第二篇 理想·创业II Ideal • Entrepreneurship 2.1 留美使我成为回国办医院第一人,建肿瘤医院是我事业的起步 2.1 Studying in the USA made me the first man coming back to operate a hospital in China and building a cancer hospital was the starting of my career 中国是我的家,我血脉里流动的是中国人的血液,只有回到这片土地,我周身的血液才会温热而畅通。集大学本科、研究生学历和美国深造于一身的我,梦想办个自己的医院,以展示我治疗癌症的概念、理论、方式和方法,在临床上治疗癌症的疗效。疗效对病人至关重要,治疗效果如何,病人最有体会,能感觉出哪一种方法是最好的治疗。 China is my motherland, and Chinese blood flows in my bloodline, so blood in my whole body was not warm and smooth until I returned to this land. I as an integration of bachelor's degree, postgraduate diploma and American studies dreamed operating a hospital of my own to show my concept, theory, mode and method on cancer treatment as well as the clinical effect. The curative effect is great important to patients, they had most experience to it, and could feel which the best treatment was. 一个人的学历和履历固然重要,但能力更重要,一个人只要有了能力,才能使自己的才智得以发挥。回国创业前,无论在国内还是在国外,验证的只是我的学习能力和研究能力。从1996年回东平老家创业,开办第一家肿瘤医院到今天,验证了我有一定的创业能力。所以我要特别感谢老家东平县政府的各级领导对我的支持,使我有机会施展自己的才能,验证自己多方面的能力,并有机会为家乡人民做点事。 Education and experience is important for a person, while his competence is more important. As long as a person is with ability, then he can give play to his own talents. Before returning, it only validated my ability of learning and research. While it validated that I had entrepreneurial ability since I had opened my first tumor hospital after I returned my native place to pursue my careers in 1996. So I want to especially thank the support from leaders at all levels of the government of Dongping County, so that I have the opportunity to display my talent, verify my ability in many aspects, and have the opportunity to do something for the people of my hometown. 回国后,我把第一家医院建在了养育我的东平县农村。那个时候,国内的改革开放正如火如荼,为了吸引资金,加速当地的经济建设,各地都纷纷出台了相应的优惠政策。但政策再优惠,把医院建在贫困的农村,在许多人眼里是个不明智之举。作为新生事物,此举在山东见报了,一位外省的朋友看了报道,给我写了一封信:“于保法,你是不是想出风头啊?你的小九九打错啦!你把医院建在这么落后的农村,风头是出了,可是你的投资什么时候收回来呀?提醒你一句,基础设施你是带不走的!……我看啊,你不是一个疯子,就是一个傻瓜……” After returning home, I made the first hospital built in the rural of Dong ping County where I was grown. At that time, China's reform and opening up is growing vigorously, in order to attract capital, accelerating the local economic construction, all local government have introduced a corresponding preferential policies, though, it was not wise to set the hospital in poverty rural. 作为新生事物,此举在山东见报了,一位外省的朋友看了报道,给我写了一封信:“于保法,你是不是想出风头啊?你的小九九打错啦!你把医院建在这么落后的农村,风头是出了,可是你的投资什么时候收回来呀?提醒你一句,基础设施你是带不走的!……我看啊,你不是一个疯子,就是一个傻瓜……” As a new thing, it appeared in the newspapers of Shandong, a friend in other province read the report then wrote a letter to me: "Yu Baofa, are you seeking publicity? You do wrong the multiplication table. You built the hospital in so backward rural areas, you are out of the limelight, while what time is your investment back? Remind you a word, you cannot take away the infrastructure...... I see, you must be a fool if you were not a madman......" 不理解我这个大胆举动的,不只是这个外省人,我的好多同学朋友,甚至亲戚都不理解,极力劝阻。 Not only the mainlander do not understand my bold move, but also many of my classmates and friends, even my relatives don't understand and strongly discourage me. 我主意已定,在东平建肿瘤医院,理由有四。其一,东平是癌症高发区,贫困落后,一般人患上癌症后,根本没有能力去大医院治疗;其二,当时筹集的创业资金少,想在大中城市建一所肿瘤医院还远远不够;其三,国内对于开办民营医院没有相应的政策,卫生部门控制得非常严;其四,东平是我的家乡,人熟地熟,凡事都好办些。 I had made up my mind to build tumor hospital in Dongping, there were four reasons: First, Dongping was the high incidence of cancer, poverty and backwardness, most people suffering from cancer had no ability to the big hospital; Second, as the venture capital raised was little which was not enough to build a tumor hospital in large or a medium-sized city at that time; Third, there was no corresponding policy domestic to open private hospital, and the Departments of health controlled very strictly; Fourth, as Dongping was my hometown where people and the land were familiar to me, so everything was relative easier to do. 当时我跟朋友们说:“我对东平感情深厚,县委县政府的领导支持我,就应当选在东平作为我创业的起步。” While I said to my friends at the time: "I am with deep feelings to Dongping, and the leaders of Party committee and government in county supported me, so I should choose Dongping as my venture starting." 我开始筹备建医院了,先期征得十多亩地。在对建楼一窍不通的情况下,找人设计了一张图纸,一栋三层小楼,看上去还可以。记得当时有个朋友说:“从图纸上看,就像北京火车站。”啊,这不是风马牛不相及吗?就这样吧,只要是医院,至于像什么并不重要。 I began preparations for building a hospital, advance with 10 acres of land. As I was utterly ignorant of the construction of buildings, looking for someone to design a drawing, a three storey building which looked well enough, I remembered a friend said: "It looks like Beijing Railway Station from the drawing." Ah, is this no relevance? Just so, as long as the hospital, it was not important what it looked like. 当地一位亲戚带领建筑队垫资盖楼,并再三表示让我放心,一定完成任务。结果盖起来,就像一个小鸟笼子,质量差,特别是门窗通风效果差。但不能全怨建筑队,当时我们没钱,也没提什么要求。其实我也知道,在他们心里,有自己的想法:楼盖得好与孬没有关系,我是帮了你的忙,你地拿不走,楼也搬不走。你没钱了,你的医院办不起来了,楼就是我的了。直到开业以后,有记者问他们:“你们怎么把这楼盖成这样?质量如此的差?”他们这才道出了实情:“哪能想到于保法真能把医院开起来。” A local relative led a team built the hospital with loaning, to make me rest assured, he said to me repeatedly that he was sure to finish the task. While the building was completed, which was like a bird cage with poor quality, especially the poor ventilation effect of the doors and windows. But it should not to blame entirely the construction team, as we had not much money at that time, also we did not mention some requirements. In fact, I know they had their own ideas in their mind: it doesn't matter for a good building or a bad one, I helped you, you can't take away the land as well as the buildings. As you don't have money to run the hospital, then the building will be mine. They did tell the truth until a reporter asked them: “Why did you make the building like that, so poor quality?” They said: “How can we think about that Yu Baofa can really open up the hospital really?” 征得的土地我们没有足够的钱一笔付清, 是分期付款。我成功地使用了“空手倒”,分期付款,节约建设成本,完成了我初期的目标。没办法呀,自己的启动资金实在是太少了。就这样,算是过了创业的第一道坎,至于创业中有几道坎,我认为步步有坎,至少我的创业初期是这样的。 We paid for the land by installment as we didn't have enough to pay with one lump sum. I successfully used "operation with empty hands", by installment, I saved the construction cost and completed the initial target. I had really no other ways, as we own had too few startup funds. So, I at last strided over the first threshold of running a business, as for how many thresholds there were in my venturing, I thought there were thresholds every step, at least it was so in the venturing in my early days. 随着医院发展的需要,建设用地逐步扩大到了八十多亩,医院的二期工程进程就比先前要顺利得多,质量也要好得多。 With the need of hospital development, construction land gradually expanded to more than 80 acres, the second stage of the project of hospital proceeded much more smoothly and much better in quality than the previous. 东平是癌症高发区,经济又比较落后,农民们平日缺医少药,患上癌症后,由于没有支付昂贵医药费的能力,大多数患者都是在中小医院做简单的保守治疗,根本无济于事,还有的病人被医生判了死刑,就回家等死。这样的一些病人,在我的医院开业后,纷纷前来求治,甚至有的病人家属带着送终的寿衣把病人送到泰美宝法肿瘤医院,意思就是能治就治,治不好就听天由命。 Dongping is the high incidence of cancer, and the economy is relatively backward, the farmers were usually lack of medical treatment, ,most of the patients who suffered from cancer were always went to middle and small hospitals to make a conservative treatment as they could not afford the expensive medical expenses, which was basically of no avail, even a few patients was announced to death by the doctor and went home to wait for death. Some of these patients come to seek treatment one after another after my hospital opening, and even some family members of patients sent the patient to the Tai'an Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital with the shroud, meaning that cured if it were be cured, otherwise by his/her fate. 没有一个人能够想到,这些危重的病人经过我们的治疗,竟能走着回家。 泪水滚动在那一张张憨厚、质朴的脸上,没有过多的感激之言,也没有客套,有的只是一双双紧握着医护人员的大手,传递着那份朴素的真情;有的是一句“这孩子救了我”。朴实无华的语言,让我真切地感受到了做医生的幸福。 No one could think of that these critically ill patients unexpectedly could walk home after our treatment,. Tears rolled on the faces of simple and honest, plain, with no more grateful words, neither any polite, but a couple of and another hands holding the hands of medical staff with delivery of that simple truth; there was a word "The kid saved me". The chaste language truly made me feel the happiness as a doctor. “保法治癌不用全身化疗,花钱不多,效果又好,简直神了!”这样一传十、十传百,泰美宝法肿瘤医院门庭若市。120张床位的病房区,床位利用率始终没有低于百分之八十五。 "Baofa treated cancer without systemic chemotherapy, a lot of cost, while with good effect, which was amazing!" So it was spread from mouth to mouth, then Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital was bustling. The ward with 120 bed had the rate of bed utilization never less than eighty-five percent. 开医院的,病人多了,经济效益就会好,照理说我应该高兴,可我却怎么也高兴不起来,浑身不舒服,好像什么东西缠着我的心,使我有些心事重重。因为来院治病的人,大多是东平的农民,癌症如此的高发,压抑着我,令我内心不安。于是我决定下村入户搞癌症普查,普查的目的是早发现早治疗,一是可以为病人省钱,二是可以减少痛苦,提高治愈概率。 General speaking I should be happy as running a hospital, the patients were so many and the economic benefit was to be good, they said I should be happy, while I was not happy and felt general discomfortable, as if something was wrapping around my heart, making me be preoccupied by some troubles. As most of the people came to seek treatment in the hospital were farmers in Dongping, the incidence of cancer so high depressed me, made me anxiety in my heart. So I decided to engage in cancer screening at households in the villages with the purpose of early detection and early treatment: firstly to save money for the patients and secondly to reduce pain for them, improving the cure probability. 从1998年11月开始,我和医院的职工们利用双休日,对东平县18个乡镇78万人口进行了下乡义诊及肿瘤普查活动,其结果令人震惊:癌症发病率是千分之二点八! Starting from November 1998, I and hospital staff using two-day weekend engaged in the activities of gratuitous treatment and cancer screening among the population of 780,000 of 18 towns in Dongping county, and the results were alarming: the incidence rate of cancer was 2.8/1000! 除了义诊,我还在医院经费相对紧张的情况下,挤出钱来捐助贫困学生,并专门成立了一个救助贫困学生的基金。 “整天和癌症病人打交道,你不会因此感到灰暗吗?”很多人这样问过我。 In addition to gratuitous treatment, I still extruded some money to help poor students, and set up a fund specially for the poor students under the situation that the hospital funds was relatively tense. "Dealing with cancer patients all day, won't you feel so gloomy?" Many people asked me. 奇怪,在真正接触这些高危病人之前,我反而不时会因一些令人困扰的问题而自寻烦恼。因为刚建医院的时候,医院名气不大,来就医的大多是癌症晚期病人,都是没有了指望的人。那时候我紧张过——本来都是快死的人了,如果死在我的医院里,我就全完了,我的确是有过这样的苦恼,但很快就不烦恼了。因为活着会比任何时候更明朗、更有意义,正是因为我那么惊心动魄地接触到了死亡,也正是因为我看到了病人们的笑脸,我才更深刻地体会到了活着的意义,我比任何时候都更珍惜生命和伴随我生命的一切,我觉得人人都该善待自己,善待家人,善待朋友,善待这一生与己有缘的所有人。 Strangly, before the real contact with these high-risk patients, I sometimes brought troubles on myself because of some troubling questions. As the hospital was just opening and was not known by more people, while most patients coming to medical treatment were at late stage of cancer with hopeless, then I had ever been nervous – if the patients who were almost dead had died in my hospital, I was to be over, I really had such a misery, while soon I didn't worry. As being alive was more clear and more meaningful than any time, and just because of my contacting with death with soul-stirring, seeing the smile faces of the patients, then I felt deeply the meaning to life, and I cherished life and everything with my life more than ever, I thought that everyone should treat well to themselves, treat well to his families, treat well to his friends and all the people destined to his life. 