时间:2019-08-08 10:54 来源:未知 作者:kefu 点击:次
研究生院校及专业: ★毕业于上海外国语大学、高级翻译学院、会议口译专业(CI,2007年9月至2010年6月),获得联合国、欧盟同声传译认证。 ★就读会议口译(CI)期间,同时以总分第一名的成绩考取上外高翻学院、翻译学硕士研究生(MA,2008年9月至2011年6,期间2010年10月已被里昂证券聘用为客户主任)。 本科院校及专业: 大连外国语学院,英语(国际经济法)(2002年9月至2006年7月), 大三时被交换到大连海事大学学习了海商法,国际经济法,知识产权法等15门法律专业课程,成绩优异。 所获奖项: 花旗集团“2004年度金融信息科技教育奖学基金”优秀奖学金 历次校奖学金评选中都获优秀一等奖学金 第十一届大连外国语学院“振兴杯英语演讲比赛”一等奖 2003-2004年度大连外国语学院三好学生 工作经历: 曾任里昂证券客户主任,负责接待重要全球机构投资者来华访问。工作中主要与全球机构投资者和港股上市公司高管及投资者关系部接触。任职两年零四个月期间,成功接待众多全球顶级机构投资者,为公司赢得并维护了大量重要客户,工作成绩突出,广受客户好评。(2010年10月至2013年2月) 自由职业同传经历(2005年至今): 曾服务的主要客户及会议包括(按行业划分): 经济与金融: ★诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗.克鲁格曼(同传) ★前世界银行行长罗伯特佐利克(同传) ★前美国财政部部长亨利保尔森(同传) ★中美金融服务论坛(同传) ★中国证券业协会(SAC)(同传) ★上海市政府发展研究中心(交传) ★国家发改委(同传及交传) ★英国皇家国际事务研究所(同传;宏观经济政策研究) ★“钱瞻”世界投资者峰会(同传) ★全球碳金融研讨会(同传、期货与期权) ★南南全球创意经济与技术产权交易论坛(同传) ★全球新能源与节能技术基金合作论坛(同传) ★瑞士银行大中华研讨会(同传与交传) ★瑞典商业银行代表团与上海市政府金融办谈判(交传) ★上海联合产权交易所总裁(同传) ★全球房地产投资信托(REITS)研讨会(同传) ★上海外国语大学金融学院系列讲座及研讨会(同传,股市的发展与变迁、人民币国际化、债券市场的思考与探索、打造上海国际金融中心、外商在中国直接投资等) ★上海市政府亚太经济研究中心(同传与交传) ★美国奥马哈市商业伦理联盟(同传) ★中信证券(同传与交传) ★千骥创投(交传) ★西京投资(同传及交传) ★加拿大证券协会(交传) ★未来资产(同传及交传) ★摩根大通资产管理公司(同传及交传) ★威灵顿资产管理公司(交传) ★Millenium资产管理公司(同传) ★索罗斯资产管理公司(同传) ★高盛(同传及交传) ★法国巴黎银行资产管理公司(同传) ★兴业证券(同传) ★安本国际(同传) ★施罗德集团(同传) ★德银远东(同传) ★考夫曼基金(同传) ★Pictet私人银行家庭活动(同传) ★上海期货交易所(同传) ★陆家嘴航运金融论坛(同传) ★全球期货与现货互动峰会(同传) ★中国银行(同传) ★农业银行(同传) ★民生银行财富论坛(同传) ★中国工商银行(同传) ★重庆农村商业银行(交传) ★太平洋保险公司(交传) ★中国人民财产保险有限公司(同传) ★加拿大证券学会(交传) ★普华永道名誉主席,沈德培先生(同传) ★百达基金(同传) ★钱德勒投资公司(RF Chandler)(同传) ★富达投资有限公司(同传与交传) ★招商证券(交传) ★美国商务部(交传) ★复星保险集团年度工作会议(同传) ★全球太阳能光伏产业峰会金融论坛(同传) ★澳大利亚国民银行(同传) ★法国巴黎银行财富论坛(同传) ★默罕默德.尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)(同传) ★汇丰中国投资者会议(同传) ★全球中小企业联盟峰会(同传) ★第三届海智论坛(同传) ★上海国际能源交易中心揭牌发布会(同传) ★欧洲金融(Eurofinance)全球资财管理峰会(同传) ★合益集团全球论坛(同传及交传) ★全球海事金融高级论坛(同传) ★香港证券交易所(同传) ★伦敦期货交易所(同传) ★芝加哥期货交易所(同传) ★纽交所(同传) ★上海金融期货交易所(同传) ★上海证券交易所(同传) ★中国金融信息科技有限公司(同传) ★2014全球期货峰会(同传) ★六达资本(同传) ★中国资本市场学院(同传) ★多伦多大学金融学院(同传) ★复星集团年会(同传) ★世界银行国际金融公司(同传) ★国泰君安证券(同传) ★深圳碳排放权交易所(同传) ★阿里巴巴(同传) ★杭州财富论坛(同传) ★黑石集团(同传) ★摩根大通投资者年会(同传) ★摩根斯坦利年会(同传) ★美联信(同传) ★穆迪(同传) ★标普(同传) ★浦发银行(同传) ★中国人民银行(同传) ★上海清算所(同传) ★美中贸易全国委员会(同传) ★中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会(同传) ★国际金融公司(同传) ★证券业和金融市场协会(同传) ★兴业银行(同传) ★诺亚中国控股有限公司(同传) ★东方花旗(同传) ★英格兰银行(同传) ★礼来亚洲风险投资基金(同传) ★红杉资本(同传) ★中投(同传) ★平安(同传) ★宜信财富投资论坛(同传) ★中国人民银行(同传) ★软银资本中国投资者年会(同传) ★全球保险行业咨询委员会会议(同传) ★野村证券中国投资者年会(同传) ★伦敦政治经济学院(同传) ★第十二届亚洲债券市场峰会(同传) ★美国证券交易委员会(同传) ★上海国家会计学院(同传) ★ACCA(同传) ★IDG(交传) 外交与外事活动(政府招商引资): ★联合国大会主席特使罗兰佐先生(同传) ★联合国工业发展组织部长(同传) ★联合国助理秘书长,2010年首席联络官拜纳姆先生(同传) ★南非驻沪总领事库玛洛(交传) ★南非贸易与产业部部长戴维斯(同传及交传) ★南非科技部(交传) ★沙祖康(同传) ★比尔.克林顿(同传) ★亨利基辛格(同传) ★加中立法协会(Canada-China Legislative Council) ★国际企业家顾问会议(市长咨询会)(交传) ★上海市副市长沈俊(交传) ★上海市副市长赵雯(交传;外事及体育、知识产权、教育、公共卫生等) ★第25届上海市市长国际企业家咨询会(同传) ★英国驻沪总领事馆(同传) ★英国驻沪总领事馆女王生日庆典活动(交传) ★世博论坛(同传与交传) ★杨浦区区长宗明(交传) ★上海世博会书记陈安杰(交传) ★杨浦区区委书记(交传) ★加拿大驻沪总领事馆领事(交传) ★英国驻华大使馆(同传) ★瑞典驻华大使馆(同传与交传) ★美国驻沪总领事馆(交传) ★工信部(同传) ★科技部(同传) ★商务部(交传) ★农业部(同传与交传) ★国资委(同传) ★荷兰驻华大使馆(同传) ★荷兰驻华总领事馆(同传) ★联合国钻石金伯利进程大会(同传) ★英国皇室礼仪培训中国课程(同传) ★瑞典首相代表团(同传) IT、科技与科学: ★马云(同传) ★微软公司首席执行官Satya Nadella(同传) ★微软全球首席执行官史蒂夫.鲍莫尔媒体专访(同传) ★微软Windows8中国发布仪式(同传) ★微软Office365及Windows Azure落户上海签约仪式(交传) ★微软Office 正版化新闻发布会(同传) ★微软等级保护安全测评会议(交传) ★微软Ignite大会(同传) ★微软全球开发者峰会(同传) ★微软Kickoff大会(同传) ★微软Build峰会(同传) ★微软游戏开发者大会(同传) ★微软人工智能峰会(同传) ★谷歌中国区总裁媒体群访(交传) ★谷歌高层政府拜访(交传) ★字母表公司(交传) ★Nest智能家居(交传) ★Waymo自动驾驶(交传) ★2018世界人工智能大会—智能机器人主题论坛(同传) ★2017年全球人工智能创新峰会(同传) ★亚马逊(同传) ★2017杭州云栖大会(主会场同传) ★2015年DCD Converged企业级数据中心与云计算发展论坛(同传) ★2015年世界移动大会(同传) ★2016年世界移动大会(同传) ★微软大客户会议(交传) ★微软Windows 8媒体群访(同传) ★微软智能云Azure 新闻发布会及媒体专访(同传及交传) ★微软政府拜会(交传) ★微软山东大学校园日(同传) ★微软新设备产品中国路演(同传) ★微软首席信息官会议/CIO会议(同传) ★英特尔超级本推广活动及新闻发布会(同传及交传) ★乌镇全球围棋峰会(同传) ★微软Build峰会(同传) ★Intel Cstor数字立方云计算一体机发布仪式及新闻发布会(交传) ★云与大数据论坛(同传) ★全球物联网论坛(同传) ★亚太智能支付卡协会NFC近场通讯技术论坛(同传) ★联想集团(同传) ★阿里巴巴(同传) ★百度(同传) ★腾讯(同传) ★Facebook中国大客户高层圆桌论坛(同传) ★思科智能互联城市论坛(同传) ★思科网络互联解决方案客户会议(同传及交传) ★思科高层会谈(交传) ★思科Meraki中国发布会(交传) ★IBM客户论坛(同传) ★IBM人工智能技术与应用峰会(同传) ★甲骨文客户论坛(同传) ★新加坡电信论坛(同传) ★上海科技委主任陆晓春(交传) ★中国科学院副院长李家洋先生(交传) ★中国民航信息网络股份有限公司(同传) ★中国无线科技有限公司(同传) ★深圳来宝高科(同传与交传) ★工信部(同传) ★IBM论坛(同传) ★全球半导体创新论坛(同传) ★上海经济和信息化委员会(同传) ★Jeniffer Holmgren,Lanzatech公司首席执行官(交传) ★同济大学科技管理研究院研讨会(同传) ★上海科技创业中心(同传) ★张江高科科技园区(同传与交传) ★漕河泾开发区(同传) ★上海科学院(同传) ★国际高新科技合作签字仪式(同传) ★2009南南全球创意经济与技术产权交易论坛(同传) ★旭光高新技术材料(同传) ★创智天地(同传与交传) ★花旗集团软件有限公司(交传) ★中国国际软件和信息服务交易会(同传) ★香港即时科研集团(交传) ★嵌入式系统在航天领域的应用(同传) ★霍尼韦尔(交传) ★JDA创新论坛(同传) ★惠普卡片和支付创新论坛(同传) ★亚太智能卡协会(同传) ★甲骨文全球论坛(同传) ★布鲁斯.博伊特勒(Bruce Beutler,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主)(同传) ★本特.塞米尔森(Bengt Samuelsson,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主) ★中微半导体设备有限公司(交传) ★上海集成电路行业协会(交传) ★美国应用材料(交传) ★江阴长电先进封装有限公司(交传) ★中科院微电子所(交传) ★盖特纳(Gartner,同传) ★F5(同传与交传) ★全球移动通信系统联盟(同传) ★华为(同传) ★高通(同传) ★AT&T(同传) ★中国移动(同传) ★中国联通(同传) ★Red Hat(同传) ★KDDI(同传) ★DoCoMo(同传) ★爱立信(同传) ★沃达丰(同传) ★联发科技(同传) ★Talkingdata(同传) ★谷歌新闻发布会(交传) ★百度(同传) ★世界移动大会(同传) ★VIVE(同传) ★澳洲电信(同传) ★步步高(同传) ★KDDI(同传) ★亚信(同传) ★斑马(同传) ★2017年博世汽车技术论坛(同传) ★地平线机器人(同传) ★新思(同传) ★英伟达(同传) ★恩智浦(同传) ★2017年首届中国汽车电子大会(同传) ★工信部(同传) ★上海经信委(交传) ★2018中国显示大会-新兴显示论坛(同传) ★SEMICON China产业与技术投资论坛(同传) ★2018CITE中国电子信息博览会(同传) ★2018全球智慧物流峰会(同传) 物流与交通(港口海运、航空、汽车、铁路高速公路等): ★国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会英国最新海事科技研讨会(同传) ★2013全球高级海事论坛(同传) ★2013全球海工装备创新论坛(同传) ★2013全球海事金融高级论坛(同传) ★2013年国际海工装备技术峰会(同传) ★特斯拉创始人Elon Musk(同传及交传) ★特斯拉全球销售高级副总裁Jerome Guillin媒体采访(交传及同 传) ★阳光动力2号新闻发布会(同传) ★博世供应商大会(同传) ★博泽供应商大会(同传) ★奇瑞供应商大会(同传) ★商飞供应商大会(同传) ★ARJ21项目研讨会(同传) ★C919项目研讨会(同传) ★中国航空工业集团公司(同传) ★第二届民用飞机复合材料技术国际论坛(同传) ★宝马尊选二手车鉴赏日活动(交传) ★华晨宝马汽车金融会议(同传) ★宝马售后会议(同传) ★宝马汽车悦盛典媒体沟通会(同传) ★宝马经销商投资者拜访见面会(同传) ★斯凯孚全球供应商大会(同传) ★人保汽车厂商理赔会议(同传) ★奥迪经销商大会(同传) ★捷豹路虎“发现神行”发布会及新闻采访(同传与交传) ★捷豹路虎新车试驾全国巡回活动(同传) ★罗克韦尔自动化全球供应商大会(同传) ★宾利投资者路演(交传) ★上海车展克莱斯勒(交传) ★交大商学院为福特汽车定制供应链管理课程(同传) ★交大商学院为长城汽车定制供应链管理及市场营销课程(同传) ★上海车展德国展团新闻发布会(同传) ★电动汽车与城市可持续交通中德合作国际论坛(同传) ★上汽集团(同传与交传) ★大众新闻发布会(同传) ★商飞供应商大会(同传) ★松下车载(同传) ★蔚来汽车(同传) ★正通汽车服务有限公司(同传) ★吉利汽车(同传与交传) ★庆铃汽车(同传与交传) ★东风汽车安徽江淮动力(同传与交传) ★长城汽车(同传与交传) ★江淮动力(交传) ★易车网(交传与同传) ★交通部(同传) ★上海华安汽车销售有限公司(交传) ★上海上德宝骏(交传) ★国航(同传与交传) ★北京首都机场(同传与交传) ★上海国际航空展(同传) ★防治船舶海上污染全球峰会(同传) ★阁林国际货代(同传) ★船用柴油发动机全球论坛(同传) ★美国船舶制造商协会(交传) ★瓦锡兰(同传与交传) ★JDA创新论坛(同传)(供应链管理软件) ★东航(同传及交传) ★上海港口集团(同传与交传) ★宁波港(同传与交传) ★中铁集团(同传与交传) ★中交建集团(同传与交传) ★中远集团(同传与交传) ★厦门国际港务集团(同传与交传) ★天津港务发展有限公司(同传与交传) ★中海集运(同传与交传) ★扬子江造船厂(交传) ★大昌行(同传) ★中国船舶贸易与工业协会(交传) ★史丹纳集团首席执行官Dan Sten Olsson(同传) ★史丹纳集团金属公司首席执行官Anders Jansson(同传) ★史丹纳油轮公司总裁Ulf G. Ryder(同传) ★史丹纳滚装船公司高级管理人 Ann Sofie Forss(同传) ★四川高速公路(交传) ★PSA 锡尼什总经理乔治.