分析文章很常见,一些文章需要翻译成外文与国外学者探讨,世联北京翻译公司擅长分析类文章翻译,以下就是整理的翻译案例。 2.规范分析与实证分析相结合 译:Combining Normative Analysis with Positive Analysis 在研究内容上既对我国铁路管制状况进行解析,又结合具体国情对未来的目标框架进行设计;既对所研究问题“实际上处于什么状态”进行客观的描述和分析,又对其“好”与“坏”进行价值判断,并给出“应该是什么”的答案。前者主要采用实证分析方法,而后者又要采用规范分析方法。在具体研究中,很多情况往往都需要将两个分析方法有机结合。 译:The research focuses on both the analysis of the current supervision and control of railway system in China and the design of its future framework in association with the actual situations and conditions. The research objectively describes and thoroughly analyzes an issues “as it is” before providing the value judgment of either “good” or “bad” and the answer of “what it should be.” As for the former part, the approach of positive analysis is required, while for the latter, the approach of normative analysis is useful. In actual research, the integration of these two approaches is effective to analyze specific issues. 3. 历史分析与比较分析相结合 译:Combining Historical Analysis with Comparative Analysis 根据研究的需要,在研究过程中还大量采用了比较研究方法、历史分析方法等通行的研究方法。例如,在对目前铁路管制现状描述、分析时,就先采用历史分析方法对其历史演进过程进行分析,以便能从历史发展角度更好地认识、分析目前的现实。在对铁路管制体系目标框架进行研究时,不仅运用历史分析法的研究成果,而且还对其他相关国家的铁路管制体系进行横向比较分析,以更好地总结别国的经验为我所用。 译:On the basis of the actual needs, other research methods of comparative analysis and historical analysis are also employed. For example, at describing and analyzing current railway control system, the historical approach is used first to analyze its evolution process so as to obtain a historical perspective of the issue and to have a better understanding of current situation. As for the research on the framework of railway control system, apart from historical approach, the comparative approach is also used so as to compare the different railway control systems in different countries and to learn valuable practices from other countries. 如果您有以上翻译需求,可以随时与我们的在线客服人员联系,也可以拨打我们的客服热线:010-64809262 |