在全国上下都在讨论集资、生财、创造财富时,在我的医院急需资金的时候,我却在行“散财之道”。因为我始终认为,人嘛,除了发财致富之外, 还有更加重要的事情要做。 At the time when the people all over the country were discussing raising funds, making money and creating wealth, and the time that my hospital was badly in need of money, while I was engaging in the way of " distribution of wealth ", as I was always thinking that as a person, there were more important thing to do in addition making a fortune. 我们赔钱去义诊、普查,引来了人们的惊奇。一般来说,公益性事业多半是由政府来做,可那时期,政府在这方面还没有这个意识。这是一项对于老百姓有益的事情,老百姓等不起,我也不能再等待。我这人就是有了想法,就要付诸实施,在自己还没有站稳脚跟的时候,就投身到了公益事业,当时在国内还是比较鲜见的。 It attracted people’s wondering as we lost money to gratuitous treatment and cancer screening. Generally speaking, most of the public welfare was undertaken by government, while in that period, the government had still not the awareness in the respect. This was a good thing for ordinary people, who could not afford to wait, neither I could wait. I was the man who had an idea then would put it into practice, as I still had no foothold I devoted myhself to the public welfare, which was relatively rare in domestic at that time. 不仅如此,我曾经于1999年秋季江苏洪汛的时候,放下一切工作,专程赶到抗洪第一线为抗洪英雄吴良珠会诊。 应邀奔走在全国各地为病人会诊和治疗,是常有的事。我认为这是我应该做的,也是我非常乐意去做的。 Not only like that, when it flooded in Jiangsu in the autumn of 1999, I had ever put down all my work gone to the front line of the flood to the consultation for Wu Liangzhu, the anti-flood hero. It was the often case that I was Invited to travel around the country to the consultation and treatment for the patients, as I thought this was what I should do and I was very happy to do. 东平泰美宝法肿瘤医院是开业后才拿到营业执照的。随着收治病人的不断增多,医院知名度的不断扩大,仅有120张床位的医院显得小了,无法满足市场的需求了。 I got the business license after the opening of Taimei Baofa Tumor Hospital in Dongping. As the increasing of patients admitted, the popularity of the hospital was growing, then it appeared so small with only 120 bed in the hospital is small which could not meet the demand of the market. 初战告捷,我的信心足了,目光放得远了,我迫切希望自己的专利技术“缓释库疗法”能让更多的人受益,而并不仅仅局限于东平县。我开始为一个更大的创业计划做准备。 Won the first battle, then my confidence was full and l looked forward far away. I urgently hoped that my own patent technology "releasing storage therapy" could make benefit for more people instead of only in Dongping county. I began to make preparations for a larger business plan. 2000年,我在济南创立了优科公司及肿瘤药物研究所,作为泰美宝法肿瘤医院的科研基地,给医院的发展再一次注入了活力。 In 2000, I founded Youke Company and Institute of Antitumor Drugs in Jinan as a scientific research base of Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital, injected vitality to the development of the hospital again. 直到此时,我才觉得自己的“缓释库疗法”是一枝独秀,疗效得到了病人的认可。随着研究工作的进行,我的其他几项专利技术也获得了专家们的认可,并应用到了临床。此时,我觉得将肿瘤医院做大、做强,是一件非常必要的事情。 I did not feel "releasing storage therapy" a thriving until this time, as the curative effect was accepted by patients. With the research work carrying out, several of my other patents were also received the recognizing of experts, and applied to clinical. At this point, I thought it was a very necessary thing to make the tumor hospital bigger and stronge. 我一笔一画地勾画着自己的医疗事业蓝图,现在在济南开办了肿瘤医院,又把肿瘤医院开到了北京。我梦想着,在全国联合几十家,甚至几百家有一定规模的医院,形成一个特许经营连锁肿瘤预防治疗网络,使更多的肿瘤患者得到“缓释库疗法”的治疗。 I sketched the blueprint of my medical career with a brushstroke and another, and now I had opened Jinan Tumor Hospital, then to Beijing. I dreamed that Joint dozens, even hundreds of hospitals with a certain scale all over the country, to form a network of tumor prevention and treatment as franchise chain, so that more cancer patients could have the treatment of "sustained-release storage therapy". 2.2 百般无奈之下的无证开业 2.2 The unlicensed practice reluctantly 1996年,我从美国回到东平老家考察时,县委书记赵传香热情地接见了我。他言语间满含对归国人员的尊重、理解和期待,使我充分感受到了家乡父母官的亲民作风。有一年的春节,东平县的领导还到济南看望我,我当时真有点受宠若惊。虽然是小事,但看得出家乡人对我很重视。 In 1996, I left America for my hometown Dongping to investigate, Zhao Chuanxiang, the secretary of county Party committee warmly received me. His speech was full of respect, understanding and expectation to returnees, which made me feel fully the populist style of parent-like local magistrate. One Spring Festival, the leaders of Dongping County even went to Jinan to visit me, I really felt a little be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour at that time, which was so small, we can see the people of my hometown attach great importance to me. 家乡人对我的支持并不是盲目的,记得在筹划建院前,东平县人大主任赵庆森到美国专门看望和考察了我。当时在美国,我已经有着优越的生活条件,赵主任回国后,给东平县委领导班子写了长篇汇报,主要是肯定我的做人做事。 The support from people in my hometown was not blind, I remembered Zhao Qingsen, director of the Dongping County People's Congress went to USA specially to see and review me before planning the hospital. At that time in the American, I had already been living a superior living conditions, then director Zhao returned and wrote a long report to the leaders of county Party committee of Dongping to affirm my conduct and deeds. 由于县委县政府的大力支持,我的医院很快就立了项,并划拨了土地,开始是计划拨12亩,后来逐步扩大到80亩,用了近一年的时间,完成了一期工程,建起了一栋门诊加病房的小楼。 Thanks to the support of Party committee and government of county, my hospital was soon be made as a item, and set aside land which was planned to allocate 12 mu at the beginning, then gradually expanded to 80 mu, with nearly a year, completed first-stage project, set up a small building of outpatient service and ward. 1998年3月28日,泰美宝法肿瘤医院终于矗立在家乡的田野里。医院配备有世界先进的模拟定位机、直线加速器、全身X光刀等高科技医疗设备。 In March 28, 1998, Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital had finally stood in the field of my hometown, which was equipped with the world advanced machine simulation, linear accelerator, whole body X knife and other high-tech medical equipment. 20世纪90年代,国内整体的医疗水平还很差,仍处在一个听诊器、三大常规化验的原始状态,农村太需要有先进技术和设备的医院。当时,在整个泰安地区都缺少设备,连泰安肿瘤医院都没有加速器,我的医院设备是先进的,具备了开业的基本条件。 In 1990s, the overall level of medical care in domestic was poor which was still at the original state of a stethoscope, three routine tests, it was so need to have a hospital with advanced technology and equipment in rural. At that time, the equipments were lack in the whole area of Taian, even Taian tumor hospital had no accelerator, while my hospital equipments were advanced, having the basic conditions for opening. 但是办医院执照费尽了周折,县卫生局按照管理条例,可以批准我建设医院,而申请开办“肿瘤”医院,县卫生局却不同意。副县长前去做工作,表面上同意了,却推到了上级卫生局审批,审批材料报到了泰安市卫生局,终于派人来验收了。验收是认真的,我理解他们,工作就要认真。一次验收,二次、三次都不合格,总之,我们是改不完的问题,所以就一直没有拿到执照。 But it was at setbacks to get hospital license, in accordance with the regulations, County Health Bureau could have approved me to construct the hospital, then to apply for the establishment of "tumor" hospital, while county health bureau did not agree. Deputy county magistrate went to work for this, agreed on surface, however he took it to the Health Bureau for examination and approval, materials was sent to the Health Bureau of Taian City, which finally sent someone to check and accept. They approved seriously, I understand them, as work should be conscientiously. The approvals of first time, second time and the third time were all not qualified, in short, we had the problems that we could not solve at all, so we did not get the license all the time. 他们真沉得住气,我可不行啊,我的员工已经上岗,病人已经住院,癌症病人没有时间等啊,等待就意味着死亡,我那个急呀,我几乎天天跑卫生局,几乎都到了求的程度,仍无结果,我好无奈,好无助。 They could really keep their equanimity, while I could not, as my staff had been on their posts, the patients had been hospitalized, and the cancer patients had no time to wait since waiting means death, I was so anxious that I went to health bureau almost every day, asking them even to the level of begging , there was still no results, I was so helpless. 记得当年江泽民主席访问美国时,我们留学生受到了接见,我也参加了欢迎晚宴,我还是晚宴的主持之一。江主席说:“国家富强离不开海外华侨的支持,回家创业是党的政策。”听了江主席一席话,我心里就更有底了,宴会上,我送了江泽民主席一条绘有中美两国国旗图案的领带,象征着中美之间的友谊,当时美国《华文报》做了报道。那领带是我到美国一家知名的服装公司定制的,是由设计师普利茨专门设计。 I remembered when President Jiang Zemin visited in America, we overseas students were interviewed, I also attended the welcome dinner, and I was one of the hosts of the dinner. President Jiang said: "The prosperity of the country cannot do without the support of overseas Chinese, returning to pursue careers is the policy of the party." Hearing the words of President Jiang, I felt more confident in my heart, on dinner I sent President Jiang Zemin a tie painted Sino-US national flags, a symbol of the friendship between China and the US, which was reported by American “Chinese Newspaper” at that time. I customized the tie to a well-known clothing company in America, which was specially designed by the designer Pulitzer. 好在我已经很明白国家大政策,倒也不怕什么,既然营业执照没有消息,等待也不会有结果,只好着手开业事宜,开业前还反复与时任县长宋鲁同志商量,决定于1998年3月28日开业。 Well, I had understand the national policy, so I did not afraid of anything, now that there was no news about the business license, waiting for no results, I had to prepared the matters concerned opening, and before opening I consulted something with Comrade Song Lu, the county magistrate at that time, deciding to open on March 28th, 1998. 开业那天,我邀请了山东省侨办主任商振永,滨州医学院院长李武修,齐鲁医院院长杨兴季,泰安市副市长李东,副市长孙承志等领导,参加了医院的开业典礼。 On opening day, I invited Shang Zhenyong the director of the Office of Overseas Chinese of Shandong Province, Li Wuxiu, President of Binzhou Medical University, Yang Xingji Deab of Qilu Hospital, Li Dong vice mayor of Taian, Sun Chengzhi vice mayor of Jinan and so on attending the opening ceremony of the hospital. 同时,我还请来了北京的一些老师,有北京中日友好医院的周伟主任,中国医学科学院肿瘤医院的殷蔚伯教授、余子豪教授和徐国镇教授。 时任卫生部部长张文康、时任山东省长李春亭还来电表示了祝贺。 Meanwhile, I also invited some teachers from Beijing such as Zhou Wei the director of Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Professor Yin Yubo, Professor Yu Zihao and Xu Guozhen from cancer hospital of Chinese Academy of medical sciences. Zhang Wenkang the Minister of Department of Health, Li Chunting the governer of Shandong Province at that time also congratulated through electricity. 时任县长宋鲁在开业典礼上做了发言,参加典礼的有泰安市侨办主任桑新华,东平县部分局长、副局长,包括卫生局局长。还有我的许多朋友、同学。 The magistrate Song Lu made a speech at the opening ceremony, the attendees included Sang Xinhu the director of the Office of Taian Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs, some directors and deputy directors of Dongping County including the director of health bureau, still more many of my friends, classmates. 在开业典礼上,我说:“今天我们只是一个小医院、小团队,十年后要成为一个抗癌大军,走向全国,走向世界。” I said at the opening ceremony: "Today we are just a small hospital, small team, after ten years it will become a anticancer force, go towards the country, go towards the world." 那天,长长的乐队站在路的两旁,整齐地排成两排,百姓们成群结队地涌进医院,将医院门口堵塞了两小时。 On that day, the long band was standing on both sides of the road, neatly formed in two rows; the people were gathering in crowds and groups flooding into the hospital which blocked the hospital entrance for two hours. 其实,无照开业是被迫无奈,逼上梁山了呀。这里倒是离梁山很近,梁山就在东平湖的西岸,过去是属于一个地方管辖区。当今的东平也出过好几位中央领导,有家喻户晓的万里委员长,还有全国第十二届政协委员会副主席张庆黎,他们都是东平人的骄傲。 