时间:2018-08-10 10:31 来源:未知 作者:kefu 点击:次
语言: 中文(母语) 英语(近母语) 教育 美国: 硕士 中英会议口译 美国加州蒙特雷翻译学院,09/2002 – 05/2004 中国: 本科 国际商务英语 证书 会计 上海对外贸易学院,09/1997 – 07/2001 资质: 美国国务院语言认证翻译 – 陪同、研讨会和大会 美国斯坦福医学院认证翻译 - 交传 &同传 工作经验 2013 – 现在 思科 EBC 口译 思科EBC执行汇报中心同传及交传,包括产品技术演示及客户会议 2013 – 现在 NetApp 口译 NetApp EBC执行汇报中心同传及交传,包括技术参观及客户会议 2013 – 现在 赛门铁克口译 赛门铁克客户成功案例采访电话交传 2008 – 现在 交传&同传 培训、座谈会、研讨会及论坛等活动交传/同传口译,客户包括:IBM、思科、SAP、博科、 赛门铁克及微软等IT科技界企业,Thornburg、Orbis Global、Broad Peak Investment及里 昂证券等金融企业,广州市政府、中国发改委及美国国务院等政府部门,律所及美国检察院 等法律机构,英国石油、中集、中石油、中石化及俄罗斯天然气等油气企业,美联行及英国 航空等航空企业,东风日产、起亚、奥迪及奔驰等汽车企业,以及其它各类企业。 2012 – 2013 ICANN口译 ICANN全球年会政府咨询委员会会议同声翻译,一年3次 2010.11 – 2010.12 广州亚运会口译 亚运会赛后发布会交传口译 2010.8 – 2010.9 北京奥运会口译 奥运会赛后发布会交传口译 2006-2007 加州Crimson Life Sciences笔译项目经理 管理并负责项目质量、按时交付及成本预算;有时编辑和审核中文项目翻译 2005-2006 佛吉尼亚 ASET International笔译项目经理 管理并负责项目质量、按时交付及成本预算;编辑和审核中文项目翻译;各语言项目QA;中文本地化项目测试。 主管客户包括科勒、SBC等 2004-2005 加州TeleTech电话翻译培训经理 电话翻译技能培训;客户服务知识技能培训;电话翻译软件使用培训;行业知识培训 2003-2004 加州LanguageLine电话翻译 各类电话口译 2003夏 J.D. Edwards实习技术翻译 J.D. Edwards One-World本地化项目笔译 2002-2003 加州CNS军事翻译 2001-2002 上海安杰伦科技采购经理 负责机械及消耗类产品采购,保证价格、交付、质量及库存目标 附录 – 部分口译经验 金融 JPM银行考察(同传) 源码码会2018年会(同传) 上海国利货币经纪有限公司2018董事会(交传) 麦格理投资人见面会(同传) UBS 2017投资人一对一会议(同传&交传) UBS 2016投资人一对一会议(同传&交传) 访银联总部(交传) 德意志为投资人客户准备的系列介绍会议(Simultaneous) 第9届中国(江苏)跨国投资峰会(同传&交传) 高盛宏观经济及信贷论坛(同传) 高盛风险溢价论坛(同传) 上海国利货币经纪有限公司2017董事会(交传) 源码码会2017年会(同传) 英国皇家特许管理会计师协会与浙江财大合作签约(交传) 北极光有限合伙人会议(同传) Eurizon Capital 母基金事宜讨论(交传) 蚂蚁金服CEO专家论坛(同传) 2016中以投资峰会(同传) 荷兰合作银行2017金融市场展望(同传) 民生银行创新训练营(同传) 2016 汇丰年会(同传) 5日硅谷互金考察(交传) 2016哈佛中国论坛(同传) 主题乐园与税务局交流(交传) 5日纽约互联网金融公司交流(交传) Robert Engle谈风险价值(同传) 高盛2015年会(同传) 互联网+时代的营销变革(同传) 同筹荟文化项目路演(同传) 5日硅谷互联网金融公司考察(交传) 2015亚太税务论坛(同传) 2015上海衍生品市场论坛(同传) 一号店及其合作伙财务合作讨论(同传) 英纳法汽车天窗系统集团第一届第十五次监事会会议(同传) 日本经济及货币政策(同传) 休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院预测分析学课程翻译(交传) 访太平洋保险、上海证交所及交通银行(交传) 中金2014下半年投资策略会(同传) 上衍原油论坛(同传) 上衍商品指数和商品期权论坛(同传) 上衍期货风险管理论坛(同传) 访标普公司(交传) 访德丰杰公司(交传) 美国纳税人协会及加州税务体制介绍(交传) 访市长办公室贸易商务办主任陈德利先生(交传) 访奥克兰财政部(交传) 访访Grosvenor公司(交传) 访芝加哥商品交易集团(交传) 访道富银行(交传) 平安保险投资人会议(交传) 泸州老窖投资人会议(交传) 2011巴西证券期货交易所以及上市公司深圳投资者交流会(同传) IBM CFO 圆桌讨论会(同传) 2009澳大利亚投资研讨会(同传) 2011深港东盟金融产业高峰论坛(同传) 里昂证券与易方达基金关于定量分析的讲座(交传) 里昂证券与大成基金关于定量分析的讲座(交传) 里昂证券与博时基金关于定量分析的讲座(交传) 里昂证券与南方基金关于定量分析的讲座(交传) 2011渣打银行尊尚人生系列论坛 – 天下(交传 &同传) 12届中国风险投资论坛(同传) 澳大利亚投资政策与研究研讨会(同传) 卡尔•萨望博士在中山大学岭南(大学)学院投资主题演讲(同传) IT & TECH 明导U2U大会(同传) 访Cocos及ELEX(交传&同传) 2018 CES(同传)NetAPP Converge大会(同传) ABB亚洲价值供应商大会(同传) 阿斯麦与上海即成电路研发中心全球培训中心揭牌与课程启动仪式(交传) 伦敦科技周(同传) 解锁下一个10亿美元市场:了解东南亚互联网机遇(同传) 博西华2018大会分会(同传) 飞行汽车闭门会议(同传) Semicon MSIG论坛(同传) 戴森闭门交流会议(同传&交传) 极客公园2017创新大会(同传) 2017 国际智能制造与智能系统创新论坛(同传) 第5届游戏运营技术论坛(同传) 2017中芯国际技术研讨会(同传) 访上海机电及中芯国际(交传) 外来因我而不同(同传) 2017 Vector中国用户大会(同传) ABB电力与自动化世界活动(同传&交传) 2017 CES(同传) 2017 GSA大会(同传) 海航科技数字转型系列会议(同传) 阿里Big Family大会(同传) 中欧数字经济和网络安全第二次会议(同传) SUSE 企业存储培训(同传&交传) IESF 2016(同传) 微软Ignite技术大会(同传) Facebook Fbstart 项目(交传&同传) 区块链会议(同传) ABB 2016工博会发布会(交传) NetApp Insight 2016(同传) 2016 GTC大会(同传) 索尼互动娱乐Playstation开发商与发行商大会(同传) 腾讯QQ与美泰战略合作新闻发布会(同传、交传) ABB WCO 项目(同传) 2016 半导体行业论坛(同传) 2016 FD SOI 论坛(同传) 华为2016全连接大会(同传) 硅谷企业级解决方案公司拜访(交传) 硅谷、洛杉矶AR/VR 5日访问(交传) Facebook 中国合作伙伴会谈(交传) 创新圆桌 - 中印企业家对话(同传) 硅谷5日人工智能公司考察(同传&交传) IBM突破无界,云以智胜(同传) CES亚洲2016(同传) 5日硅谷儿童科技考察(交传) 访仁宝电脑(交传) 4日拉斯维加斯AR/VR考察,包括CES 2016(交传) NetApp Insight 2015(同传) 华为2015云计算大会(同传) 蔡司车身解决方案(同传) 富达投资科技及互联网公司访问(同传) 博科多客户会议(同传) 2015 亚洲消费电子展(同传) 第二届Ad Tech China(同传) 希捷“个性数据 映射精彩”产品发布会(交传) 中国省广播公司访思科(交传) 2014联想MBG核心供应商峰会(同传) 加拿大总理Stephan Harper会见阿里巴巴马云及其团队(同传) NetApp Insight 2014(同传) IESF 2014(同传) 2014华为云计算大会-业务驱动基础设施(同传) 数字营销360(同传) 思科向客户介绍思科总体情况(Consecutive) Gartner公司关于APT介绍(交传) 访Engine Yard(交传) 云战略会议(同传) Cisco EBC执行汇报中心会议 - 演示及客户会议(交传 &同传) NetApp EBC执行汇报中心会议 - N参观及客户会议(交传 &同传) NetApp Insight 2013年会(同传) ICANN 47 德班会议(同传) ICANN 46北京(同传) 甲骨文银行解决方案会议(同传) SAP核电解决方案介绍(同传) ICANN多伦多45届大会(同传) 博科2012技术分析日(同传) Flash 2012 and Beyond会议(同传) 2012中国锂电隔膜大会(同传) 华为电信软件和核心网络年度大会(同传) 2011中国移动全球开发者大会(同传) 2011中国管理全球论坛 – 转型的正道(交传&同传) 第八届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – SSL标准和检测(同传) 第八届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 材料与装备技术(同传) 第八届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 驱动,电源与控制技术(同传) 第八届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 大会(同传) IBM智慧社会,社交商道(同传) 2011华为云计算大会 – 智能服务型政府与公共事业论坛(同传) 2011华为云计算大会 – 云计算技术论坛(同传) 2011华为云计算大会 – 云操作系统(同传) 2010深圳宝安高端产业招商引资推介会(同传) 第三届中国深圳国际工业设计节(同传 &交传) AVID广电行业峰会(同传) 风河软件开发商大会(同传) IBM System z上的Linux(同传) LED会议(交传) 第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – SSL标准和检测(同传) 第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 先进封装与模组技术(同传) 第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 材料与装备技术(同传) 第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 芯片与器件技术(同传) 第七届中国国际半导体照明论坛 – 大会(同传) 宇龙酷派供应商大会(同传) 斑马公司亚太供应商峰会(同传) IBM 2010 智慧系统全球行(同传) IBM企业x5架构发布会(同传) 万盛2009亚洲客户大会(同传) 动漫产业论坛(同传) 华为LTC B2B里程碑会议(同传) 微软-迈瑞Win CE合作会议(同传) 微软-酷派Win CE合作会议(同传) 微软-比亚迪Win CE合作会议(同传) 微软-e人e本Win CE合作会议(同传) 第5届中国国际显示大会(同传) 华为三星CTO研讨会(同传) HDMI开发者论坛新闻发布会(交传) HDMI开发者研讨会(同传) 新机遇:光电子产业 —— 激光微型投影仪(同传) 海量内容传输与互联网数据中心讨论会(同传) 腾讯智慧,2008高效在线营销(同传) 2007赛门铁克年会(同传) 美特斯IT工作(交传) 亨斯曼高层会议(同传) 投影技术会议(同传) 雅图投影合作会议(同传) BigTide显示器合作会议(同传) 访迈瑞公司(同传) 化工&金属 第四届中国罐箱国际论坛(同传) 2018面料展会(同传) 2017 IND EX工业防爆大会(同传) 2017 第一届化学品环境风险防控专业委员会学术年会(同传) 17届IWCC联席会议(同传) 2016中国昆山国际创新创业大会之新材料分会(同传) IWCC 2016 工作会议(同传) 2016亚洲铜业周会议(同传) IWCC 2015工作会议(同传) 2015 CEO峰会(同传) 访CQLT、创立集团、上海电气及威孚集团(交传) 2015中国国际化纤会议(同传) 卓勒泵产品介绍(交传) 第十届铜铝峰会(同传) 应用可靠性研讨会(同传) 工业包装 - 技术创新展示(同传) 投资人访钢铁企业和交流(交传) 伟尔和Trio公司整合会(同传) 2014中国国际化纤会议(同传) 17届中国国际化纤会议(同传) 2010 IRRDB国际橡胶研讨会(同传) Hoffmann第二届涂料应用研讨会(同传) 首届中国PVD技术及应用发展趋势论坛(同传) 国际废金属峰会(同传) 地产 2018 RICS地产投资与管理会议(同传) 二十一世纪访托麦酷客(同传) 罗克福特爵士与工商局政府及合作伙伴会议(交传) 南京江北新区未来绿色智慧型建筑“下一代建筑”国际研讨会(同传) 亚洲建筑中心第二届国际学术论坛(同传) WYDF2017春季论坛暨简一大理石瓷砖发布(同传) 访搜房地产(交传) 第四届AS建筑理论论坛暨国际研讨会(同传) 亚洲建筑中心成立暨国际研讨会(同传) 亚洲地产投资论坛(同传) 梦工厂项目谈判(交传) 访九龙仓、华润置地及恒隆广场等办公地产项目(交传) 欧尚项目及商业计划培训(同传) HIP Housing关于Edgewater Istle 的翻新计划(交传) 同济大学中法中心培训-建筑照明(同传) 中国中盟投资峰会暨万科会议 – 聚焦纽约地产房地产(同传) 2011未来城市可持续发展论坛暨第九届地产经济主流企业年会(同传) 招商地产会议(交传) 瑞吉豪华精选媒体发布会(同传) 油气能源 2018美孚亚洲炼油和石化科技大会(同传) 第四届中集罐箱国际论坛(同传) 意大利船级社11次中国咨询委员会会议(同传) BP