德阿尔梅达(交传) ★世界游艇展览大会(同传) ★英国海事产业协会(交传) ★利丰物流(同传) ★2017年博世汽车技术论坛(同传) ★2018中国航空营销论坛(同传) ★国际航空运输协会(同传) ★环球旅讯峰会(同传) ★ITB China(SI) 工业、电气与自动化(重工、轻工、化工)、制造业、石化、矿产、水、电力: ★上海电气(同传与交传) ★东方电气(同传与交传) ★艾尼克斯全球精益论坛(同传) ★霍尼韦尔(同传) ★ABB(同传) ★GE(同传与交传) ★施耐德(同传) ★罗克韦尔(同传) ★西门子(同传) ★博世(同传) ★中电控股(交传) ★全球汽轮机改造升级创新论坛(SI) ★三一重工集团(同传) ★三一科技(同传及交传) ★龙工集团(同传) ★重庆机电(交传) ★斯凯孚(同传) ★下一代燃气轮机峰会(同传) ★西门子(同传) ★上海电气燃气轮机有限公司(同传) ★曼柴油机与透平集团(同传) ★通用电气(同传) ★哈尔滨电气(同传) ★中船重工703研究所(同传) ★三菱日立(同传) ★东方电气(同传) ★苏拉透平(同传) ★中航工业(同传) ★阿尔斯通(同传) ★罗尔斯罗伊斯(同传) ★沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司(同传) ★沈阳机床厂(同传) ★海天国际(同传) ★理文造纸厂(同传) ★2016纸上创意包装设计论坛(同传) ★雅戈尔集团(同传) ★魏桥纺织股份有限公司(同传) ★鲁泰纺织(交传) ★亿和精密工业公司(同传) ★中国心连心化肥公司(同传) ★南通江山农药化工股份有限公司(同传) ★好孩子(同传与交传) ★中英纺织品产学研论坛(同传) ★上海十七棉(同传与交传) ★英格索兰亚太经销商大会(同传) ★国家电网(交传) ★中海石油化学股份有限(同传与交传) ★世博会葡萄牙馆水资源伙伴关系推介会(同传) ★宝钢集团(交传) ★武汉钢铁集团(同传) ★粗笨深加工产业产业峰会(同传) ★中海油集团(同传) ★龙源电力(同传) ★全球太阳能光伏产业峰会金融论坛(同传) ★Solar World(同传) ★梅耶博格(同传) ★华锐风电(同传) ★安徽海螺水泥股份有限公司(同传) ★第一拖拉机(同传) ★多元环球水务集团(同传) ★北控水务集团(同传) ★桑德国际(同传) ★中国铝业股份有限公司(同传) ★中国传动集团(同传) ★全球铜铝峰会(同传2010年至今) ★全球铜产业链高级峰会(同传) ★美国实耐宝(交传) ★江苏中盐集团(交传) ★艺兰家居布艺集团(同传) ★斯必可(交传) ★美国棉花协会(交传) ★全球纤维融资高峰论坛(同传) ★全球化纤行业峰会(同传) ★陶氏化学(交传) ★2015年以及2016年上海水展(交传) ★中国石油和化学工业联合会(同传) ★国际化学品制造商协会(同传) ★上海化学工业经济技术开发区企业协会成立大会暨第一届第一次会员大会(同传) ★科思创(同传与交传) ★巴斯夫(交传与同传) ★1998年诺贝尔物理学奖得主罗伯特.贝茨.劳克(同传) ★2006年诺贝尔物理学奖得主乔治.菲茨杰拉德.斯穆特(同传) ★2010年诺贝尔物理学奖得主康斯但丁.诺沃肖洛夫(同传) 影视制作、娱乐、媒体与文化产业: ★奥斯卡最佳导演奖获得者汤姆霍(导演了悲惨世界、国王的演讲等)(交传与同传) ★著名女演员海伦米勒(Helen Mirren) ★变形金刚4发布会(同传) ★好莱坞著名男演员Mark Wahlberg专访(交传) ★相对论传媒(交传) ★Ryan Kavanaugh专访(交传) ★吴宇森(同传) ★2013数字新媒体国际研讨会(同传) ★华谊兄弟(交传) ★上海国际电影节金爵奖评委会(同传) ★Pinewood(同传及交传) ★BBC(同传及交传) ★2013西岸建筑与当代艺术双年展开幕式同传及艺术板块论坛同 传 ★龙美术馆(同传) ★万隆会议六十周年论坛(同传) ★威尼斯双年展中国新闻发布会(同传) ★中国油画展系列论坛(同传) ★阳光传媒(同传及交传) ★虾米音乐(交传) ★年度音乐人沈黎晖,草莓音乐节创始人(交传) ★上海国际时尚中心(同传与交传) ★2013年北欧时尚创意周(同传) ★新华出版社(同传) ★第一财经(同传及交传) ★图书管理中数字新媒体的应用培训(同传) ★浙江美术馆(同传) ★杭州国际纤维艺术三年展(同传) ★上海金融时报(交传) ★法国布菲乐器集团(交传) ★雅虎(交传) ★MSN(交传) ★CCTV(交传) ★网易(交传) ★新浪网(交传) ★内蒙古贸易报(交传) ★中国美院(同传) ★中国智造设计大奖(同传) ★纸牌屋纸片培训(同传) ★普利茨克主席(同传) ★世界工业设计协会(交传) ★玛格南图片社70周年活动双语主持及翻译(交传) 法律(知识产权、立法等) ★全球气候变化立法峰会(同传) ★金砖五国知识产权峰会(同传) ★中国东盟商标与品牌峰会(同传) ★上海市副市长赵雯(交传) ★上海知识产权局研讨会(同传) ★上海市政府发展研究中心和加拿大透明国际合作项目(交传及法律文件翻译) ★美国律师协会(交传及法律文件翻译) ★大连知识产权局(同传与交传) ★欧华律师事务所(同传) ★供应链中企业的社会责任(同传) ★普衡律师事务所(同传及交传) ★欧华律师事务所(同传及交传) ★瑞格律师事务所(同传及交传) ★凯拓律师事务所(同传) ★英联食品法律合规培训(同传) ★卡夫食品法律合规及企业社会责任培训(同传) ★利丰物流合规培训(同传) ★现场采证取证法律培训(同传) ★新加坡国际仲裁中心(同传) ★香港国际仲裁中心(同传) ★国际仲裁高峰论坛(同传) ★竞天公诚律师事务所(同传) ★孖士打律师行(同传) ★中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(同传) ★2016年上海国际航空法律论坛(同传) ★华东政法大学(同传) ★上海国际仲裁中心(同传) ★加拿大麦吉尔大学航空与航天法研究中心(同传) ★国际航空运输协会(同传) ★美国温斯顿律师事务所合伙人(同传) ★国浩律师事务所(同传) ★韩国商事仲裁委员会(同传) ★金杜律师事务所(同传) ★锦天城律师事务所(同传) ★君合律师事务所(同传) ★上海律师协会(同传) 环境、气候变、新能源与城市发展: ★阳光动力2号(同传) ★第十二届亚洲太阳能光伏创新与合作论坛(同传) ★拜尔材料科技(同传) ★伯特兰·皮卡德(Bertrand Piccard,阳光动力2号创始人兼飞行员) ★安德烈博尔施伯格(Andre Borschberg,阳光动力2号创始人兼飞行员 ★联合国实习同传(联合国环境署部长级会议第十一次特别会议(同传) ★联合国人居署官员,非洲市长代表团(同传及交传) ★全球气候变化立法峰会(同传) ★防治船舶海上污染全球峰会(同传) ★电动汽车与城市可持续交通中德合作国际论坛(同传) ★江阴国际咨询委员会会议(同传) ★全球碳金融研讨会(同传) ★同济大学国际环境中心研讨会(同传) ★全球新能源与节能技术基金合作论坛(同传) ★葡萄牙能源局局长Alexandre Fernandes(同传) ★世博会葡萄牙馆水资源伙伴关系推介会(同传) ★EDP董事会成员Martins da Costa(同传) ★dstrenewables董事总经理Margarida Monteiro(同传) ★Aquapor董事总经理Diogo Faria de Oliveira(同传) ★Janz董事长Antonio Papoila(同传) ★MSF设计总监Patricia Arruda(同传) ★Revigres董事Paula Roque(同传) ★波尔图大学工程系教授Eduardo Maldonado(同传) ★Dreen战略创新发展部副总裁Manuel Collares Pereira(同传) ★Viatecla总监Pedro Seabra(同传) ★上海联合产权交易所总裁(同传) ★韩国SK能源公司副总裁马士镐(同传) ★中国光大国际有限公司(同传) ★申能集团(交传) ★天能动力(交传) ★杨浦区城市规划展示馆(交传) ★葡萄牙环境部长(同传) ★全球城市可持续发展论坛(同传) ★能源基金会(同传) ★加州环保署(同传) ★加州能源委员会(同传) ★瑞典清洁能源之旅中国推介会(同传) ★全球太阳能光伏产业峰会金融论坛(同传) ★Solar World(同传) ★梅耶博格(同传) ★世界太阳能峰会(同传) ★中国ETS碳排放交易系统研讨会(同传) ★全球页岩气开发论坛(同传) ★全球地质学研讨会(同传) ★杜克大学环境能源研讨会(同传) ★杜克大学中国热带生物多样性国际论坛(同传) ★晶澳(同传) ★天合(同传) 跨国毒品与有组织犯罪、反腐: ★联合国实习同传(联合国麻醉品委员会第五十三届大会)(同传) ★上海市政府发展研究中心和加拿大透明国际合作项目(交传及法律文件翻译) 地产与建筑: ★2010上海世博会城市最佳实践暨国际建筑论坛(同传) ★福斯特建筑事务所(同传) ★Robert Stern(同传) ★王石(同传) ★绿地集团(同传) ★全球商业地产论坛(同传) ★陆家嘴建筑论坛(同传) ★上海中心,媒体专访(交传) ★复地年会(同传) ★融创集团(同传) ★绿城集团(同传) ★万科集团(同传与交传) ★龙湖地产(同传) ★北京金隅股份(交传) ★九龙仓(同传) ★远洋地产(同传) ★瑞安(同传) ★中海外(同传) ★新鸿基(同传) ★华润地产(同传) ★上海实业集团(同传与交传) ★重庆公共租赁房管理局(同传) ★上海城投集团(交传) ★杨浦区政府和澳大利亚维多利亚建筑代表团合作项目(同传与交传) ★全球酒店旅游地产峰会(同传) ★全球房地产投资信托(REITS)研讨会(同传) ★全球著名城市规划大师彼得.卡尔索普(同传) ★美国Gensler建筑事务所(同传) ★美国兆华斯坦地产公司(同传) ★中国零售房地产峰会(同传) ★仲量联行海外房地产投资论坛(同传) ★国际资本集团(同传) ★环球旅讯2014-2016年峰会(同传) ★西岸双年展当代建筑论坛(同传) ★中国美术学院建筑学院系列讲座及研讨会(同传) ★仲量联行系列投资推介会(同传) ★罗昂建筑设计咨询有限公司(同传) ★戴德梁行Think-In论坛(同传) 贸易、多行业合作与招商引资: ★天津泰达开发区合作项目(TEDA)(同传及交传) ★2013北欧木业活动(同传) ★亚太经合组织(同传) ★全球社会创新论坛(同传) ★美国湾区代表团(生物医药、科技、金融等)(交传) ★南非贸易投资主题月(同传与交传) ★世博会新西兰馆(同传) ★世博会荷兰馆绿色种业活动(同传) ★世博会葡萄牙馆(同传) ★重庆两江新区(交传) ★加拿大首席执行官理事会,首席执行官,托马斯.德喹诺先生(同传) ★世博会瑞典馆(同传) ★杨浦区政府和澳大利亚维多利亚建筑代表团合作项目(交传及项目文件翻译) ★美国湾区委员会(同传及交传) ★南非科技部代表团(交传) ★创智天地(同传与交传) ★张江论坛(同传) ★葡萄牙经贸投资促进局(同传) ★捷成洋行(交传) ★“对话成都”-顶级企业家研讨会(同传) ★加州中国投资论坛(同传) ★瑞典贸易局系列投资推广会(同传) ★英国贸易局系列投资推介会(同传) ★拉美投资论坛(同传) 教育、文化: ★新西兰教育部长Anne Tolley(同传及交传) ★学而思(同传) ★学达(同传) ★上海市副市长赵雯(交传) ★哈弗大学(交传, 与杨浦区政府系列谈判) ★巴黎HEC高等商学院(同传) ★南加州大学(同传与交传) ★美国对外文化交流协会(同传) ★中国图书馆学会年会之文献管理(同传) ★宁波县校合作办学研讨会(同传) ★中国美院研讨会-从艺术角度看法德和解(同传) ★第三届“跨文化管理”国际学术研讨会 暨第七届海峡两岸企业管理学术研讨会(同传) ★南京青奥会高级论坛(同传) ★联合国教科文组织(同传) ★全球科技教育与文化论坛(同传) ★南加州大学校友会(交传) ★上海民办教育节(同传) ★中国美术学院90年校庆(同传) ★国际美术学院院长论坛(同传) 商学院EMBA高级经理人课程: ★湖畔大学(马云创立,同传) ★哥伦比亚商学院教授Michel T. Pham系列课程(同传) ★哈佛法学院及麻省理工大学斯隆商学院会记学教授巴拉.