旅游开发对经济能力提升有很大的帮助,国内一些省份已经面向世界进行宣传,身份介绍就是最好的宣传方式,世联北京翻译公司专业省份介绍翻译,以下就是我公司做的关于安徽省介绍翻译案例。 安徽省位于中国的中部,它横跨中国的母亲河长江两岸,东邻中国经济最发达的江苏、浙江和上海,交通便捷,自然资源丰富。省辖滁州市位于安徽省的最东边,距江苏省会城市南京仅50公里,距中国经济之都上海300公里,具有加快经济发展良好的区位优势和自然条件。1978年,当中国还在全面实行计划经济的时候,滁州市境内的凤阳县农村悄悄地试行了土地承包制,从而揭开了中国经济改革开放的序幕。20多年过去了,中国的经济已发生翻天覆地的变化,安徽省及滁州市的经济尽管也有了较大的增长,但与全国相比,特别是与其所处的地理位置、自然条件相比,无论是其经济总量还是人均收入都落后于全国的平均水平,排在全国第27位,而滁州市排在全省17个地市的第12位左右。造成安徽省滁州市经济落后的原因是多方面的,如它是一个传统的农业地区,生产力水平低,易涝易旱,工业基础薄弱等等,但是最根本的原因还在于教育落后,人口素质低。据2000年中国第五次人口普查数据,全国每10万人口中拥有大专及以上文化程度的为3611人,具有高中文化程度的为11146人,而安徽省和滁州市这两个数字的人口分别为2312人、7653人和1659人、7031人,比全国分别低1.29、3.49和1.95、4.11个百分点。 安徽省份介绍翻译翻译: Anhui Province in Mid China spans the mother river of China-Changjiang River, adjacent to the economically developed Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai to the east, boasts very extensive traffic network and natural resources. Its Chuzhou Municipality, situated in the east of Anhui, is only 50 kilometers from Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu, 300 kilometers from Shanghai, so enjoys superior conditions and natural advantages of economic growth. Under the nationwide planned economy in 1978, Fengyang County in Chuzhou debuted on the land contracting attempt, marking the start of China economic reform and opening up. In over 2 decades, Chinese economy has been revolutionized. In contrast, despite the profound economic growth in Anhui and Chuzhou, the macro economy and per-capita income still drags behind the nationwide average, with Anhui ranking 27th, and Chuzhou ranking 12th in provincial 17 prefectures. There are many reasons, like traditional agriculture reliance, low productivity, bad climate and weak industrial foundation. But ultimately, the first to blame is the weak education and low population qualification. The 5th census of China in 2000 shows in every 100,000 population, 3611 have junior college and above education, 11146 have senior high school education, in sharp contrast with 2312, 7653 in Anhui, 1659 and 7031 in Chuzhou, lower than the nationwide average by 1.29, 3.49, 1.95 and 4.11 percentage points respectively. 【温馨提示】如果您有以上类似翻译服务需求,可以直接联系在线客服人员,或者是拨打咨询热线:010-64809262http://www.unitrans.cn,北京世联翻译公司竭诚为您提供最优秀的翻译服务。 |