福利和养老金制度翻译属于<19055/w10203730政府项目翻译,所以要求比较严格,世联北京翻译公司,长期提供政府项目翻译,并且与国家机关政府有关部门有长期合作关系,以下就是我公司专业译员,对福利和养老金制度翻译案例。 Welfare and pension system 译:福利和养老金制度 Social security provide a wide range of benefits, including old age, survivors' and disability pensions, workmen's compensation, unemployment benefit and sickness. According to Eurostat projections Poland’s demographic profile will follow the EU average. The elderly dependency ratio will grow from a current level of 19% to 51% by 2050. 译:社会保障提供了大范围的福利,包括老年人、幸存者和残疾人养老金、工薪人员补偿、失业福利和疾病保险。按照欧洲统计(Eurostat)的预测,波兰的人口变项将符合欧盟的平均状况。老年人口扶养比将从目前19%的水平增长到2050年的51%。 Overall the ratio of average net pension to average net wage in statutory pension schemes is expected to fall (from 58% in 2004), while the expected time in retirement will increase due to the increases in life expectancy. 译:总得来说,平均净养老金与法定养老金计划中的平均净工资额的比率预计将下降(从2004年的58%开始),而预计退休时间将由于平均寿命提高而提高。 For a worker retiring at 65 after 40 years at the average wage, theoretical net replacement rate calculations show a gradual decline from 2005 to 2050 from 63% to 36%, the decrease is lower for people retiring at 67 after 42 years of contributions. 译:对于按平均工资工作了40年后的在65岁退休的工薪人员,理论净替换率计算显示从2005-2050年将从63%下降到36%,而在供款42年后于67岁退休的人员这一下降较低。 The AWG projections of 2005 show a considerable drop in public pension expenditure from 13.9% to 8.0% of GDP over the period 2004-2050 (pension expenditures decrease to 9.3% of GDP in 2050 when the mandatory funded tier is taken into account). Nevertheless, the calculations indicate that the pay-as-you-go tier is projected to remain in deficit until the mid 30's due to transition costs. 译:2005年的AWG预测显示公共养老金支出有大幅减少,在2004-2050年间,从占GDP的13.9%减少到8.0%(当考虑了强制性基金制层级后,养老金支出在2050年将下降到占GDP的9.3%)。然而,计算显示,由于有过渡成本,现收现付层级预计将保持赤字,一直持续到本世纪三十年代。 【温馨提示】如果您有以上翻译服务需求,可以随时与世联北京翻译公司在线客服人员联系,点击在线咨询,或者是拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262,世联北京翻译公司全体员工竭诚为您提供最优质的翻译服务。 |