达兰(同传) ★沃顿商学院教授Michael Useem(同传) ★交大金融学院(同传) ★中欧商学院三一重工案例课程(同传) ★中欧商学院三枪案例课程(同传) ★中欧商学院复星案例课程(同传) ★中欧商学院Philip Moscoso教授运营管理课程(同传) ★欧洲工商学院名誉教授Hellmut Schuette(同传) ★南加州大学中国项目(同传) ★美国肯纳瑟州立大学商学院(同传) ★二十一高校在线(同传) ★中欧国际工商学院管理学教授大卫.德克莱默(同传) ★多伦多商学院教授依安.芬维克(同传) ★中欧商学院教授庄汉盟(同传) ★中欧商学院教授Jeff Sampler(同传) ★巴黎HEC商学院(同传) ★哈弗商学院(同传) ★交大商学院(交传与同传) ★中欧商学院欧方创始院长温韦德教授系列课程(交传) ★沃顿商学院创业管理及估值课程(同传) ★南阳理工大学商学院(交传) 农业与木业: ★中国储备粮管理总公司(同传) ★中粮集团(同传) ★中国花卉协会(同传) ★中国心连心化肥公司(同传) ★南通江山农药化工股份有限公司(同传) ★中国现代牧场控股有限公司(同传) ★五粮液(同传) ★茅台(同传) ★荷兰驻华大使馆农业参赞(同传) ★中荷花卉园艺国际研讨会(同传) ★中国农业发展集团(同传) ★中国木材流通协会(同传) ★中国家具协会(同传) ★北欧木制品协会(同传) ★美国棉花协会(交传) 食品、零售、家电、快消: ★联华超市(交传) ★物美集团(交传) ★凯马特供应商大会(同传) ★高鑫零售集团(交传) ★金鹰百货(同传) ★蒙牛集团(同传) ★伊利集团(交传) ★康师傅(同传) ★青岛啤酒(同传与交传) ★味千拉面(同传与交传) ★克莉丝汀(同传) ★国美电器(同传与交传) ★苏宁电器(同传与交传) ★大昌行(同传) ★合生元(同传) ★星巴克(同传) ★麦当劳(同传) ★卡夫企业合规和商业伦理培训(同传) ★英联食品(同传) 人力资源: ★盖洛普(同传) ★智联招聘(同传) ★前程无忧(同传) ★中欧人力资源高峰论坛(同传) ★戴维尤里奇-现代人力资源之父--系列讲座(同传) 体育: ★劳伦斯世界体育奖颁奖典礼新闻发布会(同传) ★老虎伍兹(同传) ★上海市副市长赵雯(交传) ★李宁(同传) ★安踏(同传与交传) ★上海市体育局(交传) ★澳大利亚足球队(交传) ★匡威大客户会议(同传) ★南京青奥会(同传) ★世界体育与文化论坛(同传) ★耐克(同传) ★姚明(同传) ★李娜(同传) ★杨杨(同传) ★李小鹏(同传) ★J罗(同传) ★皇家马德里足球俱乐部(同传) ★德国足球队领队奥利弗·比尔霍夫(Oliver Bierhoff)(同传) 医药与公共卫生: ★布鲁斯.博伊特勒(Bruce Beutler,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主)(同传) ★本特.塞米尔森(Bengt Samuelsson,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主 (同传) ★盖茨梅琳达基金会(同传) ★上海市副市长赵雯(主管知识产权/公共卫生等领域,交传) ★长海医院(同传与交传、传染性疾病预防与治疗) ★上海市卫生局(交传) ★直觉外科公司(同传) ★国际兽疫局亚太峰会(同传与交传) ★国际应急医疗论坛(同传) ★亚太地区防止医院感染论坛(同传) ★杨浦区卫生局(交传) ★拜耳培训(同传) ★2013亚太给药创新峰会(同传) ★阿斯利康系列培训(同传) ★葛兰素史克(同传与交传) ★默克医药集团(同传) ★实验动物系列培训(同传) ★传染性疾病防治培训(同传) ★全球信号转导峰会(同传) ★全球小儿麻痹症研讨会(同传) ★慢阻肺专家圆桌论坛(同传) ★凝血功能障碍性疾病专家研讨会(同传) ★高血压诊疗方案研究者会议(同传) ★山东魏高(同传) ★东阿阿胶(交传) ★标点信息(同传,医药行业咨询研究机构) ★同仁堂(交传) ★国药(同传) ★上药(同传) ★亚太经合组织生命科学创新论坛(同传) ★南方所(同传) ★阿斯利康新药上市及市场策略研讨会(同传) ★上海卫生计生委(同传) ★东方医院(同传) ★亚太灾难医学会(同传) ★瑞金医院(同传) ★全球制药工程协会峰会(同传) ★罗氏年会(同传) ★艾伯维研究者会议(同传) ★复星医药年会(同传) ★赛诺菲年会(同传) ★巴德医疗器械(交传) ★惠氏(同传) ★拜耳(交传) ★强生医疗器械系列培训(同传) ★强生爱惜康培训会(同传) ★强生市场培训(同传) ★西安杨森(交传) ★百特(同传) ★中国首届血友病高峰论坛(同传) ★GSK医学研究者会议(同传) ★华大基因(同传) ★浙江省医疗器械检验院(同传) ★博士伦(交传) ★第十一届植物提取物创新与发展论坛(同传) ★飞利浦供应商大会(同传) ★沃特世内部培训(同传) ★多发性骨髓瘤专家研讨会(同传) ★西安杨森研究者会议(同传) ★中国医院协会(交传) ★复旦大学附属中山医院(交传与同传) ★上海仁济医院(交传与同传) ★哥伦比亚大学公共卫生学院(交传与同传) ★中国医科大学附属盛京医院(交传) ★华西医院(交传) ★梅奥诊所(交传) ★拜耳研究者会议(同传) ★小耳症国际专家研讨会(同传) ★中国医院协会(同传) ★药明康德(同传) ★红房子妇产科国际研讨会(同传) ★癫痫药物研究者会议(同传) ★第三届移植免疫浦江论坛(同传) ★移植术后免疫检测、组织修复与免疫治疗论坛(同传) ★拜耳健康消费品事业部全体中国员工大会(同传) 外事与公关活动英文主持: ★杨浦区近五年来所有外事活动英文主持(杨浦区与美国湾区合作项目、加州州长布朗率领的加州企业代表团欢迎晚宴等) ★第25届市长咨询会场外活动英文主持人 ★智慧公关 ★奥美公关 ★博雅公关 ★睿时公关 ★世博会荷兰馆绿色种业活动 ★南南全球创意经济与技术产权交易论坛闭幕晚宴 ★拉斯维加斯旅游局上海推介活动 ★南加州大学中国项目 珠宝、时尚与奢侈品: ★六福珠宝(同传) ★乔治阿玛尼(同传) ★万宝龙(同传) ★Tory Burch(同传) ★Tods(同传) ★Jimmy Choo(同传) ★Tifanny(同传) ★戴比尔斯(同传) ★梵克雅宝(同传) ★LV(同传及交传) ★周大福(同传) ★周生生(同传) ★亨得利钟表(同传) ★欧莱雅(同传) ★丝芙兰年会(同传) ★韩束(同传) ★Pucci(交传) ★Under Armour(同传) ★万国表(同传) ★杰尼亚(同传) ★葡策中国高端葡萄酒论坛(同传) ★资生堂(交传与同传) ★北欧时尚创意论坛(同传) ★丹麦世界知名品牌手表Skagen(同传) ★路易斯维登(交传) ★佰草集(同传) ★新西兰知名室内软装设计师Gail Arlidge女士(交传) 外语水平: q专业英语同声传译、交替传译(获得联合国欧盟认证) q英语专业八级 q大学德语四级 q长期担任世纪元培公司口译培训讲师(培训课程包括:同传、人事部二级口译、世博口译、长期人才口译班),教学成绩突出,广受学员好评 q曾担任交大昂立雅思口语及托福口语讲师,广受学员好评,学员综合打分9.5分以上 q曾担任朗阁雅思口语讲师,学员综合评分9.6分以上 其他资格证书: q全国计算机C语言二级 q国家高级市场营销员资格认证 性格特点: 乐观真诚 充满激情 功底扎实 踏实认真 富有极强的责任心 有亲和力 善于沟通 有较强的适能力和学习能力 乐于创新 注重团队精神 RESUME Educational Background ●Postgraduate(two degrees, 2007-2010): Graduated from Department of Conference Interpreting (CI), Graduate Institute of Interpretation&Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University(SISU) and received the diploma of Conference Interpreting accredited by the United Nations and the European Union(2007-2010); Also graduated with MA degree from GIIT, with the highest entrance exam score(2008-2010). ●Undergraduate(2002-2006): Graduated as an English major, from Department of English, Dalian Foreign Languages University. From Sep.2004 to Jul.2005, as an exchange student to Dalian Maritime University, studied International Economic Law, Maritime Law, Intellectual Property Law and 12 other legal courses with excellent grades. Work Experience Client Manager with CLSA(from Oct.2010 to Feb. 2013). For the past two years since joining CLSA, I have successfully taken care of many important client trips, where important world-leading global institutional investors come and meet management or IR directors of H share listed companies based in mainland China. On back of excellent client service performance, I have earned enormous client goodwill and have thus helped win, secure and maintain lots of important clients for CLSA. Freelance Interpreter Experience Client/Conference list by sector: (SI=Simultaneous Interpretation; CI=Consecutive Interpretation) Economics and Finance: Paul Krugman, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics (SI) Robert Zoelick, former president of World Bank(SI) Henry Paulson, former US Treasury Secretary(SI) Sino-US Financial Services Forum(SI) Securities Association of China, SAC(SI) Development and Research Centre, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government(CI) NDRC(SI and CI) The Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House(SI, macro economic policy research) ”World View ”-World Investor Summit(SI) Global Carbon Financing Forum(SI, futures and options) South South Global Innovative Economy and Technology Asset Trading Forum(SI) Global Forum on Cooperation among New Energy and Energy-saving Foundations(SI) UBS China Investor Forum(SI and CI) Meeting between Swedish banking delegation and Financial Affairs Office, Shanghai Municipal Government (CI) Shanghai United Asset and Equity Exchange(SI) Global Forum on Real Estate Investment Trust(SI) Series of events organized by Department of Finance, Shanghai International Studies University(SI, Stock Market Evolution, RMB Internationalization, Bond Market, Building Shanghai as an International Financial Centre, FDI in China, etc) Asia Pacific Economic Research Centre , Shanghai Municipal Government(SI and CI) Omaha Business Ethnics Association(SI) Citic Securities(SI and