文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报 “鼻孔总是只有一边通气, 一边不通……” 这说的是不是你? 别担心,大家都是这样! Do you ever notice that one side of your nose breathes better than the other? Maybe you want to see a doctor. Don’t worry. You’re normal (正常的)! 你有没有注意到,总有一边的鼻孔比另一边的通气?或许你还想因此去看看医生。不过别担心,这是正常的。 At any given time, people do about 75 percent of their breathing from one nostril (鼻孔). The main nostril switches throughout the day. This is called the nasal cycle (鼻周期). 其实,我们75%的“呼吸”都是由一个鼻孔完成的!“主要呼吸”的鼻孔会在一天中不停切换——这被称为鼻周期。 We don’t usually notice it, but when one nostril becomes congested (堵塞的), there is more airflow on the other side, according to a 2016 study. 一般来说,我们注意不到这件事——但当我们的鼻子堵了,通畅的鼻孔会负责更多的“呼吸”(理论来自2016年的一项研究)