时间:2021-09-29 18:09 来源:未知 作者:youhuayuan 点击:次
财务翻译的主要方法是直译,在翻译时不仅要有专业的参考书,财务领域专业翻译人员的教导,还要了解遵循术语翻译中的准则,下面世联翻译公司为大家分享财务翻译的准则是什么? The main method of financial translation is literal translation. When translating, we should not only have professional reference books and the teaching of professional translators in the financial field, but also understand and follow the standards in term translation. What are the standards for financial translation shared by WorldUnion translation company? (1)准确性(1) Accuracy财务术语指的是在财务学这一特定学科领域中使用的专有名词,要求能够确切的反映并且准确的表达出财务概念的本质。乐译通翻译认为准确性是财务术语的首要特征。因此,在财务术语翻译的实践活动中,如果不能使财务术语翻译准确的表达出财务概念的本质,就会造成财务概念上的混乱,这将会给企业和企业的相关人员带来不必要的麻烦。 Financial terms refer to the proper nouns used in the specific discipline of finance, which are required to accurately reflect and accurately express the essence of financial concepts. Le Yitong believes that accuracy is the primary feature of financial terms. Therefore, in the practice of financial term translation, if the financial term translation can not accurately express the essence of financial concept, it will cause confusion in financial concept, which will bring unnecessary trouble to enterprises and relevant personnel of enterprises. (2)单一性(2) Singleness单一性指的是一个财务术语在财务科学领域中只能表出述一个财务概念,不能有丝毫歧义。因此,在进行财务术语翻译时,应避免一个术语有多种翻译版本或一种翻译版本可表达多种财务概念的情况,必须使其统一。 Singleness means that a financial term can only express one financial concept in the field of financial science without any ambiguity. Therefore, when translating financial terms, we should avoid the situation that a term has multiple translation versions or one translation version can express multiple financial concepts, and it must be unified. (3)简单性(3) Simplicity财务术语要求简明扼要,易读易记,避免冗长晦涩。财务报表更应该如此。因为财务报表被要求在一定的纸张范围内将企业的经营状况、现金流量、资产状况以及利润情况具体的表现出来。所以财务报表中的财务术语翻译应在尽量保持准确性的前提下进行简化翻译,这样才有利于财务术语的使用与交流。 Financial terms shall be concise, easy to read and remember, and avoid lengthy and obscure. Financial statements should be more so. Because the financial statements are required to show the operation status, cash flow, asset status and profit of the enterprise within a certain paper range. Therefore, the translation of financial terms in financial statements should be simplified on the premise of maintaining accuracy as much as possible, so as to facilitate the use and communication of financial terms. (4)稳定性(4) Stability财务术语翻译的稳定性是指对于那些使用频率高、适用范围广的术语。如果没有什么重要的原因,即便是有不理想之处,也不要轻易改动。 The stability of translation of financial terms refers to those terms with high frequency and wide application range. If there is no important reason, even if there is something unsatisfactory, don't change it easily. (5)衍生性(5) Derivatization财务术语中存在上位语和相应的下位语,因此在财务术语翻译的过程中,下位语的翻译应体现出是上位语的衍生。 There are superior language and corresponding subordinate language in financial terms. Therefore, in the process of financial terms translation, the translation of subordinate language should reflect the derivation of superior language.