能源翻译是世联北京翻译公司擅长领域,多次承接过大型能源翻译项目,受到一致好评,质量保障一直是世联坚持的承诺,以下就是世联资深译员对太阳能淡化工程进行的翻译案例。 太阳能海水淡化淡化工程是使用国际领先的高温太阳能集热器收集太阳辐射热量,将系统管路内导热油加热到160-180度,经过蓄热器内部发生的油、水换热,将油的热量传递给水,使之生成蒸汽,经海水淡化机处理,经过多次冷凝、蒸发、再冷凝过程,生产出高品质、纯净卫生的蒸馏水,可达到直接供人饮用的标准。 翻译:In a Solar seawater desalination project, energy is collected from solar radiation by a world-leading high-temperature solar collector, heating the conductive oil up to 160-180°C within the system tubing. Then oil-water heat exchange occurs within an accumulator, in which water receives heat and becomes steam. Then the steam is subject to multiple cycles of condensing, vaporizing, and re-condensing in a seawater desalinator, producing quality, pure, and sanitary distilled water that satisfies standards for direct human drinking. 工程规模从日产几十吨到日产几千吨淡水不等,适合淡水匮乏、能源紧缺,而日照充足的沿海国家及地区。 翻译:With daily fresh water output ranging from dozens of tons to several thousand tons, these projects are suitable for sunny coastal countries and regions where both fresh water and energy are short. 该系统具有以下特点: 翻译:These systems have the following features: 1.可独立运行,不受蒸汽、电力等条件的限制; 翻译:Standalone operation independent of steam or electricity supply; 2.无污染、低能耗、运行安全可靠,不消耗石油、天然气等常规能源; 翻译:Pollution free, power saving, secure and reliable operation, with no consumption of generic energy resources, such as petroleum or natural gas; 3.生产规模可有机组合,适应性好,可设计制造日产一吨到千吨以上系列装置; 翻译:Organic combination of production scale delivers good adaptability for series of facilities with daily output ranging from 1 ton to over 1,000 tons; 4.投资相对较少,产水成本低,低廉的运营成本具备淡水供应市场的竞争优势; 翻译:Relatively low investment, low water production cost, together with the cheap operating cost deliver competitive advantages in the freshwater supplying market; 5.受原水浓度限制较小,更加适合于淡化海水及高浓度苦咸水; 翻译:Low dependencies on the original water concentration make them better for desalinizing seawater and high-concentration bitter water; 如果您有能源翻译相关需求,可以随时与我们公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262,世联北京翻译公司一定是您最佳的合作伙伴。 |