世联北京翻译公司资深译员对缅甸概况进行翻译,以下是具体的案例。 缅甸概况 翻译:Brief introduction of Burma: 缅甸联邦(The Union of Myanmar)是中南半岛国土最大的国家,总面积为676581平方公里,东西长936公里,南北长2051公里。缅甸边境线全长约8366公里,与邻国接壤6127公里,其中与中国边境线长2183公里,与泰国边境线长2098公里,与印度边境张长1378公里,与孟加拉边境线长245公里,与老挝边境线长206公里。海岸线由纳密瓦至高当共长约2228公里。 翻译:Burma (The Union of Burma) is the largest country in Indo-China Peninsula, with the total area of 676581Km2. and its domain is 936Km from east to west, 2051Km from south to north. The total length of Burma boundary line is about 8366Km, 6127Km bordered with neighbor countries, and 2183Km bordered with China, 2098Km bordered with Thailand, 1378Km bordered with India, 245Km bordered with Bengal, 206Km bordered with Laos. The total length of coast line from Namiwa to Gaodang is about 2228Km. 缅甸联邦位于亚洲中南半岛西北部,地处北纬9058′至28031′之间和东经92020′至101011′之间。北部和东北部与中国毗邻,东部和东南部与老挝和泰国相连,西南濒临印度洋的孟加拉湾和安达曼海,西部和西北部与孟加拉国和印度接壤。首都仰光(Yangon)位于缅甸南部,东经96013′线和北纬16054′线交叉点。东经97030′线被规定为缅甸标准时间线,缅甸标准时间比格林威治时间早6小时30分。 翻译: The Union of Burma locates at the northwest of Indo-China Peninsula, north latitude of 9°58′ to 28°31′and east longitude of 92°20′to 101°11′. Its north and northeast parts are bordered with China; its east and southeast parts are bordered with Laos and Thailand; its southwest is close to Bengal Bay and Andaman Sea of Indian Ocean, and its west and northwest parts are bordered with Bengal and India. Its capital Rangoon locates at the south of Burma, the junction of 96°13′E and 16°54′N. The 97°30′E is specified as the standard time division line of Burma, the standard time in Burma is 6.5 hours earlier than GMT. 缅甸地形比较复杂,主要以山地、高原为主,地势北高南低。全国地貌大致可分为三部分:西部的山地、中部的伊洛瓦底冲积平原和东部的高原地区。 翻译:Burma has a varied topography, mainly distributed with mountainous belt and plateau, its north part is higher than the terrain of south part. The geomorphologic features of the whole Burma may be divided into three parts: western mountainous region, middle Ayeyarwady alluvial plain and eastern highland area. 如果您有以上翻译需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262. |