In fact, I was forced to open for business unlicensed, just as being driven to Liangshan. Here is close to Liangshan which was on the western shore of Dongping Lake, belonging to a local jurisdiction in the past. Today there brought up several central leaders from Dongping such as Chairman Wan Li known to every family, and Zhang Qingli, vice chairman of the National Committee of the twelfth CPPCC; both of them were the pride of Dongping. 不给我发执照,我真的很无奈,为了医院、为了职工、为了病人,也只能无证开业了,这在中国民办医院史上,大概是个先例。是不是感觉于保法胆大妄为、大逆不道?可我觉得不是,于情于理我做得都不过分。 With no license, I was really very helpless, in order to the hospital, the workers and the patients; I had to open for business unlicensed, which was probably a precedent in the history of Chinese private hospital. Did you think that Yu Baofa was chutzpa and monstrous crime? While I did not think that, as I did just reasonably in the circumstances. 医院建设、筹备、征地都与当地政府保持了良好的沟通,也得到了支持和帮助。医院的名字是时任泰安市委书记张庆黎给起的,“泰”取自“泰安”“泰山”的“泰”,“美”取自“美国”的“美”,“泰美”又音同“太美”,而“宝法”的意思是一个宝贝的方法,这又音同了我的名字“保法”,张庆黎书记真有学问,就这样,“泰美宝法肿瘤医院”由此而生。 I maintained good communication with local governments for the construction, preparation and land acquisition of the hospital also received support and help. The hospital was named by Zhang Qingli who was the secretary of Taian municipal Party committee, "Tai" from the "Tai" of "Taian" "Taishan", "Mei " from the “Mei” of "American" and "beauty", "Taimei" sounded the same of "too beautiful"(“太美”), and "Baofa" (“宝法”)meant a precious methods and the tone of my name "Baofa"(“保法”), Secretary Zhang Qingli was really literacy, so, "Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital" arisen from this. 张庆黎书记很支持留学生回国创业,当时征地办医院非常困难,当我申请贷款找他汇报时,他毫不犹豫地批示:“这是利国利民的大好事,请给予支持。”1998年1月他被调到省委宣传部任常务副部长,在办执照过程中,我没有机会跟他汇报,否则,办执照可能会容易得多。 Secretary Zhang Qingli was very supportive for returned students pioneering; at the time land acquisition for hospital was very difficult, while as I reported him about applying for a loan, he wrote it without hesitation: "This is good deed benefiting the nation and the people. Please support it." In January, 1998 he was transferred to administrative vice Minister of Propaganda Department at provincial Party Committee, as I had not had a chance to report him when I was in the process of applying for the license, otherwise, it may be easier to get the license. 一个无照经营的民营医院,抗癌战争悄然打响。一个个癌症病人从本县、本省、外省赶来就医问药,新闻媒体上也出现了我办医院的有关报道,记得第一次见报是《泰安日报》,第一次登上电视节目,是山东卫视《天南地北山东人》。 At a private hospital operated without license, a war of anti-cancer was preceded quietly. One after another, the cancer patients from the county, the province and other provinces came to see the doctor and ask medicine, and the reports of my running a hospital had also appeared on news media, which the first time, I remembered, was on the newspaper of "Taian Daily", the first time on TV, Shandong satellite TV " Shandong People far apart from each other". 肿瘤博士后回故乡办医院,此事传遍了山东,影响到了全国,病人来自四面八方,治疗效果也不错。可无证违法经营这个事,每天都烦扰着我,心里有些不太踏实,员工们也觉得这事挺麻烦。 Tumor postdoctoral returned hometown to open a hospital, which was spread throughout Shandong, affected the whole country, the patients were from directions, and the treatment effect is good. While undocumented illegal business bothered me every day, I did not feel sureness in my heart, and the staff was also thinking it was very troublesome. 一个回国留学生与违法密切相连,一个新的医院却戴着违法经营的帽子,一个被关注的医院却在非法行医,我怎么向社会交代!怎么向病人交代!并且时刻都有可能被执法部门查封,罚款那也是必然的,甚至可能封门停业。我的职工为我捏了一把汗,县人大主任也为我捏了一把汗,他多次为我向有关部门过问此事,我更是为这事苦恼心烦,但始终没有找到切入点,以至于一拖再拖。 A returned student was closely linked with illegal, a new hospital was wearing a hat of illegal business, a concerned hospital was yet illegal practicing of medicine. How could I account it for society! And how could I account it for the patients! And the hospital was likely to be sealed up by law enforcement agencies at any time, then fine was inevitable, even it was likely to be sealed the door and closed down. My staff worried for me, and the director of County People's congresses also worried for me, who repeatedly inquired the relevant departments about the matter for me, I was getting even more upset, but I had never found the breakthrough point, so it was delayed again and again. 医院刚开业,领导班子需要磨合,医生们需要我手把手地带教,每个病人需要我亲自诊疗,我方方面面操心,寸步不离病人,就连晚上睡觉都在医院,在办公室椅子后边放上一张小床对付着,洗澡就更不方便了,要去院外找地方洗。每天的忙碌和生活的不规律搞得我身心疲惫,本来身体很好的我,几乎要病倒,几度没有信心支撑下去,想退也没有退路,想往前走又困难重重…… The hospital had just been opened, the leadership needed to be running, the doctors needed my teaching hand by hand, and each patient needed me diagnosis and treat personally, I worried about all aspects, followed the patients closely, even slept in the hospital at night, I dealt with putting a small bed at the back of the chair in the office, while the bath was very inconvenient, so I had to look for a site outside the hospital to take a bath. The busy and the irregular daily life made me languor, I originally was in good health almost fell ill, for several times I had no confidence to survive, while to back I had no route of retreat to back no retreat, to move forward I had to face a lot of difficulties...... 当时我在美国圣地亚哥加州大学的研究还没有结束,定期还要去美国……那时,把我整个人大卸八块,好像也忙不过来。 应付不了 While my research at the University of California, Santiago in America had not yet ended, so I had to go to American regularly...... At that time, my whole body had been taken into eight pieces, it seemed still not to deal with the busy. 当一个人遇到困难时,如果克服了困难就会有成就感。如果同时有一堆困难来包围你、攻击你,也许会被打败。但我的心理承受力比一般人强点,从小也养成了不服输的劲头,虽然这次非常难,新建的医院不成熟,又遇到这么多的坎,真让人有些抗不住,但我心里暗暗劝自己:我决不言败。 When a person encountered difficulties, overcame them then you will have a sense of achievement. If a pile of difficulties surrounded you, attacked you, maybe you would be defeated. While my psychological endurance was stronger than that of ordinary people, I was also formed the indomitable spirit, although this time it was very difficult, the new hospital was not mature, meeting so many thresholds, which really made me un-resistible, but I secretly told myself: I will not be fail forever. 那一年,我在中美之间来回地飞,飞了50多次后,觉得实在忙不过来,最后下定决心放弃一个,全心打理另一个,我不能熊掌鱼翅兼得啊。那时美国有一位朋友在圣地亚哥当副教授,叫郭亚军,在上海某军医大学兼职,中国和美国来回飞,他是第一个享受“哑铃式”服务的。他可以这样做,是因为他在上海的军医大做研究,在美国也是在大学做研究,没有太多的杂事,可以熊掌鱼翅兼得。我不行啊,中国的事我决不能放弃,我所追求的梦想就在这个医院里,追求的临床治癌研究也在这里,那只有放弃在美国的事业。说心里话,真有点舍不得。 That year, I was flying back and forth between China and the United States, after flying 50 times, I felt I was really too busy to do just like that, so I finally determined to give up one and devoted to take care of another, as I could get bear's paw and shark's fin concurrently. At the time, a friend called Guo Yajun from the USA was being a associate professor in Santiago, taking a part-time job in a Military Medical University, Shanghai, who was flying to and fro between China and America and was the first to enjoy the "dumbbell" service. He could do like this, as he was researching both in Military Medical University and the university in the USA without too many chores, and could get bear's paw and shark's fin concurrently. While I could not do like him. I would never give up the things in China, as the dream I pursued was in this hospital, the clinical cancer research I pursued was also here, so I had no way but to give up the career in America. To tell the truth, I was really a bit reluctant. 在美国,我的心已经飞回了祖国,我从单纯的基础研究跳了出来,从一个细胞、一只小鼠,飞跃到了一个人,确切地说是一个人的器官、一个人的整体。我的思路从全身的化疗转到局部肿瘤的化疗,确切地说,是转到了肿瘤内部的化疗,从癌症“黑洞”的外围到了内部消灭的时刻。 In America, my heart had to fly back to the motherland; I jumped out from the simple basic research, from a cell, a mouse, leaped to a person, precisely one organ of a person, a overall person. My thinking was from systemic chemotherapy to part tumor chemotherapy, precisely, the chemotherapy transferred to the interior of the tumor, to the moment from the periphery of cancer "black hole" to the internal destruction. 我的心归属感极强,这颗始终没有随着飞机在美国着陆的心,没有随着美国绿卡和别墅到手而在美国安居下来的心,要在祖国着陆,要在祖国安居。随着我的心和我的身在祖国的时间越来越多,现在终于决定:辞去美国助理教授的工作,全身心地打理我在中国农村的医院了。 The sense of belonging in my heart was very strong, the heart which was always not landing in America as the plane, not settled down in the USA as getting the villa and green card of America would land and settle in motherland. As the time of my soul and my person being in motherland was more and more, and now I finally decide to quit the work of assistant professor in the USA to take care of my rural hospitals in China wholeheartedly. 完成了我人生中的又一个转变,我轻松了许多。 我天天工作在我的医院里,病人见了我就像见到了亲人。病人的欢声笑语是对我最大的奖赏,一个个病人经过我的治疗好转、缓解,看着他们悠闲地在散步,在下棋,在聊天,我由衷地高兴。 Completed a change again in my life, I relaxed a lot. I work every day in my hospital, and the patients see me just like to see their relatives. The patient's happy laughers and cheerful voices are my greatest reward, one after another the patients take a turn for the better then in remission after my treatment, I am glad wholeheartedly as I watch them walking leisurely, playing chess, chatting. 这个时期,雷锋精神作为我们医院的文化建设内容上了墙报: 对待患者要像春天般温暖 对待工作要像夏天般火热 对待歪风邪气要像秋风扫落叶 对待癌症要像冬天般冷酷无情 During this period, the spirit of Lei Feng came on the wall newspaper as the content of cultural construction of our hospital: Be warm to patients like the spring Be enthusiastic in work like the summer Treat unhealthy tendencies like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves Be merciless fierce to the cancer like the winter 医院红红火火,而我还在为无照经营烦恼着。虽然每天以最好的姿态迎接病人,但病人哪里知道我心中的愁与烦,他们只知道我忙,还经常看见我外出,外出干什么他们毫不知情。 The hospital was booming, while I was still annoyed for unregistered business. Although I meet the patients with the best attitude every day, while how did the patients know the sorrow and trouble in my heart, they only knew that I was busy and often saw I going out, while they had no idea what I went out to do. 那段时间新闻界对我特别感兴趣,常登载有关我回农村创业的报道,比较早的是人民日报的《悠悠故乡情》(1999年3月31日),还有泰安日报的《拳拳爱国心》(1999年8月6日)。 At that time the press circle was especially interested on me which often published the reports of my returning to rural entrepreneurship, the earlier report was “Long Feeling of Hometowm” (March 31, 1999) on People's Daily, and “Sincere Patriotic Mind” (August 6, 1999) on Taian Daily. 有一天忽然来了几位记者(大约是在1999年3月),其中一位叫杨建军,中国青年报社记者。同时来的还有工人日报社的记者,是听说有一位“海归”回乡办起了医院,于是带着许多疑问来了:“在美国的博士后、教授怎么可能回农村创业?学医的又不是学农的,干吗回农村?是与哪个县医院合作的吧?怎么可能一个人办肿瘤医院?” One day, several reporters came suddenly (around March, 1999), one called Yang Jianjun was a reporter from China Youth, and the reporters from Work’s Daily, who heard that a "returnees" had returned to opened hospitals and came with many questions: "How could a postdoctoral, a professor from the USA return rural area to create his career? Medicine is not farming, why return to the countryside? Was he in cooperation with the county hospital? How could a person run tumor hospital alone?" 那天他们一进门,碰巧看到了我与病人在交流,稍后又看到我给病人做治疗。这期间,他们刨根问底,有着打破砂锅问到底的架势。等我回到办公室里,互相寒暄了一阵子,他们又问了:“创业的钱从哪儿来的?为什么选择东平不选择济南?选了东平为什么不选县城而选县郊?大夫是从哪儿来的,护士是什么级别?”还有我的年龄、婚姻等等,简直就像美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI)在查我的户口。 The day they entered, happened to see I was communicating with a patient, then to see I giving treatment for patients. During the period, they inquired everything to insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. 