CI) Cenova Ventures(CI) Atlantis Investment(SI and CI) Canadian Securities Institute(CI) Mirae Asset(SI and CI) JP Morgan Asset Management(SI and CI) Wellington Asset Management(CI) Soros Fund Management(SI) Goldman Sachs(SI and CI) JP Morgan Investor Conference(SI) Morgan Stanley(SI) BNP Paribas(SI) Industrial Securities(SI) Aberdeen Asset Management(SI) Schroders Investment(SI) DWS(SI) Federated Kaufman(SI) Bank of China(SI) China Agricultural Bank(SI) Wealth Forum organized by Minsheng Bank(SI) ICBC(SI) Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank(CI) Pacific Insurance(CI) Shanghai Futures Exchange(SI) Global Shipping Finance Summit(SI) Global Summit of Integration of Spot Market and Futures Market(SI) PICC(SI) Pictet Family Consilium(SI) PWC(SI) Fidelity(SI and CI) Pictet(SI) China Merchant Securities(CI) RF Chandler(SI) US Department of Commerce(CI) Fosun Group(SI) Financial Summit for 2013 Global Solar PV industry(SI) HP Card and Payment Innovation Forum(SI) Asia Pacific Smart Card Association(SI) National Australia Bank(SI) BNP Paribas Wealth Management Forum(SI) Muhammad Yunus(SI) HSBC China Conference(SI) Global Alliance of SMEs Summit(SI) The 3rd Haizhi Summit(SI) Shanghai International Energy Exchange(SI) Eurofinance Global Treasury Management(SI) Hay Group Global Forum(SI&CI) Global Maritime Finance Forum(SI) 2014 Global Futures Summit(SI) SSE Infonet(SI) Shanghai Stock Exchange(SI) Shanghai Financial Futures Exchange(SI) Hongkong Stock Exchange(SI) NYSE(SI) LSE(SI) Six Capital(CI and SI) CCMI(SI) School of Finance, Toronto University(SI) Fosun Group Annual Conference(SI) Fosun Insurance Group Annual Work Conference(SI) IFC,World Bank(SI) Guotaijunan Securities(SI) China Emissions Exchange(SI) Alibaba(SI) Hangzhou Wealth Management Forum(SI) Blackstone(SI) CIT(SI) China Society for Finance and Banking(SI) Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association(SIFMA) People’s Bank of China(SI) Industrial Bank(SI) Noah Wealth Management(SI) Bank of England(SI) Credit Agricole CIB(SI) Standard&Poor’s(SI) Moody’s(SI) Sequoia Capital China(SI) Lilly Asia Ventures(SI) Private Equity Investment of China Investment Corporation(SI) PBOC(SI) Credit Ease Wealth Management Forum(SI) Pingan Group(SI) Softbank China Venture Capital Investor Conference(SI) Global Insurance Advisory Committee Conference(SI) Nomura China Investor Forum(SI) 12th Asian Bond Markets Summit(SI) SEC(US Securities and Exchange Commission)(SI) Shanghai National Accounting Institute(SNAI, SI) ACCA(SI) IDG(CI) IT & Science and Technology: Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft(SI) Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft(SI) Jack Ma(Alibaba founder,SI) Microsoft Windows 8 launch event in Shanghai(SI) Microsoft Office 365 and Windows Azure landing ceremony(CI) Microsoft Office Legalization press release(SI) Microsoft Big Account Meeting(CI) Windows 8 group press release(CI) Microsoft Ignite Conference(SI) Microsoft Build Summit(SI) Microsoft Gaming Developer Conference(SI) Microsoft Azure Press Conference and media interview(SI and CI) Microsoft AI Innovate(SI) World Artificial Intelligence Conference(WAIC)(SI) Baidu(SI) Amazon(SI) Shanghai Commission of Economy and Information(SI) Facebook China Key Account Roundtable Seminar(SI) Scott Beaumont, Google China President, group media interview(CI) 2017 The Computing Conference(SI) 2017 Global Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit(SI) DCD Converged-Enterprise-Grade Datacenter and Cloud Computering Development Forum MWC2015(SI) MWC2016(SI) Zebra(SI) Microsoft Shandong University Campus Day(SI) Microsoft CIO Meetings(SI) Microsoft Device Roadshow(SI) Microsoft meetings with Shanghai Municipal Government and government agencies(CI) Microsoft meeting for Classified Protection of Information System Security(MLPS)(CI) Microsoft Partner Event(SI) Microsoft Developer Summit(SI) Microsoft Kickoff Event(SI) Cisco Forum(SI, Smart+Connected Life) Cisco Executive meeting(CI) Cisco Internet Solutions Customer Meeting(SI) Cisco Meraki China Launch(SI) Oracle Client Forum(SI) IMB Client Forum(SI) IBM AI Summit(SI) Intel Ultrabook launch event(SI) APSCA NFC Forum(SI) Singtel Global Conference(SI) Intel C-Stor Datacube Cloud Computing release event and press conference(CI) Global Forum on Cloud and Big data(SI) Global Forum on Internet of Things(SI) Lenovo(SI) Alibaba(SI) Tencent(SI) Global Semiconductor Forum(SI) Shanghai Science and Technology Committee(CI) Shanghai Academy of Science(CI) JDA Innovation Forum(SI) IBM Forum(SI) Travelsky(SI) China Wireless(SI) Shenzhen Laibao Hi-tech(SI and CI) Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Commission on Economy and Informatization, Shanghai Municipal Government(SI) Lanzatech(SI) Seminar organized by Science and Technology Management Research Institute, Tongji University(SI) Shanghai Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Centre(SI) Zhanghai Hi-tech Park(SI and CI) Caohejing Development Zone(SI) Signing ceremony for International High-tech Cooperation(SI) South South Global Innovative Economy and Technology Asset Trading Forum(SI) Lumena(SI) Knowledge and Innovation Community(SI and CI) Citi Software(CI) Global Software and Information Service Forum(SI) Thiz Technology(CI) Embedded China Global Summit-Smart Manufacturing/Application of Embedded System In Aerospace(SI) Honeywell(CI) HP Card and Payment Innovation Forum(SI) Oracle Open World(SI) Bengt Samuelsson(Nobel Physiology or Medicine Prize laureat)(SI) Bruce Beutler(Nobel Physiology or Medicine Prize laureat) AMEC(CI) Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Science(CI) Applied Materials(CI) Ferrotec Corporation and Hangzhou Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Corporation(CI) Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association(CI) Gartner(SI) F5 GSMA(SI) China