北京世联翻译公司译员翻译的保税区相关规定,如果您有这方面的翻译需求,可以随时与我们的在线客服人员联系,也可以拨打我们的咨询热线:010-64809262 1.Companies and individuals in Bonded Zones and Bonded Logistic Parks (presumably including Trading Companies and Manufacturing Companies) will be able to obtain trading rights (i.e. import/export rights) and distribution rights according to relevant regulations. Foreign-invested Enterprises who have obtained distribution rights will be able to conduct distribution activities within the territory of China. 根据有关法规,保税区和保税物流园的公司和个人(假定包括贸易公司和制造公司)将能够取得贸易权(即进口/出口权)和配送权。已取得配送权的外商投资企业能够在中国境内从事配送活动。 2.Companies in Bonded Zones and Bonded Logistic Parks with the capacity of a foreign trade operator will be able to sell and procure goods from China Proper in accordance with the relevant stipulations regarding import/export, foreign exchange and tax administration of China. 根据中国关于进口/出口、外汇和税收管理的有关规定,保税区和保税物流园内作为外贸经营者的公司将能够向中国本土销售并且自中国本土采购货物。 3.The movement of goods between Bonded Zone Companies and China Proper companies will be carried out under present practices, i.e. undergo the import/export procedures in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the Customs; If a Bonded Zone Company sells the goods to China Proper under the capacity of a foreign trade operator (i.e. import /export agent), it would need to clear customs and undergo foreign exchange procedures on its own. 货物在保税区公司和中国本土公司之间的移动按现行做法进行,即,根据海关的有关规定办理进口/出口程序;如果保税区公司以外贸经营者(即进口/出口代理人)的身份向中国本土销售货物,则需要自行报关并办理外汇手续。 4.The movement of goods by a Bonded Zone / Bonded Logistic Park Company who acts under the capacity of a foreign trade operator between Overseas and the bonded zone will not be subject to the import/export licensing control regime, unless otherwise specifically stated in international treaties in which China participates or engages, laws, and administrative regulations. 除非在中国参加或承诺的国际条约、法律和行政法规中另有具体规定,保税区/保税物流园公司通过外贸经营者将货物在海外和保税区之间的移动不受进口/出口许可制度的约束。 文章来源:世联北京翻译公司 |