文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报 你是科幻英雄迷吗? “荷兰弟”饰演的蜘蛛侠是你的最爱吗? “Still somehow only 25, Holland has ascended (上升) to a tier of stardom (巨星) few actors ever reach, and rarely so young,” said GQ magazine of Tom Holland. 才25岁,荷兰弟就成了炙手可热的巨星,很少有人能如此年少成名——《GQ》杂志如此描述汤姆·赫兰德。 Now, Holland’s sixth appearance as Spider-Man will be revealed in Spider-Man: No Way Home (《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》) which is set to release on Dec 17 in the US. 如今,汤姆赫兰德已经出演了六次蜘蛛侠。最新电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》将于12月17日在美国上映。
Playing the superhero helped Holland grow and change in the best ways possible, he told Total Film magazine. “When you first start making these films, you’ve got to do as you’re told,” he said. But as time goes on, he learned how to stand up for himself and act professionally. 汤姆·赫兰德在接受《Total Film》杂志采访时表示:出演超级英雄角色让他成长了很多。他坦言,刚开始拍这些电影时,他只需按照别人说的去做就可以了。但随着时间的推移,汤姆·赫兰德学会用自己的想法诠释角色,并表现得更为专业。 “As an actor, I’ve found so much confidence in my ability, through having this safety blanket (保护层) that is Spider-Man. It’s like a playground for me, somewhere I can play freely and make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes are the birth of the best idea, and that’s where the character’s growing from,” he continued. “作为一个演员,我从我的专业能力获得很多信心。蜘蛛侠这个角色是我的'保护层',它就像是我的游乐场,在这里,我可以很自在,甚至可以犯错。有些时候,这些小错误还会诞生一些超棒的新点子!这也正是这个角色的成长。”汤姆·赫兰德说。 |