PTAir 中国上市活动(同传&交传) 中国(南京)跨国公司高层石化发展交流会(Simultaneous) 油运安全论坛(同传) 中国(国际)核电仪控技术大会(同传) 宝利-比图米亚与俄罗斯战略会议(同传) 第四届中国液化天然气论坛(同传) 访问加州公共事业委员会讨论加州天然气管理和基础设施(交传) 阿拉巴马大学Philip Johnson教授关于乏风瓦斯催化氧技术讲座(交传) BP技术大会(同传) 能源行业项目管理(交传、同传) 美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院信息管理课程(交传、同传) 美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院国际石油项目管理课程(交传、同传) 美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院策略领导课程(交传、同传) 美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院领导力课程(交传、同传) 中集安瑞科TGE半年工作会议(同传) Holvrieka 2010 年中运营情况会议(同传) 美国休斯顿大学鲍尔商学院油气资源价值创造课程(交传、同传) 中国-俄罗斯2010中亚石油天然气论坛(同传) 第15 届TGE 研讨会(同传) 炼油及成品油品质检测(同传) 中国-俄罗斯2009中亚石油天然气论坛(同传) 2008欧亚能源论坛深圳站(同传) 俄罗斯天然气工业公司商务谈判(交传) 城市管理 中美交通论坛第7次会议暨第8轮中美海运磋商(同传) 访San Mateo警察局(交传) 访旧金山警察学院(交传) 访奥克兰市政讨论流动摊贩管理(交传) 中国农村养老保险制度改革与发展研究项目总结会(同传) 访旧金山警务机构(交传) 访旧金山湾区模型中心(交传) 访马琳郡规划委员会(交传) KDI土地使用规划会议(同传) 联合国教科文组织创意城市网络深圳会议 – 新媒体、新科技和电影发展工作坊(同传) 中国交通建设股份有限公司访谈(交传) 城市基础设施建设部长级会议(同传) 广州后亚运交通治理(同传) 大城市中心区交通拥堵问题分析与对策国际研讨会会议议程(同传) 在中国城市推广以行人和公共交通为导向的发展模式(同传) 构建世界级的城市研讨会(同传) 法律 当前税务环境下如何构架海外投资以规避风险,扩大机会,确保合规(交传) 上合组织丝绸之路成员国法律服务国际论坛(同传) 第五届大陆架和海底区域制度科学与法律问题国际研讨会(同传) 拉美投资和争议解决研讨会(同传) Taxland:诉讼及国际合作(同传) 访美富律师事务所讨论商标保护(交传) 访旧金山市检察院及 Katsuranis & Rodriguez 律所会议 (交传) 访旧金山高等法院及Santa Clara检察院(交传) 交通事故案件口供取证(同传&交传) 中国知识产权法最新发展:著作权法修订及执法挑战(同传) CCH会议 欧洲市场的机遇与风险: 最新专利与商标诉讼实例解析(同传) 2011全国外商机构保护知识产权座谈会(同传) 微软与广州文化 广电新闻出版局和广州市版权局关于知识产权的讨论(交传 &同传) 美国司法部汽车车灯反托拉斯案(交传) 美国联邦地区检察院武器出口听证会(交传) 美国联邦地区检察院调解听证会 – 无证出口军用装备(交传) 中国-欧盟节约能源法国际研讨会(同传) Aquatech 法律会议(交传) 中法庄园审慎调查(交传、同传) 环境&安全 午宴:上海发改委&GIZ, 碳交易(交传) C TEAM成立仪式(同传) COP21: 气候政策讨论(同传) JAC 企业社会责任论坛(同传) 2014年土壤环境评价与修复技术国际研讨会(同传) 2014 中国上海绿色建筑和建筑节能科技周(同传) 访上海发改委、环境交易所及上海立法院,及相关工作会议(同传) 2009绿色信贷国际研讨会(同传) 中欧对话工作坊:环境与健康(同传) CCS技术研究与开发(同传) 中欧能源环境项目(交传) 气候变化及其它国际挑战相关的报告实践研讨会(同传) 哥本哈根气候理事会拜见国家发改委副主任谢振华(交传) 英国大使馆文化教育处关于全球变暖问题的调研(交传) 低碳生态人居和生态健康产业国际论坛(同传) 低碳城市建设规划培训(同传) 广东碳捕集与封存预留2011专题研讨会(同传) 纽威公司SEAL安全培训(交传) 航空与港口 2018亚洲空运会议(同传) 2018亚洲公务机航空展(同传) 第三届中国航材保障管理专题论坛(同传) “英才思” - 2017达美航空行业论坛(同传) 随美国移动总司司长哈雷罗先生参加中欧民用航空安全相关活动(交传) 2017亚洲公务机航空展(同传) 英国海事介绍(同传) 访春秋航空(交传) 安特卫普港务局新闻发布会(交传) 绿色港口和船只计划工作讨论(交传) 跨河如海 - 第2届世界水源地峰会专业讨论(同传) 访商飞公司(交传) 2015 亚洲商务航空展(同传) 第5届中国年度机场值机系统高峰会议(同传) 美联航2012国际媒体日(同传) 2011深圳(国际)航空运输论坛(同传) 2009深圳(国际)航空运输论坛(同传) 英航新增上海航班媒体发布会(交传) ACAA培训(同传) 家具及设计 面向未来的创新设计与智能科技(同传) 2016 AWE(交传) 《室内设计》杂志2014论坛(同传) 丽敦豪邸新闻发布会(同传) 16届中国国际名家具展专家论坛(同传) 交汇 – 重塑国际家具格局(同传) 罗浮宫家居国际创意联盟成立暨罗浮宫家居总部大厦全球招商新闻发布会(同传) 2011第二届中美欧设计师高峰论坛(同传) 世界博览会展馆展示设计国际论坛(同传) 物流 投资人与韵达交流(交传) GSCM 2015(同传) 中国国家供应链与物流大会暨中国制造业峰会(同传) 中国国际物流与交流运输博览会德国物流联盟国际会议(同传) 2011年第五届物博会-物流与供应链管理高峰论坛(同传) 体育 2017 FIBO 中国健身产业未来发展高峰论坛(同传) 南京青年文化周(同传) 新百伦足球产品活动(交传) 优赋思体育营销(同传) 2011深圳大运中欧青年论坛(同传) 塞巴斯特.科勋爵2012伦敦奥运会新闻发布会(交传) 伦敦奥运会主席塞巴斯特.科勋爵专访(交传) 伦敦奥组委奥运8分钟新闻发布会(交传) 北京奥运会(交传) 广州亚运会(交传) 亚奥理事会协调会第8次会议(同传) 旅游 Nomura公司组织的旅游行业市调(同传) 2010博鳌旅游论坛(同传) 2010广州国际旅游论坛(同传) 南非旅游与贸易研讨会(同传) 酒 路易十三 100 Years 媒体采访(交传) 嘉露全球分销商大会(同传) 中国第一届酒文化节新闻发布会(同传) 医学&生物 2018 中美医院合作论坛(同传) 礼来数字转型及NGCE媒体采访(交传) 临床数据管理会议(同传) 特应性皮炎大师巡讲(同传) 奥森媒体采访(交传) 2018精准医学国际工作会议(同传) 高盛生物医学考察(同传) 第二届基因产业高峰论坛(同传) 辉瑞健康药物部2017年会(同传&交传) 上海血液学研究所建所三十周年学术论坛暨衰老与肿瘤国际论坛(同传) 中国医药健康高峰论坛(同传) 访海正集团(交传) 第十届21世纪中美医学论坛(同传) 2017中美医院合作峰会(同传) 新科技在种植中的应用(同传) 2017中美卫生合作峰会(同传) 访恒瑞医药(交传) 泛美健康组织早餐会(同传) 第一届中以医院院长会议(同传) 2016 THNIC专家论坛(同传) 狼牌公司2016中国区培训(同传) 优时比制药患者价值战略培训(同传) 2016南京生物医药发展论坛暨诊断技术与移动医疗国际交流峰会(同传) 第六届创新给药技术学术研讨会 2016复星健康控股年度工作会议:整合、创新、闭环和互联网(同传) 访恒瑞集团(交传) 5日硅谷生物制药公司拜访(交传) 平安-梅奥合作讨论(交传) 上海—丹麦中部大区卫生保健领导力研讨会 妇产科访问(交传) 硅谷数字医疗公司5日访问(交传) 灵北有关抑郁症及其药物的介绍会(同传) 硅谷医疗科技公司5日访问(交传) TAK 438-303 & 305 调查员会议(同传) 医院管理国际论坛(同传) 唯安中国揭幕及造血干细胞科学讨论(同传) 国药控股医药分销高级论坛(同传) Vendolizumab临床(同传) 2015 健康产业领袖峰会启动仪式暨新闻发布会(同传) 访绿叶集团(交传) 中国制药企业国际化战略高峰论坛(同传) 牙齿治疗(陪同) 访劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(交传) 访斯坦福Ginzton 、Geballe 和SIMES实验室(交传) 访美国国家能源部联合生物研究所(交传) ICH 合规体系下的QBD/PAT应用指南(交传) 斯坦福医学院肾脏移植翻译(同传&交传) 中国天津医疗卫生官员代表团访凯撒医院(交传) GSK HZC113684 研究启动会议(同传) TRK-100STP 研究院会议(同传) 中国氨基酸及保健茶发展趋势会议(交传) 21世纪制药生产的国际趋势(同传) 健康与生产力管理研讨会(同传) 拜尔材料科学2011年会(交传) 中国发改委与英国的艾滋病合作项目(同传) 汽车 访和谐汽车、永达汽车(交传) 2017 CES奔驰媒体科技日(同传&交传) 2017 比亚迪海外合作伙伴Dreamcast大会(同传) 宾利17幕尚培训(交传&同传) 腾势技术公开课(交传) 奔驰Car2X介绍(交传) 2016第二届汽车先进制造技术峰会(同传) 2016智能汽车技术论坛(同传) 2015奔驰华东售后经销商大会(同传) 访豪华SUV品牌(同传、交传) 先进汽车制造(同传) 新车型出口商培训(同传) 东风日产2011广州车展(同传) 起亚广州车展:对话大师 – 彼得 西瑞尔(同传) 2010北京国际汽车展(同传) 2010梅塞德斯-奔驰全国售后经销商大会(同传) 奔驰安全事故管理会(同传) 奥迪Q5投放活动(同传) 宝马公司汽车导航系统焦点调查(同传) 教育 中美在线高等教育论坛(同传) 品格教育(交传&同传) 剑桥考试委员会教育联盟会议(同传) 中英国际学院欢迎会(同传) 2015 ATD 大会(同传) 2015年度教育合作论坛(同传) 激发学生潜能(同传) 2014 ASTD 大会(同传) 2013 ASTD 大会(同传) 2012 ASTD会议(同传) 道德 Sedex 10周年庆(同传) 福德道德规范培训(同传) 玛莎道德贸易大会 – 远东地区(同传) 中国人民政府与旧金山道德委员会会议(交传) 2011 IntegrityCounts 会议(同传) 动物&农业 中国可持续农业发展研讨会(同传) 第九届国际树莓大会(同传) 访伯克利大学林业研究管理人员(交传) 访美国农业部林业局第五林区太平洋西南试验站访地测局(交传) 访加州戴维斯分校动物科学院讨论牛相关话题(交传) 中国媒体与加州杏仁协会关于杏仁收获的访问(交传) 地质 访美国地测局(交传) 深海热液喷口发现报告(同传) 艺术、文化&媒体 艺术与科学研讨会(同传) 2017灵——第三届《薪技艺》国际青年工艺美术展暨学术研讨会(同传) 东亚文化之都与欧洲文化之都合作论坛(同传) 2017文化贸易论坛(同传) “设计之都“创新趋势峰会(同传) 好莱坞创意论坛(同传) 2016 上海双展媒体发布(交传) 2016 上海双展学委会会议(交传) 访KQED(交传) 中国上海国际艺术节(交传、同传) 商务 陕西-上海投资项目推介会(同传) 2017 天猫全球狂欢节(同传) 相城投资推介会(同传) 宿迁投资推介会(交传) 艾伯特省投资峰会(同传) 丝路与丝路发展国家贸易政策介绍(同传) 麦肯锡领导力过渡转型培训(同传) 劳动关系协调员培训(同传) DBA博士论文写作(同传) 首次中印合作高峰学术论坛(同传) 美容及奢侈品 蔻驰2018春上海路演(同传) 百年灵上海路演(交传 & 同传) Tapestry 2017全员大会(同传) 梵克雅宝激发团队灵感培训(同传) BEMIS泳装内衣原辅料站(交传) 蔻驰2017全员大会(同传) 蔻驰2017春季路演(同传) 梵克雅宝销售培训 - 激发团队(同传) 蔻驰2016全员大会(同传) 蔻驰2016春季新品路演(同传) 玫琳凯记录管理培训(交传) 爱茉莉太平洋集团投资者交流(同传) 梵克雅宝销售培训(同传) Skin Food采访(交传) 德美乐嘉2011美博会产品推介(交传) 雅诗兰黛与合作伙伴营销战略会议(同传) 某知名一线服装品牌亚太年会(同传) Paul Smith 品牌发布会(同传) 广告媒体&营销 谷歌:如何做好YouTube素材(同传) 咖啡品牌市调(同传) 金星秀:访布拉德皮特(同传) 群邑公关危机预防与管理(同传) 群邑未来发展内部会议(同传) 白马广告公司LCD产品会议(同传) 鞋业及服装 耐克Epic React发布(同传) 耐克2017零售商峰会(同传) 耐克Breaking2直播(同传) 耐克全员大会(同传) 耐克2015夏季新品发布(同传&交传) 耐克刘翔中心揭幕(同传) 耐克2014疾速之旅(同传&交传) 第11届中国国际鞋展(交传) 安全 访南京市公安局(交传) 2014 北太平洋沿海警卫队专家3月会议(交传 &同传) 保险 摩根投资人保险行业拜访(同传) 平安安泰合作讨论(同传) 友邦2014年中会议(同传) 公益 恩派社会企业论坛(同传) 游艇 摩纳哥上海文化周(同传) 审计 NIOSH质量审计(交传) 人事 2015中国人力资本论坛(同传) 供应商大会 2018电力中国供应商大会(同传) 2018通用运输中国供应商大会(同传) 2017 欧菲集团全球供应商大会(同传) 供应商和经销商会议 Bosch 供应商大会(同传) 豪马供应商峰会(同传) 绘儿乐供应商峰会(同传) 华润万家供应商峰会(同传) 美的日用家电国际营销部国际经销商大会(同传) 就业 中英就业与创业论坛(同传) 青年绿色就业(同传) 其它 人道主义援助讲座(同传) UPM客户日活动(同传) 投资人访苏宁(交传) 英特飞2018销售会议(同传) 全球宠物亚洲论坛(同传) 德勤领导风范培训(同传) 讯达电梯开业典礼及董事会会议(同传&交传) 