Mobile(SI) China Unicom(SI) DoCoMo(SI) KDDI(SI) Huawei(SI) Ericsson(SI) Vodafone(SI) Qualcomm(SI) AT&T(SI) Mediatek(SI) Talkingdata(SI) Google Press Conference(CI) Google Executive media interview(CI) Alphabet(CI) Nest(CI) Waymo(CI) Wuzhen World Go Summit(SI) Baidu(SI) Mobile World Congress(SI) Telstra(SI) VIVE(SI) KDDI(SI) AsiaInfo(SI) Bu Bu Gao(SI) 2017 Bosch Automobile Technology Forum(SI) Horizon Robotics(SI) NXP(SI) NVIDIA(SI) Synopsys(SI) 2107 China Automotive Electronics Summit(SI) SEMI/SID 2018 China Emerging Display Forum(SI) SEMI Industry Innovation and Investment Forum 2018(SI) 2018CITE(SI) 2018 Global Smart Logistics Summit(SI) Diplomacy: Francis Lorenzo, special commissioner for UN General Assembly president(SI) UNIDO(SI) Bill Clinton(SI) Henry Kissenger(SI) Sha Zukang, deputy Secretary General, the United Nations(SI) Canada-China Legislative Council(SI) UN Commissioner for UN Pavilion at 2010 World Expo Shanghai(SI) VM Khumalo, Counsellor General, South Africa(CI) Robert Davies, minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa(SI and CI) South African Ministry of Science and Technology(CI) International Business Leader Advisory Council(CI) Ms. Zhao Wen, vice mayor, Shanghai Municipal Government(CI, diplomacy, sports, intellectual property rights, education, public health, etc) Mr Shen Jun, vice mayor, Shanghai Municipal Government (CI) British Consulate General in Shanghai(SI) 25th iBLC meeting(SI) Queen’s Birthday Celebration, British Consulate General in Shanghai(CI) World Expo Forum(SI and CI) Ms. Zong Ming, vice mayor, Yangpu district, Shanghai(CI) Mr Chen Anjie, party secretary of Shanghai World Expo 2010(CI) Canadian Consulate General in Shanghai(CI) Swedish Consulate General in Shanghai(SI and CI) New Zealand Consulate General in Shanghai(SI and CI) US Consulate General in Shanghai(CI) Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information(SI) Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(SI) Chinese Ministry of Commerce(CI) Chinese Ministry of Agriculture(SI and CI) SASAC(SI) Netherland Embassy(SI) Netherland Consulate General in Shanghai(SI) UN Kimberley Process(Diamond) Summit(SI) British Royal Etiquette China Course(SI) Swedish Prime Minister Delegation(SI) Logistics and Transportation: Solar Impulse2(SI) ITB China(SI) Travel Daily Conferences(SI) 2013 Ocean International China(SI) Elon Musk, Founder, Tesla(CI and SI) Comac Supplier Summit(SI) ARJ 21 Seminar(SI) C919 Seminar(SI) The 2nd International Symposium on Composites Technologies for Commercial Aircrafts(SI) AVIC(SI) Jerome Guillin, Tesla Global Sales and Service Vice President, media interview(CI) BMW Capital Markets Day(SI) Audi Dealer Summit(SI) NEXTEV(SI) BMW Aftersales Conference(SI) 2017 Bosch Automobile Technology Forum(SI) Jaguar Land Rover Discovery Sport Release Event(SI) Jaguar Land Rover Press Conference(CI) JaguarLand RoverChina Test Drive Tour(CI and SI) Air China(SI) Greencarrier(SI) TravelSky 2014 Summit(SI) Shanghai International Aviation Exhibition(SI) 2013 International Maritime Engineering Equipment Summit(SI) Being Capital International Airport(SI) China Eastern Airlines(SI) Global Summit on Prevention of Marine Pollution(SI) Global Forum on Marine Diesel Engine(SI) Wartsila(SI and CI) American Association of Shipbuilders(CI) Chrysler press release, 2013 Shanghai Auto Show(CI) SKF Global Supplier Summit(SI) 2011 Shanghai Auto Show German Delegation press conference(SI) Sino-German Forum on Integrating Electric Vehicles into Sustainable Urban Transport(SI) 2014 Bosch Supplier Summit(SI) 2014 Brose Supplier Summit(SI) BYD(CI) Panasonic Automotive(SI) Chery Supplier Summit(SI) Volkswagen(SI) Bit Auto(CI and SI) Ministry of Transportation(SI) Zhengtong Auto(SI) Geely(SI and CI) Qingling Auto(SI and CI) SAIC(SI) JAC(SI and CI) Greatwall Motors(SI and CI) JDA Innovation Forum(SI)(supply chain management software) Shanghai Port Group(SI and CI) Ningbo Port(SI and CI) China Railway Group(SI and CI) Greatwall Motor Dealer Meeting(CI) BMW Dealer Meeting with global institutional investors(CI) China Construction Group(SI and CI) Cosco(SI and CI) Xiamen Port Group(SI and CI) Tianjin Port Development(SI and CI) CSCI(SI and CI) Yangzijiang(CI) Da Chang Hang(SI) China Shipping Industry Association(CI) Sichuan Expressway(CI) Dan Sten Olsson, CEO of Stena Group(SI) Ulf G. Ryder, CEO of Stena Bulk(SI) Anders Jansson, CEO of Stena Metall(SI) Ann Sofie Forss, manager of Stena RoRo(SI) Jorge D’Almeida, director general of PSA Sines(CI) World Yacht Exhibition(SI) Society of Maritime Industries, UK(CI) Applied Acoustic Engineering(CI) Aquatec Group(CI) Chelsea Technologies Group(CI) Ocean Scientific International(CI) Tritech International(CI) Valeport(CI) Wish Software(CI) 2013 Global Maritime Finance Forum(SI) 2013 Global Marine Equipment Innovation Forum(SI) 2013 Global Maritime Forum(SI) Li&Fung Logistics(SI) 2018 Airline Merchandising Conference(SI) IATA(SI) Industrials, Electric and Automation(heavy, light, chemicals), manufacturing, petrochemicals, mining, utilities: Shanghai Electric(SI) Nexturbine Summit(SI) Schneider(SI) Siemens(SI) GE(SI and CI) Rockwell(SI) Bosch(SI) Honeywell(SI) Dongfang Electric(SI) ABB(SI) CLP(SI) California Energy Commission(SI) Global Innovation Summit on Gas Turbine(SI) Financial Summit for 2013 Global Solar PV industry(SI) Solar World(SI) Meyer Burger(SI) Enics Global Lean Management Conference(SI) SKF(SI) Siemens(SI) Shanghai Electric Gas Turbine(SI) MAN Diesel&Turbo(SI) AVIC(SI) MHPS(SI) Dongfang Electric(SI) Solar Turbines(SI) Alstom(SI) Ansaldo Energia(SI) Rolls-Royce(SI) Sany Heavy(SI) Sany Technology(SI) Lonking(SI) Chongqing Machinery(SI) Shenyang Siasun Robotics(SI) Shenyang Machine Tool(SI) Haitian International(SI) Lee&Man Paper(SI) 2016 International Forum on Creative Paperwork and Packaging Design(SI) Youngor(SI) Weiqiao Textile(SI) Lutai