鸟界“超模” 竟有这本事?还有哪些惊喜是我不知道的!
文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报 鸵鸟——一种神奇的鸟 因为头小拥有“完美头身比” 还有一双完美大长腿 妥妥的鸟界“超模”! 鸵鸟和人比马拉松 实力这么悬殊? How can this big bird run so fast? 为啥这种“大鸟”能跑这么快? Tall height 个子高 The ostrich is the tallest bird. It is up to 2.7 meters tall. That’s much taller than a human. 鸵鸟是最高的鸟类——有2.7米高!(比人可高多了!) Long legs 大长腿 Long legs give the ostrich a big stride (步伐). The bird can cover 5 meters in just one stride. That is as long as a car! 因为一双大长腿,鸵鸟的步伐很大——一步可以迈出5米!和一辆汽车差不多长! Short wings 短小的翅膀 They help the ostrich keep its balance (平衡) and turn. 短小的翅膀可以帮鸵鸟在“狂奔”时顺利转弯和保持平衡。 Special feet 特殊的脚 The ostrich has only two toes on each foot. One toe is big and the other is small. This helps the bird save energy (省力) to run. 鸵鸟每只脚只有两根脚趾——一只大一只小,这样鸵鸟就能很省力的奔跑啦!
The ostrich can run fast and far. It can keep a speed of more than 48 km per hour for about 5 minutes. 鸵鸟可以和汽车跑的差不多快。时速48千米/小时连续跑五分钟,不成问题! Who is the winner? 比比看? The ostrich can finish a 42-km marathon (马拉松) in about 40 minutes. This would take the best human runners two hours. 鸵鸟可以以40分钟的优异成绩完成42千米的马拉松——但人类(即使是最好的运动员)也需要花两个小时左右才能完赛!