Float in the water and look down at what’s below. You don’t need to come to the surface for some air. That’s snorkeling (浮潜)!在水里看水下的景色会有多美丽呢?你尝试过吗?在这里,你不用扑腾到水面换气——这就是浮潜!Snorkeling lets you see the beautiful underwater world. But you cannot do it without a snorkel (通气管). The snorkel acts like a straw. The top part is above the water and the bottom part is in your mouth.浮潜可以让你看到美丽的水下世界——但这没有通气管可做不到!通气管就像吸管一样,咬住一头,另一头伸出水面,完事!At first, you might find it strange to breathe (呼吸) through a snorkel. You get less air than normal breathing. You have to relax and breathe steadily (稳定地). Once you get used to it, it’s a breeze (轻而易举的事)! Just enjoy the freedom and beauty of the water.刚开始练习浮潜的时候,你可能会觉得用通气管呼吸有点奇怪……这样吸进的空气总比普通呼吸吸入的空气要少——放松,稳住呼吸~等你习惯了,这就不算什么啦!享受浮潜带给你的自由感,和水下世界的美丽吧!