等我回到办公室里,互相寒暄了一阵子,他们又问了:“创业的钱从哪儿来的?为什么选择东平不选择济南?选了东平为什么不选县城而选县郊?大夫是从哪儿来的,护士是什么级别?”还有我的年龄、婚姻等等,简直就像美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,FBI)在查我的户口。 When I got back to the office, exchanging greetings for a while, then they asked again: "Where was the money for your business from? Why do you choose Dongping instead of Jinan? Why do you choose the outskirt of county instead of inside the county? Where do the doctors come from and what level are the nurses?" They were also inquiring about my age, my marriage and so on, as just like Federal Bureau of investigation of the USA was checking on my account. 被这些记者“围攻”着,我是跑不掉了,诚实的我也不会回避问题,都一一如实回答。越说越多,越聊越投机,也互相比较了解了。当时东平县的穷是有名的,晚上我们在一起吃饭,粗茶淡饭他们居然没嫌弃,还喝起了白酒。杨记者和我拼起了白酒,我们俩都喝醉了,我口无遮拦地聊我的愁与烦:“医院还在非法行医,开业一年了,还没拿到营业执照。” “Besieged” by the reporters "siege", I could run off. I was so honest and I would not evade the issues, answering all the questions truthfully one by one. We talked more and more, felt congenial with each other as we talked then we understood with each other comparatively. 当时东平县的穷是有名的,晚上我们在一起吃饭,粗茶淡饭他们居然没嫌弃,还喝起了白酒。杨记者和我拼起了白酒,我们俩都喝醉了,我口无遮拦地聊我的愁与烦:“医院还在非法行医,开业一年了,还没拿到营业执照。” At that time, it was famous for the poor of Dongping county, we had a meal together in the evening, they unexpectedly did not dislike and avoid our simple diet and we drink some liquor. Reporter Yang and I ran the race of drinking liquor, then we were both drunk, I was outspoken about my sorrow and trouble: "The hospital is still illegal which had been open for a year, I haven't received a business license." 第二天清醒了,就有些后悔了,我是害怕呀。报道了我非法行医怎么办?病人知道了,要出院怎么办呀?医院的好局面,是我们全体医护人员打拼一年的结果,是大家汗水的结晶,他们万一报道了,有可能招来毁灭之灾,之前的努力可能就要付之东流了。 I felt a little repent as I woke the second day, as I was afraid. How could I do as illegal medical practice was to be reported? How to do if the patients should leave hospital as they knew that? The good situation of hospital was the results from striving of all staff, and the crystallization of the sweat of everyone, in case they reported, which might bring annihilation, and all our efforts before might be wasted. 还想和记者们沟通一下,哪知人家要走了,我拼命地挽留:“吃了中午饭再走吧。”但他们还是走了,我忧心忡忡。找卫生部门补上执照?可是一两天也补不上啊,也不可能那么容易就给补的,能补上也不用无证开业了。我实在想不出解决的办法,只好硬着头皮等着那可怕的消息。 Then I thought about to communicate with the reporters, while they were to go, so I desperately to retain: "Have lunch then to go." Yet they were away, and I was extremely worried. Should I ask the health sector reissue me a license? But it could not be reissued for one or two days, and it could not be reissued so easy, otherwise we did not need to open the hospital without license. I really could not think of a solution, had to bite the bullet and wait the terrible news. 一周过去了,没有消息,卫生部门也没来找茬儿。 又过了几天,突然接到一位女士从广东打来的电话说:“从报纸上看到你回国创业,医院开业一年了,还没有执照。我这几天就买票,飞到山东给你搞定,你这样的人才,从美国回来办好事咋这么难,真是苍天不长眼。” A week passed, there was no news, and no person from health department is came to find fault. Then, after a few days, suddenly I received a phone call from a lady in Guangdong, it said: "I noticed from the newspaper that you had returned to run you own business, your hospital had been opened for a year which was still no license. I'll buy a ticket these days to fly to Shandong to work out for you. Why did it so difficult that talent just like you come back from America to do good deeds? Did the god really have no eyes?" 我很吃惊,这人是谁呀?她怎么知道我?我们又不认识,她说的是真的吗?一系列问题在我脑海里盘旋着,一时竟不知道如何处理,如何回答,只是对着话筒“嗯,嗯”。 I was very surprised, who was this person? How did she know me? Was it true what she said as we were incognizant with each other? A series of questions hovered in my mind, and I did not know temporarily how to deal with, how to answer, just "um, um" to the microphone. 第二天,是个阳光明媚的日子,我接到了山东省委办公厅的电话,说吴官正书记过问此事了,这位办公人员让我放心:“领导一定给你主持公道。” The second day it was sunny, I received a call from Shandong provincial office which said Secretary Wu Guanzheng had inquired about the matter, the office staff let me rest assured: "Leaders are sure to give you justice." 我就像堕入雾中,又似在梦中,但我清楚,一定与杨建军记者的报道有关,就给他打了电话,他说:“保法,为你出口气呀。”他在《中国青年报》上报道了我们:“没有执照,是因为卫生局54次检查过于挑剔不让通过。”真相大白,一片哗然,有好多人为此事鸣不平。 I was just like falling in thick fog, and in a dream, while I knew it must be related with the report of Reporter Yang Jianjun, then I gave him a call, he said: "Baofa, I just want to work of your feeling." He reported on "China Youth Daily"for us: "Having no license is because health bureau don't let it through by checking 54 times preciosity." The case was entirely cleared, and all were in an uproar, a lot of people voiced their discontents for this. 坏了,这不是又要出事啦?我害怕此报道得罪了卫生部门,赶紧跑到卫生局做汇报,做检讨,卫生局长真生气了:“哎哟,于保法,你怎么搞的嘛。” Woo, wasn’t it to be wrong again? I was afraid this report offended the Department of Health, hurried to the Health Bureau giving a talk and doing review, health secretary was really angry: "Oh, Baofa, how did you do about that?” 我把北京记者来访的过程做了具体汇报,我说我一直害怕他们报道非法行医,违法经营,哪想到他们这样报道,这也不能全怨我呀。 I made him a specific report for Beijing reporter visiting, I said I had been afraid of them reporting us illegal practice medicine, illegal operation, how could I think about they reported like this, so you could blame me all for this. 正在这时,广东那位素昧平生的女士又打来了电话:“我们明天下午就到山东直奔泰安,你就不用管了,费用我们自理,非帮你拿下执照不可。” 我赶快告诉她,我们省委书记过问了,基本办妥了。 “那更好,我就不去了,祝你顺利,有困难找我吧。” At this moment, the lady from Guangdong who had never met with me before, called me again: "We are arriving Shangdong tomorrow afternoon then go straight forward to Taian, you don't care about that, the expenses by our self, we should get the license for you inevitably.” I quickly told her, the Secretary of provincial Party committee had inquired it, and it was settled basically. "So much the better, then I will not go, I wish you successfully, ask me when you are in trouble." 由于医院刚刚起步,又遇到意想不到的困难,那时的我,整个人的神经绷得紧紧的,再加上那女士的电话来去匆匆,我竟然忘记问她的名字,也没有留下联系方式。从那以后,她再也没有打过电话给我,我们失去了联系,真遗憾! As the hospital had been just started, and I met the unexpected trouble, the whole of my nerve stretched too tightly at that time, coupled with the haste of the lady on the phone, I forgot to ask her name yet, also did not get her contact information. From then on, she had never called me, we lost touch, what a pitty! 两周后的一天,得到了盼望已久的好消息,泰美宝法肿瘤医院领来了执照,是卫生局通知我们去领的,全院欢呼雀跃。 Two weeks later, we got a good news long-awaited, Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital got license which was informed us to fetch by Health Bureau, all in the hospital were cheerful as a lark. 转眼十几年过去了,那个广东女士,我始终没有忘记,她多大年龄?做什么职业?什么模样?我完全不知,但有一点我敢肯定,她一定是一个爽朗的人,一个有能力的人。她是多么善良,多么侠义啊,我真该好好地感谢她。每次遇到广东的癌症患者,就好像是见到了她,我还去广东顺德会诊过多次,治疗过不少癌症病人,算是对她的一种报答吧。 Decade years past in an instant, I never forgot the Guangdong lady, How old is her? What occupation does she do? What does she look like? I had no conception about these, but one thing I am sure that she must be a person of bright and clear, a competent person. How kind and chivalrous she was! I really should thank her nicely. Whenever I meet cancer patients from Guangdong, just like to see her, I also had been to consultation at Shunde in Guangdong for many times, where I had treated many cancer patients, which was counted as a reward for her. 对于吴书记的帮助,我从内心感谢,也无法回报,我就把当年在美国定做的中美国旗领带寄给他了一条,以此表达我的感激之情。 To the help of Secretary Wu, I thanked from my heart, while I could not requite, then I sent him a tie of Sino-US flags custom-made in America to express my gratitude. 2003年我当选上了全国人大代表,吴书记那时是中央纪律检查委员会的书记了,在北京见到他,我当面表示了感谢,他还有些诧异,我就聊起了当年他过问我们医院执照一事,他笑了。他说当时中央有人电话询问此事,他觉得应该为回国人员创业开绿灯、行方便。 In 2003 I was elected a deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary Wu was the Secretary of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I met him in Beijing and thanked him personally, he was somewhat surprised, I talked about that he had inquired the license of our hospital, he smiled. He said that someone from the central called to inquire about the matter, and he felt that he should give green light and convenience for returnees entrepreneurial 《中国青年报》力量真大,让我从中得到了帮助,还把我与吴书记联系了起来,把我与善良的广东女士联系了起来。 "China Youth Daily" is really powerful, from which I got help and was linked up with my Secretary Wu, linked up with a kind-hearted Guangdong lady. 此后,我不断收到许多来自全国各地的信件,有的说:“你肯定有病,不然不会到这种穷地方办医院……”有赞我的:“你是活菩萨,好人……”也有示爱的:“愿当你的内助……”也有愿意来工作的,我都很感谢! Since then, I had received many letters from all over the country, some said: "you must have a disease, or you would not to operate hospitals at such poor place......" some praised me: "You are the living Buddha, the good person......" Also some courtship displayed: "I would like to be your wife......" and some were willing to work, I was very grateful for all! 这一关过去,总算轻松了。头上没有了那顶“违法”的帽子,安心给病人治疗,这要比应酬社会上的好多事容易得多。 After passing this gate, I finally relaxed a lot. As on my head there was no that hat of "illegal", I could treat the patients securely, which was much easier than to treat a lot of things in society. 开业后医院病号挺多,有从外地赶来的,也有东平本地的,二者的比例几乎是1∶1。东平的病人如此之多,我认为应该搞一个肿瘤调查,于是我决定要下村入户进行普查。我明白癌症要早发现早治疗,才可以胜券在握:一是可以为患者省钱,二是可以减少患者痛苦,延长生命。普查的目的是预防、检查和治疗相结合。 After the hospital opening, the patients were quite a lot, some came from outside, the other were from the local of Dongping, the proportion of two was nearly 1:1. The patients from Dongping were so much that I thought we should get a tumor census, so I decided to carry out village household’s census. I understood that cancer should be early detected and early treated, and then we could win: First, save money for patients; second, to reduce the suffering of patients, prolong their life. The purpose of the census is the combing of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. 一家私立医院,干一件公立医院没干过的事,并且要全程免费,这是体恤老百姓的一件好事。说干就干,从1998年11月开始,我带领一个医疗小分队,利用双休日,对东平县18个乡镇78万人口进行了普查活动。有这样一组数字:出动医护人员600余人次,捐赠药品2万余元,发放科普材料6万余份,义诊3500多人,普查人数38万,普查结果是癌症发病率2.8‰。 It was a good deed favoring the people for a private hospital to do while the public hospital had never done, which was also to be free all the way. Acted without delay, starting from November 1998, I led a medical team, utilizing two-day weekend, carried out the census among 780,000 populations in 18 towns of Dongping County. There is such a group of figures: called out medical personnel more than 600, donated medicine more than ¥2, issued science materials more than 6 copies, gratuitous treated more than 3500 people, census population 380,000, and the result of census indicated the cancer morbidity was 2.8 per thousand. 2.8‰的发病率连我都感到了吃惊,生活太不公平,总是跟农民过不去。而中国有8亿农民,虽然现在生活水平提高了,但遇到像癌症这样的大病还是没有办法。毛泽东主席曾号召我们:“把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去。”(毛泽东1965年6.26指示)现在我有了知识,有了能力,这也算是我对家乡人民的一个回报吧。 Even I felt surprised to the morbidity of 2.8 ‰, as life was too unfair and always contradict with the farmers. While there are 800,000,000 farmers in China who still had no way to do once encountering serious illness like cancer though their standard of living has risen. Chairman Mao Zedong once called on us: "The focus of medical health should be placed at rural." (Instructions of Mao Zedong on June 26th, 1965). Now I have the knowledge and the ability, which was considered to be my retribution to people of my hometown. 