Textile(SI) Global Textile Industry Summit(SI) EVA(SI) China XLX Fertilizer(SI) Nantong Jiangshan Fertilizer Chemicals(SI) Goodbaby(SI) Sino-UK Textile Seminar(SI) Ingersoll-Rand Global Dealership Conference(SI) State Grid(SI) China Bluechem(SI) Water Resource Partnership Seminar organized by Portuguese Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010(SI) Baosteel(SI) Wuhan Iron and Steel(SI) Crude Benzene Industrial Summit(SI) CNNOC(SI) Longyuan Power(SI) Sinovel(SI) Anhui Conch(SI) First Tractor(SI) Sinotruk(SI) Duoyuan Global(SI) Sound Global(SI) China Aluminium(SI) China Power Transmission(SI) Global Summit on Copper and Aluminium(SI) Global Summit on Alumimium Supply Chain(SI) Snapon(SI) Jiangsu Zhongyan Group(SI) SPX(CI) Three Gun(SI) China Chemical & Fiber Economic Information Network (CCFEI, SI) Cotton USA(CI) Dow Chemical(CI) Aquatech 2015&2016(CI) Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Enterprises Association(SI) China Petroleum&Chemical Industry Federation(SI) AICM(SI) Covestro(SI and CI) Bayer(SI) BASF(SI and CI) Mr. Robert B. Laughlin, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physics(SI) Mr. George F. Smoot, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics(SI) Mr. Kostya Novoselov, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Physics(SI) Film making, entertainment and cultural industries: Tom Hooper, Oscar-winning director(Les Miserables, The King’s Speech,etc)(SI and CI) Helen Mirren(CI) Transformer 4 Press Release(SI) Mark Wahlberg, Hollywood star, media interview(CI) Ryan Kavanaugh,CEO, Relativity Media, media interview(CI) Relativity Media(SI) Huayi Brothers(CI) Pinewood(SI and CI) Jury Panel for Golden Goblet Award, Shanghai International Film Festival(SI) BBC(SI and CI) Xiami Music(CI) Shen Lihui, founder of Strawberry Musical Festival(CI) New Digital Media Summit(SI) 2013 Nordic Innovation Week(SI) 2013 West Bund Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art(SI for opening ceremony and contemporary art forum) VeniceBiennialChinaPressConference(SI) LONG Museum(SI) Commemorative Conference for 60th Anniversary of Bandung Conference(SI) 2014 China Oil Painting Exhibition series seminars(SI) China Sun Media(SI and CI) Training on Application of New Digital Media in Book and Library Management(SI) Shanghai International Fashion Centre(SI and CI) Xinhua Publishing(SI) Zhejiang Art Museum(SI) Hangzhou International Fiber Art Triennal(SI) CBN(SI and CI) Shanghai Financial Times(CI) Yahoo(CI) CCTV(CI) Netease(CI) Sina.com(CI) Inner Mongolia Trade Newspaper(CI) MSN(CI) France Buffet Musical Instrument Group(CI) China Art Academy(SI) Transformer cast media interview(CI) House of Cards production training(SI) World Design Organisation(CI) Chairperson for Pritzker(CI) Magnum Photos 70th Anniversary(bilingual MC and CI) Legal (Intellectual Property Rights, Legislation, etc): Global Summit on Climate Change Legislation(SI) BRIC Country IPR Summit(SI) China-ASEAN Trademark and Brand Summit(SI) Ms. Zhao Wen, vice mayor, Shanghai Municipal Government(CI) Shanghai Intellectual Property Bureau(SI) Research cooperation project between Transparency International and Development Research Center, Shanghai(CI and translation of legal documents) American Bar Association(CI and translation of legal documents) Dalian Intellectual Bureau(SI and CI) DLA Piper(SI) Kraft Corporate Compliance and Ethics Training(SI) CSR in Supply Chain Ropes&Grey(SI) DLA Piper(SI) Paul&Hastings(SI) Kilpatrick Townsend&Stockton LLP IPR and Patent trainings(SI) Shanghai AB Food&Beverage Compliance training(SI) Li&Fung Compliance Training(SI) Evidence Forensics Training(SI) Mayer Brown(SI) Jingtian&Gongcheng(SI) China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission(SI) Singapore International Arbitration Center(SI) International Arbitration Summit(SI) 2016 International Forum on Aviation Law(SI) East China University of Political Science&Law(SI) Institute of Air&Space Law, McGill University(SI) Shanghai International Arbitration Center(SI) International Civil Aviation Organization(SI) Winston&Strawn LLP(SI) Grandall Law Firm(SI) Korean Commercial Arbitration Board(SI) King&Wood Mallesons(SI) JunHe(SI) Allbright Law Offices(SI) Clyde&Co(SI) Zhonglun Law Firm(SI) Pharmaceuticals and Public Health: Changhai Hospital(SI and CI, prevention and treatment of infectious disease) Shanghai Health Bureau(CI) Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation(SI) ISPE Summit(SI) World Organization for Animal Health,(OIE) Asia Pacific Summit(SI and CI) Shanghai Oriental Hospital(SI) Rui Jin Hospital(SI) Bayer Training(SI) Global Summit on Signal Transduction(SI) Intuitive Surgical(SI) Ethicon training series(SI) 2012 Asia Pacific Summit on Innovation in Drug Administration(SI) Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission(SI) Asia Pacific Association of Disaster Medicine(SI) Lab Animals Series Training(SI) Training on Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases(SI) International Healthcare Emergency Forum(SI) Asia Pacific Summit on Prevention of Hospital Infections(SI) Health Bureau, Yangpu district, Shanghai(CI) Astra Zeneca training courses(SI) Merck(SI) GSK(SI&CI) Baxter(SI) Shangdong Weigao(SI) Song E E Jiao(CI) Punchtech(SI) Southern Medical Institute, SFDA(SI) Tong Ren Tang(CI) Sinopharm(SI) Shanghai Pharm(SI) APEC Life Science Innovation Forum(SI) Global Polio Seminar(SI) COPD Expert Roundtable(SI) Blood Coagulation Disorder Seminar(SI) Hypertenstion Investigator Meeting(SI) Astra Zeneca Respiratory Market Strategy(SI) Bengt Samuelsson(Nobel Physiology or Medicine Prize laureat)(SI) Bruce Beutler(Nobel Physiology or Medicine Prize laureat) Roche Annual Meeting(SI) AbbVie Investigator Meeting(SI) Roche Annual Conference(SI) Fosun Pharma Annual Conference(SI) Bard Medical (CI) Sanofi Annual Conference(CI) Wyeth(SI) Bayer(CI) Johnson&Johnson