机械翻译是北京世联翻译公司比较擅长的领域,我公司有专业机械翻译译员数名,经验丰富,以下就是对压缩机介绍翻译。![]() 翻译:压缩机 The intermediate pressure (I.P.) and high pressure (H.P.) sections are arranged on independent co-axial shafts and each section is driven by a single-stage turbine. Both shafts' speeds are monitored and the I.P. shaft speed is controlled to maintain the required power. The H.P. shaft speed varies as a function of the I.P. discharge flow. This arrangement allows each spool to operate at its optimum speed thus maintaining the correct aerodynamic loading without the necessity for variable stators. 翻译:中压(I.P.)和高压(H.P.)部件安装在相互独立的同轴上,每个部件由单级涡轮驱动。两个轴的转速都受到了监视,对中压轴的转速予以控制,以保证输出所需的功率。高压轴的转速随中压出水流速而变化。这一设计结构可使每个轴都以其最优化的速度运转,因此,保持正确的气动载荷,而无需增加变容量定子。 The I.P. compressor consists of seven stages built up of discs, electron-beam welded into a drum structure. Titanium blades are used to give maximum corrosion resistance. 翻译:中压压缩机包括七级组合式涡轮盘、电子束焊接安装涡轮机转鼓装置。使用了钛合金叶片,以最大限度地防腐。 The H.P. compressor is six stages and consists of two electron-beam welded drums bolted to the third-stage disc. Blades are manufactured in corrosion resistant alloys or coated to give the maximum corrosion resistance possible at the operating temperatures encountered. 翻译:高压压缩机分为六级,其中包括两个与第三级涡轮盘栓接的电子束焊接转鼓。涡轮叶片用防腐合金制造或采用防腐漆喷涂,以便在可能发生的高运行温度条件下,最大限度地防腐。 The I.P. and H.P. compressor assemblies are joined to their respective shafts through curvic couplings to facilitate modular build and strip. 翻译:中压和高压装置通过曲线联轴节连接到各自相应的轴上,以提供标准的构造和调准垫。 如果您有机械翻译相关的需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的咨询热线:010-64809262,世联北京翻译公司一定是您最佳的合作伙伴。 |