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发布时间:2018-01-08 08:37 点击:
Grand idea with mankind at its center is enshrined
2017年1月18日,在日内瓦联合国万国宫 “共商共筑人类命运共同体”高级别会议上,习近平主席发表了题为《共同构建人类命运共同体》的主旨演讲。2月10日,“人类命运共同体”在联合国社会发展委员会会议上首次被写入联合国决议。
President Xi Jinping put the idea of “A community of shared future for mankind” to the international community in a keynote speech at the UN Office in Geneva on Jan 18, it was also incorporated into a UN resolution in the 55th UN Commission for Social Development on Feb 10.《共同构建人类命运共同体》主旨演讲内容节选:
Great visions can be realized only through actions. Actions hold the key to building a community of shared future for mankind. To achieve this goal, the international community should promote partnership, security, growth, inter-civilization exchanges and the building of a sound ecosystem.
“A community of shared future for mankind” was enshrined by the United Nations Security Council, the Human Rights Council and the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, transforming the Chinese concept in an international consensus.②特朗普上台,誓将“美国优先”进行到底New president takes office, vowing to “put America first”
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on Jan 20 after having pledged to “make America great again”, by, among other things, putting US economic and foreign policy interests above those of anyone else, thus bringing a strong redirection of the country’s foreign policy.说到做到,上台三天,特朗普就签署行政命令,正式宣布美国退出跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称TPP),他还在签署命令后对记者说“我们所做的,对于美国工人来说是件大好事”。
He ended US involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal with Australia, New Zealand, Japan and eight other Pacific nations.
Trump said his country would pull out of the Paris agreement on climate change, which his predecessor Barack Obama signed in 2015. The accord had given other countries an unfair advantage over US industry and destroyed American jobs, Trump said.10月,美国宣布退出联合国教科文组织(UNESCO),12月宣布退出《移民问题全球契约》的制定进程。
③欧洲多国大选,民粹主义政党崛起European populist parties on rise
Anti-EU and anti-immigrant populist parties notched up electoral successes in Europe.在3月份的荷兰议会选举中,极右翼民粹主义自由党虽然不敌自由民主人民党,但也成功上位为议会第二大党。
In elections in the Netherlands in March the far-right populist Freedom Party finished just behind the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy.9月,德国选择党在大选中一跃成为第三大党,成为二战以来第一个进入联邦议会的右翼民粹主义党派。而总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)所在的联盟党并没有获得多数席位,到2017年年底仍在努力组建政府。
In Germany in September Alternative for Germany emerged as the third-largest party, becoming the first right-wing populist party to enter the federal parliament since World War II. Chancellor Angela Merkel fell short of obtaining a majority of seats, and by the end of the year was still struggling to form a government.
而在5月份的法国,亲欧盟中间派的埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)击败他的右翼对手玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen),成为拿破仑以来最年轻的国家元首。几周后,马克龙的共和党赢得了议会选举席位的一半以上。
In France in May the pro-EU centrist Emmanuel Macron became the country’s youngest head of state since Napoleon by emphatically beating his far-right rival Marine Le Pen. Several weeks later Macron’s party, La Republique en Marche, won more than half the seats in legislative assembly elections.
④朝鲜核试验不断,半岛局势持续紧张Amid barbs, tensions on the Korean Peninsula grow
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula rose after the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea tested nuclear devices and launched missiles including intercontinental ballistic ones, in February, April, May, July, September and November, and the United States and the Republic of Korea carried out joint military exercises.朝鲜最高领导人金正恩和美国总统特朗普不断隔空互打口水战,而世界多国领导人则警告说,任何错误的估计或误解都可能带来灾难性的后果。
President Kim Jong-un of the DPRK and President Donald Trump of the US traded rhetorical barbs, and world leaders warned that any miscalculation or misunderstanding could be disastrous. 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯把朝鲜半岛的僵局描述为“当今世界上最紧张和危险的和平与安全问题”。
The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described the standoff as “the most tense and dangerous peace and security issue in the world today”.⑤恐怖袭击频发,世界人民惶惶不安
Bombs, guns and vehicles take their toll
Terrorist attacks around the world left hundreds dead and injured.袭击事件包括埃及西奈半岛的一座清真寺遭到轰炸,朝拜者随后遭到机枪扫射,造成至少305人死亡,其中包括27名儿童。
The attacks included a mosque being bombed and worshippers being fired on in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, leaving at least 305 people, including 27 children, dead.
In May, 23 people were killed and more than 500 injured at a pop concert in Manchester, England. In attacks elsewhere terrorists intent on sowing mayhem used cars and trucks to kill and injure their victims.
In the US, gun violence continued to exact its toll, a gunman murdering at least 59 people and injuring more than 520 others in Las Vegas on Oct 1, the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.
