文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 12月7日,中国航天员科研训练中心在北京航天城举行神舟十二号航天员乘组与记者见面会。这是神舟十二号乘组返回后,首次与媒体和公众正式见面。 The three astronauts of China's Shenzhou-12 crewed mission met the press on Tuesday, the first such appearance since their initial recovery after returning to Earth in September.
12月7日,在北京航天城举行的见面会上,神舟十二号航天员汤洪波、聂海胜、刘伯明(从左至右)在回答记者提问。新华社记者 金立旺 摄 见面会上,中国人民解放军航天员大队大队长景海鹏介绍了乘组返回后的恢复情况和后续安排。航天员会归来后,主要包括隔离恢复、疗养恢复、恢复观察三个阶段。目前,乘组已完成第二阶段工作。航天员们情绪稳定,心理状况良好,体重也稳定在飞行前的水平。此外,航天员的肌肉力量、耐力、心肺功能也得到了进一步的恢复。 At the press conference held at the Astronaut Center of China in Beijing, Jing Haipeng, head of the Astronaut Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, introduced the Shenzhou-12 crew's recovery and follow-up plans. According to Jing, the recovery following the astronauts' return to Earth has three stages: quarantine, recuperation and observation. So far, the crew has completed the second stage. They are emotionally stable and in a good psychological condition, their weight is at the same level as before the flight, and they have further restored their muscle strength, endurance and cardio functions.
当然,三位航天员归来后的首次亮相,大家还是更关心他们的“出差感受”。 作为三上太空、两次担任指令长、首位太空驻留突破100天的中国航天员,聂海胜谈及三次飞行任务有何不同时说,他所执行的3次飞行任务,每次都有新的感触和体会,最直接的就是可靠性越来越高,活动空间变大了,航天食品也越来越丰富,这背后凝结着广大航天科技工作者的智慧和心血。 Nie Haisheng, who has flown into space three times, is China's first astronaut to stay in space for more than 100 days.
他表示,“执行3次飞行任务,每次都有新的感触和体会,最直接的就是舒适度不断提升、可靠性越来越高,活动空间变大了,太空食品也越来越丰富,我们有了更多享受太空生活的体验。”对于过往记录和成绩,聂海胜说,这是一份责任,是一种使命,“随着我国载人航天事业的蓬勃发展,会不断涌现更多新纪录、新成就。” 刘伯明是第一个两次出舱的中国航天员,谈及在太空中是否会做梦,刘伯明说,自己有时也会做梦,比如出舱之前梦到自己出舱时会不会碰到外星人,碰到外星人要用哪种语言和他们交流,是否要用肢体语言。 他还说,自己相信,会有更多的中国人在太空留下自己的足迹。
Liu Boming is the country's first astronaut to complete extravehicular activities (EVA) twice. He said he was more calm and confident about his second EVA during the Shenzhou-12 mission, and he believes that Chinese people will leave more footprints in space. “新手”汤洪波回忆起空间站的第一感觉:大!第二感觉就是安静:睡眠区舒服。而他的第三个感觉就透露出“凡尔赛”了:空间站宛若太空景观房。用他自己的话说:现在还想上去看一看!
The Shenzhou-12 mission was Tang Hongbo's first visit to space. He said he is ready to go back. 此外,刘伯明还透露了一个有意思的细节,他们三个人的睡眠姿势都不同:自己喜欢让睡袋躺倒在床上,聂海胜爱飘着睡,汤洪波则让睡袋一边绑着一边飘着。 这样的太空之旅经历,也让网友们都变成了星星眼:
2021年6月17日,我国航天员聂海胜、刘伯明、汤洪波驾乘神舟十二号载人飞船成功进入太空,顺利完成与天和核心舱自主快速交会对接,并开展了一系列创新性、突破性科学试验和空间应用任务,在轨驻留3个月,9月17日顺利返回。 Launched on June 17, Shenzhou-12 sent astronauts to China's space station core module Tianhe, where they lived for three months, the longest time Chinese astronauts have spent in space so far. The three returned to Earth safely on Sept. 17. 越来越舒适的体验, 越来越完善的配置, 也将会有越来越多的 中国航天员遨游天际。 也正如聂海胜所说, 在星辰大海这些的背后, 凝结着广大航天科技工作者的 智慧和心血 综合来源:新华网,科技日报,央视新闻 |