世联北京翻译公司关于牛津大学介绍翻译,与大家分享,世联专业翻译公司,能够处理各种类型文件翻译,提供笔译,口译,同传设备租赁等服务,以下就是牛津大学介绍翻译具体案例。 牛津大学位于英国牛津市 ,是世界上第二大历史最古老的大学,同时也是英国国家历史之最,虽然其创立日期并不清楚确切,但其教学活动有证可考早至1096年,自1167年,英王亨利二世禁止英国学生在巴黎大学学习之后,牛津迅速发展。 翻译:The university of xOxford is a university located in Oxford ,united kingdom ,it is second-oldest surviving university in the world and the oldes in the English-speaking world.although its exact adte of foundation is unclear ,there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096 Theuniversity grew rapidly from 1167 when Henry II banned English student from attending the university of paris。 这所大学享有崇高的学术声望,它由许多独立学院组成,最早是建于1249年的大学学院,其他着名学院有万灵学院、巴利奥尔学院、基督堂学院、马格达伦学院。女子学院只有一所,其他学院男女学生都收,牛津大学着名的建筑有柏德利图书馆和谢尔多尼斯剧院。 翻译:It has a high reputation for academic achievement .the university consisits of a number of separate college,the earliest of which is university college (established 1249).other framous college include All souls,balliol Christ Church Magdalena。there is one college for women only all the rest take both male and ferma student among the university's famous building are the bodleian library and the sheldonina hteatre. 牛津大学士一个独立机构集合体,由39所学院和7所永久私人学院组成。39所学院拥有自主管理的权利,以联邦体制形式和校方并存。此外,还有7所教会建立的永久私人学院,本科生和研究生的教学由其中30所学院和7所永久私人学校负责,另外还有7所学院只招收研究生,一个面向特别会员,还有一个专门提供业余和进修教育。 翻译:Oxford is a collegiate university,whith 39 self-governing college related to the university in a type of federal system .there are also seven permanent private halls,founded by different Christion denomination,thirty college and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees.seven other college are for graduate only ;one has fellows only ,and one specializes in part-time and continuing education. 牛津大学是英国罗素研究型大学集团的成员,同时,它还是欧洲10所知名高校联合体成员和英国“金三角”组成院校之一。 翻译:Oxford is a member of the Russell group of research-led British universites,and also a core members of the europeaeum and forms part of the “Golden Trian”of British universities. 【温馨提示】如果您有翻译服务相关需求,可以随时与本公司在线客服人员联系,同时也可以拨打我们的服务热线:010-64809262http://www.unitrans.cn,世联北京翻译公司全体员工竭诚为您提供最优质的翻译服务。 |