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Dozens of food tech companies in Israel are striving to pioneer innovative methods to produce meat without slaughtering animals. To achieve this goal, scientists adopt cutting-edge 3D bioprinting technology.
据新华社记者报道,在以色列一家专注于3D打印“培养肉”的初创企业中,打印好一块约手掌大小的3D打印牛肉(3D-printed beef)大约需要10分钟。它看上去肥瘦相间、色泽鲜美,拥有与普通牛肉相似的纹路。
据该初创企业的首席执行官阿里克·考夫曼(Arik Kaufman)介绍,根据不同要求,3D打印可以调节肉的肥瘦比例。无论是形状还是薄厚,都可以预先在程序上调整相应参数,实现个性化设定。
According to Arik Kaufman, chief executive officer of Israeli company Steakholder Foods Ltd, the shape and thickness of the 3D-printed meat can be programmed to meet personal preferences.
“培养肉(cultured meat)”又称“细胞培养肉”,以动物干细胞为基础人工培育而成。首先要挑选肉质鲜美、适合量产的目标动物,提取干细胞(stem cells)。再将干细胞放入高营养培养液中,进行增殖。
The process works by first selecting the animals to extract the stem cells from. The cells are selected from animals that will provide the best meat and yield.The next step is proliferation, in which the cells are placed into a nutrient rich reactor to multiply.
增殖到一定数量后,干细胞会分化成肌肉细胞(muscle cells)和脂肪细胞(fat cells),也就是3D打印所需要的红色和白色“生物墨水(bioink)”。
图源:Business Insider视频
When the cells reach optimal numbers, the stem cells differentiate into muscle cells and fat cells. In the final steps, the muscle cells and fat cells are turned to meat, ready to be processed into the final product, be it a burger, a steak, or even a meatloaf.
Due to the high cost of 3D-printed meat and its taste is quite different from ordinary beef, for many start-ups in this field, mass production still faces certain challenges.
图片图源:Business Insider视频
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), total emissions from global livestock represent 14.5 percent of all anthropogenic GHG(greenhouse gas) emissions.Cattle are the animal species responsible for the most emissions, representing about 65 percent of the livestock sector’s emissions.
Researchers suggest that lab-made beef is bound to reduce the environmental toll from conventional meat production methods.
A 2019 report from the University of Oxford suggests "cultured meat" grown using tissue engineering techniques produces up to 96% less greenhouse gas emissions, 45% less energy, 99% lower land use, and 96% lower water use than the conventional process.
综合来源:新华网,央视财经,Business Insider,中国日报双语新闻