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食品翻译1611T50425P-29123 border=0>

    翻译:Overview of calcium fruit
    翻译:Biological features of calcium fruit
      高钙果,学名欧李,是蔷薇科樱桃属的一种矮小灌木,株高0.5 ~ 1.0米,无明显主枝,基枝年抽生5 ~ 7条,株丛占地0.2 ~ 0.5平方米。开白花或粉花,花期4月下旬 ~ 5月初,成熟期8 ~ 10月初,结核果,型似樱桃,味似李,与山楂大小类似,酸甜可口,风味清香独特。果重6克左右,核小果肉厚,以红、黄、暗红、紫色为主。是一种抗性极强的灌木果树。抗寒,在-37℃低温可以安全越冬;抗旱,在年降水量400mm的干旱区域能正常生长;抗瘠薄,适宜土壤为PH6.6 ~ 8.0;对自然条件的适应性极强,在我国东北、华北、西北、华中以及南方冬季0 ~ 10℃的温度时间累计800小时以上的广大地区,均可栽植。
    翻译:Calcium fruit, whose English name is Chinese dwarf cherry and Scientific name is Prunus humilis Bunge, is a dwarf shrub (Prunus, L., Rosaceae), the height of plant is 0.5~1.0 meter. There is no obvious bough, and the base branch regenerates 5-7 shoots annually, the plant covers an area of 0.2~0.5 sq. meter. It has white or pink flowers, the blooming period is late April to early May, the mature stage is August to early October. It bears stone fruit, whose shape is like cherry and the taste is like plum, the size is similar to that of hawthorn, and the fruit is sweet sour and tasty, of unique and enticing flavor. Each fruit weighs about 6 grams, the pit is small and the marrow is thick, of red, yellow, dark red and purple color. It is a shrub fruit tree with excellent anti-adversity capability. It is chill proof, can survive the winter under the low temperature of -37 degree centigrade; it is drought defying, can grow normally in dry area with annual precipitation of 400 mm; it is also leanness proof, the appropriate PH of soil is between 6.6 to 8.0; It’s highly adaptive to the natural conditions, can be planted in vast regions where the accumulative time period when the winter temperature is between 0-10 degree centigrade is more than 800 hours in China, such as Northeast, North China, Northwest, Mid-China and Southern areas.
    翻译:Nutritious value of calcium fruit
    高钙果果实富含蛋白质、矿质元素、维生素、氨基酸等高级营养物质,尤其是钙铁、维生素C含量很高,每百克鲜果中钙、铁、VC含量分别达到79.09、1.5和47.0毫克,而苹果中只有9.0、0.24和2.0毫克。高钙果含钙量不但居于水果之首,而且是人乳含钙量的2.0倍,就连世人公认的补钙佳品牛奶,从对钙的人体吸收率上讲,较高钙果低25.0%。高钙果果实中所含的17种氨基酸总量高达338.3 ~ 451.7毫克 / 100克,其中儿童生长必需的氨基酸如赖氨酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸等就达102.7 ~ 126.6毫克 / 100克。不但高钙果中的钙、VC含量远远高于常见水果的钙、VC含量,而且其B2、VE总量及钾、磷、锌和硒等的含量也高于常见果树的果实,被营养学家誉为天然的营养 库。是儿童、中老年人体补钙、补铁及其它微量元素的高级保健水果,是人类的天然保健佳品。
      翻译:Calcium fruit is rich in premium nutrients protein, mineral elements, vitamins, amino acids, in particular the contents for calcium, iron and vitamin C are high. In each 100 grams of fresh fruit the contents of calcium, iron and Vc are 79.09, 1.5 and 47.0 mg, respectively, while in apple those three figures are only 9.0, 0.24 and 2.0 mg, respectively. The calcium content of calcium fruit is the highest among all the fruits, and is 2 times that of the calcium in human milk. Even the best products for supplementation of calcium acknowledged by the public, the cow milk, has a bioavailability of calcium 25% lower than that of calcium fruit. The total amino acids in the fresh calcium fruit is as high as 338.3~451.7 mg/100 g, and the content of necessity amino acids for the growth of children, such as lysine, valine, leusine and isoleusine is up to 102.7~126.6 mg/100 g. The calcium fruit not only has much higher calcium and Vc that other common fruits, but also larger composition of B2, Ve, and potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium that fruits of other conventional trees. The calcium fruit is applauded by nutritionists as a “natural nutrient depot”. It is a deluxe tonic fruit which can supplement calcium, iron and other trace elements for children, people of medium and advanced ages, it is a natural nutraceutical quintessence for human being.