⑥卡塔尔断交危机加剧中东乱局Qatar shunned, and US declaration complicates peace moves6月5日,一场史无前例的外交危机席卷中东。
沙特、阿联酋、巴林和埃及等国以卡塔尔“支持恐怖主义”和“破坏地区安全”为由, 先后宣布与其断交。
On June 5, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt announced they had severed diplomatic ties with Qatar and imposed sanctions on the country, alleging that Qatar was “supporting terrorism” and “undermining regional security”.8月5日,断交风波仍在继续,各方互不让步也使断交危机陷入僵局。沙特等国要求卡塔尔与伊朗划清界限,但卡塔尔不但不响应,反而宣布同伊朗全面恢复外交关系。
Qatar strongly denied the charges, rejected conditions the countries set out for resuming diplomatic ties, including cutting off ties with Iran.卡塔尔断交风波给海湾国家之间带去了严重的分裂。同时,叙利亚问题、也门内战、巴以冲突也在不断升级。2017年12月,美国总统特朗普宣布将耶路撒冷作为以色列首都,相当于在中东风云诡谲局势上“乱上添乱”。
Wars in Syria and Yemen continued and efforts to find a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were further complicated when the US announced in December that it would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.⑦国际社会高度评价中共十九大World hails 19th CPC National Congress
The world congratulated the Communist Party of China for the success in holding its 19th national congress from Oct 18 to 24.十九大会议上提出的习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,明确了中国特色大国外交要推动构建新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体,这一理念受到了国际社会的广泛好评。截止到2017年底,超过165个国家的450个主流政党给中国共产党发来1340封贺电、贺信。
The Party received more than 1,340 congratulatory telegrams and letters from more than 450 major political parties in 165 countries after the congress, which established Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and embarked on a new journey of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The congress underlined China’s wisdom in handling international relations, an achievement hailed around the world.意大利共产党中央委员会委员Maringio Francesco说:“太棒了!十九大报告中有两点给我留下了深刻的印象, 一是中国‘主要矛盾’的变化,另一个是一带一路倡议......这个倡议已经成为国际性的举动,我相信这对包括意大利在内的欧洲国家来说是一个很好的机会。”
"It was marvelous! And there are two things in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress that impressed me most - one is the change of China's 'principal contradiction', and the other is the Belt and Road Initiative. ... The initiative has become an international move, which I believe is a very good chance for Europe, including Italy."⑧“伊斯兰国”土崩瓦解Victory declared in war against Islamic State
11月19日, 伊朗宣布在对“伊斯兰国”的战争中获胜。12月9日,伊拉克也宣布了胜利的好消息。不过分析人士表示,这并不意味着极端主义集团已经从中东地区被连根拔除。
The war against the Islamic State was declared over as Iran, on Nov 19, and Iraq, on Dec 9, announced they had defeated the Islamic State group in both countries. However, analysts said this did not mean the extremist group had been eradicated from the Middle East.7月份,伊拉克总理海德尔·阿巴迪(Haider al-Abadi)宣布彻底解放“伊斯兰国”所谓的首都摩苏尔。重新夺回摩苏尔标志着“伊斯兰国”的崩溃,也是三年反恐战争的转折点。
In July Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared full liberation of Mosul, the IS de facto capital. The recapture signaled the collapse of IS and a turning point in the three-year anti-terrorism war.
巅峰时期的“伊斯兰国”控制着伊拉克 - 叙利亚边界两侧的广阔领土。而由于“伊斯兰国”意在不断征服领土、扩大疆域,导致两国数千人丧生,人们失去家园,历史文物被摧毁。
At its peak, IS controlled vast expanses of territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border. Thousands of lives were lost, and homes and centuries-old artifacts in the two countries were destroyed as the group fought to conquer and retain territory.⑨穆加贝遭遇政变,结束37年执政生涯Mugabe steps down after 37-year rule
Robert Mugabe, 93, was forced to resign as Zimbabwe’s president on Nov 21, ending his 37-year rule.
After deposing Mugabe, the ruling Zanu-PF party chose the Vice-President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, as the country’s second president since it became independent in 1980. 此前,穆加贝以觊觎总统宝座的名义解除了75岁的姆南加古瓦的职务,也因此引发了一场军事政变。津巴布韦的下一次总统选举有望在一年内举行。
Mugabe fired Mnangagwa, 75, for allegedly coveting the presidency, which triggered a military takeover of the government. The next presidential election is due in less than a year.⑩全球经济复苏World economy in better shape
在经历了自金融危机以来近十年的低迷后,世界经济呈现出了稳定的复苏局面。国际货币基金组织(IMF)将2017年世界经济增长预期上调至3.6%,而 2018年则有望达到3.7%。The world economy experienced stable recovery after its almost-decade-long slump since the financial crisis, and the International Monetary Fund adjusted its growth projection to 3.6 percent for the year and 3.7 percent for 2018. 欧元区、日本、亚洲新兴区域、欧洲和俄罗斯的预测上调都对经济的增长有所贡献。国际货币基金组织10月份发布的报告称,欧元区、日本、亚洲新兴区域、欧洲和俄罗斯经济预测的上调,抵消了美国和英国经济预测的下调,也使得最终整体经济预期仍有所上调。
Broad-based upward revisions in the euro area, Japan, emerging Asia, Europe and Russia have contributed to the rise. The IMF’s World Economic Report for October said growth in these regions more than offset downward revisions in the US and Britain.2017年中国经济的增长率预计为6.9%,依然是全球经济增长的最大来源。其他增长因素还包括全球相对宽松的货币财政政策和科技创新。
China's economic growth, expected to have been 6.9 percent for 2017, is still the biggest source of global economic growth. Other factors include the world's relatively loose monetary fiscal policy and scientific and technological innovation.看完了我们选出来的十大国际新闻,那么你心目中的“十大”又包括哪些新闻呢?留言区见吧!
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