电子站牌是公交车站设备之一,生活中经常见到,世联北京翻译公司承接关于电子站牌介绍翻译,由我公司资深译员翻译整理,以下就是翻译案例。 电子站牌 翻译:Electronic Depot Sign 电子站牌是公交调度监控系统的设备之一,它采用先进的无线通信、嵌入式控制和计算机网络等技术,将公交线路上的车辆位置、车辆到达本站时间, 车内是否拥挤等信息快速、准确地显示给正在候车的乘客。 翻译:Electronic depot sign, one of the bus dispatching and monitoring facilities, adopts advanced radio communication, embedded control and computer network technologies to accurately display the bus positions, arrival time and any existence of congestion in the bus among other information to the waiting passengers. 通过在公交车总站和沿线停靠站设立电子站牌,提供公交车运行的相关信息及信息广告、天气预报等服务,将十分有利于城市公交的合理调度,方便出行者的计划安排,同时也是公交运营公司向乘客提供良好服务、提高企业知名度、宣传企业形象的一种有效手段,是建设现代数字化城市所必备的智能交通设施。此外,电子站牌还可以作为交通紧急信息的发布终端。 翻译:Electronic depot signs at bus terminals and depots will provide bus information, ads and weather forecast information, which can greatly facilitate the urban bus dispatching and the passenger plans as an effective means to provide considerate services, enhance corporate reputation and improve corporate image of the bus operators, as well as the necessary intelligent traffic facilities of modern digital cities. In addition, electronic depot signs can also be used as the posting terminal of emergency traffic information. 以上就是世联北京翻译公司资深译员对电子站牌介绍翻译,如果您有此类翻译方面的服务需求,可以随时与本公司官网在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262http://www.unitrans.cn |