合同翻译是世联北京翻译公司擅长领域,合同翻译中用语要求非常严谨,所以此类翻译文件一定要找专业的翻译公司,这样才能够保证文件的准确性,避免出现差错,世联北京翻译公司专业合同翻译,以下就是资深合同翻译译员做的相关案例,合同翻译当中股东大会翻译。 股东大会 翻译:SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETINGS 1.在股东大会上就业务交易而组成法定人数所需的股东人数为两名,这两名股东既可以是本人也可以是他们的代表、律师或代理人来出席大会。在股东大会上提出的一切事宜,除非在第11条或公司法案或章程中另有要求,应由出席大会的股东通过普通决议来决定。 翻译:The number of Shareholders necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Shareholders shall be two (2) Shareholders, whether present by representative, attorney or proxy. All matters raised at a meeting of the Shareholders shall, unless otherwise required by Clause 11 or the Companies Act or the Articles, be decided by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders present at the meeting. 2.如果在指定召开会议的时间起半个小时内没有满足法定人数的股东出席,会议应休会七天后在同一时间同一地点召开,不必就此休会给予股东通知。如果如此召开的会议在指定召开会议的时间起半小时内没有满足法定人数的股东出席,则出席此次会议的成员应视为法定人数。 翻译:If within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to seven (7) days thereafter at the same time and place with the same agenda and no notice need be given to the Shareholders in relation to such adjourned meeting. If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, the member or members present at such adjourned meeting shall be the quorum. 3.根据章程和公司法案的规定,以书面方式形成的股东决议已经送达所有股东并至少由依照第7.1条的规定形成法定人数的股东签名,应视为在适当召开的股东大会上通过的决议那样具有效力,该决议可以由几份具有类似格式的文件组成,每份由一名或几名股东签署。为本条之目的,“书面”和“签署”的意思应包括以电传、电报、电子邮件、无线传输或传真方式作出的批准。通过传真或电子邮件传输的任何此等决议应是有效的,应视为在传输之日已经发出,只要是经过签名的原件通过快递方式或邮资已付的挂号邮件方式在传输后的二十四小时内寄送到本公司的注册办公地址。 翻译:Subject to the Articles and the Companies Act, a resolution in writing of the Shareholders shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been a resolution passed at a general meeting of the Shareholders duly convened and held if such resolution in writing has been served on all Shareholders and signed by at least such Shareholders as are necessary to constitute a quorum in accordance with Clause 7.1, and may consist of several documents in the like form each signed by one or more Shareholders. For the purposes of this Clause, “in-writing” and “signed” shall include approval by telex, cable, telegram, electronic mail, wireless or facsimile transmission. Any such resolution sent by facsimile or electronic mail transmission shall be valid and deemed to have been duly sent on the date of transmission provided that the original signed copy thereof is sent by courier or by pre-paid registered post to the Company at its registered address within 24 hours of transmission. 以上就是世联北京翻译公司资深译员整理翻译的关于合同翻译当中股东大会翻译,如果您有此类文件翻译需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262 |