世联北京翻译公司资深译员对燃油管检测规则翻译。 检验规则 Inspection Rules 1.燃油管检验和验收项目,按3.1、3.2、3.3、3.4条规定进行。需要时,也可抽检其它项目。 1Items for inspecting and accepting fuel pipes: Provisions in Item 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 shall be followed. Additional sampling inspection items may be conducted as necessary. 2.检验抽样方法和检查水平按GB2828标准执行。 GB2828 shall be followed to determine the sampling inspection method and inspection level. 3.型式检验凡属下列情况之一应进行型式试验 3Type test: A type test is required: a.开发定型前天 To finalize a new type of development; b.对批量生产的产品,每一年进行一次型式试验 Once per year for each product of scale production; c.国家监督机构或顾客提出进行型式试验要求时 On demand by the national supervisory organization or customers; d.材料、结构、工艺有较大改进时应进行型式试验 Whenever the material, structure, or process is remarkably improved; or e.停产半年以上恢复生产时。 When production is resumed from a stop of half a year or longer. 4.型式试验项目为本标准第3项规定的所有内容 All the items specified in Paragraph 3 herein shall be included in a type test. 5.型式检验全部项目合格方可判定型式检验合格:如有一项不合格,应对此项加倍数量抽样复检,如仍有一项不合格,则判本次型式检验不合格。 No product may be deemed as passing the type test unless it passes all the items specified for the type test. Should it fails to pass an item, the type test shall be conducted once again with doubled sample size. In event that it fails to pass an item once more, it shall be determined as failed to pass the type test. 如果您有这方面的翻译需求,可以随时与世联在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的客服热线:010-64809262 |