亚太翻译论坛(原名“亚洲翻译家论坛”)创立于1995年,每三年举办一次,旨在为亚太地区翻译界提供一个交流与合作的平台。第十届论坛将面向来自亚太地区从事翻译教学、实践和研究的各领域人士,并欢迎亚太以外地区的专家学者参会分享。本届论坛以“翻译世界中的合作:新时代、新变化、新模式”为主题,既回顾历史、亦启发当下,既关注学术研究、亦观照职业现实,对翻译界乃至整个社会都具有重要意义。 翻译领域的合作,比如合作翻译(collaborative translation)或合译(co-translation),不仅见诸于历史上的佛经翻译、圣经翻译和文学翻译,也在近年来的笔译项目、团队口译和手语传译中有所体现。如今广义的合作已包括了本地化、视听翻译、粉丝翻译和技术翻译等在内的众多翻译实践。任何涉及机器(辅助)翻译的项目都不可避免地涉及人类译员与支持其工作的计算机及程序之间的直接协作,翻译实践和教学人员与软件程序员之间的间接协作。除此之外,口译员之间也存在多种合作方式。 在此背景下,第十届亚太翻译论坛诚邀各方围绕以下相关议题提交论文摘要,探讨过去与当下狭义与广义的翻译实践变化及由此带来的合作新模式。论文主题包括但不限于以下内容:
• 各领域口笔译实践中的合作(典籍、现当代文学、政治、外交、经济、科技等)
• 各类型口笔译实践中的合作(同声传译、手语翻译、社区口译/公共服务口译、口述影像、视听翻译、应急翻译等)
• 现代大学翻译培训中的合作模式及演进(口笔译合作教学、跨学科培训路径、校企合作等)
• 语言服务行业中的翻译合作(协作、众包、粉丝、用户生成口笔译等)
• 翻译技术发展中的合作(人工译员、技术设备之间,技术研发过程)
• 国际组织和泛国家组织内的翻译合作
工作语言: 英语、中文 提交摘要 论文摘要不超过300个英文单词或500个中文字符,以电子邮件形式提交至 aptif10@163.com ,摘要投递表格和具体投递要求请参阅论坛网站(https://aptif10.bfsu.edu.cn/)下方的“摘要投递”模块内容。摘要提交截止日期为2022年2月28日。论坛学术委员会将对摘要进行匿名评审,并于2022年3月31日前发送录用通知。 重要日期 摘要提交截止日期:2022年2月28日
录用通知: 2022年3月31日
注册费 线下参会 早报名:800元(全日制学生:400元)
有关事宜敬请咨询会议邮箱:aptif10@163.com 或查阅会议网站https://aptif10.bfsu.edu.cn/。如需了解更多信息,敬请关注论坛网站:https://aptif10.bfsu.edu.cn/以及中国翻译协会官网:www.tac-online.org.cn。 First Call for Papers The 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF10) on Collaboration in the World of Translation and Interpreting: New Changes and New Modes in the New Era The 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF10) organized under the aegis of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) and the Translators Association of China (TAC) will be held at Beijing Foreign Studies University on 25 –26 June, 2022. APTIF (formerly known as the Asian Translators Forum) is a triennial event launched in 1995 to provide a platform for exchanges and cooperation within the translation and interpreting community in the Asia-Pacific region. APTIF10 welcomes researchers, practitioners and trainers in the field of translation and interpreting both within and beyond the region to discuss “Collaboration in the World of Translation and Interpreting: New Changes and New Modes in the New Era” ,a theme that is of both historical and current, scholarly and professional relevance to the translation and interpreting community as well as society at large.
Collaborative modes of translation and interpreting are historically attested in contexts such as Buddhist translation, Bible translation, literary translation and, more recently, team interpreting, and sign language interpreting, where hearing and deaf interpreters work together to deliver a single interpretation. While religious and literary translation has received the lion’s share of scholarly and professional attention in terms of a narrow definition of collaborative translation and co-translation, today collaboration in a broader sense is a sin qua non of practices in such diverse areas as localization, audiovisual translation, fan translation, and technical translation. Any project that involves an element of machine(-assisted) translation inevitably assumes collaboration between human translators and the computers and programs that support their work and, indirectly, between translators and software programmers. Interpreters collaborate in varied ways. Simultaneous interpreters typically work in teams and remain active even when it is not their turn to deliver the interpretation. Community interpreters or public service interpreters working in healthcare and similar settings rarely work in pairs. Nevertheless, they do not work in isolation from other parties involved in the interaction: the success of the interpretation depends on their ability to collaborate in a wide variety of ways with doctors, nurses, psychologists, police officers, case workers, government staff and other stakeholders. Besides, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, emergency multilingual and/or translation and interpreting services have been provided through joint efforts of different organizations and individuals.
Against this background, APTIF10 invites submissions of paper abstracts that explore historical and contemporary modes of collaboration, understood in both the narrow and broad senses and covering any form of translation and interpreting. Topics of interest include but are not restricted to the following:
• Collaboration in translation/interpreting of various fields (including classics, modern and contemporary literature, politics, diplomacy, economy, science and technology, etc.)
• Collaboration in various types of translation/interpreting practice (simultaneous interpreting, sign interpreting, community /public service interpreting, audio description, audiovisual translation, emergency translation, etc.)
• Collaborative training modes of translation and interpreting in the modern academy (collaborative teaching, multidisciplinary training, school-enterprise cooperation, etc.)
• Translation collaboration in language services (collaboration, crowdsourcing, fan translation, user-generated translation/interpreting, etc.)
• Collaboration in research, development and application of translation technology (between interpreters and technology, between translators and software programmers)
• Patterns of translation collaboration between international and pan-national organizations
Working Languages:
English and Chinese
Forum Websites:
aptif10.bfsu.edu.cn (Chinese)
aptif10en.bfsu.edu.cn (English)
Submission of Abstracts
The abstract of the paper should be no more than 300 words in English or 500 characters in Chinese. You’ll find the submission form under the “Abstract Submission” tab on the forum website. Please follow the instructions while filling the form and send it to aptif10@163.com by 28 February, 2022. The received abstracts or proposals will be reviewed anonymously by the academic committee and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 31 March, 2022.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 28 February, 2022
Notification of acceptance: 31 March, 2022
Registration opens: 1 April, 2022
Early bird registration closes: 30 April, 2022
Regular registration closes: 30 May, 2022
Forum: 25 –26 June, 2022
Registration Fee On-site Participation:
Early bird registration: USD150/CNY800 (Student rate: USD75/CNY400)
Regular registration: USD200/CNY1000 (Student rate: USD100/CNY500)
Online Participation:
To be decided
Contact Information Email: aptif10@163.com
For further information, please visit the forum website at aptif10.bfsu.edu.cn or aptif10en.bfsu.edu.cn and the website of the Translators Association of China at www.tac-online.org.cn.