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    2013年3月5日是毛主席的亲笔题词“向雷锋同志学习”发表50周年(“向雷锋同志学习”一直被翻译为“Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”,但“learn from”多用于表示“吸取经验教训”,如2011年出版的《科林斯COBUILD高阶双解英语词典》的解释:“If you learn from an unpleasant experience, you change the way you behave so that it does not happen again or so that, if it happens again, you can deal with it better。”因此,世联北京翻译公司译者认为“emulate Lei Feng”可能更加贴切。

      对待同志要像春天般的温暖,对待工作要像夏天般的火热,对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样,对待敌人要像严冬一样残酷无情。--To one’s comrades, warm as the spring; to one’s work, ardent as the summer; to individualism, as the autumn wind sweeping away dead leaves; to the enemy, relentless as the severe winter.
      人的生命是有限的,可是为人民服务是无限的。我们要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去。--Life is finite but service to the people is infinite. I will merge the finiteness of my life in the infiniteness of service to the people.
      我们吃饭是为了活着,可活着不是为了吃饭。我活着是为了全心全意为人民服务,是为人类的解放事业-共产主义而奋斗。--We eat to live but we do not live to eat. I live to serve the people heart and soul, and to struggle for the cause of the liberation of mankind, for the realization of communism.
      总体而言,“雷锋精神”可概括为“爱憎分明的阶级立场、言行一致的革命精神、公而忘私的共产主义风格,以及奋不顾身的无产阶级斗志”--Clear class stand of love and hatred, revolutionary spirit of consistency between one’s words and deeds, communist style of selflessness, and proletarian fighting will regardless of one’s own safety。