  沃尔玛项目霸王防脱洗发水项目(昆明)/ Walmart shampoo
●  中英麻风树生物柴油产业发展研讨会同声传译/ UK-China Workshop on Developing a Sustainable Biodiesel Production Platform Based On Jatropha Curcas, Chengdu Sheraton
●  康明斯公司成都区域经理会议陪同翻译/ Regional manager conference of Cummings
●  第七届西部博览会金融峰会同声传译(喜来登)/ Financial Summit, 7th Western China Economic and Trade Fair, Chengdu Sheraton
●  德国万才光学仪器公司和中国江泰保险商务谈判交替传译/ Forex Trading Chongqing
●  迈向国际金融市场——伦敦主板及高增长市场上市研讨会同声传译 (成都喜来登)/ Going Global, London AIM and Mainboard Listing, CCBC, Chengdu Sheraton
●  美国利宝集团CEO会见重庆周慕冰市长及安监局领导交替传译/ A visit of Liberty Mutual to Mayor Zhou Mubin on Coal Mine Safety, Chongqing
●  Marcus Evans公司Langdon Moris先生创新培训会同声传译 (成都喜来登)/ A Marcus Evans Innovation Training Workshop, Chengdu Sheraton
●  Markus Evans公司库存管理培训同声传译( 成都喜来登) /A Marcus Evans Inventory Management Forum, Chengdu Sheraton
●  爱默生公司生产管理培训同声传译(成都喜来登)/ Emerson Process Management Workshop, Chengdu Sheraton
●  AVON公司中国西南区部门经理级培训会(时代广场)/AVON Southwestern Managerial Workshop, Chengdu Time Square
政府与组织/Government and Organizations
●   亚太城市市长峰会时担任澳大利亚布里斯本市市长及副市长房产基建专场交替传译/ Asian Pacific Cities Summit, Chongqing Exposition Center
●   中国西部地区城乡协调发展与社会创新国际研讨会耳语翻译(重庆工商大学)/ An International Forum on Balanced Urban and Rural Development, Chongqing
●   英国领事馆威尔士代表访问团洽谈陪同口译/ A Wales delegation to British Consulate
●   重庆第二届中英校长论坛及培训项目全程交替传译、课堂示范 (重庆工商大学)/Sino-UK Headteacher Training Program, British Council, Chongqing
室内设计/Interior Design
●  万华房产成都麓山别墅美式样板房项目全程交替传译/ Plan design at Luxehills, Chengdu
●  卡夫食品公司亚太地区经理会议同声传译(成都索菲特)/ Asian-Pacific Manager Conference of Kraft, Chengdu Sofitel
●   IDS 利和奶粉经销亚太地区库存报告会 (时代广场)/ Inventory Report Meeting of IDS Lihe at Asian Pacific Regions, Time Squre, Chengdu
●  重庆第一中级人民法院新加坡托力诈骗案件审理全程出庭口译/ A Singaporean Fraud Case Court Interpreting in Chongqing
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
摩托诺拉、诺基亚项目入户访问/ Motorola and Nokia projects
碧浪洗衣粉项目座谈会/Ariel Washing Powder
惠普打印机项目座谈会/HP Printer
立白洗洁精项目座谈会/Liby Detergent
首届中国国际性医学论坛记者招待会现场口译 /First International Forum on Sexology, translated for Sher Hite, Two River Hotel, Chongqing
市场调查/FMCG Market Research
英国BBC成都收听情况调查座谈会/BBC focus group
国际钻石公司座谈会/DTC diamond
魔兽世界座谈会/WOW Games
Before 2005: interpreting for sessions of the 6th West China International Trade and Economic Fair; interpreting for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Fair; interpreting for Malaysia Investment Invitation Fair; market research interpreting of AC Nielsen and TNS for over 200 focus groups. 

Unitrans世联翻译公司在您身边,离您近的翻译公司,心贴心的专业服务,专业的全球语言翻译与信息解决方案供应商,专业翻译机构品牌。无论在本地,国内还是海外,我们的专业、星级体贴服务,为您的事业加速!世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 专业翻译公司,北京翻译公司,上海翻译公司,英文翻译,日文翻译,韩语翻译,翻译公司排行榜,翻译公司收费价格表,翻译公司收费标准,翻译公司北京,翻译公司上海。
  • “贵司提交的稿件专业词汇用词准确,语言表达流畅,排版规范, 且服务态度好。在贵司的帮助下,我司的编制周期得以缩短,稿件语言的表达质量得到很大提升”


  • “我单位是一家总部位于丹麦的高科技企业,和世联翻译第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,得到了国外合作伙伴的认可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷兰驻华分公司,主要致力于行为学研究软件、仪器和集成系统的开发和销售工作,所需翻译的英文说明书专业性强,翻译难度较大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。”


  • “为我司在东南亚地区的业务开拓提供小语种翻译服务中,翻译稿件格式美观整洁,能最大程度的还原原文的样式,同时翻译质量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好评!”


