新股发现说明翻译是合同翻译当中较为常见的一种,此类型文件对翻译的要求比较高,所以翻译此类型文件一定要到正规的翻译公司,世联北京翻译公司专业合同翻译十四年,对于新股发行说明翻译相当有经验,我们有专业的合同翻译老师处理此类文件,以下就是我公司专业合同翻译译员对新股发行说明翻译案例。 Pre-emption Rights: New Issue of Shares 译:优先权:新股发行 i.Any unissued shares or issuance of new or additional shares in the capital of the Company, other than Excluded Securities, shall before issue be offered for subscription in the first instance to each of the Shareholders in accordance with their respective Shareholding Proportions and the Articles (each offer being a “Subscription Offer” and all such offers being the “Subscription Offers”). 译:除了除外证券,本公司股本中的任何未发行的股份或新发行股或额外的股份应在发行之前首先提议让所有的股东按照他们各自的股权比例和章程进行认购 (“认购提议”)。 ii.A Subscription Offer may be accepted by the relevant Shareholder as to all but not some only of the shares comprised in such Subscription Offer within 14 days from the date of the Subscription Offer and failing such acceptance shall be deemed to be declined. 译:如果有关股东结束一个认购提议,则应在认购提议发出之日后的十四日内接受该认购提议中包括的全部股份而不是部分股份,如果他不接受,则将被视为拒绝。 iii.Where a Subscription Offer is declined or deemed to have been declined pursuant to Clause 16.2.2, the other Shareholder(s) who have so accepted their respective Subscription Offers shall for a further period of 14 days following the 14 day period mentioned in Clause 16.2.2 have the option but not the obligation to subscribe for all the shares declined or deemed to be declined by the other Shareholder(s) (the “Declined Subscription Shares”) in the respective proportions with respect to their shareholding inter se or in such proportion as they may agree amongst themselves. For the avoidance of doubt, if all of the Declined Subscription Shares comprised in a Subscription Offer are not so accepted within 14 days following the 14 day period mentioned in Clause 16.2.2, that Subscription Offer(s) in respect of the Declined Subscription Shares shall be deemed to have been declined and Clause 16.2.4 shall apply. 译:当一个认购提议按照上述第16.2.2条的规定被拒绝或认为已被拒绝,接受了各自认购提议的其他股东应在上述第16.2.2条中提到的十四日后的随后十四日内可以按照他们的股权比例或者他们彼此同意的比例,选择但不是有义务去认购此等被拒绝或认为已被拒绝的全部股份(“被拒绝的认购股”)。为避免产生疑问,如果一个认购提议中包括的全部被拒绝的认购股在上述第16.2.2条中提到的十四日后的随后十四日内未被接受,则该认购提议应视为已被拒绝,而应适用第16.2.4条。 iv.Any Declined Subscription Shares not accepted for purchase under Clause 16.2.3 shall be offered for subscription to other third parties on terms and conditions not more favourable than those comprised in the Subscription Offer for a period not exceeding 30 days from the date when the Subscription Offer in respect of the Declined Subscription Shares is declined or deemed to be declined pursuant to Clause 16.2.3, as the case may be. 译:在第16.2.3条下未被接受的任何被拒绝的认购股,在认购提议按照第16.2.3条的规定被拒绝或者认为已被拒绝之日后的不超过三十天一段期间内,应按照不超过认购提议中的优惠条件向其他第三方出价销售。 如果您有合同翻译服务相关需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,也可以通过电话进行咨询:010-64809262 ,世联24小时服务热线:13601166773,世联北京翻译公司全体员工竭诚为您提供最优质的翻译服务。 |