在金融翻译当中,经常能够碰到资本和债务相关的翻译,如果是这种文件需要翻译,一定要找专业的金融翻译公司,这样才能够保证资料的准确性,不会产生影响,世联北京翻译公司,是一家专业的金融翻译公司,与多家金融机构长期保持合作关系,以下就是我公司专业金融翻译译员整理翻译的稿件。 CAPITISATION AND INDEBTEDNESS 翻译:资本和债务 The following table shows our cash and cash equivalents, capitalisation and indebtedness as at [·] based on our unaudited pro forma balance sheet as at [·] before adjusting for the net proceeds from the Invitation; and on a pro forma basis, as adjusted for the issue of the [·] [New/Invitation] Shares pursuant to the Invitation, and the application of the net proceeds from the Invitation (after deducting the estimated expenses in relation to the Invitation). 翻译:下表所示为截止到[·]我们的现金和现金等价物、投资和债务 (1) 基于我们在[·],对邀请的净收益进行调整之前的未审计预估的资产表;以及 (2) 在预估的基础上,对邀请中发行的[·] [新/邀请] 股份进行调整,并且计算了邀请的净收益(扣除了与本邀请相关的预计费用后)。 You should read this table in conjunction with the “Report on Examination of the Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements of our Group” set out in Appendix IV of this Prospectus and the section “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition” . 翻译:下表应与本招股章程附件 IV “我集团审计前预估的财务状况检查报告”和“管理层对运营结果和财务状况的讨论和分析”章节共同使用。 We finance our operations and capital expenditures through a combination of shareholders’ equity (including retained profits), net cash generated from operating activities and borrowings from financial institutions. Our cash flow from operations is mainly derived from ·. Our principal uses of cash have been for working capital requirements, operating expenses and acquisition of property and equipment. 翻译:我们通过股东权益 (包括净利润)、经营活动产生的净现金以及从金融机构的借贷共同为我们的运作提供资金支持和提供资本支出。我们的现金流主要从·获得。我们的主要现金用途包括满足流动资本要求、运行费用以及厂房和设备的采购等。 As at [n], we have cash and bank balances of $[·] million and overdraft of $[·] million. We also have unutilised credit facilities in the form of short-term and long-term borrowings of $[·] million. 翻译:截止到[n],我们的现金和银行存款余额为$[·]百万元,透支$[·] 百万元。另外,我们还以短期和长期借贷使用了[·] 百万元的信用措施。 As at [n], our total indebtedness was $[n] million comprising short-term and long-term indebtedness owing to financial institutions. Short-term indebtedness comprise mainly bills payable and the current portion of interest-bearing term loan and borrowings. Short-term indebtedness which accounted for approximately $[n] million of our indebtedness, were subject to floating interest rates ranging from n% to n% per annum. Long-term indebtedness comprise long-term portion of the interest-bearing term loan with a tenure of n years. This interest-bearing term loan, which amounted to approximately $[n] million, was subject to a fixed interest rate of n% above the bank’s prevailing Singapore Interbank Offer Rate (“SIBOR”). Our interest-bearing term loan and borrowings were used mainly to finance the acquisition of n and for working capital purposes. 翻译:截止到[n],我们对金融机构的债务总额为$[n]百万元,其中包括短期和长期债务。短期债务主要包括应付票据以及应付利息期限内的贷款和借贷中的当前部分。我们的总债务中有金额大约为$[n] 百万元的短期债务,这些债务的利率在每年n%到n%的范围内浮动。长期债务包括应付利息期限内的长期借贷部分,偿还期限为n 年。这部分应支付利息的贷款总额大约为$[n]百万元。其固定利率比现行新加坡银行同业拆放利率(“SIBOR”) 高n%。我们的有偿贷款和借贷主要为收购n 提供财政支持,并用于流动资金的目的。 如果您有金融翻译相关的需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,进行详细的咨询,或者是拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262. |