公司协议翻译在大型跨国企业,或者是中外合资企业当中应用比较广泛,世联北京翻译公司专业协议翻译,长期翻译此类稿件,积累了大量的经验,同时有专业协议翻译译员处理此类稿件,以下就是公司四译员整理翻译的有关协议翻译当中的协议期限和终止。 TERM AND TERMINATION 译:协议期限和终止 1This Agreement shall come into effect on the date and the year first written above and continue in full force and effect without limit in point of time until the earlier of the following events:- 译:本协议自文本开头载明的日期开始生效,至下列较早发生的事件发生后终止: (a)agreement by the Parties to terminate this Agreement; 译:各方同意终止本协议; (b)any transfer or series of transfers of Shares resulting in all Shares being held by one Party (whether by itself or together with one or more of its Affiliates); 译:任何股份转让或一系列股份转让导致所有股份为一方所持有(不论是独自持有还是和其一个或几个附属公司共同持有); (c)the Company being wound up (whether pursuant to an order of court or voluntarily by the Parties); and 译:本公司被解散(无论是按照一项法庭命令还是各方自愿); (d)immediately prior to the closing of any consolidation or merger of the Company with or into any other corporation or corporations in which the holders of the Company’s outstanding share capital immediately before such consolidation or merger do not, immediately after such consolidation or merger, retain issued share capital representing a majority of the voting power of the surviving corporation of such consolidation or merger. 译:紧接着本公司与其它任何公司的任何合并完成之前,在该其它公司中持有本公司在紧接此等合并之前已发行股本的持有人在紧接此等合并之后没有保留合并后存续的公司的大多数具有表决权的已发行股本。 2This Agreement may be terminated by either Party if the Effective Date does not occur on or before [31 December 2005]. 译:如果在2005年12月31日当日或之前生效日期还没有到来,本协议可以由任何一方终止。 3This Agreement (other than Clause 24 which shall continue to apply to the extent stated therein) shall cease to apply to any Shareholder if at any time as a result of a Transfer of Shares made in accordance with this Agreement and the Articles, that Shareholder holds no shares in the capital of the Company, but without prejudice to any rights which any other Party may have against that Shareholder prior to such termination and save further that the right of any Shareholder to claim damages or any other remedies by reason of any breach of this Agreement by any other Shareholder which has accrued prior to any Shareholder so ceasing will not be affected. 译:如果任何时候由于按照本协议进行的股份转让导致任何股东不再持有本公司的股份,本协议(除了第24条应继续适用于规定外)将不再对该股东适用,但不得影响到其他任何一方在终止之前对该股东享有的权利,在终止前由于其他任何股东对本协议的违反而导致任何股东主张赔偿或其它任何补救的权利亦不得受到影响。 4Clause 24 shall survive the termination of this Agreement to the extent stated therein. 译:第24条的规定不受本协议终止的影响。 5Upon the termination of this Agreement, none of the Shareholders shall have any claims against the others for costs, damages, compensation or otherwise save in respect of the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement up to and including the date of termination. 译:本协议终止后,除了终止之日或之前由于本协议或有关本协议而发生的各方的权利和债务之外,任何股东都不得向其他股东就费用、赔偿、补偿等提出要求。 如果您有此类翻译方面服务需求,可以随时与我公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262,世联全体员工竭诚为您提供最优质的翻译服务。 |