文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 前不久,在月球上工作的玉兔二号月球车,在朋友圈晒出了自己发现的天际“神秘小屋”: 图源:国家航天局网站
这张图片一时之间引发了全网关注!网友们纷纷给出脑补小剧场:广寒宫?外星基地?(戳这里回顾) A picture of the object published by engineers at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center in early December immediately attracted attention from the media and space fans around the world. 科研人员当然也想一探究竟了!为了尽快揭开“神秘小屋”的面纱,玉兔二号在月背大步流星地北上,终于在距离“神秘小屋”只剩下10米左右时,揭晓答案。 近日,国家航天局公布了有关玉兔二号的最新进展:在克服多个难关后,月球车接近了“小屋”,并且拍摄到了清晰画面。 Chinese scientists were also intrigued by the object and told controllers to drive the rover toward it. After overcoming several obstacles in its path, the robot approached the "hut" and used its panoramic camera to take color pictures of it. 玉兔二号发现“玉兔” 据介绍, 2021年12月27日,玉兔二号唤醒后迎来第38月昼的工作,状态良好。在27日,玉兔二号先后进行了三次移动,在距离“神秘物体”很近距离时,驾驶员们立刻安排全景相机进行了彩色成像。尽管从远处看物体显得“巨大”,但实际在近距离上物体甚是矮小。 Yutu 2, the second Chinese rover on the moon, has been in its 38th lunar-day working session since Dec 27 and "is in normal condition". 图源:国家航天局网站
不过,这块月球岩石的形状却让大家浮想联翩:这不是玉兔本兔? Based on the pictures transmitted back to Earth, ground controllers found that the object is a rabbit-shaped rock. 玉兔前面零落的石块仿佛一根胡萝卜,玉兔后方滚圆的石珠仿佛“玉兔”餐后的“产物”。 图源:国家航天局网站
据介绍,截至1月6日晚间,玉兔二号月球车的累计行驶里程已经突破了1000米大关,达到了1003.9米! The China National Space Administration said on Saturday that the distance traveled by the rover reached 1 km on Jan 6. By late that night, the robot had moved about 1,004 meters on the lunar surface. 当下一次休眠唤醒,玉兔二号还将近距离探测“玉兔”,并对它身后的大型撞击坑进行感知,期待玉兔二号与“玉兔”对话,用它们的密语发掘更多不为人知的故事。 Nevertheless, they have decided to move the rover close to the object during its next lunar-day working session to further investigate the rock and a nearby crater, the space administration said. 2018年12月8日,中国探月工程“嫦娥四号”探测器发射升空,开启了月球探测的新旅程。2019年1月11日,嫦娥四号着陆器与玉兔二号巡视器工作正常,在“鹊桥”中继星支持下顺利完成互拍,地面接收图像清晰完好,中外科学载荷工作正常,探测数据有效下传,搭载科学实验项目顺利开展,达到工程既定目标,标志着嫦娥四号任务圆满成功。
如今,“出差”已3年的“玉兔二号”仍在月球坚守。星辰浩瀚,求索无疆! 综合来源:国家航天局,中国日报网 |