柯达柔印技术中心揭幕(交传) 访Contra Costa县称重计量局(交传) 中国华南国际标签印刷展览会(同传) 美赞臣POA会议(同传) 世界城市文化论坛(同传) LANGUAGES: Chinese (native) English (near-native) EDUCATION US: MA Conference Interpretation, Chinese/English Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA, USA 09/2002 – 05/2004 China: BA International Business English Certificate Accounting Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai, China, 09/1997 – 07/2001 Qualification: US Department of State approved – escort, seminar and conference levels Stanford University Medical Center approved – consecutive & simultaneous Travel: Chinese citizen, US greencard, and Hong Kong & Macau travel Permit Associations: Member with American Translators Association Member with Northern California Translators Association Translation Knowledge of Trados, Deju Vu and Wordfast TooL: Work Experience 2013 – Now Contract interpreter with Cisco Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretations for Cisco EBC assignments, including product/technology demos and client meetings 2013 – Now Interpreter with NetApp Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretations for NetApp EBC assignments, including client meetings and technology tours 2013 – Now Interpreter with Symantec Provided consecutive interpretation over the phone for Symantec client success story interviews 2008 - Now Freelance interpreter Provided consecutive/simultaneous interpretations for events including trainings, workshops, seminars and forums. Clients included IBM, Cisco, SAP, Brocade, Symantec, and Microsoft of IT/TECH industry; Thornburg, Orbis Global, Broad Peak Investment and CLSA of finance industry; Guangzhou municipal government, China National Development and Reform Committee of government organizations; laws firms and US Attorney’s Office of legal industry; BP, CIMC, CNPC, SINOPEC and Gazprom of oil & gas industry; United Airlines and British Airways of aviation industry; Dongfeng Nissan, KIA, Audi and Mercedez Benz of auto industry; and many others. 2012 – 2013 Contract interpreter with ICANN Provided simultaneous interpretation for Government Advisory Committee meetings at ICANN conferences three times a year around the world 2010.11 – 2010.12 Interpreter with Guangzhou Asian Games Provided consecutive interpretation for post-game press conferences 2010.8 – 2010.9 Interpreter with Beijing Olympics Provided consecutive interpretation for post-game press conferences 2006-2007 Translation project manager with Crimson Life Sciences in California Managed projects to ensure quality, timely delivery and budget; occasionally edited and reviewed some Chinese translation 2005-2006 Translation project manager with ASET International in Virginia Managed projects to ensure quality, timely delivery and budget; provided Chinese translation review and edit, and QA for all languages; provided testing for Chinese localization projects. Have managed accounts such as Kohler, SBC, etc. 2004-2005 Telephone interpretation training manager with TeleTech in California 2004-2005 Telephone interpretation training manager with TeleTech in California Provide training on interpretation skills; provide training on customer service knowledge; provide training on use of telephone interpretation software; provide training on industry knowledge 2003-2004 Telephone interpreter with LanguageLine in California Provide telephone interpretation for all kinds of calls 2003 summer TECH translation intern at J.D. Edwards Worked on translation of J.D. Edwards One-World localization project 2002-2003 Military document translator with CNS in California 2001-2002 Procurement manager with Agilent Technologies in Shanghai Manage procurement of mechanical and consumable products, to ensure cost, delivery, quality and inventory objectives Appendix – List of some Interpretation Experiences Finance JPM finance tour (Simultaneous) Source Code 2018 annual conference (Simultaneous) 2018 Tullet Prebon SITICO board meeting (Consecutive) Macquarie connection (Simultaneous) UBS 2017 investor one on one meeting (Simultaneous & Consecutive) UBS 2016 investor one on one meeting (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Visit to Unionpay (Consecutive) Duetsche Bank serial events for investors (Simultaneous) The 9th China (Jiangsu) outbound investment summit (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Goldman Sachs macro & credit forum (Simultaneous) Goldman Sachs risk premia forum (Simultaneous) 2017 Tullet Prebon SITICO board meeting (Consecutive) Source Code 2017 annual conference (Simultaneous) CIMA & ZUFE MOU signing (Consecutive) NLVC limited partner meeting (Simultaneous) FOF discussion with Eurizon Capital (Consecutive) Ant Finance CEO expert forum (Simultaneous) 2016 China Israel investment conference (Simultaneous) 2017 financial market outlook by Rabobank (Simultaneous) Minsheng Bank innovation bootcamp (Simultaneous) HSBC Conference 2016 (Simultaneous) 5-day Silicon Valley fintech industry visit (Consecutive) 2016 Harvard China Forum (Simultaneous) A theme park communication with tax authority (Consecutive) 5-day visit and communication with fintech companies in New York (Consecutive) VaR by Rovert Engle (Simultaneous) Goldman conference 2015 (Simultaneous) Marketing revolution in Internet+ 5-day visit and communication with fintech companies in silicon valley` (Consecutive) TCC cultural project roadshow (Simultaneous) 2015 APAC tax symposium (Simultaneous) 2015 SDMF (Simultaneous) YHD and its partner payment service collaboration project (Simultaneous) 15th Supervisory Board Meeting of IRSG (Simultaneous) Japanese economy and monetary policy (Simultaneous) Course of predictive analysis from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive) Visit to CPIC, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Bank of Communication (Consecutive) CICC investment strategy conference 2H14 (Simultaneous) Shanghai derivatives market crude oil forum (Simultaneous) Shanghai derivatives market commodity index and option forum (Simultaneous) Shanghai derivatives