校训是一个学校的灵魂,体现了一所学校的办学传统,代表着校园文化和教育理念,是人文精神的高度凝练(highly condensed humanism)和学校历史和文化的积淀,也是广大师生共同遵守的基本行为准则与道德规范(basic code of conduct and ethics)。 “校训”的英文称“School Motto”。Motto常译为“座右铭”或“箴言”,指a short sentence or phrase as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution (作为指导个人、家庭或团体概括信仰或理想而选定的短句或短语)。 由于校训往往言简意赅,包含深刻的内容,因此翻译较难。北京世联翻译公司为您介绍一些英中对照的名校校训,既希望对年轻的朋友起到励志的作用,也可供大家作为翻译的参考。 清华大学(Tsinghua University):自强不息,厚德载物(Self-discipline and Social Commitment) 中国人民大学(Renmin University of China):实事求是(Seek Truth From Facts) 中国科技大学(University of Science and Technology of China):红专并进,理实交融(Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact) 南开大学(Nankai University):允公允能,日新月异(Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of AII-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day) 复旦大学(Fudan University):博学而笃志,切问而近思(Rich in Know-ledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice) 浙江大学(Zhejiang University):求实创新(Seek Truth and Be Creative) 同济大学(ongji University):严谨求实,团结创新(Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity) 重庆大学(Chongqing University):耐劳苦 尚俭朴 勤学业 爱国家(Endurance, Thrifty, Diligence, Patriotism) 南京大学(Nanjing University):诚朴雄伟,励学敦行(Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely) 武汉大学(Wuhan University):自强弘毅,求是拓新(Improve Yourself, Carry forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations,一译Get Bestirred, Develop Perseverance, Aspire after Truth and Blaze New Trails) 山东大学(Shandong University):气有浩然,学无止境(Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge) 四川大学(Sichuan University):海纳百川,有容乃大(The Sea Encompasses Hundreds of River; Willingness to Accept All Is Virtuous.) 中山大学(Sun Yat-sen University):博学审问慎思明辨笃行(Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately ,Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, and Practise Earnestly) 上海外国语大学(Shanghai International Studies University:格高志远 学贯中外(Integrity, Vision and Academic Excellence) 北京师范大学(Beijing Normal University):学为人师,行为世范(Learn to Be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person) 中央民族大学(Minzu University of China):团结求实,文明创新(Seek Truth through Unity and Innovate for Our Civilization) 中国传媒大学(Communication University of China):立德敬业,博学竞先(Build up the Character for the Career, Compete in Learning) 北京外国语大学(Beijing Foreign Studies University):兼容并蓄,博学笃行(Learn with an Open Mind to Serve a Great Cause) 北京世联翻译公司翻译部 |