北京世联翻译公司资深译员整理发布的有关机械操作指导翻译 Operating Guidelines 译:操作指导 Following these helpful guidelines will assure longer life for your vertical pump. 译:遵守下述这些操作指导可以保证您的立式泵更长的使用寿命。 a. In order to operate, the bowl assembly must be submerged. Additional submergence may be required depending upon pump size and operating conditions. If in doubt, refer to the Engineering Department, XXX Pumps Inc.. 译:为了操作,泵转钵体组件必须潜入液体介质当中。其它潜入要求可以根据泵的规格和操作条件确定。如果有任何疑问,可咨询XXX泵业公司的工程部。 b. Should the pump lose its prime, shut it down. DO NOT RUN IT DRY. The impellers and bearings, which hove small clearances, are apt to bind and cause serious trouble. 译:如果泵内失去初给的起动液体介质,关闭泵,不允许泵的干运行。因为小间隙的叶片和轴承可能抱死并导致严重的故障。 c. It is better to throttle a pump if the capacity is too great for the supply rather than let it break suction or cavitate. 译:如果泵的容量过大,最好对泵进行节流调节,而不致于使其失去抽吸能力或出现气穴现象。 d. When the pump is stopped, the reverse flow of liquid through the pump will cause it to rotate backward if the unit is not equipped with a discharge check valve. If power is supplied at this time it places a severe strain on the shafting, which may break or result in other damage. Always allow the unit to stop completely before restarting. 译:当停泵时,如果泵上没有装配止回阀,那么液体介质反向流过泵会导致反向旋转。如果此时泵加电,那么将在轴系产生严重的应力,这样会使轴断裂或导致其它损坏。在重新启动之前必须总是保证泵组完全停止。 e. Never let the discharge pipe be supported entirely by the discharge head. Concrete or steel structures should be the principal support. 译:绝不允许由泵的排放端完全支撑排放管。主要由混凝土或钢结构进行支撑。 |