系统设计要求翻译涉及到很多专业名词,有一定的难度,所以此类文件翻译一定要找正规专业的翻译公司,世联北京翻译公司专业系统要求翻译,经验丰富,承接过多次此类翻译文件,翻译结果均受到一致好评,以下就是我公司资深译员翻译整理的关于停车系统设计要求的样稿。 系统设计要求 翻译:System design requirements 针对本项目要做成一套通过计算机来管理的停车场收费管理系统。泊车者通过手中的卡片(已经经过管理人员授权)进出车库,以计算机为主的管理系统自动计算出泊车者的停车时长,显示应收的停车费。出口的道闸通过上位机发出的指令判断是否放行,从而有效的管理泊车者。 翻译:In the Project hereof a computer-managed Garage Charging Management System shall be offered. Drivers may enter or exit the garage with the cards in their hands (the cards have been authorized by the management individuals). The computer-prevailing management system automatically calculates how long each vehicle has been parked in the garage and displays the parking charge receivable. Effective parking management is realized by the barrier bars at the exits which determine whether vehicles may exit or not under the instruction from the management computer. 通过这套系统有效的管理商场内部泊车者和临时来访的泊车者的停车。 翻译:The system shall deliver effective management over the vehicle parking by in-house individuals of the shop and by visitors. 在系统设计中要采用感应式IC(即EM)卡停车场管理系统,要具有方便快捷、收费准确可靠、保密性好、灵敏度高、使用寿命长、形式灵活、功能强大等众多优点。 翻译:The Garage Management System shall be designed with contactless IC (EM) cards to deliver rapid and convenient services and accurate and reliable charging, as well as privacy, sensitivity, long life, flexibility, and enhanced capability. 如果您有此类翻译文件需要处理,可以随时与北京世联翻译在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262http://www.unitrans.cn,世联竭诚为您提供优质的翻译服务。 |