世联北京翻译公司专业译员对中国医疗保险发展情况介绍进行的翻译案例,<19055/w10203730政府翻译,政府文件翻译,以下就是详细介绍。 中国医疗保险发展情况介绍 翻译:Developments of Medical Insurance in China 1994年初,国务院体制改革发展委员会牵头成立城镇职工医疗保险改革试点办公室,并选择江苏省镇江市、江西省九江市按照国务院批准,国家体改委、财政部、劳动部、卫生部联合制定的《关于职工医疗制度改革的试点意见》[体改分(1994)51号]文件精神,进行以建立社会统筹医疗基金和个人医疗账户相结合,使之逐步覆盖城镇所有劳动者为目标的职工医疗保障制度改革试点。1996年,试点在全国范围扩大到40多个城市。在认真总结各地医疗保险制度改革试点经验的基础上,1998年12月14日,国务院正式颁布《国务院关于建立城镇职工医疗保险制度的决定》[国发(1998)44号],标志着我国职工医疗保险制度改革进入一个新的历史阶段。 翻译:At the beginning of 1994, the System Reform and Development Commission of the State Council spearheaded the founding of the Pilot Office for Reform of Medical Insurance for Staff in Cities and Towns. Upon the approval of the State Council and in the light of the spirits of Document [TGF (1994) No.51] entitled “Opinions on Setup of Pilot Points for Medical System Reform for Staff” jointly formulated by the State Commission for Economic Restructuring, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Public Health, the Commission selected Zhenjiang City of Jiangsu and Jiujiang City of Jiangxi as pilot points for reform of medical security system for staff aiming at covering all labor forces in the cities and towns, which combines socially pooled medical funds with personal contributions. In 1996, such points were extended to more than 40 cities nationwide. While carefully summarizing the experiences gained from the pilot points for reform of medical insurance system in all localities, the State Council on December 14, 1998 officially promulgated Decision of the State Council on Setup of Medical Insurance System for Staff in Cities and Towns (GF (1998) No.44), which symbolized a new historical stage for the reform of medical insurance system for staff in China. 经过十二年的不懈努力,至2006年,我国医疗保险制度改革取得了阶段性成果:一整套医疗保险政策体系业已形成,符合中国国情的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度基本建立;多层次医疗保障体系的雏型初步建立;医疗保险覆盖范围不断扩大;制度运行基本平稳,医疗保险基金收支平衡;参保人员基本医疗需求得到保障;医疗保险费用分担机制、医疗服务竞争机制基本形成并发挥了基础性作用;传统体制下医疗资源浪费严重、医疗费用过快增长的痼疾有所遏制;形成了一系列具有中国特色的医疗保险理论观点。医疗保险制度改革的进行,为深化国有企业改革、发展社会主义市场经济、建立完善社会保障体系提供了必要条件和重要保障。 翻译:By twelve years of unremitting efforts, periodic achievements have been obtained in the reform of medical insurance system in China up to 2006: a whole set of medical insurance policy system has come into being, and basic medical insurance system for staff in cities and towns that conforms to the national situation of China has been basically set up; the miniature of multi-layered medical security system is preliminarily established; medical insurance covers a bigger and bigger range; the system runs stably in general, the income and expenditure of medical insurance fund strikes a balance; the basic medical demand of participants in the insurance is secured; sharing mechanism of medical insurance expense and competitive mechanism of medical services basically have come into existence and played a fundamental roles; the dead hand that medical resources are seriously wasted and medical expense is increased too fast under the traditional system is somewhat curtailed; and a series of medical insurance theories and viewpoints with Chinese characteristics have been formed. The reform of medical insurance system is proceeded to offer essential conditions and important guarantee for deepening reform of state-owned enterprises, developing socialist market economy, and setting up and improving social security system. 如果您有翻译方面的服务需求,可以随时与本公司在线客服人员联系,我们会第一时间给您满意的答复。北京世联翻译公司,专业翻译十四年。 |