时间:2018-01-16 08:59 来源:未知 作者:dongli 点击:次
CRC Distributor
Rebate Program
[Distributor Name]
CRC Industries – Greater China
Thank you for your support of CRC industries and working with us to grow for our mutual benefit in China.
As a valued Distributor Partner of CRC Industries - China, your organisation is eligible to participate in the CRC China Rebate Program for 2016.
The Rebate program is designed to provide support for your organisation’s CRC growth initiatives with CRC into your target market.
There are four rebates in available to you;
1. Spend Growth Rebate
2. Co-operative Marketing Rebate
3. Co-operative Sales Rebate
4. CRC Key Account Support Rebate
This booklet provides detail of the Rebates available to you and how to access those funds.
Once again thank you and we look forward to growing together.
Celso de Graaf
General Manager
CRC Industries – Greater China
Primary Contact Details
Distributor Name
Distributor Address
Primary Contact
Email Cell Phone
CRC Name CRC Industries Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
CRC Address Room 2408, No. 488 South Wuning Road
Jing’an District Shanghai 200042, China
CRC Representative
Email Cell Phone
1. CRC Spend Growth Rebate
Growth rebate will be paid when your organisation reaches the mutually agreed spend target for 2016.
Distributor 2016 2015 2014
Spend Target
Spend Growth Factor _____ % Growth Actual _____ %
Rebate % 3.0 % Based on CRC invoiced nett spend Jan – Dec 2016 (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, Credits, Discounts et al)
Your CRC representative will meet with you to explain the target and provide clear guidance on the measurement for securing this rebate.
The rebate is paid annually in February (for 2016 period, rebate is payable in February 2017).
The rebate is based on nett spend in the period January to December 2016 and is paid as a % of all spend (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, credits and other discounts).
If accounts are in arears at the time of rebate payment, then the rebate will be used to offset the outstanding account only.
2. CRC Co-operative Marketing Rebate
CRC Co-operative Marketing Rebate is an allowance for CRC specific advertising and promotion which is designed to grow your sales of CRC products and / or promote the CRC brand.
Rebate 2016 Calculation
Co-operative Marketing Initiatives 3.0 % Calculated on CRC invoiced nett spend Jan – Dec 2016 (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, Credits, Discounts et al)
Rebate – Co-operative Marketing Initiatives Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Spend Period Jan – Mar 2016 Apr – Jun 2016 Jul – Sep 2016 Oct – Dec 2016
Accrual Available from Apr 7, 2016 Jul 7, 2016 Oct 7, 2016 Jan 7, 2016
The CRC Co-operative Marketing Rebate is an allowance based on nett spend with CRC (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, credits and other discounts).
The rebate is accrued quarterly, based on nett spend.
Payment made on claim and substantiation. Substantiation is based on presentation of appropriate Fapiao (invoice) with Claim Sheet.
Claims > ¥5,000 require CRC pre-approval in writing before spend.
Alternatively, by agreement in writing by both parties, CRC will provide the marketing support, and deduct those costs from the accrued rebate balance.
Examples of appropriate marketing spend include;
1. CRC co-branded advertising in industry publications and at industry events
2. Development of co-branded marketing collateral (catalogues, flyers, posters, stands, direct mail, electronic direct mail, website development)
3. Trade shows (contribution pro-rata to CRC allocated space)
4. Cost of CRC Provided marketing collateral (CRC Initiated activities, deducted from funds)
Note: Unspent moneys (based on quarterly accrual and FIFO basis) will become void after 18 months from end of earned quarter.
3. CRC Co-operative Sales Rebate
The CRC Co-operative Sales Rebate is an incentive to jointly work with CRC personnel to develop your sales team to more effectively grow your CRC sales in the market.
Rebate 2016 Calculation
Co-operative Sales Initiatives 2.0 % Calculated on CRC invoiced nett spend Jan – Dec 2016 (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, Credits, Discounts et al)
Rebate – Co-operative Sales Initiatives Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017
Initiative Achievement Period Apr – Jun 2016 Jul – Sep 2016 Oct – Dec 2016 Jan – Mar 2017
Planning Date with CRC
(no later than) Feb – Mar 2015 May – Jun 2016 Aug – Sep 2016 Nov – Dec 2016
Accrual Payable Date (upon approval) Aug 2016 Nov 2016 Feb 2016 May 2016
Each quarter, your CRC Representative will plan and agree a range of joint initiatives for the following quarter. Once agreed, CRC will work with your sales force to accomplish those joint initiatives.
If agreed initiatives are achieved in the quarter, the full quarterly rebate will be reimbursed to your business.
A rebate payable quarterly for meeting agreed targets for the following sales and promotional activities.
a) Joint visits between CRC and Distributor to Key End Users and / or Potential high growth customers (rebate supported customers).
b) CRC Training of Distributor Sales Force
c) CRC Training of Distributor Customers
d) Trade Shows participation (joint with CRC)
The planning of these four elements shall take place on no less than a quarterly basis and shall be agreed in writing before the commencement of the applicable quarter(s).
If accounts are in arears at the time of rebate payment, then the rebate will be used to offset the outstanding account only.
4. CRC Key Account Support Rebate
Rebate 2016 Calculation
CRC Key Account Support Rebate 6.0 % Based on quantity of CRC product sold (substantiated by Fapiao) on nett invoiced distributor price (exclusive of VAT, Taxes, Credits, Discounts et al)
CRC Key Account Support Rebate will provide you with dedicated pricing support to maintain your sales relationship with your identified key customers.
There are two parts to this rebate support.
4.1 Identification of Key Accounts
Using CRC Rebate Form 4.1, your organisation should provide details of the Key Account that you wish to have registered.
Your CRC representative will review this nomination with you to ensure that the end-user has an existing relationship with your organisation, and hasn’t been previously nominated as a CRC Key Account.
Once approved, CRC will confirm the CRC Key Account Listing for your Distributorship to you in writing.
4.2 Claim for Sales of CRC product to Key Accounts
Using CRC Rebate Form 4.2, each month you may provide a claim for all sales to the agreed Key Account Support Customers.
Each claim shall be substantiated with a Fapiao from your organisation to the nominated CRC Key Account Business. The claim should be based quantity sold and will be calculated as a 5 of nett invoice cost ruling for that period.
Please note that CRC Key Account support will be available for a single distributor only. Should a cross claim be made on an account by another CRC Distributor, CRC reserves the right to interview the end customer to determine their preferred supplier. Only where a customer specifically requests supply from multiple CRC Distributors will CRC provide this support to more than one distributor for the CRC Key Account.
If accounts are in arears at the time of rebate payment, then the rebate will be used to offset the outstanding account only.
CRC Rebate Form 2
Co-operative Marketing Rebate – Claim Form
CRC Rebate Form 3
Co-operative Sales Rebate – Planning and Claim Form
CRC Rebate Form 4.1
CRC Key Account Support Request
CRC Rebate Form 4.2
CRC Key Account – Support Rebate Claim Form