Buzz Words | 热词放送:开幕式,春运,古墓群
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 开幕式 Opening ceremony
图源:央视网 北京冬奥会开闭幕式总导演张艺谋表示,冰雪运动的爱好者们可以期待,2022北京冬奥会开幕式将与2008年北京奥运会"不同",主火炬的点火方式将"前所未有"。张艺谋表示,2022年冬奥会的要求是"简约、安全、精彩",开幕式也将以此为标准。本届冬奥会的时长、人数都将"简约"。2008年开幕式有15000名演员,而这一次将会大幅度减少,演员约3000人。考虑到冬天天气寒冷和疫情防控的要求,本届冬奥会开幕式将缩减到不超过100分钟。开幕式最令人期待的一幕是主火炬的点燃,人们对点火的方式也一直有很多猜测。张艺谋说,他的团队"对点火方式和主火炬设计提出了大胆设想",点火方式在百年奥运史上还没有出现过。 Winter sports fans can expect the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing to be "different” from that of the 2008 Games, with a cauldron lighting method that will be "unprecedented", according to chief director Zhang Yimou. The opening ceremony will be in keeping with Beijing's efforts to stage a "simple, safe and splendid" Games, Zhang said. There will be no lengthy, large-scale performance, with the number of performers cut from 15,000 in 2008 to 3,000, and the duration of the ceremony reduced to less than 100 minutes due to the cold weather and the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most anticipated parts of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the main cauldron, and there is always plenty of speculation about the method to be used. Zhang said his team had come up with "a bold idea for the lighting and the design of the main cauldron". The way of lighting will be unprecedented in the over 100-year history of the Olympic Games. 春运 Spring Festival travel rush
1月9日,动车组列车从南京动车段南京南动车运用所驶出(无人机照片)。新华社发(方东旭 摄) 2022年1月10日起,全国铁路将实施新的列车运行图。这将有助于提高即将到来的春运期间的客货运输能力。2022年春运将从1月17日开始,到2月25日结束,共40天。全国铁路旅客发送量预计达到2.8亿人次。国铁集团称,调图后,全国铁路旅客列车开行总量达到10462列,货物列车开行总量也将超过之前的两倍。国铁集团表示,调整后货物运输能力进一步增强,还改善了火车票购票和退换政策,以更好地方便春运期间的出行。 A new railway operating schedule introduced on Monday will help increase passenger and freight capacity for the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush. The travel rush is projected to last 40 days from Jan 17 to Feb 25, with about 280 million train trips expected to be made. China State Railway Group, the national rail operator, said the network will operate 10,462 passenger train routes and more than twice that number of freight train services under the new schedule. The rail operator said that it has also improved policies on freight and changing train tickets during the Spring Festival rush. 古墓群 A cluster of ancient tombs
大树根古墓群周边采集的陶瓷器。新华社发(北海市博物馆供图) 近日,考古工作者在广西壮族自治区北海市银海区福成镇古城村委大树根村发现7万平方米古墓葬群,初步调查勘探大树根古墓群约有200座古墓,专家推测该墓葬群的年代约在六朝至隋唐时期。据介绍,该墓葬群最突出的特征是墓室普遍采用一种俗称”砂轮片”的石片构筑,也有部分墓葬以砖石合构。墓地采集遗物有陶器、瓷器、铁器等类。此外还发现少量“窅亭”铭文砖。专家称该墓葬群具有较高的研究价值。 Archaeologists recently discovered a large-scale cluster of ancient tombs dating back to the Six Dynasties period to the Sui and Tang Dynasties (222-907) in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. Covering an area of 70,000 square meters, the cluster of some 200 tombs is located in Dashugen Village, Fucheng Township of Beihai City. The most prominent feature of the cluster is that most tomb chambers were constructed with stone pieces, but some tombs were made of brick and stone. Relics including pottery with diversified patterns, ironware and bricks with inscriptions were excavated from the tombs. Experts said that these archaeological discoveries are of great research value. 综合来源:新华网,中国日报网英语点津,央视网 |