时间:2021-10-09 16:53 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
翻译的准确度是非常重要的,想要用法语进行文件翻译服务的话,就需要有深厚的专业功底,下面世联翻译公司为大家分享法语文件翻译服务有哪些注意事项? The accuracy of translation is very important. If you want to use French for document translation service, you need to have deep professional skills. What are the precautions for French document translation service shared by WorldUnion translation company? 1、法语的说法一般都比较严谨,这一点从语法的结构上就可以看出来。法语的语序对句法结构来说是非常重要的。所以在进行法语文件翻译服务时,一定要注意语序问题。 1. French terms are generally rigorous, which can be seen from the grammatical structure. The word order of French is very important for syntactic structure. Therefore, we must pay attention to word order when translating French documents. 2、法语是有非常明确的规定性的,要求有配合的性数,统一的时态,词语上的搭配以及协调性的主属关系,这一点从各个方面都可以体现出来。翻译结果要忠实于原文,所以在进行法语文件翻译服务时,如果是中译法,一定要将法语的规定性表达准确。 2. French has a very clear stipulation, which requires the number of coordination, the unified tense, the collocation of words and the harmonious subject subordinate relationship, which can be reflected in all aspects. The translation results should be faithful to the original text, so when translating French documents, if it is Chinese translation, the prescriptive expression of French must be accurate. 3、因为法语具有严谨性,每一句话都能丝丝入扣,在长的句子都可以让人一眼看明白它所表达的意思,很少让句子出现模棱两可的情况。在进行法语文件翻译服务时,这一点也是要非常注意的。 3. Because French is rigorous, every sentence can be precise. In a long sentence, people can see its meaning at a glance, and rarely make the sentence ambiguous. This should also be paid great attention to when providing French document translation services. 4、法语明细的词类在句中也占有相当的地位。法语里共有十一种词类,每种词类里又分为有细的类别和各种形式,这些词类出现在每一句话中其分工都非常的明确,这些词类的存在让词语间的关系变得更加明确。所以,在进行法语文件翻译服务时,一定要注意词类的使用。 4. The detailed parts of speech in French also occupy a considerable position in sentences. There are eleven parts of speech in French, and each part of speech is divided into fine categories and various forms. These parts of speech appear in every sentence, and their division of labor is very clear. The existence of these parts of speech makes the relationship between words more clear. Therefore, when translating French documents, we must pay attention to the use of parts of speech. 5、法语在动词使用方面相当的繁琐,在时间,人称、地点等方面表达的相当细腻。文件中包括的时间人称地点等内容相对来说会比较多,所以在进行法语文件翻译服务时,要注意动词的使用。 5. The use of verbs in French is quite cumbersome, and the expression of time, person and place is quite delicate. There will be more time, person, place and other contents in the document, so pay attention to the use of verbs when translating French documents.