series of medical device training(SI) Johnson&Johnson marketing training(SI) Xian Janssen(CI) China's First Summit on Hemophilia(SI) GSK Investigator Training(SI) BGI Group(SI) Bosch&Lomb(SI) MDST, CFDA(SI) The 11th Natural Ingredient Conference(SI) Waters Internal Training(SI) Philips Supplier Summit(SI) Multiple Myeloma Seminar(SI) Xian Janssen Investigator Meeting(SI) China Hospitai Association(SI) Public Health School, Columbia University(SI) Ren Ji Hospital(CI) Zhongshan Hospital(CI) Huaxi Hospital(CI) Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University(CI) China Hospital Association(CI) Mayo Clinic(CI) Bayer Investigator Conference(CI) International Expert Seminar on Mycrotia(SI) Wuxi Apptech(SI) Investigator Training for AED(anti-epilepsy drugs)(SI) Red House International Gynecology and Obstetrics Conference(SI) The Third Pujiang Symposium on Transplantation&Immunity(SI) Forum on Immunological Monitoring after Transplantation, Tissue Repair and Immunological Treatment(SI) Bayer Consumer Health Townhall Meeting(SI) Environment protection, climate change , new energy and urban development: Solar Impulse 2(SI) The 12th AsiaSolar Photovoltaic Innovation&Cooperation Forum(SI) Meryer Burger(SI) BayerMaterialScience(SI) JA Solar(SI) Trina Solar(SI) Bertrand Piccard(SI) Andre Borschberg(SI) UN intern interpreter for the fifty-third session of the United Nations’Committee on Narcotic Drugs(SI) UN Habitat(SI and CI) Delegation of African Majors(CI) Global Forum on Climate Change Legislation(SI) Global Summit on Prevention of Marine Pollution(SI) Sino-German Forum on Integrating Electric Vehicles into Sustainable Urban Transport(SI) Jiangyin Global Advisory Committee Conference(SI) Global Forum on Carbon Financing(SI) Seminar organized by International Environment Research Centre, Tongji University(SI) Global Forum on Cooperation among New Energy and Energy-saving Foundations(SI) Alexandre Fernandes, Director General, ADENE/Portuguese Energy Agency(SI) Water Resource Partnership Conference organized by Portuguese Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010(SI) Martins da Costa, Member of the Board, EDP(SI) Margarida Monteiro, managing director, dstrenewables(SI) Diogo Faria de Oliveira, administrator, Aquapor(SI) Antonio Papoila, Chairman, Janz(SI) Patricia Arruda, Architectural Director, MSF(SI) Paula Roque, Revigres, Member of the Board(SI) Eduardo Maldonado, Faculty of Engineering, University of Oporto(SI) Manuel Collares Pereira, Vice President in charge of Strategic Department for Innovation and Development, Dreen(SI) Pedro Seabra, Director General, Viatecla(SI) S.H. Mah, SK Energy Corporation, South Korea(SI) Everbright International(SI) Shenergy(SI) Tianneng Group(SI) Urban Planning Exhibition Centre, Yangpu district, Shanghai(CI) Global Forum on Sustainable Urban Development(SI) Energy Foundation(SI) California Agency of Environment Protection(SI) California Energy Commission(SI) Financial Summit for 2013 Global Solar PV industry(SI) Solar World(SI) Meyer Burger(SI) World Solar Congress(SI) Swedish Cleantech Tour(SI) Seminar on China’s ETS(SI) Global Shale Gas Seminar(SI) Global Geology Academic Workshop(SI) Duke University Global Climate Change Summit(SI) Duke Forum on China’s Tropical Biodiversity(SI) Cross-border Organized Crime and Anti-corruption: UN intern interpreter for the fifty-third session of the United Nations’Committee on Narcotic Drugs(SI) Cooperation projects between Transparency International and Development Research Center, Shanghai Municipal Government(CI and legal document translation) HR: Gallup(SI) 51job(SI) Zhaopin.com(SI) Sino-Europe HR Summit(SI) Dave Urich series of lectures and seminars(SI) Real Estate and Architecture: 2010 Shanghai World Expo Urban Best Practice& International Architectural Forum(SI) Foster&Partners(SI) Robert Stern(SI) Wangshi, CEO of China Vanke(SI) Lujiazui Architecture Forum(SI) Shanghai Center, media interview(CI) Vanke Group(SI) Global Commercial Real Estate Summit(SI) Greentown Group(SI) Greenland Group(SI) Forte Annual Conference(SI) Sunac China(SI) BBMG(SI) Longfor Properties(SI) Sino-Ocean Land Holdings(SI) Shui-on(SI) China Resources Land(SI) COLI(SI) Wharf(SI) Shanghai Industrials(SI and CI) Chongqing Public Renting House Administration(SI) Chengtou Group(CI) Cooperation project between Yangpu District Government and Delegation from Victoria, Australia (SI and CI, Green Building) Global Forum on Retail Real Estate(SI) Global Forum on REITS(SI) Peter Cathop, world famous urban planner(SI) Gensler&Partners(SI) SPI(SI) Global Forum on Hotel and Tourism Real Estate(SI) Forum on Investing in Overseas Real Estate organized by Joneslanglasalle(SI) Global Capital(SI) School of Architecture series of lectures and seminars, China Art Academy(SI) West Bund Biennale, Contemporaty Architecture Forum(SI) JLL series of investment promotion events(SI) Foster&Partners(SI) EFFEKT Architects(SI) Logon(SI) The 8th Asia Pacific Commercial Real Estate Cooperation Forum(SI) DTZ Cushman&Wakefield Think-In Forum(SI) Trade, multi-sector cooperation and foreign investment attraction: TEDA-Tianjin Economic and Development Area(SI and CI) APEC(SI) TALK Global Social Innovation Forum(CI) 2013 Nordic Wood(SI) American Bay Area Council(CI, biomedicine, high-tech, finance, etc) South African Investment Promotion Forum(SI) New Zealand Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010(SI) Portuguese Pavilion(SI) Netherland Pavilion(SI) Swedish Pavilion(SI) Chongqing Liangjiang New Area(SI) Mr. Thomas Paul d’ Aquino, chairman and CEO for Canadian Chief Executive Council(SI) Cooperation project between Yangpu District Government and Delegation from Victoria, Australia (SI and CIGreen Building) American Bay Area Council(SI and CI) Delegation from South African Ministry of Science and Technology(CI) Knowledge