世联北京翻译公司关于承包商工作范围翻译案例。 承包商工作范围 翻译:Contractor Tasks 承包商将负责工作范围内的电厂设备及材料的供货、运输、现场保管、安装、调 试等工作。具体范围包括但不限于如下: 翻译:Contractor shall undertake the supply, transport, on-site warehousing, installation and commissioning of the power plant equipment and materials, including but not limited to: (1)全部生产及辅助生产系统的设计及土建设计、厂区绿化规划; 翻译:Design of all production and ancillary systems, civil work and landscape in the power plant; (2)余热锅炉系统; 翻译:Left-over heat boiler system; (3)蒸汽轮机系统; 翻译:Gas turbine; (4)燃气供应及压缩系统; 翻译:Fuel gas supply and compression system; (5)电气和控制系统 翻译:Electric and control system; (6)化学补给水系统; 翻译:Chemical water supply system; (7)炉水加药系统; 翻译:Furnace charging system; (8)循环冷却水系统 翻译:Cycling cooling water system; (9)PLC及DCS控制系统(含电视监控); 翻译:PLC and DCS control system (including television monitor); (10)厂内采暖通风系统; 翻译:Heating and ventilation system; (11)压缩空气系统; 翻译:Compressed air system; (12)设备随机备品备件; 翻译:Spare parts of equipment; (13)以上系统的主厂房、主控楼、化水车间等的设备及材料的供货、运输、现 场保管、安装、调试。 翻译:Supply, transport, site warehousing, installation and test of the equipment and materials for primary workshop, control building, chemical water workshop; 如果您有任何翻译方面的服务需求,可以随时与北京世联翻译公司在线客服人 员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262www.unitrans.cn |