market future risk control forum (Simultanesou) Visit to S&P (Consecutive) Visit to DFJ (Consecutive) Introduction on CalTax and CA tax system (Consecutive) Visit to Mr. Mark Chandler, Director of the Mayor's Office of International Trade and Commerce (Consecutive) Visit to Oakland Treasury (Consecutive) Visit to Grosvenor (Consecutive) Visit to Chicago Merchandise Exchange (Consecutive) Visit to State Street Bank (Consecutive) Ping’an Insurance investor meeting (Consecutive) Luzhou Laojiao investor meeting (Consecutive) 2011 discussion between Shenzhen investors and BM&F and its listed companies (Simultaneous) IBM CFO Roundtable (Simultaneous) 2009 Invest in Australia Symposium (Simultaneous) Shenzhen-Hong Kong-ASEAN financial industry summit 2011 (Simulaneous) CLSA presentation on quant analysis with E-Fund (Consecutive) CLSA presentation on quant analysis with Da Cheng Fund (Consecutive) CLSA presentation on quant analysis with Bosera Fund (Consecutive) CLSA presentation on quant analysis with China Southern Fund (Consecutive) 2011 Standard Chartered Bank “Grow Your Wealth Forum” series – Becoming Global Citizens (Consecutive & Simultaneous) 12th China Venture Capital and Private Equity Forum (Simultaneous) Seminar on Investment Policies and Practice in Australia (Simultaneous) Dr. Karl P. Sauvant Lecture at the Linnan college, SunYat-Sen University on Investment (Simultaneous) IT & TECH Mentor Graphics U2U (Simultaneous) Visit to Cocos & ELEX (Consecutive & Simultaneous) 2018 CES (Simultaneous) 2018 NetApp Converge (Simultaneous) 2018 ABB Asia value provider conference (Simultaneous) ASML-ICRD global training center and course commencement ceremony (Consecutive) 2018 London Tech Week at China (Simultaneous) Unlock the next billion dollar market: understand SEA internet opportunities (Simultaneous) BSH 2018 summit breakout session (Simultaneous) Close door meeting on flying cars (Simultaneous) Semicon MSIG forum (Simultaneous) Close door exchange with Dyson (Simultaneous &Consecutive) Geekpark 2017 Innovation Forum (Simultaneous) 2017 international intelligent system and intelligent manufacturing innovation forum (Simultaneous) The 5th game operation technology forum (Simultaneous) 2017 SMIC technology symposium (Simultaneous) Visit to Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical & SMIC (Consecutive) The difference I will make to the future (Simultaneous) 2017 Vector China congress (Simultaneous) ABB 2017 AWC (Simultaneous & Consecutive) 2017 CES (Simultaneous) 2017 GSA (Simultaneous) HNA technology digital transformation: from zero to hero (Simultaneous) Ali big family conference (Simultaneous) 2nd China-EU digital economy and cyber-security meeting (Simultaneous) (SUSE enterprise storage training (Simultaneous & Consecutive) IEST 2016 (Simultaneous) Microsoft Ignite technology conference (Simultaneous) Facebook Fbstart program (Consecutive & Simultaneous) Blockchain meeting (Sim.ultaneous) ABB 2016 CIIF press conference (Consecutive0 NetApp Insight 2016 (Simultaneous) 2016 GTC meeting (Simultaneous) SIE Playstation developer and publisher meeting (Simultaneous) Tencent QQ & Mattel strategic licensing partnership press conference (Simultaneous & Consecutive) ABB WCO program (Simultaneous) 2016 semiconductor industry forum (Simultaneous) 2016 FD SOI forum (Simultaneous) Huawei Connect 2016 (Simultaneous) Siillicon Valley 5-day enterprise solution company visit (Consecutive) Silicon Valley & Los Angeles 5-day AR/VR visit (Consecutive) Facebook dialogue with China partners (Consecutive) Innovation round table – China-India entrepreneur dialogue (Simultaneous) 5-day Silicon Valley AI companies visit (Simultaneous & Consecutive) InterConnect 2016 Comes to China (Simultaneous) CES Asia 2016 (Simultaneous) 5-day Silicon Valley kid tech visit (Consecutive) Visit to Compal Information (Consecutive) 4-day tour and visit of AR/VR companies at Las Vegas, including CES 2016 Net App Insight 2015 (Simultaneous) HCC 2015 (Simultaneous) Zeiss body solution (Simultaneous) Fidelity tech and Internet company visit (Simultaneous) Brocade multi-client meeting (Simultaneous) 2015 CES Asia (Simultaneous) 2nd Ad Tech China (Simultaneous) Seagate “Reflecting Brilliance” product release (Consecutive) A China broadcasting company visit to Cisco (Consecutive) 2014 Lenovo MBG core supplier summit (Simultaneous) Canada Premier Stephan Harper visit to Jack MA and his team of Alibaba (Simultaneous) NetApp Insight 2014 (Simultaneous) IESF 2014 (Simultaneous) 2014 HCC – business driven infrastructure (Simultaneous) Digital 360 (Simultaneous) Cisco client meeting on overall Cisco introduction (Consecutive) Introduction on APT by Gartner (Consecutive) Visit to Engine Yard (Consecutive) Cloud strategy meeting (Simultaneous) Cisco EBC meetings – demos and client meetings (Consecutive & Simultaneous) NetApp EBC meetings – technology tours and client meetings (Consecutive & Simultaneous) NetApp Insight 2013 (Simultaneous) ICANN 47 Durban (Simultaneous) ICANN 46 Beijing (Simultaneous) Oracle meeting on bank solution (Simultaneous) SAP nuclear power solution introduction (Simultaneous) ICANN 45 Toronto (Simultaneous) Brocade analyst and technology day (Simultaneous) Flash 2012 and Beyond meeting (Simultaneous) 2012 China LIB Separator Conference (Simultaneous) 2012 conference for telecom carrier and core network business group (Simultaneous) 2011 China Mobile Global Developers Conference (Simultaneous) 2011 Chinese Management World Forum – path to transformation (Consecutive & Simultaneous) China SSL 2011 – SSL standard and measurement (Simultaneous) China SSL 2011 – materials and equipment (Simultaneous) China SSL 2011 – driver, power supply and control technologies (Simultaneous) China SSL 2011 – plenary (Simultaneous) IBM smart collaboration and social business (Simultaneous) 2011 Huawei Cloud Computing Conference – e-government and public utilities (Simultaneous) 2011 Huawei Cloud Computing Conference – cloud computing technology (Simultaneous) 2011 Huawei Cloud Computing