2.3创业初期,业务上娴熟,管理上外行 2.3 At early stage of my pioneering, I was skilled in my profession while a layman to enterprise management. 创业初期,我们一个小团队,怎么才能在传统治疗基础上有所突破?这是摆在我们面前的一个大问题。虽然设备是一流的,但我们的住院条件、我们的人员配置都无法与正规医院相比,人才方面多数是国内年轻的临床大夫,缺乏业务扎实的中老年业务骨干,引进人才也是我们面临的重要问题。当时唯有我是国内硕士毕业又留美八年的学科带头人,唯有我具备科学研究的能力和带教资格,建院初期我就充当了所有这些角色。 At early stage, the big problem in front of us was how to make a breakthrough on the basis of the conventional treatment for our so small team. Though the equipments were in first class, while our hospital conditions, our staff allocation were unable to compare with the normal hospital, as to the talents, most were young clinical doctors in domestic, lacking of middle and old aged business backbones with practical competence in business, so introduction of talent was also an important problem we are facing. At the time, only I was an academic leader with master’s degree in domestic and the experience of eight-year overseas, and only I had the ability of scientific research and teaching qualifications, then I played all roles at the early stage. 当时国内的肿瘤医院或肿瘤科室使用的治癌方法大都是常规手术治疗、放疗和化疗。我们的肿瘤医院在肿瘤临床治疗方面,是采用已获取美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚等多国发明专利的“缓释库疗法”为核心技术,配合“活化化疗”“活化放疗”“三氧治疗”“冷煎中药”等特色疗法,形成针对原发部位、骨转移、肺转移、淋巴转移、脑转移等全身各部位肿瘤治疗的独特系列技术。 Most of the approaches used by tumor hospitals and tumor departments in domestic at the time were always conventional treatment of operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. While in our cancer hospital, to the clinical treatment of tumor, we used the "releasing storage therapy" as the core technology which earned the invention patent from America, China, Japan, Australia and other countries, with other special treatments such as "activation chemotherapy", "activation" radiation”, "three oxygen therapy" and "cold decoct Chinese traditional medicine", forming the unique series technology to each part of the primary site of tumor, bone metastasis, lung metastasis, lymphatic metastasis, metastasis to the brain and other body treatment. 我知道,要想办好自己的医院,有独特的治疗方法还不够,还要在管理上下功夫。为了让医院能够朝着良性的方向发展,我们制定出一系列规章制度,以及有特点的治疗原则,并细化服务流程,只有这样,才能在这个领域站住脚跟。 I knew it was not enough with unique methods of treatment to run my own hospital well; we should also work hard in the management. In order to make the hospital to develop toward a benign direction, we formulated a series of rules and regulations, as well as the treatment principles with characteristic, and detailed service process, only in this way, could we gain a foothold in this field. 在业务管理上我还可以胜任,因为自己就是一个专业医生,所以在治疗方法的选择、应用和疗程上做了严格的规定。在每周的例会上,我说的最多的是:“搞好医院的管理。”可说起来容易做起来难啊,毕竟我从来没在医院做过管理工作,在管理上,自己就是一个门外汉,这对我来说是一个巨大的挑战。老百姓都知道这样一个道理:“吃不穷,穿不穷,管理不到就受穷。” I was well enough qualified in business management, as I was a professional doctor, so I made strict provisions in the selection of therapeutic methods, application and treatment. At the weekly meeting, mostly I said: "Do management well in hospital." While it was easy to say but had to do, after all, I had never done management in hospital which was a huge challenge for me, as I was almost a layman. People all knew such a truth: "Eating is not to be poor, wearing is not to be poor, while absent management is to be poor." 刚刚凑起来的医护人员都来自天南海北,两位护士长一位来自县人民医院,一位来自乡镇卫生院,她们比较懂护理方面的管理。在医疗管理上,我聘用了一位大学同学,开业前就派他到济南齐鲁医院进行了培训,他可以带教一组年轻的医生,我也参加查房,医护这两个主要方面的管理我还比较满意,保证了医院能够基本运行正常。 Medical workers gathered together justly were from all over the country, one of the two head nurses was from people's Hospital of the county, another from health clinic in township, they knew relatively the nursing management. In the medical management, I hired a college classmate who was sent to be trained in Jinan Qilu Hospital before the hospital was opened, then he could teach a group of young doctor. I also participated in the rounds of the wards, and I was quite satisfied with the two main aspects of medical management which guaranteed the basic operation normally for the hospital. 而医院其他方面的管理就有点松懈,首先出问题的是药剂科。进药环节的过程是:药商们先送药进药房,之后再付药款,药库管理人员为证明已收货只要在三联单上签字即可,导致三联单上的药价没人注意。由于我的管理不到位,就出现了许多问题。其一,进药量没把关。如胃舒平一次进药两万片,10年都用不完;其二,药库只知道履行签字收货,不管价格的变化;其三、药品的价格是个变数,会计账目管理失职,未起到监督提醒的作用。 While we were lax on the other managements, and the pharmacy was in trouble at first. The process of medicine feeding was: the drugs were sent to pharmacy by pharmacopolists, then repaid, and the administrative staff at storeroom signed to prove it on triplicate form, so none noticed the price of the drugs. As my management was not in place, then many problems appeared: First, the quantity of drug feeding was not checked, for example, gastropine was fed twenty thousand pieces once a time, which was not used up for 10 years; Secondly, the worker at pharmacy store only knew to perform signature of receipt, regardless of the change of the drug price; Thirdly, the price of drugs was a variate, while accounting management was dereliction of duty and did not play a supervisory reminding function. 2000年的某一天,我偶然发现进药的三联单上的价格与半年前相比变了许多,我一查,几乎80%的药价全涨了。更糟糕的是,我们并没有签订关于价格变化的协议,50多种药几乎全涨价了,有的甚至翻了一番,三个月的药费几乎要多付百分之五十的钱,总数要多付30万元。 One day in 2000, I stumbled on that the price of feeding drugs on triplicate form had changed a lot compared to that half a year before, then I checked and found almost 80 percent of the prices had risen, worse still, we had not signed the agreement on price changes, 50 kinds of medicine were almost all risen, and some even doubled, so we were to pay 50 percent money for three months, and the total expenses reached to¥300,000. 我找到济南的药商代理老程,他不紧不慢,笑里藏刀:“世界上哪有不涨价的东西,一年一签的合同,月月进药,物价变化是正常的。没有讲价的余地,只能付钱,分期分批可以,按原价没门。” I asked Old Cheng, the drug agency in Jinan, who said with the speed neither fast nor slow, hiding a dagger behind a smile: "Where are the things do not go up in the world, the contract was signed once a year, while the medicine was fed every month, and the price change is normal. There is no bargaining room, and you can pay by instalments, but no way according to the original prices." 我们只好一直拖着不付钱,重新找了一个药商,从中吸取教训后,每一批次的药就签一次合同。后来对药商进行招标,由于药买得便宜,卖得也便宜,医院坚决不从中拿回扣,也不允许医生按处方拿回扣,医院的管理到位了,我们的病人就拿到了价格合理的药品。我始终坚持一个原则,医院可以给医护人员奖励,但不是根据处方大小和药的品种奖励,医生要按病情需要与否给病人开药。 We had been dragged to pay him and found another druggist, after learning a lesson from that, then we signed a contract for each batch of drugs. Later we called for bids to the druggist, as the drug we bought cheap, and sold it cheap, the hospital resolved not take kickbacks from it, also did not allow doctors to take kickback on prescription, so hospital management was in place, then our patients got the medicine with reasonable price. I always adhered to a principle: the hospital can give staff incentives, but not according to the prescribed size and drug variety reward, doctors should prescribe medicine according to the illness needs." 药商老程把我院告上了法庭,经过审理,我们还是要按他偷着涨价后的总数付给他钱。也是因为此事,我知道了无良药商的黑与毒,他们就是要挣钱,根本没有为病人服务的意识,钱就是无良药商的追求。我本以为私立医院与药商合作可以从长计议,长期合作价格低些,因为他们从药厂里拿的药,出厂价非常低,可他们大多都想一夜暴富,挣钱如魔鬼啊。 Old Cheng, the druggist accused our hospital to court, after the hearing, we still had to pay him the money according to the total number of the price raised furtively. Also because of this, I knew that black and poison of the unscrupulous manufacturers who had no consciousness for severing patients but to earn money, and only the money was the pursuit of the unscrupulous manufacturers. I had thought it could be taken the long view on the cooperation between the private hospitals and drug companies, long-term cooperation with low in price, as they took drugs from pharmaceutical companies by very low ex-factory price, but most of them wanted to become wealthy overnight, earning money as the devil. 十五年了,我从未请药商吃过饭,更没有吃过药商的饭。一个医院不与药商打交道怎么活?当然能活,实行招标制度,多家招标,达到比较合理的程度,不让药商挣钱显然也不可能,也不现实,但是要在合同中规定不能以任何形式给我们的医护人员回扣送礼。药房管理也比较紧,决不允许统计处方给任何药商。若药商从中捣鬼,就中断合同,以此来冲击一些无良药商的不法行为。 For fifteen years, I had never prepared a dinner for a manufacturer, still more I had a dinner of any druggist. How did a hospital live on without dealing with druggists? Of course our hospital did, as we practiced the bidding system, which made the drug prices achieve reasonable degree with more tendering, apparently it was impossible not to let the druggists earn money, which was also not realistic, while it should be stipulated in the contract not to send our staff rebates and gifts in any forms. Pharmacy management was relatively tight, never allowing statistical prescription for any druggist. If the druggist played Hanky panky from it, then we interrupted the contract to impact the wrongful act of some unscrupulous manufacturers. 十五年来我们拒绝了药商的各种不廉行为,保护了医院声誉,更保护了病人的权益,决不能浪费病人的每一分钱。 For fifteen years we had refused all kinds of dishonest behaviors of the druggists, to protect the reputation of the hospital, furthermore to protect the rights and interests of patients, we must not waste every penny of patients. 初开业时,个别护士用病人剩下的药拿到药房换药吃,医院发现这个问题后,开除过两位护士,其中一位还是我同学介绍来的。我认为这虽然是件小事,但有可能助长不良恶习,会给病人带来损失,把这种不良现象扼杀在萌芽中,有利于医院的发展。通过实施一些严格的管理措施,医院在药房管理上,再也没有出现过类似问题。 At the time of opening, several exceptional nurses took the remaining medicine of patients to exchange drug to eat at pharmacy, which was found by hospital and two nurses were fired, one of them was introduced by my classmate. I thought this was trivial, while it may encourage bad habits and cause loss of the patients, killing it in the bud was conductive to the development of the hospital. Through the implementation of strict management measures, it had never appeared a similar problem in hospital pharmacy management. 在医院的发展中,最大的烦恼是寻找投资商,当年“和氏璧”难找识宝人的心情记忆犹新,至今都难以平静。 In the development of the hospital, the biggest worry was looking for investors; the mood was remained fresh in my mind as in those days the jade of the He family-a priceless gem was hard to return to the person who could distinguish treasure, is still difficult to calm today. 那段时间我非常辛苦,北京、上海、广州、深圳、香港、美国……不停地奔波,白天跑风险投资基金公司,寻找投资伙伴,找投资经记人,选择最适宜的方式与之交谈,头脑中深藏一张算盘,许多场合要处理得机智。回家后顿时松懈下来,才觉得累是来自骨子里的,晚上上床一分钟后就能睡过去。 At that time I was very hard and kept on running to and fro Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong, American...... in the daytime I went to fund companies of risk investment, looking for investment partners and seeking investment broker, to choose the most appropriate way of conversation, with an abacus deep in my mind, to deal wittily at many occasions. After coming home I relaxed immediately then felt tired from the inside, went to bed and fell asleep after a minute in the evening. 终于,在无数家风险投资公司当中,有一家非常有实力的投资公司向我们抛出了橄榄枝。当时这家投资公司在140多个项目中,挑选了10个准备投资。我的项目就在其中,并很快签订了投资意向。我天天都盼望能有资金注入。但签订完投资意向书后却再也没有动静了,究竟是什么原因呢?不知道,没人告诉我。事隔多日,才知道仅仅是意向,抱了半天热罐子,最后为他们跑了一次龙套,很无奈。 Finally, in the numerous Vc firm, a investment company which was very powerfu threw olive branch to us. At that time, the investment company selected 10 for investment from more than 140 projects. My project was among them and soon signed investment intention. 