Buzz Words | 热词放送:家庭教育促进法,核武器,团圆计划
文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 家庭教育促进法 The Family Education Promotion Law
2022年01月03日,江苏南通如皋市吴窑镇小马社区,志愿者带领小朋友在绘制《家庭教育促进法》主题文化墙。图源:人民视觉 《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》从2022年1月1日开始正式实施。这是我国首次就家庭教育进行专门立法,家庭教育从“家事”上升到“国事”。这部法律的出台也催生了一个网络热词——依法带娃。该部法律分为六章五十五条,分别从家庭责任、国家支持、社会协同和法律责任等方面对未成年人监护人和社会对家庭教育应当承担的责任进行了划分和规定。这是继《教育法》、《义务教育法》和新版《未成年人保护法》后,又一部教育领域的重磅法规。(戳这里了解详情) China's first law on family education enacted on January 1, 2022 instructs parents to become responsible guardians and specifies the boundary between school education and family education, experts said. The topic that Chinese parents now have to raise children in accordance with the law trended on social media on Monday as China's first law on the promotion of family education was enacted on Saturday. The Family Education Promotion Law which has six chapters and 55 articles stipulates the responsibilities of guardians of minors and the society on family education in terms of family responsibility, state support, social collaboration and legal responsibility. It is another bombshell Chinese law on education following the Education Law, the Compulsory Education Law and the Law on the Protection of Minors. 核武器 Nuclear weapons 1月3日,中国、法国、俄罗斯、美国、英国五个核武器国家领导人共同发表《关于防止核战争与避免军备竞赛的联合声明》。联合声明称,“避免核武器国家间爆发战争和减少战略风险是我们的首要责任”,强调核战争打不赢也打不得,重申不将核武器瞄准彼此或其他任何国家。这是五国领导人首次就核武器问题发表声明。联合声明称:"鉴于核武器使用将造成影响深远的后果,我们也申明,只要核武器继续存在,就应该服务于防御目的、慑止侵略和防止战争。我们坚信必须防止核武器进一步扩散。" Leaders of five nuclear-armed states reaffirmed on Monday none of their nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or any other state, emphasizing a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. In a joint statement issued by China, France, Russia, Britain and the United States — the first of its kind — the leaders said they consider the avoidance of war between nuclear states and the reduction of strategic risk as their utmost responsibility. "As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm nuclear weapons — for as long as they continue to exist — should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression and prevent war," they said in the statement, adding further proliferation of such weapons must be prevented. 团圆行动 Reunion campaign 12月6日,寻子14年、电影《亲爱的》原型人物孙海洋与儿子孙卓在深圳相认,一家人相拥而泣,14年骨肉分离终团圆。新华社记者 梁旭 摄 来自公安部的消息,2021年全国公安机关深入开展“团圆”行动,累计找回10932名历年失踪被拐儿童,其中,失踪20年至30年的有2538名,失踪30年至40年的有1812名,失踪40年至50年的有371名,失踪50年至60年的有190名,失踪60年以上的有110名。“团圆”行动开展以来,公安机关共侦破拐卖儿童积案350余起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人890名。 Chinese police helped a total of 10,932 missing or abducted children return home in 2021 via a nationwide special campaign, according to the Ministry of Public Security. The "Tuanyuan" campaign, meaning “reunion” in Chinese, brought home 2,538 victims who had been separated from their families for 20 to 30 years, as well as 1,812 victims for 30 to 40 years, 371 victims for 40 to 50 years, 190 victims for 50 to 60 years, and 110 victims for more than 60 years. Since the launch of the campaign, Chinese police have resolved more than 350 long pending cases involving child abduction, and 890 suspects have been caught, the ministry said. 综合来源:中国日报网英语点津,新华网 |