机械翻译当中,对于机械的使用说明,和存放说明翻译很常见,世联北京翻译公司专业机械翻译,以下就是我公司专业机械翻译译员整理翻译的有关发动机存放说明的文件案例。 发动机的存放 Engine storage 发动机长期存放需进行防腐处理,这里所说的“长期存放”是指在连续6个月或多于6个月的时间内,发动机不被起动。当再次启用时,除机油和柴油应更换外,还要清除防护层。 Your engine should undergo anti-corrosion treatment before it will be stored for a long time. The "long-time storage" referred to herein means that the engine will not be started for 6 or more months. To start it once again, you should replace the oil and diesel, and remove the protective coating. 长期存放发动机之前的要求: Requirements before long-time engine storage: (1)用压缩空气,压缩水(最高压力10MPa)清洗发动机。 Wash the engine with compressed air or pressurized water (max. pressure 10MPa). (2)热机,然后停机。 Warm up and shut down the engine. (3)放机油,注入防腐油。 Drain the oil and fill the engine with anti-corrosion oil. (4)放空冷却液。 Drain the cooling fluid. (5)注入防腐剂。 Fill anti-corrosion agent. (6)放空柴油。 Drain the diesel. (7)将90%的柴油与10%的防腐油混合后加满油箱。 Fill up the fuel tank with 90% diesel mixed with 10% anti-corrosion oil. (8)运行10分钟。 Run the engine for 10 minutes. (9)停车。 Stop the engine. (10)将停车杆放到停的位置。 Set the shutdown lever to the Stop position. 如果您有机械翻译相关服务需求,可以随时与本网站在线客服人员联系,也可以拨打我们的咨询热线:010-64809262,世联北京翻译公司竭诚为您提供最优质的翻译服务。 |