我天天都盼望能有资金注入。但签订完投资意向书后却再也没有动静了,究竟是什么原因呢?不知道,没人告诉我。事隔多日,才知道仅仅是意向,抱了半天热罐子,最后为他们跑了一次龙套,很无奈。 Every day I looked forward to the money invested. But after signing the investment letter of intent there was never sounds of something. What were the reasons? I did not know and nobody told me. Several days later, I knew that was just only the intention, and I was so helpless as holding a hot pot finally to play a bit role for them. 我们和国内的一些投资公司是一种什么样的关系呢?有技术的在找钱,有钱的在找技术,两者之间的沟通有问题,导致不能很好地进行合作。这是因为:第一,他们的知识有局限性,并不了解什么是治癌的技术;第二,国内投资公司的钱是很有限的,额度很小,有点急功近利,并没有给予像我们这样的高新技术公司一定的孵育期。没有一定的孵育期却想得到一个成熟的高新技术产品,这是很难的事。风险投资,顾名思义,是有一定风险的,有了很保险的项目后再投入资金,就不叫风险投资了。风险投资是高风险、高利益,有多大风险就有多大利润。没有一定的风险而想得到超额回报,这是不可能的。 What kind of relationship between us and some domestic investment companies? Those with skills were looking for money, while ones rich of money were looking for technology, the problem of communication between the two parties would resulted in fail cooperation, for the reasons: first, their knowledge was limited so that they did not know the technology of cancer treatment; second, as the money was very limited and the amount was very small in the investment companies domestic, so they somewhat sought quick success and instant benefits and not giving a certain incubation period for our company with high and new technology. 没有一定的孵育期却想得到一个成熟的高新技术产品,这是很难的事。风险投资,顾名思义,是有一定风险的,有了很保险的项目后再投入资金,就不叫风险投资了。风险投资是高风险、高利益,有多大风险就有多大利润。没有一定的风险而想得到超额回报,这是不可能的。 It was very hard to get a mature high-tech product without a certain incubation period. Venture investment, as the name suggested, was with a certain risk, while it was not called the venture capital to invest after having a very insurance project. As high profit with high risk, how much the investment experienced then how much profit it would get, and It was possible to get excess return without a certain risk. 不同的是,美国圣地亚哥医学博士乔治·亚玛看到我的成果,曾两度飞赴中国学习,接受培训一个多月,还有两位美国同行也看到了“缓释库疗法”的潜力所在,来到中国考察后极力劝说我在美国开一家自己的医院,他们出资,我出技术。就这样双方一拍即合,1999年4月,美国美亚医院研究所正式成立。 The different from that, George•Erma, a medical doctor from Santiago, America noticed my achievement, had ever twice flew over to China for learning, trained for more than a month; There were two counterparts in America also learned the potential of "releasing storage therapy", coming to China to investigate, then persuaded me to open my own hospital in America with my technology and their contribution. So both parties chimed in easily, then Research Institute of Meiya Hospital was formally established in America in April, 1999. 相比之下,国内的遭遇令人感慨万千。我想不通,为什么这么好的项目居然找不到投资人呢?而且迄今为止,有些权威学术部门对在世界领域已获得专利的“缓释库疗法”还持所谓的谨慎态度! In contrast, my experience in domestic was filled with a thousand regrets. I could not figure out why we could not find a investor for such a good project? And that so far, some authoritative academic departments was still holding the cautious attitude now to "releasing storage therapy" gained the patent in the world! 在费尽周折,获取各方支持后,我终于找到了投资商,分别是山东天鹅棉业机械股份有限公司、山东普利房产开发有限公司、山东银座商城股份有限公司和深圳天成投资有限公司。我与这四家投资商共同发起成立了山东保法医疗科技股份有限公司。公司的总股本为6000万元,我所拥有的东平泰美宝法肿瘤医院以及个人合法拥有的“缓释库疗法”技术在国内的使用权及部分现金,共计3000万元,按1比1的比例折合为股份3000万股,占总股本的百分之五十。 After acquiring the support from all parties painstakingly, I finally found investors, respectively were Shandong Swan Cotton Machinery Limited Liability Company, Shandong Poly Real Estate Development Limited, Shandong Ginza Mall Limited Liability Company and Shenzhen Tiancheng Investment Limited Company. I and the four investors jointly initiated the establishment of Shandong Baofa Medical Technologies Limited Liability Company. The company's total share capital was ¥60,000,000, and the total of my individual property was ¥30,000,000, including Dongping Baofa Tumor Hospital I owned, the right I owned legally of using the technology of "releasing storage therapy" in domestic and part of the cash, converted into shares 30,000,000 shares according to the ratio of 1﹕1 , representing fifty percent of the general capital. 于是我们不再是一家医院,而是一个医疗集团,一个股份有限公司。我们以泰美宝法肿瘤医院为基础,打造了一个技术推广平台,培养“缓释库疗法”的技术骨干,培训医护人员、管理人员,为将来新建医院打基础,并在此基础上开展特许经营。 Then we would no longer be a hospital, but a medical group, a Limited Liability Company. We based on the Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital to build a platform for technology promotion training the technical backbone of “sustained-release storage therapy", training medical personnel, management personnel, to lay the foundation for a new hospital in future, and to carry out franchising based on the foundation. 在我们这几家医院里,我的亲人没有担任要职的,重要岗位都是选拔优秀人才来担任,给了员工们一个公平合理的工作环境。我的亲人在医院工作,我就很少和他们来往,私下根本不谈工作上的事,以免干扰我的正常思路。 拨开乌云见月明,我们的公司和医院正以朝阳之势慢慢升腾,这让我对未来充满了希望。创业的路有甜有酸,有苦有乐,我在此过程中不断地成长。 In these hospitals, my relatives did not serve with key positions which were served by outstanding talents selected, giving employees a fair and reasonable working environment. As my relatives were working in the hospital, then I associated with them rarely, and we did not talk anything about the job, so as not to interfere with my normal thinking. Pushing aside the dark clouds and the bright moon appeared. Our corporations and hospitals were gradually rising just as the rising sun, which made me full of hope for the future. Entrepreneurial path was sweet and sour, bitter and cheerful, where I was growing up continuously in the process. 2.4 主任医师的晋升 2.4 I was promoted to be a chief physician 1988年我就是主治医师,2008年晋升到主任医师,虽然在美国大学中担任助理教授多年,在美国大学的研究所承担着博士后的研究多年,但是回国后晋升主任医师时却遭遇坎坷。 In 1988 I was attending physician, and in 2008 I was promoted to chief physician. Although as assistant professor for many years at American University, undertaking postdoctoral research for many years at the Institute in American University, while I experienced a rough road to be promoted to a chief physician after I returned to China. 泰美宝法肿瘤医院开业后一直在忙,我根本顾不上自己的职称晋升。当年的同学、同事在各个大小医院工作,都晋升正高了。在公立医院晋升职称就意味着涨工资,我觉得能当一个行医治病的医生就可以了,反正也没有人给我发工资。但在医院的发展过程中,我发现,在国内,医院没有高级职称的专家,似乎缺少了什么。我虽然具有美国的助理教授资格,但我为人低调,在中国没有必要拿美国的职称来炫耀,于是我想补上这一课。 I has been busy after Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital was open, I did not attend at all to the promotion of my job title. My classmates, colleagues worked in big or small hospitals were all promoted to senior. In public hospitals, promotion means rising salary, while I thought it was OK to be a doctor practicing medicine and treating, anyway there was no one to pay my salary. However, in the development of the hospital, I found that it seemed lacking something in the hospital in domestic there was no specialist of senior titles. Although I have the qualification of American assistant professor, I was a low-profile and I thought it did not need to show off with an American title in China, so I want to catch up on the class. 在国内,主任医师是医生职称中的最高级别,其级别相当于医学院校的教授。部分主任医师,同时也被评为教授职称,承担一定的科研与教学任务。主任医师要有医科大学本科毕业或取得学士以上学位,从事副主任医师工作不少于五年,外语考试要合格,本人要有论文或科研成果。外语免试条件有两个:一是获硕士学位,二是出国留学一年以上。我个人的情况已经符合了这些条件:硕士毕业,九年前在美国任助理教授(相当于副主任医师)。虽然具备了外语免试条件,但我依然被要求参加外语的笔试和面试。 In domestic, chief physician is the highest level of doctors in the title, equivalent to the level of professor in Medical College. Parts of chief physicians were also awarded the title of Professor, undertaking certain tasks of research and teaching. The quality of chief physician required having medical bachelor's degree or getting the degree of bachelor or above, engaging in the work of deputy associate chief physician for not less than five years, passing the test of foreign language and having papers or achievements of principal in scientific research. Foreign language exemption conditions are two: first, obtained a master's degree; second, had studied abroad for more than one year. My personal situation had already met these conditions: Master's degree, assistant professor (equivalent to deputy chief physician) nine years before in America. With the foreign language exemption conditions, however, I was still required to participate in the written examination and interview of foreign language . 2004年,我参加了英语考试。考题并不难,我顺利通过,又报了书面申请材料一堆,直接申请正高职称(主任医师)。我在美国任助理教授的内容没有放进材料。我觉得美国的材料是美国的,在中国就拿中国的材料,再说我的材料已经足够了,至少不次于一般的申报人,材料里有我当年发表的十几篇论文,有的论文还发表在美国专业杂志上。 In 2004, I took part in the English exam. The exam is not difficult and I passed smoothly, then I handed in a pile of written application materials to apply directly the senior title (chief physician). I did put the content that I was an assistant professor in America into the material since I thought material from the USA was those of America and I should take Chinese material in China, besides my material was enough which was at least not inferior to the general declaration. Inside my materials, there were dozens of papers I had published some of which had been published on American Journal. 几天后,通知我面试,按要求用英文回答问题。这更难不倒我,要知道那可是我的强项,我用英文讲了好长时间,那些考官我都认识,他们没出国留学,按理英文肯定不比我好,我毕竟在美国待了那么多年,我讲得也比较清晰、好懂,没有什么难句、俚语,考官们一句都没提问我,就让我离开了,我觉得应该很顺利。可没想到,从此如泥牛入海,再无音讯。 A few days later, I was notified to interview and to answer the questions in English according to the requirements. These were even more no difficulty for me, as you know, speaking in English was my good at. I talked with English for a long time and I knew all the examiner who had not been abroad, normally their English was certainly not better than mine, after all, I spent so many years in America and my speech was so clear, understandable and without any difficult sentences, slang, so the examiners let me go without asking me even one question, I thought that should be very smooth. Unexpectedly, it then did not send me any information like clay ox entering the sea. 我到底评上了?还是没评上?后来托人问个究竟,答案是评委专家们一致认为我不合格。原因是不能破格从主治医师升到主任医师,要从副主任医师晋升。我哪里是水平不够?在医学的路上,我每一步都比别人走得早,走得快,中文文章、英文文章我都不缺,按理说我早该是某些评委的老师了,留学九年回来反而还落后了,我有点想不通。 What the hell was I on? Or had I not passed? Later I asked someone to realize what actually happened, and the answer was the experts agreed that I was not qualified for the reason that I should not be promoted from the attending physician to chief physician exceptionally, should be promoted from deputy chief physician. Was my level not enough? In the way of medicine, I strode every step earlier and faster compared to the others and I did lack Chinese articles and English articles, so normally I should have early been the some interviewers’ teacher, however, I was still backward after nine-year studying abroad, so I felt a little confused. 其实,评委是知道我的水平,不比其他评上职称的人差,也知道即使我晋升上了,国家不会给我发工资,可他们还是不让我通过。真的是因为我不懂人间烟火吗?真的是因为同行有竞争吗?我无从知道,也不想过多地猜测。 In fact, the interviewers really knew my level was not poorer than others’ who had got the job title, also they knew that even if I was promoted, the state government would not give my salary, while they still wouldn't let me through. Was it really because I did not understand human fireworks(traditional code of conduct)? Was It because of peer competition? I did not know, also I did not want to guess. 当时我也不想再晋升了,觉得为了这事,费心费力不值得,我并没有把正高、副高职称看得那么重要,可能是太务实了吧。