Conference – cloud computing operation system (Simultaneous) 2010 Shenzhen Bao’an high-end industry investment promotion seminar (Simultaneous) 3rd China Shenzhen International Industrial Design Festival (Simultaneous & Consecutive) AVID broadcast business summit (Simultaneous) Wind River System regional developer conference (Simultaneous) IBM Linux on System Z (Simultaneous) Meeting on LED (Consecutive) China SSL 2010 – SSL standard and measurement (Simultaneous) China SSL 2010 – encapsulation and modules (Simultaneous) China SSL 2010 – materials and equipment (Simultaneous) China SSL 2010 – chips and devices (Simultaneous) China SSL 2010 – plenary (Simultaneous) CoolPad supplier conference (Simultaneous) Zebra Asia Pacific Supplier Summit (Simultaneous) IBM Smarter System Tour 2010 (Simultaneous) IBM Enterprise x5 architecture Launch Workshop (Simultaneous) 2009 Misys Asian Customer Conference (Simultaneous) Summit Forum on International Cartoon Industry (Simultaneous) Huawei LTC B2B Milestone Workshop (Simultaneous) Microsoft-MindRay Win CE Partnership Meeting (Simultaneous) Microsoft-Coolpad Win CE Partnership Meeting (Simultaneous) Microsoft-BYD Win CE Partnership Meeting (Simultaneous) Microsoft-e Ren e Ben Win CE Partnership Meeting (Simultaneous) 5th CIDC 2009 (Simultaneous) Huawei-Samsung CTO Workshop (Simultaneous) HDMI developer conference press conference (Consecutive) HDMI developer seminar (Simultaneous) New opportunities for photoelectron industry -- mini laser projector (Simultaneous) Forum on how to improve today’s broadband communication (Simultaneous) Forum on rich content delivery and Internet data center (Simultaneous) Tencent Mind 2008 Effective Online Marketing (Simultaneous) 2007 Symantec Vision (Simultaneous) IT work at MTS (Consecutive) Executive Meeting of Huntsman (Simultaneous) Meeting on projection technologies (Simultaneous) Visit to Acto on collaboration on projection (Simultaneous) Visit to BigTide on collaboration on displays (Simultaneous) Visit to MindRay (Simultaneous) Chemical & Metal The 4th CIMC tank container symposium (Simultaneous) 2018 Inter textile China (Simultaneous) 2017 IND EX safety symposium (Simultaneous) The 1st annual meeting of the professional committee for the prevention and control on chemical environment risk (Simultaneous) 17th IWCC joint meeting (Simultaneous) 2016 international conference on innovation and entrepreneurship (Kunshan) – new material session (Simultaneous) IWCC 2016 meeting (Simultaneous) 2016 Asia Copper Conference (Simultaneous) IWCC 2015 meeting (Simultaneous) 2015 CEO summit (Simultaneous) Visit to CQLT, Chuangli Group, Shanghai Electric and Weifu Group (Simultaneous) 2015 China international man-made fiber conference (Simultaneous) Zoeller pump product introduction (Simultaneous) 10th copper and aluminum summit (Simultaneous) Applied reliability symposium (Simultaneous) Industrial packaging – technical update (Simultaneous) Investor visit to steel and iron industry and talk (Consecutive) Weir and Trio integration meeting (Simultaneous) 2014 China international man-made fiber conference (Simultaneous) The 17th China international man-made fiber conference (Simultaneous) 2010 IRRDB International Rubber Conference (Simultaneous) The 2nd customer’s workshop in Coatings of Hoffmann (Simultaneous) 1st China PVD technology and application development trends forum (Simultaneous) 2010 China International Scrap Conference (Simultaneous) Real Estate 2018 RICS real estate investment and management meeting (Simultaneous) Interview of 21st Century to Thomas Cook (Simultaneous0 Visit to AIC and business partners with Sir Rocco Forte (Consecutive) “The Next Architecture” Symposium of Futuristic Green Intelligent Architecture at Nanjing Jiangbei New Area (Simultaneous) Center for Asian Architecture 2nd academic symposium (Simultaneous) WYDF spring gathering & Gani marble tiles announcement (Simultaneous) Visit to Soufang (Consecutive) Open ceremony of Center of Asian Architecture and international symposium (Simultaneous) The 4th AS forum of architectural theory and international symposium (Simultaneous) Asia real estate investment forum (Simultaneous) Dreamworks project business talk (Consecutive) Visit to office building property projects of Wharf, China Resources Land and Hung Lung (Consecutive) Auchan site project and commercial plan training (Simultaneous) HIP Housing renovation plan with Edgewater Istle (Consecutive) Centre francaise et Chinois de l’universite de Tongji – building lighting China-US investment summit and Vanke summit – focus on New York estate (Simultaneous) 2011 forum of sustainable city development & the 9th annual conference on real estate economics (Simultaneous) China Merchants Property Dev Co Ltd meeting (Consecutive) St. Regis press meeting on luxury collection (Simultaneous) Oil, Gas & Energy 2018 Exxon Mobile Asia refinery and petrochemical tech forum (Simultaneous) 4th CIMC tank container forum (Simultaneous) RINA 11th Chinese Advisory Committee Meeting (Simultaneous) BP PTAir China launch event (Simultaneous & Consecutive) CPCIF MNC 3rd general assembly (Simultaneous) 3rd China international conference on nuclear power instrumentation & control technology (Simultaneous) Baoli-Bitumina and Russia strategic meeting (Simultaneous) 4th Chnia LNG forum (Simultaneous) Visit to California Public Utilities Commission on California natural gas management and facilities (Consecutive) Lecture on VAM catalytic oxidation by Dr. Philip Johnson from University of Alabama (Consecutive) BP technology conference (Simultaneous) Project management in energy industry (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Course on MIS from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive, Simultaneous) International oil project management course from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Strategic leadership course from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Leadership course from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive, Simultaneous) CIMC