北京世联翻译公司专业翻译公司,关于施工管理翻译中文翻译英文案例,以下就是详细介绍,如果您有类似文件需要翻译,可以随时与本公司在线客服人员联系。 施工管理 翻译:Construction Management 项目部负责项目现场的施工管理。管理内容主要包括: 翻译:The project department shall manage the on-site construction, primarily including: (一)组织施工前的图纸会审,审核施工单位的施工组织设计; 翻译:Organize drawing review beforehand, examine the construction plan; (二)协助施工单位解决现场的特殊困难; 翻译:Help the construction contractor to eliminate the on-site hardships; (三)督促施工单位按合同要求完成施工进度,实事求是地对工程进度做出签证; 翻译:Urge the construction contractor to follow the construction schedule, and verify the progress “AS IT IS”; (四)清点、验收甲供材料,督促施工单位做好工程材料的取样检验,检查材料合格证; 翻译:Check and accept Party A materials, urge the construction contractor for sample check of the materials and examine the quality certificates of the materials; (五)督促施工单位做好分部、分项工程的自检、互检工作,组织进行隐蔽工程的验收,严格控制工程质量; 翻译:5Urge the construction contractor for sub-system examination and cross-check, organize the examination of buried sub-projects, strictly control the project quality; (六)及时发现、处理施工中出现的问题,对质量事故,必须向公司及有关行业主管部门反映,妥善处理; 翻译:Promptly identify and solve any problems in the construction, report any quality accident to competent authorities for prompt and proper settlement; (七)协调解决两个以上施工单位的施工交叉关系; 翻译:Coordinate the relationship among the construction contractors; (八)督促施工单位进行工程维修。 翻译:Urge the construction contractors for repair service; (九)委托监理公司进行施工监理的项目,项目部要严格按照《委托监理合同》、“监理规划”、“监理实施细则”对以上施工管理工作进行分工,避免与项目部工作交叉,并按合同约定对监理单位进行日常监督。 翻译:For projects with authorized supervisor, the project department shall clearly define the management duties as per Independent Supervisor Contract, Supervisor Plan, Supervision Rules, to avoid redundant duties, and supervise the supervisors as contracted. 以上就是世联翻译公司专业译员关于施工管理文件的翻译,如果您有类似翻译服务需求,可以随时与我们联系,世联期待与您的合作。 |