不出污泥,也就不染污泥,即使出污泥我也不会有染。 Then I did not want to be promoted any more, and I felt it was not worth bothering. Maybe I was too pragmatic that I didn't see it was so important to take the title of senior and deputy senior. Did not come out of the dirty mud, then I would be unsoiled; even if I had come out of dirty mud, I would have still been unsoiled. 一拖几年过去了,2004年我开始筹备第二家医院——济南保法肿瘤医院。这次法人代表的资格条件要求高了,职称必须是副高以上,我只有国内的中级,这下麻烦了,如果没有高级职称,就会给医院带来诸多的不便。 My job title was so delayed for a few years, in 2004, I began preparing for second hospitals -- Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital. The qualification requirements of legal representative was higher than before, and the title must be vice-senior above, while I only had domestic medial title, then I was in trouble, if I had no senior title, which would bring a lot of inconvenience to the hospital. 于是医院管理层建议,让我还是把正高职称补上:“医院的法人代表不能找人代替。”“好,我补上。”嘴里是这么说,可我心里真是有点怵,怕评委们过于苛刻。我也是要面子的人,从来不给别人难看,这回真觉得自己有些难看,还有些难办,医院员工们给我打气:“怕什么,你的水平早就够了。” So the management layer advised me catch up with the senior title: "We can't find someone to substitute the hospital's legal representative." "Well, I will make up." To say like this, while I was really a bit afraid in my heart, I was afraid that the interviewers were too harsh. I was also a man keen on face-saving and never embarrass others, however, this time I really felt myself was somewhat embarrassed and I was somewhat hard to do it well. Hospital staff encouraged me: “Don’t be afraid, your level was enough early.” 于是2008年我决定再试试,给自己一个机会。要影响到我的医院了,我有点焦急。我把我的情况反映给省里的有关部门,有关部门知道了我的情况觉得遗憾,他们认为职称逐级晋升是正常的,但像我这种情况完全可以破格晋升。 So in 2008 I decided to try again, giving myself a chance. As it was to affect my hospital, I was a bit anxious. I had reported my cases to the leaders of relevant departments in the province who then knew my situation and felt regret. They thought it was normal for the title being promoted step-by-step, however, I at this situation could be promoted exceptionally. 回国几年来,得到过省人事厅、省侨办的不少帮助,省级领导很关心回国的留学生,在回国安置、创业中都给予了政策性的支持。这次在晋升职称上同样也给了我很大的帮助,有关部门的领导告诉我:“我们国家人事部有文件规定,在晋升职称问题上要给回国人员更优惠的政策。”山东在这方面执行得很好,很多回国人员都破格晋升了,其中有个留学回国人员在10年间破格晋升过两次。最后,有关部门给我的答复是:“你在美国已经是助理教授(Assistant Professor),无论翻译成副教授,还是助理教授,都已具备副高职称,晋升为正高职称(主任医师)也不算破格,应当是正常晋升。” In a few years after returning, I had got a lot of help from the personnel office of province, provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. The provincial leaders were very concerned about the returnees, had given me policy support in resettlement and entrepreneurship. They also gave me a great help in this promotion, the leader of relevant department told me: "State Personal Broad stipulated with the document to give more preferential policies for returnees in the promotion of job title." The policy in this respect was performed very well in Shandong Province, many returnees have been promoted exceptionally, and one of them was promoted for two times in 10 years. Finally, the relevant departments gave me the answer: "You had been an Assistant Professor in the USA which was translated to as either Deputy Professor or Assistant Professor, you were with the title of vice senior, and so promoting your title to senior (chief physician) should be normal promotion instead of exception." 又到了报送晋升材料的时间了,这次我做了充分的准备,材料中多放了几篇有价值的文章,特别是放进了我在美国圣地亚哥加州大学时校长签发的助理教授原件,我一遍遍审核材料,觉得没有漏洞才放心,我想这回应当可以过了。 Then to the time again to submit the promotion materials, this time I had done a full preparation, putting a few valuable articles into the materials, especially the original copy of assistant professor signed by the President of California University, Santiago in the USA, I reviewed the materials again and again and did not rest my heart till I felt there was no leak in the materials. I thought I should pass this time. 事后我才知道,肿瘤专家评委会内部还是意见不一致,还是有人指责我不够格,不符合条件,我猜想:万般挑剔的原因是因为我在美国留过学还是因为我是私立医院的医生?什么是标准,怎么运用标准?我不出国早该是主任医师,留学了反而水平还低了?我已经回国十年了,又当了十年的临床医生,发表了十几篇关于“缓释库”治疗癌症的文章,还写了几本专业书。难道别人的水平都比我高?条件都比我好?不是这样吧! Afterwards I knew there appeared disagreement inside the jury of tumor experts, still someone accused me not to be qualified, not to meet the conditions. I guessed: they were so nitpick which due to the reason I had studied abroad in America or the reason I was a private hospital doctors? What was the standard, how to use the standard? I would have been as early as chief physician if I had not go abroad, then I had studied abroad, was my level on the contrary to be lower? I had been in China for ten years, and been a clinician for ten years, published dozens of articles about "releasing storage" cancer treatment, also I had written several professional books. Did anyone else have higher levels than me? Their conditions were better than mine? Is it ? 后来终于在网上见到了评审结果,我被晋升为主任医师。没有太多的兴奋,只是松了一口气。 Finally, I had seen the results of the review on the Internet; I was promoted to chief physician. Not too much excitement, I just breathed a sigh of relief. 人要干点事真不容易,创业初期根本没有考虑太多,就想干点自己愿意干的事,没想到一路走来要遇到很多麻烦。民营医院与公立医院竞争,抢走了公立医院的病源,惹得公立医院心里不平衡;在治疗方法上的不同,也与公立医院产生了意见分歧;公立医院有政府拨款支持,处处以老大哥自居,私立医院自己招聘人员、自己赚工资,处处像后娘的孩子。私立医院处处举步维艰,在此次晋升职称上就有所体现。我在职称晋升上遇到的小磨难,并不能把我怎么样,只是折射出这个圈子的一些怪象。 It is really not easy for one to do something. At initial stage of pioneering business, I did not think too much, just wanted to do something that I would, and I did not think of there were so many troubles on my way. Competing with public hospitals, our private hospitals robbed the patients of public hospital, which provoked personnel of public hospitals who felt unbalanced; be different on treatment methods, we also had differences of opinion with public hospitals; Public hospitals have the support of government funding, as a big brother everywhere, while in private hospitals they needed to recruit staff and earn their own wages, like the stepmother children everywhere. Private hospital was difficult to do everything, which was reflected in the promotion. The little hardship I encountered in my title promotion did not matter for me, just reflected some odd phenomenon of this circle. 我承认有些私立医院不尽人意,存在着一些问题,但凡事应该区别对待,不能一概而论。不管是公立医院还是私立医院,我们的目的和目标都是一致的,都是为了癌症患者,请不要把我拒之门外,我虽是一个不拿国家工资的医师,但不会拿职称去骗人,去渲染。肿瘤患者的疗效好坏,也不完全取决于医生的职称,一个医生的真实水平和能力,为病人服务的态度和热情,对于病人来说更重要,更有意义。 I admit some private hospitals were less than satisfactory with some problems, but everything should be treated differently, not to lump together. Whether public hospitals or private hospitals, our goals and objectives are consistent on the treatment of cancer patients, so please don't closed the door against me, although I am a doctor do not take national salary, I would not take my titles to cheat others , to render. Curative effect of tumor patients is not entirely depend on the doctor's title, and it is more important, more meaningful to patients for the doctor's true level and ability, the service attitude and enthusiasm. 如今我成了主任医师,有了这个职称,水平比以前高了吗?没有。能力就强了吗?也没有。职称只是人的一个外表,一个标志,我始终觉得医生的品德比什么都重要。 这就是我晋升主任医师的艰难过程。 Now I have been a chief physician, with this title, is my level higher than before? No. Is my ability is stronger? Not either. The job title is just an appearance of a man, a sign, I always feel that the doctor's morality is more important than anything. This is the difficult process of my promotion for chief physician. 2.5 刚回国就当选为“99山东省十大杰出留学科技专家”,2005年获国务院全国首届“华侨华人专业人士‘杰出创业奖’”,2013年获泰安市荣誉市民 2.5 I was elected to be the “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999” just as I returned, and then I was honored with “‘Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award’ for Overseas Chinese Professionals” by the State Council in 2005, as well as I won the title of Taian’s honorary citizen in 2013 1999年,回家创业的第二年,山东省评选“99山东省十大杰出留学科技专家”,我被科技厅提名,但遭到卫生系统不少人的反对。 In 1999, the second year after I returned to pursue my career, I was nominated by the office of science and technology to take part in the selection of “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999”, while a significant minority of people in the health system opposed. 被提名山东省十大杰出回国专家,确实是科技厅的领导到东平参观了我的医院后,感动了董昭和厅长,他一再称赞我是个干实事的回国留学生:“这么穷的地方,你怎么想到来这儿创业啊?是什么力量、什么动机、什么因素使得你跑到这么偏僻的穷困县?”面对这一连串的问题,我就跟领导们汇报了我的创业经历。 Nominated to “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province”, it was truly because of that the leaders from Science and Technology Agency had visited our hospital and the Director Dong Zhaohe was moved who repeatedly praised me a practical return student: “How do you think to run business to such a poor place? What strength, what motivation and what factors make you come to the impoverished county so remote?” In the face of these problems, I reported my entrepreneurial experience to the leaders. 我们谈了很多,我跟领导实话实说:“东平是癌症的高发区,从济南到东平驱车要三个小时,路又不好走,一些癌症病人去济南看病,当天不能往返,还要住宾馆,既不方便又要多花钱,办这么一个小医院能为农村人行个方便,也省点钱。另外,我也需要一个平台施展肿瘤治疗的理念和方法,展现我的一点能力。我完全可以到省城大医院工作,但是那样很难继续我的研究,并将我的‘缓释库疗法’应用于临床。” 省领导对我的思路和做法,给予了肯定。 We talked a lot, I spoke frankly to the leaders: “Dongping is the high incidence area of cancer, and it must to take three hours driving from Jinan to Dongping, as the road was so rough, some cancer patients cannot be back and forth in a day to Jinan to see a doctor, and have to stay in the hotel, which was either inconvenient or more costing, while such a small hospital can supply convenient and save money for rural people. In addition, I also need a platform to display my ideas and methods of tumor treatment, showing a bit of my ability. I can absolutely go to work in the big provincial hospital, but as it is difficult to continue my studies, and difficult to use my 'releasing storage therapy' in clinical application." My ideas and methods were affirmed by province leaders. 这才有了提名候选人的机会,评比对我来说很困难,卫生系统就是不同意把我推上来,私立医院是被人瞧不起的。当时在评比过程中起起伏伏,最终我还是被评上了。这是山东的一大新闻,邵桂芳副省长主持了招待会,参加招待会的有山东医科大学的张运、烟台的罗永章、于金明等,当然,还有我。会前董厅长对获奖人一一作了介绍,会上每个人都发言。 Then I had the opportunity to be nominated as a candidate, while it was very difficult for me, as they from the health system were not agreed to push me up, and the private hospital was looked down by others. At the time, the condition in the process was ups and downs, and then I was eventually to be assessed. This was a great news in Shandong Province, vice governor Shao Guifang presided over the conference where the attendees included: Zhang Yun from Shandong Medical University, Luo Yongzhang of Yantai, Yu Jinming, of course, and I. Before the conference Director Dong introduced the winners one by one, and everyone made a statement on the meeting. 罗永章的发言是反对化疗(使用化学药物治疗肿瘤的方法),因为化疗伤害病人的正常组织,所以他带着美国的血管抑制剂的基因回国创业,药品已经被国家食品药品监督管理局批准上市用于治疗癌症,是一种联合化疗方案中的药物。由于他研发了生物新药,卫生系统没有人反对他,他取得了成功。如果罗永章与我一样,研究成果不是药物,而是一种用于临床的方法,也许同样会遭到反对。因为做药物可以帮助临床医生治病,作为方法虽然同样是服务于病人,但存在着意见分歧,还要竞争病人,必然就有矛盾。 The statement of Luo Yongzhang was against chemotherapy (treatment of tumor using chemical drugs), as chemotherapy damaged the normal tissue of patients, so he took the USA gene of angiogenesis inhibitor returning to run his business, and the medicine had been approved to go public for the treatment of cancer by the State Food and Drug Administration which was a drug of combined chemotherapy. 