文章转载自 21英语微商城 21世纪英文报 你遇到过这样的尴尬吗? 用英语交流 (甚至在口语考试的时候!) 因为各种原因没听懂对方在说什么…… 于是一直在“Pardon? ” (一整个“社死”了……) 当你没有听懂时,你可以说: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Would you mind speaking more slowly? Sorry, but I’m not sure I’m following you. Would you mind saying that again? This is all Greek to me. 我一点也没听懂。 Sorry, this is as clear as mud to me. 对不起,我没明白这个。
感谢对方解释时,你可以说: Thanks for clarifying. I understand better now. 谢谢你的解释。我现在明白多了。 Thank you for repeating that. It makes more sense to me. 谢谢你重复了一遍,我明白多了。 Thanks for explaining your point of view again. That helps me see where you’re coming from. 谢谢你再次解释你的观点。我明白你是怎么想的了。 Thanks. We seem to be on the same page now. 谢谢。我们现在似乎达成共识了。 |