文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 去年,云南亚洲象北移事件引发全球关注,“大象卧倒”的超萌照片更是在全球社交媒体刷屏。 图源:@象往云南 微博 那么,这个亚洲象群南归“到家”后生活得怎样?据CGTN报道,从国家林草局了解到,象群自2021年12月9日回到原生栖息地西双版纳国家级自然保护区后,一直稳定在保护区内活动。 Last year, a herd of wild Asian elephants in China's Yunnan Province caught the world's attention with their unexpected migration journey to the north. They eventually turned around and went back to their native habitat, Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in the south, on December 9, 2021. What happened after that? According to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the elephants remain in the nature reserve, and all are in a good state. 2022年1月,保护区监测到象群内有1头新生象宝宝。2月5日象群进入西双版纳野象谷,在此期间,与同在野象谷觅食的另一个象群合群活动,后来北移家族中的2头象留在这个家族中,其余个体进入勐养保护区深处活动。 图源:CGTN In January this year, the nature reserve saw that the herd had welcomed a new member. On February 5, the herd entered the Wild Elephant Valley in Xishuangbanna and joined another elephant group foraging in the area. Later, two elephants chose to stay with the new group. Meanwhile, the wandering herd kept moving to the deeper area of the Mengyang sub-reserve of the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve. 中国国家林业和草原局亚洲象研究中心主任陈飞日前表示, “北移象群南归后一直稳定活动于原栖息地,并未见不良影响,状态良好。”陈飞透露,其中三头小象已长大了不少,正在练习生存技能,并具备了一定的独立生活能力。 图源:CGTN 据了解,目前,包括北移南归象群在内,西双版纳勐养片区还生活着多个象群。为了更好地保护亚洲象,当地多部门配合,对象群开展24小时不间断实时监测,及时提醒村民提前避让。 "The baby elephants born during the migration journey are gradually growing up and gaining certain independent ability," said Chen Fei from the Asian Elephant Research Center of NFGA. The herd staying at Mengyang is stable. Occasionally, they would leave the forest to forage crops at the edge area. For now, they live in harmony with the surrounding communities. 而去年2000多公里的长途旅行,象群安然无恙,也没有过多地影响到人类的正常生活。这一路上,也少不了“追象人”的守护。 图源:央视新闻 几个月下来,追象镜头记录了象群生活、旅行中的点点滴滴,讲述着质朴温暖的人象和谐故事。大象玩泥巴、戴草帽、开水龙头、打架、小象吃奶、泥巴浴这些画面,萌翻了观众,温暖了世界。 图源:央视新闻 在中国,亚洲象是国家一级保护动物,生活在云南南部的热带雨林中。30年来,野生亚洲象的数量持续稳定增加,如今已有300多头。为了更好地保护亚洲象,今年1月,林草部门已制订亚洲象国家公园创建的前期方案,资源调查、范围论证、社区访谈和意见征询已经展开。 综合来源:CGTN 中国新闻网 央视新闻客户端 |