由于他研发了生物新药,卫生系统没有人反对他,他取得了成功。如果罗永章与我一样,研究成果不是药物,而是一种用于临床的方法,也许同样会遭到反对。因为做药物可以帮助临床医生治病,作为方法虽然同样是服务于病人,但存在着意见分歧,还要竞争病人,必然就有矛盾。 As he developed a new biological medicine, no one in the health system was opposed to him, he achieved success. Luo Yongzhang might also be opposed if his research results were not drugs but for a clinical method just as mine, as pharmacy could help the treatment for clinical doctors, while method though served the patients equally, there were differences of opinions, but also the competition among patients, so the contradiction was inevitable. 我也做了发言,也是反对化疗,要从使用方法的角度减少化疗的毒副作用,创新方法,那就是“缓释库疗法”,把抗癌药物作用于肿瘤内部,仅杀死癌细胞,不伤正常组织。 I also made a speech which was also against chemotherapy, to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy from the angle of method of application, to innovate methods, that is "releasing storage therapy", making the anti-cancer drugs act inside tumor only to kill cancer cells and not to hurt the normal tissue. 于金明也做了发言,当时他是山东省肿瘤医院的副院长。 省长肯定了我们的发言:“你们是山东的人才,山东的宝贝,在山东你们将大有作为。”讲话中还勉励我们不要怕困难,只有不断克服困难,才能取得成就。 Yu Jinming also made a speech when he was the vice president of Shandong Provincial Tumor hospital. The governor affirmed our statements, and said: "You are the talents and precious of Shandong, you will accomplish a great deal in Shandong." His speech also encouraged us not to be afraid of difficulties, as only continuously to overcome difficulties, then to achieve success. 这次会议上,有留学回国人员提出了反对学术不正之风,科学研究和学术文章存在着弄虚作假问题,邵省长就询问董厅长,老厅长做了圆滑回答:“还不是科研人员为了晋升。”当年留学回国人员眼光和思想很敏锐,已经发现了学术界存在着不良风气,如今这种风气越来越差,要是及早治理,现在不至于这样糟糕。 On the meeting, some returned overseas students had put forward opposing academic unwholesome tendencies and falsification among scientific research and academic papers. Govemor Shao asked about Director Dong who made a sophisticated replied: "It was no more than the scientific research personnel for promotion." At that time, the returned overseas students with keen view and thought had found the bad practice in academic circles, while the atmosphere now was getting worse, which were not so bad if it had been early treated. 后来得知,省科技厅为了让我当选,费了一番周折,做了很多工作,一个主要原因,我是私立医院的人。 Later I learned that the leaders in Department of provincial science and technology had done a lot of work overcoming some setbacks to get me elected, as one of the main reasons was that I was from a private hospital. 那时候,私立医院是个新生事物,记得当时省内只有两家,除了我的医院外,还有一家是万杰医院。至今我还纳闷:当时泰美宝法肿瘤医院刚开业不久,没有什么影响力,也竞争不了公立医院的病人,不知否定声从何而来? At that time, private hospital was a new thing, I remembered there was only two in Shandong Province, except my hospital, another was Wanjie Hospital. I still wondered: At the time before long when Taian Taimei Baofa Tumour Hospital just opened, which was not with some influence, neither had the competence to compete the patients with public hospitals, where did the sound of denial come from? 很多人认为,回国后我应该到大医院工作,有的领导就跟我说过:“你可以回到省肿瘤医院工作,我来给你安排。”这对我来说一点兴趣都没有。一个朋友还说过:“你办医院,人家会不舒服。”可我一直有自己的想法,干自己想干的事,在农村办个医院,肯定受群众欢迎,受县级各部门支持。记得当时吴官正书记就说:“你的行为,为回国留学生带了一个好头。”现在看来,不仅仅如此。 Many people thought that I should go to work in a big hospital after returning, and some leaders had said to me: "You can go back to work at the Provincial Tumor Hospital, I'll arrange for you", while I had no interested in it. A friend had ever said: "You run hospitals, and others will be uncomfortable." I was always having my own ideas of doing what I want to do, and to run a hospital in the rural should certainly be welcomed by the masses, and should certainly get the support by the departments in county. I remembered Secretary Wu Guanzheng said at that time: "Your behavior made a good start for returned overseas students." It appears now not only that. 不管怎么样,我当选上了山东省十大杰出回国专家,是十名专家中的一位,而这十名回国专家至今干得都很不错。我作为回国创业者,至今坚持着当初的选择,全心全意地为癌症病人服务。 “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province, 1999” Anyway, I was elected to be one of the “Ten Outstanding Returning Technology Experts of Shandong Province”, and so far the ten experts had done very well. As a returning entrepreneur, I still adhered to the original choice up to now to put my heart and soul into services for cancer patients. 各级侨办从来都是回国创业者的娘家,“有事找侨办,有困难找侨办。”成为侨界的名言。侨办代表着一级政府,帮助着每一个留学回国人员,特别是回国创业人员。 The offices of Overseas Chinese Affairs at all levels were Mother Home of returning entrepreneurs, and the word "Asking The offices of Overseas Chinese Affairs if you have some matters and difficulties" had become a saying among the circle of Overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese Affairs Office represents the level of government helping each returned overseas students, especially for returned business personnel. 时任山东省侨办商主任曾经在中国洛杉矶领事馆做过商务领事,认识他是在有一年的领事馆的春节招待宴会上,因为我俩都是山东人,老乡在一起感到非常亲切。此后未再联系,也不知他已经回国,担任了山东省侨办主任。再次见到商主任,是我刚回到东平时,还在征地、盖楼、建院过程中省侨办就知道了此事。商主任亲自接待我多次,问长问短,当得知办医院遇到很多困难时,商主任一再劝我:“别着急,中国国情,你要了解,跟美国是不一样。”为办医院省侨办帮了我不少的忙,他们非常支持民营医院的发展,非常支持华侨回国创业。那时商主任就断定医疗改革是迟早的事,今天已经验证了他预言。 Director Shang, the director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office at that time had once been a commercial consul at the consulate of Los Angeles whom I met at the reception dinner of a Spring Festival in Consulate, as both of us were fellow-villagers form Shangdong, we felt very cordial together. Then we had no further contact, also I did not know he had returned and served as director of the overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Shandong province. 再次见到商主任,是我刚回到东平时,还在征地、盖楼、建院过程中省侨办就知道了此事。商主任亲自接待我多次,问长问短,当得知办医院遇到很多困难时,商主任一再劝我:“别着急,中国国情,你要了解,跟美国是不一样。” Seeing Director Shang again was at the time I just came back to Dongping, it was known to the provincial Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs when I was still busy in the land acquisition, building and founding the hospital. Director Shang personally received me for several times, making detailed inquiries, as he learned that my hospital encountered many difficulties, Director Shang repeatedly advised me: "Don't worry, you shall understand the Chinese situation which is not the same as with America." 济南侨办也一样关心着我们回国创业者,王晓霞主任曾多次过问我在济南办院的事,多次为我出谋划策,济南保法肿瘤医院的建成有她的一份功劳。 Jinan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office was also concerned about us returning entrepreneurs, Director Wang Xiaoxia had repeatedly concerned herself with the affairs of my hospital in Jinan, for many times she gave advice and suggestions, and the building of Jinan Baofa Tumor Hospital was with a credit to her. 可以看出,被我们回国人员称为“娘家”的侨办, 处处是真心的帮助,侨办并没有权力,但能为你呼吁,代表着政府的心声。 As can be seen, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office we returnees called "Mother Home" provided us sincere helps in all respects, as it could appeal to all circles on behalf of the government, though it had no power. 2004年全国侨办要表彰一批回国创业者,是开国后的第一次。济南市侨办和省侨办都积极推荐,这可是全国的一个大事,也是我们归国知识分子的一件大事,这次很顺利,我受到了国务院侨办颁发的首届华侨华人百名杰出创业奖的表彰。 In 2004 the National Office of Overseas Chinese would commend a number of returned entrepreneurs which was the first time since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Jinan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the provincial Office actively recommend the candidates, as this was a big thing all over the country and a major event for we returned intellectuals, and this time it was very smoothly that I was awarded in recognition as the first hundred outstanding entrepreneurs of overseas Chinese issued by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council. 表彰会上,国务委员唐家璇接见了我们,正值国庆期间,国务院还安排我们参加了国庆宴会和天安门庆典活动,我感到了无比自豪和无上荣光。当时还有济南王革,百度老板李彦宏,我的朋友张海明。祖国非常支持华侨回国创业,从毛泽东时代就是这样,中国革命与华侨是分不开的,中国的社会主义建设也离不开华侨,改革开放更是这样,中国有关华侨的一系列政策是世界独有的。 At the meeting of commending, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan granted an interview to us, as during the period of national days, the State Council also arranged us to attend the activities of National Day banquet and Tiananmen Celebration, I was so proud and supreme glory. At the time there were also Wang Ge of Jinan, Baidu Boss Li Yanhong and my friend Zhang Haiming. 祖国非常支持华侨回国创业,从毛泽东时代就是这样,中国革命与华侨是分不开的,中国的社会主义建设也离不开华侨,改革开放更是这样,中国有关华侨的一系列政策是世界独有的。 The motherland had been support very much for overseas Chinese returning to pursue their careers since the era of Mao Zedong, Chinese revolution was inseparable with overseas Chinese, Chinese socialist construction also cannot do without them, and more like this for Chinese reform and opening up, the series of policies on overseas Chinese from China is unique in the world. 2008年中国侨商会成立,我成为会员,成立大会召开时,时任国务院总理温家宝亲自来祝贺讲话,我有幸与他合影留念。 In 2008, Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants Association was established, and I become a member. At the time of holding the inaugural meeting, Premier Wen Jiabao personally went to congratulate and made a speech, and I was fortunate to have a photo with him. 2011年第二届中国侨商换届会,时任国家副主席习近平亲自到会祝贺并讲话,我很有幸与他合影留念。侨界的活动我是有呼必应,等于自家的活动,处处感到亲切。 In 2011, as the transition for second session of Chinese Overseas Chinese Merchants Association, Vice President Xi Jinping at that time personally attended the meeting and made a congratulation speech, I was lucky enough to have a photo with him. I was sure to answer the call form the circle of overseas Chinese which was equal to my own activities, I always feel cordial everywhere. 我的家乡泰安市侨办也一样关心我,城市小点,华侨也就少点,我们得到的关心可就多了。2010年7月28日我在东平又建立了一家东平保法综合医院,县领导和卫生局很支持,开业时,时任泰安市委书记杨鲁豫赶来祝贺参观,体现了党委和政府的关心和支持。2012年杨鲁豫书记升为济南市市长(副省级),仍然关心我们华侨的创业。新任泰安市的领导仍然注视并关心着我们,一个民营医院,一个在农村的医院,能得到政府的关心,我感到莫大的荣幸。 The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of my hometown Taian City also cared about me, the city is small, and overseas Chinese is then less, while we got more concerned. I set up another hospital—Dongping Baofa General Hospital on July 28th, 2010, which got so much support from the leaders of County government and Health Bureau, at opening, Yang Luyu, secretary of Taian municipal Party committee came to congratulate and visit, which reflected concern and support from the party and the governments. 2012年杨鲁豫书记升为济南市市长(副省级),仍然关心我们华侨的创业。新任泰安市的领导仍然注视并关心着我们,一个民营医院,一个在农村的医院,能得到政府的关心,我感到莫大的荣幸。 In 2012 the Secretary Yang Luyu who was promoted to the mayor of Jinan City (vice provincial level) still cared for our returnees’ entrepreneurship. The new leaders of Taian city leaders still watched and cared about us, I felt the greatest honor that as a private hospital in rural areas, we got so much concern from the government. 2013年泰安市经过提名,市人大通过表决,授予我泰安市荣誉市民的称号,2013年10月15日在泰安市举办了盛大的仪式。坐在主席台上,我感到无上荣光。泰安就是我的家乡,由于出国留学,没有了家乡的户籍,但我始终不忘自己是一个泰安人,回家乡创业牵动着国内外无数的泰安人,家乡连着我的心,我连着家乡的根,今天成为了泰安市的荣誉市民,更加深了我对家乡人的感情,更拉近了我们海外游子与家乡泰安的距离,代表海外的山东老乡,泰安老乡,我要道一声:感谢家乡的父老乡亲,感谢家乡的父母官——泰安市的领导们,我们会尽其所能地为家乡做出贡献。 In 2013, I was awarded the title of the honorary citizen of Taian City which was voted among the Municipal People's Congress after the nomination of Ta'an City, and a grand ceremony was held in Taian City on October 15th, 2013. On the podium, I felt the supreme glory. |