- 翻译公司资讯
发布时间:2018-01-08 08:52 点击:
5. Ausgabe Mitarbeitermagazin Beschichtungs-Beschichtungs-Gruppe
Seite 4 bis 5 / Wood Coatings – Rundherum
Greater Environment Health & Safety Awareness improves productivity and camaraderie in China
Safety awareness has always been the priority at TREFFERT China. Continuous improvement in respect of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) issues has always been close to the heart of the management and employees. The recent dust explosion at a factory in Jiangsu Province (about 100km away from our location in Jiading) was another rude awakening: safety must come first, be it at home or at work.
In August, the Shanghai Solid Waste Administration Centre issued new standards for the management and disposal of hazardous waste. This meant that TREFFERT’s EHS Committee had to implement and promote awareness of the new regulations, including a safe and healthy workplace.
The EHS Committee conducts stringent inspections within the office and factory area on a monthly basis, covering every single corner and aspect, e.g. ventilation, tidiness of the work space, safety of equipment, waste storage and management, fire prevention and the proper wearing of PPE, to name but a few.
Taking the monthly inspection findings, he EHS Committee ensures prompt corrective and preventive action. Employee awareness has been greatly increased through these efforts. The tidiness of the operators' shower room was one of the main focuses, for example. After communicating with and educating the operators and the Department Head about the various aspects of safety and hygiene, they are now keeping the shower room extremely tidy and clean. Any unsafe practices in daily operations are being reported to the EHS Manager without hesitation so that corrective action can be taken immediately. This “WE CARE” attitude is now embedded naturally in each and every employee, thus strengthening the bond and degree of care for each other.
Besides safety inspections, the EHS Committee has also organized several environmental protection and public service activities, such as tree planting and recycling, as well as working together with a Non-Government Organization as part of our corporate social responsibility. We believe that such activities will cultivate good habits in our team.
To sum up, we are proud to say that, having invested in and improved on the health and safety practices at our workplace, we now not only endeavor to prevent accidents but have also improved our productivity and strengthened our camaraderie.
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