Enric TGE semi-annual work meeting (Simultaneous) Holvrieka 2010 Half-year Operation Meeting (Simultaneous) Course on Value Creation from Hydrocarbon Resources from Bauer College of Business of University of Houston (Consecutive, Simultaneous) 2010 China-Russia Central Asia Oil and Gas Forum (Simultaneous) 15th TGE Symposium (Simultaneous) Oil Refinery and Product Quality Inspection (Simultaneous) 2009 China-Russia Central Asia Oil and Gas Forum (Simultaneous) 2008 Eurasian Energy Summit, Shenzhen Stop (Simultaneous) Business discussion at Gazprom (Consecutive) City Management 7th U.S. – China transportation forum (Simultaneous) Visit to San Francisco Police Academy (Consecutive) Visit to San Mateo police department (Consecutive) Visit to City Hall of Oakland on peddler management (Consecutive) China rural pension reform and development research project final workshop (Simultaneous) Visit to San Francisco public security and police agencies (Consecutive) Visit to Bay Model Center (Consecutive) Visit to Marine County Planning Commission (Consecutive) KDI land use planning meeting (Simultaneous) UNESCO creative cities network Shenzhen meeting – New media, new technology and film development (Simultaneous) The Forum of Urban Water Management and Industry Innovation (Simultaneous) Guangzhou post-Asia Games traffic management (Simultaneous) Seminar on Traffic Congestions and Solutions in Metropolitan Areas (Simultaneous) Promoting pedestrian and transit oriented development in Chinese cities (Simultaneous) Building a world class city seminar (Simultaneous) Legal Avoid pitfalls, maximize opportunities and ensure compliance in tax structuring of outbound Investment under current tax environment International forum on legal service for SCO members along the silk road (Simultaneous) Fifth international symposium on scientific and legal aspects of the regime of continental shelf and the area (Simultaneous) Latin America investment and dispute resolution forum (Simultaneous) Taxland: litigation battle and international cooperation (Simultaneous) Visit to Morrison & Forester LLP on trademark protection (Consecutive) Visit to SF city attorney’s office and Katsuranis & Rodriguez Law Firm (Consecutive) Visit to San Francisco Superior Court and Santa Clara District Attorney Deposition for case of traffic accident (Consecutive & Simultaneous) New developments in Chinese IP law: copyright revisions and enforcement challenges (Simultaneous) IP Litigation in Europe, CCH- Seminar (Simultaneous) 2011 IP protection symposium of foreign investment institutions (Simultaneous) Visit to the Administration of Culture, Radio, Film, Television Press and Publication of Guangzhou Municipality and the Administration of Copyright of Guangzhou Municipality on IP issues (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Anti-trust case on auto light (Consecutive) US Attorney’s Office weapon charges hearing (Consecutive) US Attorney’s Office mediation hearing – exporting military equipment w/o license (Consecutive) EU-China Workshop on Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Legislation (Simultaneous) Aquatech legal-issue meeting (Consecutive) Due diligence investigation of Sino-France Winery (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Environment & Safety Luncheon: Shanghai DRC & GIZ, carbon trading (Consecutive) C TEAM launch event (Simultaneous) COP21: climate policy and negotiation symposium (Simultaneous) JAC CSR forum (Simultaneous) International symposium on soil environment and remediation technology (Simultaneous) 2014 Shanghai green building and energy efficiency technology week (Simultaneous) Visit to and work meeting with Shanghai DRC, the Environment Exchange and the Legislative Institute (Simultaneous) 2009 Green Credit & Lending Int’l Forum (Simultaneous) EU-China civil society dialogue on environment and health (Simultaneous) CCS study and development (Simultaneous) China-Europe environment and energy project (Consecutive) Workshop on reporting practices related climate change and other international challenges (Simultaneous) Copenhagen Climate Council’s visit to Mr. XIE Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of the NDRC of China (Consecutive) Survey on the issue of global warming by British Council Education and Cultural Section (Consecutive) International Symposium on Low-carbon Eco-living and Eco-health (Simultaneous) Training on Low-carbon City Development Planning (Simultaneous) GDCCSR 2011 Workshop (Simultaneous) Newell Rubbermaid SEAL safety training (Consecutive) Aviation& Port 2018 Air facts Asia (Simultaneous) 2018 ABACE (Simultaneous) The 3rd annual civil aviation parts management forum (Simultaneous) Delta China Insights 2017 (Simultaneous) Accompany director general Mr. Hololei of DG MOVE of EU to attend 1st CAAC-EASA aviation safety conference activities (Consecutive) ABACE 2017 (Simultaneous) Maritime UK showcase (Simultaneous) Visit to Spring Airlines (Consecutive) Antwerp Port Authority press conference (Consecutive) Green port and vessel management work meeting (Consecutive) Workshop under the framework of the 2nd trans-oceanic water source summit (Simultaneous) Visit to COMAC (Consecutive) 2015 ABACE (Simultaneous) The 5th China annual airport check-in summit (Simultaneous) United Airline 2012 international media day (Simultaneous) Shenzhen international aviation transportation forum 2011 (Simultaneous) Shenzhen International Aviation Transportation Forum 2009 (Simultaneous) British Airways media group interview for Shanghai extra flight (Consecutive) ACAA training (Simultaneous) Furniture & Design Make tomorrow today (Simultaneous) 2016 AWE (Simultaneous) Interior Design magazine 2014 forum (Simultaneous) Press conference of d’Leedon (Simultaneous) 16th China international famous furniture fair: expert forum (Simultaneous) Convergence – reshaping the structure of global furniture industry (Simultaneous) Louvre international furniture design and manufacturing collaboration and Louvre furniture