and Innovation Community(SI and CI) Portuguese Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau(SI) Dialogue with Chengdu-Global Leading Entrepreneur Seminar(SI) Jebsen(CI) Forum on Investing in California(SI) Zhangjiang Forum(SI) Business Sweden series of events(SI) UN Trade Council series of events(SI) International Investment Forum on Investing in Latin America(SI) Education and Culture: Anne Tolley, Minister of Education, New Zealand(SI) Xue ersi(SI) Xue da(SI) 2013 China Library Society Annual Conference(SI) Ms. Zhao Wen, vice major, Shanghai Municipal Government(SI) Harvard University(CI,meetings with Yangpu district, Shanghai) University of South California(SI and CI) American Association of Foreign Cultural Exchange(SI) China Art Academy Seminar-Seeing German-French reconciliation through the perspective of art(SI) Ningbo County-College Summit(SI) The 3rd International Seminar on Cross-Cultural Management/The 7th International Seminar on Cross-Strait Corporate Management(SI) UNESCO(SI) Global Scientific Education and Culture Seminar(SI) University of California Alumni Conference(SI) China Intelligence Award(SI) Shanghai International Private Education Festival(SI) 90th Anniversary Celebration for CAA(SI) International Art Academy President Forum(SI) EMBA courses for Business Schools: Michel T. Pham, Professor of Business, Columbia Business School(SI) Bala G. Dharan, Professor of Accounting, Harvard Law School and MIT Sloan School(SI) Michael Useem, Professor, Wharton Business School(SI) School of Finance, Jiaotong University(SI) CEIBS Operation Management EMBA course by Professor Philip Moscoso(SI) CEIBS Sany Heavy case study tour(SI) CEIBS Three Gun Case Study tour(SI) CEIBS Fosun Group Case Study tour(SI) China program for University of South California(SI) Business School, Kennesaw State University(SI) David De Cremer, professor, CEIBS(SI) Ian Fenwick, professor, Toronto Business School(SI) Zhuang Hanmeng, professor, CEIBS(SI) HEC Paris Business School(SI) Jeff Sampler, professor, CEIBS(SI) Harvard Business School(SI) Business School, Shanghai Jiaotong University(SI) Hupan University founded by Jack Ma(SI) Professor Vanhonacker, Wilfried R, founder of CEIBS(CI) Wharton Business School(SI) Agriculture and Forestry: Sinograin(SI) COFCO(SI) China Flower Association(SI) China XLX Fertilizer(SI) Nantong Jiangshan Fertilizer Chemicals(SI) China Modern Diary Holdings Ltd(SI) Wuliangye(SI) Sino-Netherland Horticulture Seminar(SI) Agricultural Counselor, Netherland Embassy in China(SI) Holland Green Genetic Day, World Expo 2010(SI) CNADC(China National Agriculture Development Corporation)(SI) Nordic Wood Association(SI) China FurnitureAssociation(SI) China Wood Distribution Society(SI) Food and Beverage, retail, home appliance, FMCG: Lianhua Supermarket(SI) Wumart(SI) Sunart Retail(SI) Kmart Global Supplier Summit(SI) Golden Eagle(SI) Mengniu(SI) Yili(SI) Tingyi(SI) Qingdao Beer(SI) Ajisen(SI) Christine(SI) Gome(SI) Suning(SI) Biotime(SI) Starbucks(SI) Mc Donald(SI) Kraft (SI) Associated British Foods(SI) Sports: Laureas Sports Award Press Conference(SI) Tiger Woods(SI) Na Li(SI) Li Ning(SI) Anta(SI) Shanghai Sports Bureau(SI) 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympics High-level Forum(SI) Ms Zhao Wen, vice mayor, Shanghai Municipal Government(CI) Australian Football Team(CI) Converse Key Account Meeting(SI) Nanjing Youth Olympics(SI) World Sports&Cultural Forum(SI) James Rodríguez(SI) Real Madrid Football Club(SI) Oliver Bierhoff, German Football team(SI) MC for foreign affairs events/PR events(in English): All the foreign affairs events for Yangpu District, Shanghai over the past 5 years(Dinner banquet for Bay Area Council Delegation, lunch banquet for Delegation of 100 entrepreneurs headed by Governor Brown, State of California, the USA,etc) English MC for 25th iBLC Outdoor Activities Ogilvy BM China Holland Green Genetic Day, World Expo 2010 South South Global Innovative Economy and Technology Asset Trading Forum Banquet Las Vegas Tourism Bureau China program of University of South California Fashion and Luxury: Luk Fook Jewellery(SI) Chow Tai Fook(SI) George Armani(SI) Montblanc(SI) Tory Burch(SI) Tods(SI) Jimmy Choo(SI) Tifanny(SI) De Beers(SI) LV(SI and CI) Under Armour(SI) IWC(SI) L’oreal(SI) Nordic Fashion Innovation Seminar(SI) Van Cleef&Arpels(SI) Hengdeli(SI) SHISEIDO(SI&CI) Chow Sang Sang Jewellery(SI) Pucci(CI) Ermenegildo Zegna(SI) Herborist(SI) Sephora Annual Conference(SI) China Premium Red Wine Forum(SI) Forum Wine(SI) Ms. Gail Arlidge, world famous soft furnishing designer(SI) Skagen(SI) LV(CI) Academic Achievements Winner of 2004 Citigroup Education Scholarship. Won the top-rate scholarship of the English Department of Dalian Foreign Languages University every semester. Won the title of “First Speaker” in the 11th “Zhenxing Cup English Speech Contest” of Dalian Foreign Languages University. Strength&Character ØProfessional and competent in Chinese-English two-way simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation. ØStrong interpersonal skills thanks to my genuine, sincere and kind personalities. ØValueing teamwork. ØOptimistic, confident, easy-going, innovative and quick-witted. ØA good communicator and listener. ØReady to take challenges and learn from others. Language Skill Certificate of TEM 8 Certificate of CGT 4(College German Test) Proficient in both English and Chinese.(UN and EU accredited simultaneous interpreter) Professional and competent in Chinese-English two-way simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation and experienced in interpreting training. Computer Skill&Other Certificate ☆Certificate of “National Computer Skill Test” Level 2 in C Language. ☆Proficient in office-related computer skills. ☆Senior Marketing Agent Qualification Certificate 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |