串行通讯接口主要是指数据传输设备,再日常生活中应用比较广泛,电脑上和路由交换机上都有应用,世联北京翻译公司做了关于串行通讯接口介绍的翻译,不同的类型有不同的介绍,以下就是翻译的具体内容,了解一下。 串行通讯接口(RS232) 翻译:Serial communication interface (RS232) VX3232系列矩阵切换器支持RS233串口级连功能,此功能可由用户按照前面板菜单提示选择启用或禁用。启用串口级连功能时用户需要在每个串口控制指令前加上起始字节“0x40”和设备地址,通过各个设备设置不同的地址可以实现一个RS2332串口控制2台以上VX3232系列矩阵切换器。启用串口级连功能时,用户直接发送串口控制指令即可。控制指令请参阅第五章。 翻译:VX3232 Series supports RS232 serial chain, which may be enabled or disabled by following the menu prompts on the front panel. To enable the chain, enter a prefix byte of "0x40" and the equipment address followed by each serial control command; after that, send the command. By configuring different addresses for different equipments, you may use a single RS232 port to control two or more VX3232 Series Matrix Switchers. Refer to Chapter V for control commands. RS232 IN用于连接VX3232系列矩阵切换器到计算机或集中控制系统等其他外部控制装置,RS232 OUT用于连接下一台VX3232系列矩阵切换器。 翻译:RS232 IN is used to connect your VX3232 Series to a computer, a centralized control system, or other external control devices. RS232 OUT is used to connect to the next VX3232 Series Matrix Switcher. RS232 IN串行接口是用来连接VX3232系列到计算机或集中控制及其它的外部控制装置。计算机或外部控制装置发出适当的指令编码通过RS232接口送达VX3232系列并通过该接口接受并识别VX3232系列所产生的响应讯号从而达到控制和监视VX3232系列的目的。本机串行接口的连接头连接方式为直接连通,即2-2、3-3、5-5。下图表示一台计算机(主控机)连接到VX3232系列RS232接口的情形。 翻译:The RS232 IN serial interface is used to connect your VX3232 Series to a computer, a centralized control system, or another external control device. Control and monitoring over the VX3232 series are achieved by the computer or the external control device, which sends appropriate commands to the VX3232 series via the RS232 interface and, via the same interface, receives and recognizes the response from the VX3232 series. The serial interface of the machine uses direct-through connection for its connectors, i.e. 2-2, 3-3, and 5-5. The following figure illustrates a computer (host system/device) connected to the RS232 interface of the VX3232 series. RS232 OUT为级连串口,通过此口连接下一台设备的RS232 IN,如图所示。这样就可以实现级连,以便通过一台外部控制设备可以控制更多的输入/输出设备的目的。 翻译:RS232 OUT is a chain serial port, which used to connect to the RS232 IN of the next equipment. See the following figure. Thus chain is implemented to use a single external control device to control more I/O equipments. 以上就是世联北京翻译公司资深译员对串行通讯接口的翻译,如果您有类似这方面的翻译需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262 |