headquarter Second Chinese and European interior designers forum (Simultaneous) International Forum on Pavilion Designs for World Expositions (Simultaneous) Logistics Investor talk with YUNDA (Simultaneous) GSCM 2015 (Simultaneous) SCM Logistics China 2011 & Manufacturing Show China (Simultaneous) CILF Logistic Alliance Germany conference (Simultaneous) 2011 5th CILF – logistics and supply chain management forum (Simultaneous) Sports 2017 FIBO China. The future development of fitness industry conference (Simultaneous) Nanjing Youth Festival (Simultaneous) New Balance football launch (Simultaneous) You First Sport sports marketing (Simultaneous) 2011 Universiade EU-China Youth Forum (Simultaneous) Press conference with Lord Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG (Consecutive) One-on-one interview with Lord Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG (Consecutive) Press conference of LOCOG on 8 minute presentation (Consecutive) Beijing Olympics (Consecutive) Guangzhou Asian Games (Consecutive) 8th coordination meeting of Guangdong Asian Games Olympic Committee (Simultaneous) Tourism Tourism industry market survey organized by Nomura (Simultaneous) 2010 Boao Tourism Forum (Simultaneous) 2010 International Tourism Forum (Simultaneous) Seminar on South Africa Tourism and Trade (Simultaneous) Wine LOUIS XIII 100 Years media interview (Consecutive) Gallo global distributor conference (Conference) The 1st China Wine Cultural Festival Press Conference (Simultaneous) Medical and Bio 2018 US-China health forum (Simultaneous) Lily digital transformation and NGCE media interview (Consecutive) Clinical data management meeting (Simultaneous) Ortho media interview (Consecutive) 2018 Precision medicine in leukemia workshop (Simultaneous) Goldman Sachs biomedicine visit (Simultaneous) 2nd gene industry international summit (Simultaneous) Pfizer Consumer Healthcare 2017 POA (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Agenda for the opening ceremony of forum for the 30th anniversary of Shanghai Institute of Hematology (SIH)&the International symposium on aging and cancer (Simultaneous) China pharm industry health summit (Simultaneous) Visit Hisun Group (Consecutive) The 10th Sino-US symposium (Simultaneous) 2017 China-US hospital cooperation summit (Simultaneous) Application of new tech in implantation (Simultaneous) 2017 US-China health cooperation summit (Simultaneous) Visit to Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine (Consecutive) PAHO breakfast meeting (Simultaneous) 1st Sino-Israel hospital president summit (Simultaneous) THINC expert forum 2016 (Simultaneous) Richard Wolf HUB training great China (Simultaneous) UCB patient value strategy training (Simultaneous) 2016 Nanjing biomedicine development forum & diagnosis and mobile medicine summit (Simultaneous) IDDC China 2016 (Simultaneous) Fosun Healthcare 2016 annual work meeting: integration, innovation, closed loop and Internet (Simultaneous) Visit to Hengrui Group (Consecutive) 5-day tour and visit of biotech companies in Sillicon Valley (Consecutive) Ping An – Mayo collaboration talk (Consecutive) Shanghai-central Denmark region healthcare leadership symposium (Simultaneous) OBGY visit (Consecutive) 5-day visit to digital health companies in Silicon Valley (Consecutive) Introduction of depression and its drugs by Lundbeck 5-day visit to healthcare and health-tech companies in Silicon Valley (Consecutive) TAK 438-303 &305 investigator meeting (Simultaneous) International forum on hospital management (Simultaneous) BioSafe China opening and HSCT discussion (Simultaneous) Forum on Sinopharm pharmaceuticals distribution (Simultaneous) Vendolizumab Trial (Simultaneous) 2015 tHIS launch ceremony and press release (Simultaneous) Interview with Luye Group (Consecutive) Globalization strategy for Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises (Simultaneous) Dental appointment (Escort) Visit to Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (Consecutive) Visit to Stanford Ginzton Lab, Geballe Lab and SIMES Lab (Consecutive) Visit to Joint BioEnergy Institute (Consecutive) Applying QBD/PAT for compliance with ICH Guidelines (Consecutive) Stanford Hospital interpretation on kidney transplantation (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Chinese Tianjing healthcare officials delegation visit to Kaiser Permanente (Consecutive) GSK HZC113684 Study Start-up Meeting (Simultaneous) TRK-100STP investigators’ meeting (Simultaneous) Meeting on amino acid and herbal tea development trend in China (Consecutive) International Trends - Pharmaceutical Facilities in the 21st Century (Simultaneous) IHPM Symposium (Simultaneous) Bayer Material Science annual gala 2011 (Consecutive) AIDS project between National Reform and Development Commission and Britain (Simultaneous) Auto Visit Harmony and Yongda (Consecutive) 2017 CES Mercedez Benz Tech Day (Consecutive & Simultaneous) 2017 BYD overseas partner Dreamcast conference (Simultaneous) Benley 2017 Mulsanne training (Consecutive & Simultaneous) DENZA tech class (Consecutive) Mercedes Benz Car2X introduction (Consecutive) 2016 2nd automotive advanced manufacturing technology summit (Simultaneous) 2016 smart car technology forum (Simultaneous) 2015 Mercedez Benz post sales East China dealers conference (Simultnaneous) Visit to premium SUV brands (Simultaneous) Advanced vehicle manufacturing (Simultaneous) New car model exporter training (Simultaneous) Dongfeng Nissan 2011 Guangzhou Auto Show (Simultaneous) Kia 2010 Guangzhou Automotive Exhibition: Dialogue with the Master – Peter Schreyer (Simultaneous) 2010 China International Auto Show (Simultaneous) Mercedes Benz workshop in accident management (Simultaneous) Dynamic rollout of Audi Q5 (Simultaneous) Focus group study on vehicle navigation systems by BMW (Simultaneous) Education US-Sino online higher education forum (Simultaneous) Character Education (Consecutive & Simultaneous) Cambridge Education Committee alliance meeting (Simultaneous) Welcome meeting of SBC (Simultaneous) 2015 ATD conference (Simultaneous) 2015 annual education cooperation forum (Simultaneous) Release students’ potential symposium (Simultaneous) 2014 ASTD Conference (Simultaneous) 2013 ASTD Conference (Simultaneous) 2012 ASTD conference (Simultaneous) Ethics Sedex 10th anniversary (Simultaneous) Foodstar code of conduct training (Simultaneous) M&S Ethical Trading Conference – Fast East region (Simultaneous) Chinese people’s government meeting with San Francisco Ethics Commission (Consecutive) 2011 IntegrityCounts conference (Simultaneous) Animal & Agriculture The Chinese way toward sustainable agriculture development (Simultaneous) The 9th International Rasberry Meeting (Simultaneous) Visit to UC Berkley forest research and management staff (Consecutive) Visit to USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Regional Office (Consecutive) Visit to US Davis Dept of Animal Science to discuss cattle related topics (Consecutive) China media almond harvest tour with Almond Board of California (Consecutive) Geology Visit to Visit to USGS (Consecutive) Report on Discoveries at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents (Simultaneous) Art, Culture & Media Art and science symposium (Simultaneous) 2017 SPIRITUALITY: the 3rd NEW CRAFTS international emerging artists group exhibition &symposium (Simultaneous) Forum on cooperation between ECOC and EACC (Simultaneous) 2017 global forum on trade of culture (Simultaneous) Google: how to do creative for Youtube (Simultaneous) “City of Design” innovation trend summit (Simultaneous) Hollywood creative forum (Simultaneous) 2016 Shanghai Biennale academic committee meeting(Consecutive) 2016 Shanghai Biennale press release (Consecutive) Visit to KQED (Consecutive) China Shanghai International Festival of Arts (Consecutive, Simultaneous) Business Shanxi-Shanghai cooperation project promotion meeting (Simultaneous) 2017 Tmall 11.11 global shopping festival (Simultaneous) Xiangcheng investment introduction and marketing event (Simultaneous) Suqian investment introduction and promotion meeting (Consecutive) Alberta investment summit (Simultaneous) Silk road and silk road alongside country trade policy introduction (Simultaneous) Mckinsey management transition training (Simultaneous) Labor Relations Practitioner Training (Simultaneous) DBA doctoral thesis writing (Simultaneous) First Academic Summit on China-India Cooperation(Simultaneously) Cosmetics & Luxury products Coach 2018 spring Shanghai road show (Simultaneous) Beitling Shanghai road show (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Tapestry 2017 town hall meeting (Simultaneous) VCL inspiring your team training (Simultaneous) Interfiliere Shanghai 2017 – BEMIS (Consecutive) Coach 2017 townhall meeting (Simultaneous) Coach 2017 spring roadshow (Simultaneous) VCA sales training – inspiring your team (Simultaneous) Coach Town Hall Meeting 2016 (Simultaneous) Coach 2016 spring road show (Simultaneous) MaryKay record management training (Consecutive) Amore Pacific investor meeting (Simultaneous) VCA sales training (Simultaneous) Skin Food interview (Simultaneous) Tradeshow of Dermalogica at 2011 Guangzhou International Beauty Expo (Consecutive) Estee Lauder and its advertising partner market campaign strategy meeting (Simultaneous) A world renowned clothing brand Asia Pacific annual meeting (Simultaneous) Paul Smith brand conference (Simultaneous) Advertisement& Marketing Coffee brand focus group study (Simultaneous) Jinxing TV talk show: interview with Brad Pit (Simultaneous) GroupM PR crisis prevention and management (Simultaneous) Internal meeting of GroupM future (Simultaneous White Horse Adshell LCD product meeting (Simultaneous) Footwear & Clothes Nike Epic React launch event (Simultaneous) Nike 2017 landlord summit (Simultaneous) Nike Breaking2 live (Simultaneous) Nike all employee meeting (Simultaneous) Nike 2015 summer product release (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Nike LX center celebration (Simultaneous) Nike 2014 Zoom Tour (Simultaneous & Consecutive) 11th China International Footwear Machinery and Materials Fair (Consecutive) Security Visit to Nanjing Police (Consecutive) 2014 March North Pacific coast guard expert meeting (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Insurance Morgan investors visit to insurance companies (Simultaneous) Ping An and Aetna collaboration meeting (Simultaneous) AIA 2014 mid-year meeting (Simultaneous) Charity NPI social enterprise forum (Simultaneous) Boating Monaco week Shanghai (Simultaneous) Auditing NIOSH quality audit (Consecutive) HR 2015 China human capital forum (Simultaneous) Supplier & Dealership meeting 2018 GE Power China supplier conference (Simultaneous) 2018 GE Transportation China supplier conference (Simultaneous) 2017 UFI global supplier conference (Simultaneous) Bosch supplier summit (Simultaneous) Hallmark supplier summit (Simultaneous) Crayola supplier summit (Simultaneous) Vanguard supplier summit (Simultaneous) Employment China-UK Employability and Entrepreneurship Forum (Simultaneous) Green youth employment (Simultaneous) Other Humanitarian aid lecture (Simultaneous) UPM Customer Day (Simultaneous) Interface 2018 sales meeting (Simultaneous) Global pets forum Asia (Simultaneous) Visit with investors to Suning (Consecutive) Deloitte executive presence training (Simultaneous) Schindler City grand opening and board meeting (Simultaneous & Consecutive) Kodak flexo technology center open ceremony (Consecutive) Visit to Contra Costa county division of weights & measures (Consecutive) South China Label Show 2010 (Simultaneous) POA meeting of Mead Johnson (Simultaneous) Media living appliance group international division strategic partners conference (Simultaneous) World cities cultural forum (Simultaneous) 世联翻译-让世界自由沟通!专业的全球语言翻译供应商,上海翻译公司专业品牌。丝路沿线56种语言一站式翻译与技术解决方案,专业英语翻译、日语翻译等文档翻译、同传口译、视频翻译、出国外派服务,加速您的全球交付。 世联翻译公司在北京、上海、深圳等国际交往城市设有翻译基地,业务覆盖全国城市。每天有近百万字节的信息和贸易通过世联走向全球!积累了大量政商用户数据,翻译人才库数据,多语种语料库大数据。世联品牌和服务品质已得到政务防务和国际组织、跨国公司和大中型企业等近万用户的认可。 |