文章转载自 世纪君 21世纪英文报 “我们都需要爱, 大家把手都牵起来; 我们都拥有爱, 来把所有门全都敞开。”
11月15日, 北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会 主题口号推广曲《一起向未来》 全新MV上线 来和易烊千玺一起, 为冬奥比心↓ 视频来源:北京2022年冬奥会 A music video on the official motto of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, "Together for a Shared Future," was launched on Monday. MV中展现了“冰墩墩”“雪容融”等冬奥元素;
Starring Chinese singer and actor Yi Yangqianxi, the video showcases some key aspects of the upcoming Games, such as mascots Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, the Olympic flame, enthusiasts from all age groups, volunteers and culture of host city Beijing. 跟随易烊千玺,观众们也走进了一个个与冬奥相关的故事里…… 家住北京东四街道、今年60岁的龚虎彪自幼爱好体育,十三年前,得知奥运会要在自己家门口举办,他为此专门学习篆刻,刻出奥运倒计时牌表达对奥运的喜悦之情。此后,在奥运会的每个关键节点,他都会拿着亲手篆刻的奥运倒计时标识,跑到奥运开幕倒计时牌前合影留念……十三年一晃而过,十三年一直坚持。在北京冬奥即将来临之际,龚虎彪又将30个冬奥项目刻成一套主题印章,还将冬奥吉祥物“冰墩墩”“雪容融”做成烙画葫芦。
在弘扬奥运精神的路上,无数普通的人都在散发着光亮。他们,在各行各业做着最平凡的工作,却也是备战冬奥会中最不平凡的参与者。 比如:首都公共文明引导员薛莹
It highlights ordinary people who contributed to the Games in their own ways, including 60-year-old seal carving artist Gong Hubiao, designers of Team China's uniforms, as well as traffic conductors, showcasing the hospitality and cultural heritage of Beijing, the only city soon to hold both Summer and Winter Olympics. MV还展现了人们对冬季运动的热情,特别是近些年来备受我国年轻人青睐的花样滑冰和冰球运动。
The video also showcases the enthusiasm surrounding winter sports, especially among teenagers, as recent years have seen a big surge in participation of youngsters in events such as figure skating and ice hockey in China. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚17日在例行记者会上表示,他看到了2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号推广歌曲《一起向未来》新版MV,相信北京冬奥会一定会带动全世界冬季运动爱好者点燃激情,拥抱冰雪。 “ 视频来源:BRTV 赵立坚说: ” 和大家一样,我也看了这首新版MV。它讲述的是一个个冬奥百姓故事,描绘的是一幅幅百姓喜迎冬奥的缩影。通过一幕幕具有烟火气的画面,它全方位展示了北京作为东道主和双奥之城的发展情况,展现了中国民众热切期盼冬奥的心情。正如歌曲所唱“一起来,一起向未来”,相信北京冬奥会一定会带动全世界冬季运动爱好者点燃激情,拥抱冰雪! I watched this new MV like many of you. It is a mosaic of many individual stories depicting how ordinary people from all walks of life are looking forward to the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games with joy and excitement. Through the heart-warming episodes from people's everyday life, the MV showcases the development of Beijing as the host city of both the Summer and Winter Olympics as well as the eager public anticipation for the Games. Just as the lyrics go, "Together for a Shared Future". I'm sure the Beijing Winter Olympics will ignite the passion of winter sports lovers all over the world and bring more people to experience the fun of ice and snow. 时隔13年,北京再度点燃奥林匹克圣火。再过79天,北京将首次举办冬奥会,成为首个双奥城市。当前,北京冬奥会和冬残奥会各项筹备工作正紧锣密鼓,有序推进。据了解,北京冬奥会三大赛区多项赛事和保障测试正在有序进行。所有冬奥会场馆实现100%绿色电力供应,采取了诸多创新举措。北京冬奥会所产生的碳排放将全部实现中和。正如国际奥委会北京冬奥会协调委员会主席小萨马兰奇表示,非常高兴和骄傲地看到北京冬奥组委在可持续发展方面作出巨大努力。北京冬奥会正在兑现碳中和的承诺,兑现“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”的承诺。 After 13 years, the Olympic flame was once again lit up in Beijing. In 79 days, Beijing will host Winter Olympics for the first time and become the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. At present, all preparatory work is being carried out in an intensive and orderly manner. As far as we know, test matches and logistics tests in the three competition zones are well underway in an orderly fashion. All stadiums and venues of the Winter Olympic Games are 100% powered by green energy, and innovative measures have been taken. The Games will be a carbon-neutral event. Chairman of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission for the Beijing 2022 Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. said he was happy and proud to see that the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (BOCOG) has dedicated enormous attention to sustainability. The Beijing Winter Olympics is delivering on the promise to hold a carbon-neutral Games and to get 300 million people involved in winter sports. 中方将继续秉持绿色、共享、开放、廉洁的办奥理念,同国际奥委会和各国一道,展现“更团结”的奥林匹克精神,为世界奉献一届简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会,为冬奥运动的普及推广和国际奥林匹克事业作出新的贡献。 China will continue to follow a green, inclusive, open and clean approach to preparing and hosting the Games, demonstrate the Olympic spirit of "together" with the IOC and countries around the world, deliver a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympic Games to the world, and make new contributions to the promotion of winter sports and the international Olympic cause. ” 一起为冬奥比心,预祝北京冬奥会圆满成功!
综合来源:北京广播电视台 CGTN 外交部官网 |