文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 最近,TikTok上一堂公开课的翻拍片段火了,教授讲述了一个关于压力的精彩故事。视频拍摄灵感来自一位心理学家授课时的故事,外国小哥Meir Kay为重现这一经典片段制作了这段视频。此视频发出后便迅速获得近两千万播放量,开导了一大批受消极情绪所困的网友。 视频中,教授做了一个简单的演示:他手持一杯水,问这杯水有多重。同学们给出了一些猜测,然而教授告诉大家,这杯水的实际重量并不重要,它完全取决于自己要拿着这杯水多久。如果短暂地只拿一分钟,就没什么事;但如果拿着它一个小时,自己的手就会很酸;如果拿着它一整天,自己的手臂一定会麻了,甚至有可能失去知觉。然而这杯水的重量并没有改变,拿着它越久,它就会变得越来越重。
How heavy is this glass of water? The absolute weight of the glass doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold on to it. If I hold it for a minute, nothing happens. If I hold it for an hour, my arm will begin to ache. If I hold it all day long, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. While, the weight of the glass hasn’t changed, but the longer I hold on to it, the heavier it becomes. 生活中的烦恼和焦虑就像这杯水,如果你只是偶尔想起它,没什么问题。如果你想着负面情绪久一点,它就会开始伤害你。如果你一直记着它一整天,你就会觉得很无力,什么事都没法去做。要记住,把“这杯水”放下。
The stresses and the worries are like this glass of water. If you think about them for a little while, there’s no problem. If you think about it for a little bit longer, it begins to hurt! You think about them all day long, and you will feel paralyzed, incapable of doing anything! Always remember: Put the glass down. 负重太多是很难走远的,所以放下杯子,轻松自在地向前走,前路风光一片大好。 来源:@Meir Kay |