  • “在此之前,我们公司和其他翻译公司有过合作,但是翻译质量实在不敢恭维,所以当我认识刘颖洁以后,对她的专业性和贵公司翻译的质量非常满意,随即签署了长期合作合同。”


  • “我行自2017年与世联翻译合作,合作过程中十分愉快。特别感谢Jasmine Liu, 态度热情亲切,有耐心,对我行提出的要求落实到位,体现了非常高的专业性。”


  • “与我公司对接的世联翻译客服经理,可以及时对我们的要求进行反馈,也会尽量满足我们临时紧急的文件翻译要求。热情周到的服务给我们留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻译金融行业文件各式各样版式复杂,试译多家翻译公司,后经过比价、比服务、比质量等流程下来,最终敲定了世联翻译。非常感谢你们提供的优质服务。”


  • “我司所需翻译的资料专业性强,涉及面广,翻译难度大,贵司总能提供优质的服务。在一次业主单位对完工资料质量的抽查中,我司因为俄文翻译质量过关而受到了好评。”


  • “我司在2014年与贵公司建立合作关系,贵公司的翻译服务质量高、速度快、态度好,赢得了我司各部门的一致好评。贵司经理工作认真踏实,特此致以诚挚的感谢!”


  • “我们需要的翻译人员,不论是笔译还是口译,都需要具有很强的专业性,贵公司的德文翻译稿件和现场的同声传译都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定。”


  • “在这5年中,世联翻译公司人员对工作的认真、负责、热情、周到深深的打动了我。不仅译件质量好,交稿时间及时,还能在我司资金周转紧张时给予体谅。”


  • “我公司与世联翻译一直保持着长期合作关系,这家公司报价合理,质量可靠,效率又高。他们翻译的译文发到国外公司,对方也很认可。”


  • “贵公司翻译的译文质量很高,语言表达流畅、排版格式规范、专业术语翻译到位、翻译的速度非常快、后期服务热情。我司翻译了大量的专业文件,经过长久合作,名副其实,值得信赖。”


  • “针对我们农业科研论文写作要求,尽量寻找专业对口的专家为我提供翻译服务,最后又按照学术期刊的要求,提供润色原稿和相关的证明文件。非常感谢世联翻译公司!”


  • “世联的客服经理态度热情亲切,对我们提出的要求都落实到位,回答我们的问题也非常有耐心。译员十分专业,工作尽职尽责,获得与其共事的公司总部同事们的一致高度认可。”


  • “我公司与马来西亚政府有相关业务往来,急需翻译项目报备材料。在经过对各个翻译公司的服务水平和质量的权衡下,我们选择了世联翻译公司。翻译很成功,公司领导非常满意。”


  • “客服经理能一贯热情负责的完成每一次翻译工作的组织及沟通。为客户与译员之间搭起顺畅的沟通桥梁。能协助我方建立专业词库,并向译员准确传达落实,准确及高效的完成统一风格。”


  • “贵公司与我社对翻译项目进行了几次详细的会谈,期间公司负责人和廖小姐还亲自来我社拜访,对待工作热情,专业度高,我们双方达成了很好的共识。对贵公司的服务给予好评!”


  • “非常感谢世联翻译!我们对此次缅甸语访谈翻译项目非常满意,世联在充分了解我司项目的翻译意图情况下,即高效又保质地完成了译文。”


  • “在合作过程中,世联翻译保质、保量、及时的完成我们交给的翻译工作。客户经理工作积极,服务热情、周到,能全面的了解客户的需求,在此表示特别的感谢。”


  • “我们通过图书翻译项目与你们相识乃至建立友谊,你们报价合理、服务细致、翻译质量可靠。请允许我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢!”


  • “很满意世联的翻译质量,交稿准时,中英互译都比较好,措辞和句式结构都比较地道,译文忠实于原文。TNC是一家国际环保组织,发给我们美国总部的同事后,他们反应也不错。”


  • “原英国首相布莱尔来访,需要非常专业的同声传译服务,因是第一次接触,心中仍有着一定的犹豫,但是贵司专业的译员与高水准的服务,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。”


  • “在与世联翻译合作期间,世联秉承着“上善若水、厚德载物”的文化理念,以上乘的品质和质量,信守对客户的承诺,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻译工作。”


  • “由于项目要求时间相当紧凑,所以世联在保证质量的前提下,尽力按照时间完成任务。使我们在世博会俄罗斯馆日活动中准备充足,并受到一致好评。”


  • “贵公司针对客户需要,挑选优秀的译员承接项目,翻译过程客户随时查看中途稿,并且与客户沟通术语方面的知识,能够更准确的了解到客户的需求,确保稿件高质量。”
