文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报
During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), there was an official named Zhang Guaiya who worked in Chongyang county (县), in today’s Hubei. Theft was common – even money from the county’s vault (钱库) was stolen. 宋朝时期,张乖崖在崇阳(今属湖北)当县令。当时,盗窃案频发,——甚至府库的钱也会被偷。
One day, Zhang saw a low-ranking official (小吏) come out of the vault in a panic (慌张). Zhang stopped him and asked, “Why are you in such a hurry?” Zhang remembered the things stolen from the vault. So he asked the guards to search the official. They found a copper coin (铜钱) in his headband (头巾). 一天,张乖崖看见一个小吏从府库中慌慌张张地走出来。张乖崖觉得奇怪,就把小吏喊到跟前问话,发现小吏头巾下藏着一枚铜钱。
Zhang asked him how much more money he had stolen. The official refused to admit (承认) that he stole anything else. Zhang ordered the guards to beat him. The official didn’t give in. He said, “I only stole a copper coin. You can’t kill me just because of that!” 张乖崖审问小吏有没有偷别的东西,小吏拒绝承认,张乖崖让人用杖刑惩罚他。那小吏不服气:“一文钱算得了什么!你不能因此就要杀我!”
Zhang was very angry. He wrote in a red pen, “If you steal a coin every day, there will be a thousand coins after a thousand days. Constant dripping wears away a stone (水滴石穿).” 张乖崖大怒,在判决书上写道:“一日一钱,千日千钱,绳锯木断,水滴石穿。”意思是说,假如每天偷一个铜钱,一千天就是一千个铜钱。同样,如果用绳子锯木头,时间长了,木头会被锯断。水滴时常滴在石头上,石头也会被滴穿。
另一方面,也在告诉我们成功没有捷径。做事短时间内可能看不到进展,坚持下去才能看到进步哦! |